PBMAS Improvement Plan 2014-2015 Career and Technology

PBMAS Improvement Plan 2014-2015
Career and Technology
Problem Statement: Too few males are completing courses which are nontraditional for males (in other words, courses that are traditionally taken by females.)
Root Cause
Index Number
Critical Success Factors
Male students may not
be aware of the
benefits and career
opportunities available
to them as a result of
taking courses
traditionally taken by
 Not Applicable
 Index 1: Student Achievement
 Index 2: Student Progress
 Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
 Improve Acad. Performance
 Data-driven Instruction
 Leadership Effectiveness
 Increased Learning Time
 Family/Community Engagement
 School Climate
 Teacher Quality
Numbers of students
taking courses
traditionally taken by
females will reflect the
demographics of the
High School
Explore possibility of offering
more courses from the list of
courses traditionally taken by
Have teachers from courses
traditionally taken by females
actively recruit males to
enroll during the Spring.
Have male
representing careers
traditionally female in nature
at College/Career Day events.
Counselors intentionally
present course options to
males from those courses
traditionally taken by
Special Education
Problem Statement: Too many students receiving SPED services failed to perform satisfactorily on the Science STAAR in grades 5 and 8 and on the Writing
STAAR in grades 4 and 7.
Root Cause
Students receiving
SPED services are not
adequately learning
and applying required
concepts in science
or writing.
Index Number
 Not Applicable
 Index 1: Student Achievement
 Index 2: Student Progress
 Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
Critical Success Factors
 Improve Acad. Performance
 Data-driven Instruction
 Leadership Effectiveness
 Increased Learning Time
 Family/Community Engagement
 School Climate
 Teacher Quality
Students receiving
SPED services will
learn and apply
required concepts so
as to perform
satisfactorily on the
Science STAAR in
grades 5 and 8 and on
the Writing STAAR in
grades 4 and 7.
Students will. be taught to
utilize strategies for learning
Teachers will scaffold the
sped supports afforded to
students and will begin to pull
those supports back as
students achieve learning
Teachers will make maximum
use of available Assistive
Technology and other
Supplemental Aids to support
student learning.
SES will continue campuswide implementation of both
the Writing Academy
strategies and the STEMScope curriculum.
Teachers will utilize language
development strategies
including increased use of
oral language and vocabulary
SJH will explore
implementation of “Writing
Wednesdays” with more
focused and intentional
attention toward writing at all
grade levels.
Root Cause
Index Number
Critical Success Factors
SJH will explore adding use of
STEM-Scope science
curriculum in grades 6-8.
Problem Statement: Too many students receiving SPED services participated in assessment with the STAAR-Modified version of the test.
Root Cause
Students requiring
instructional support
are not properly
identified early enough
within their school
careers and effective
intervention is not
provided so as to
remediate learning
deficits before statemandated testing
Index Number
Critical Success Factors
 Not Applicable
 Index 1: Student Achievement
Index 2: Student Progress
Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
Improve Acad. Performance
 Data-driven Instruction
Leadership Effectiveness
 Increased Learning Time
 Family/Community Engagement
 School Climate
 Teacher Quality
Parents, teachers and
administrators will
have high expectations
for academic
achievement for
students receiving
SPED services.
Diagnostic testing will be
performed by campus
interventionists and teachers
to clearly identify areas of
specific interventions that will
address learning deficits.
SES will consider
implementing campus-wide
or grade-level ability testing.
SES will continue
implementation of classbased intervention time to
provide instructional support
to struggling learners.
Problem Statement: Too few students receiving SPED services (ages 6-11) are placed within the general education classroom for greater than 80% of their day.
Root Cause
Index Number
Critical Success Factors
Teachers and
sometimes assume that
students require more
individualized special
education services than
are necessary for FAPE.
 Not Applicable
 Index 1: Student Achievement
Index 2: Student Progress
Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
Improve Acad. Performance
 Data-driven Instruction
Leadership Effectiveness
 Increased Learning Time
 Family/Community Engagement
 School Climate
 Teacher Quality
Students receiving
SPED services will be
served in the Least
Environment possible
while providing FAPE.
Conduct staff development
for teachers to improve use of
differentiation strategies
within the regular classroom.
Consider staffing allocations
to make good use of existing
staff in co-teach, in-class
support, and content mastery
Evaluate scheduling practices
to create most effective inclass support for students and
Provide opportunity for
increased staff development
for SPED teachers (especially
secondary) within the specific
content areas with which they
provide in-class support.
Explore scheduling
possibilities for common
planning and conference
periods for content gen-ed
teachers and the SPED
teachers that provide their inclass support.
Problem Statement: Too many students receiving SPED services (ages 6-11) are placed within the general education class for less than 40% of their day.
Root Cause
Index Number
Critical Success Factors
Teachers and
sometimes assume that
students require more
individualized special
education services than
are necessary for FAPE.
 Not Applicable
 Index 1: Student Achievement
Index 2: Student Progress
Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
Improve Acad. Performance
 Data-driven Instruction
Leadership Effectiveness
 Increased Learning Time
 Family/Community Engagement
 School Climate
 Teacher Quality
Students receiving
SPED services will be
served in the Least
Environment possible
while providing FAPE.
Conduct staff development
for teachers to improve use of
differentiation strategies
within the regular classroom.
Consider staffing allocations
to make good use of existing
staff in co-teach, in-class
support, and content mastery
Evaluate scheduling practices
to create most effective inclass support for students and
Provide opportunity for
increased staff development
for SPED teachers (especially
secondary) within the specific
content areas with which they
provide in-class support.
Explore scheduling
possibilities for common
planning and conference
periods for content gen-ed
teachers and the SPED
teachers that provide their inclass support.
Problem Statement: The rate of identification of Hispanic students requiring SPED services is out of proportion as compared to the number of Hispanic students
in the District enrollment.
Root Cause
Index Number
Critical Success Factors
Outside influences,
including cultural
differences, sometimes
hinder teachers from
understanding and
meeting students’
learning needs,
especially those
students of various
ethnicities, resulting in
over-identification in
 Not Applicable
 Index 1: Student Achievement
Index 2: Student Progress
Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
 Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness
Improve Acad. Performance
 Data-driven Instruction
 Leadership Effectiveness
 Increased Learning Time
 Family/Community Engagement
 School Climate
 Teacher Quality
The rate of
identification of
Hispanic students
requiring SPED services
will reflect proportions
of Hispanic students
enrolled in the District.
Provide staff development so
teachers can better
understand (second language
learner) SLL-related learning
Provide additional staff
development for teachers
related to creating a
language-rich classroom.
Provide additional staff
development for teachers
related to building academic
language skills.
Provide additional staff
development for ESLendorsed teachers.
Provide professional
development in multicultural
sensitivity on topics including
cultural social interactions
and practices, cultural
attitudes toward
education/educators, etc.