Issue 65: January - February 2016

Issue 65:
January - February 2016
Welcome to the latest Newsletter from Plain Arts Salisbury, providing you
with news, information and opportunities relating to the visual arts in
Salisbury and the surrounding area. Keep your postings coming in and please
also make use of our busy Plain Arts Facebook page for last minute postings.
If you prefer to print out the newsletter to read it, the pdf version on our
website is set up to print.
The next newsletter will be produced for the beginning of
February 2016 to cover the February - March period.
Deadline for postings is Monday February 1st 2016
1. Plain Arts News Headlines
Plain Arts membership 2015 – 2017
Plain Arts Collection now at the NHS centre
Art Trail
Artist of the Month
Plain Arts membership 2015 – 20017
Joined yet?
If not, why not take advantage of this one - off
special offer. We are pleased to be able to offer
a 1 year membership running from April 2016
for the incredible price of just £20.
This offer finishes on January 31st
so hurry, hurry, hurry.
There is so much on offer, so much just for you and
what a lot you get!!
If you are renewing your membership or if perhaps you are a
potential new member you can find the application form on the web
site or you can pop into the Arts centre, fill in the form and bingo
you become a member of probably the best arts organisation in the
local community. We have also introduced a PayPal payment
system to make it even easier to join.
Contact me David Walker on 07961 689159 or email if you require any further information
Come and join us, you know it makes
The Art Trail
Initial findings from your Feedback forms
We waited until the end of December to allow enough time for
members to respond to the feedback forms from the Art Trail.
We have received 29 forms from the 62 venues which is approx.
a 50% return. It would have been nice to have more but I do
think it allows us to make some useful conclusions from the
information you have provided.
The 2 key headline figures are:
Visitors : From 27 of the 29 replies the figures show a total of
3,983 visitors which averages out at approx. 147 per venue
Sales: From 24 of the 29 replies the figures show that a total of
£22,298 of sales were transacted which averages out at
approx. £929 per venue
I would venture to suggest that these are indeed very
impressive figures and we will use them when approaching
outside bodies such as the Council or potential sponsors.
I have listed below some of the various comments that have
been made about the Art Trail (both positive and negative) and
addressed some of the issues in an overall summary. I think it
makes quite interesting reading.
Positive comments:
1. The Art Trail launch at the Library was well organised and
the bags of info etc were excellent
2. The brochure was very well designed and looked good
3. The newsletter, facebook and emails were very informative
4. The signs were very well designed
5. The balloons were very useful
6. Exhibitors received valuable feedback and interaction with
7. Visitors stated that they were enjoying the Art Trail
8. The Art Trail committee were very helpful, enthusiastic,
accessible and efficient.
Negative comments:
1. The brochure and signs were not bright enough
2. The brochure should have put online earlier
3. Not enough signs per venue
4. The 24 hour proof checking was too short
5. Maps were inaccurate
6. No banners in town
7. Local press coverage was woeful
8. Not enough public awareness of the Art Trail in and
around town
9. Lack of support from the Council
10. No Twitter during the Art Trail
Overall I think we can confidently say that the 2015 Art Trail
was a big success, it wasn’t perfect and there are things we can
do to make improvements but the figures and comments we
have received from fellow Plain Arts members all indicate that it
worked and worked very well.
I think the brochure design and layout was exceptional and we
intend to keep this for 2017 however we do accept that perhaps
the deep blue colouring wasn’t ‘stand out’ enough and this will
change. This also applies of course to the signs. We can increase
the number of signs allocated to each venue but there is a cost
implication as the signs are approx. £5 each, we are considering
4 per venue in the future.
The maps were not as accurate as we would have wished and
there is a continuing debate about how this might be improved.
Generally though there were very few inaccuracies although of
course even having one mistake creates enormous difficulty for
that particular venue.
We did run in to problems with the deadlines for applications,
proof reading etc. I am afraid to say that this was down to the
lateness of many of the applications (at our 1st deadline we only
had 23 applications) This of course creates a knock on effect
when dealing with queries, proof reading etc .
We were unable to produce any banners for 2 good reasons.
One, the council would not agree to banners in the High St at
that time and secondly the cost to have them produced could
have levelled out at approx. £600-800 per banner.
Unfortunately Plain Arts simply does not have the funds to be
able to cope with these prices.
We have picked up an excellent point about trying to raise the
profile of the Art Trail in the City centre and we will be looking at
the feasibility of obtaining a centre venue for an exhibition that
will show an example of each artists work. We will also use this
venue to launch the Art Trail. Hopefully this will provide a
continuing profile for the public during the course of the Art
Trail. We are also giving due consideration of bringing forward
the dates of the 2017 Art Trail to possibly June or July.
We have picked up some comments that we did not achieve a
very high profile in the local press. This is totally contrary to the
evidence we have accrued from the proof of the press cuttings
from the Journal, Salisbury Life, Valley News etc . We did in fact
achieve a very high level of local media coverage including Spire
FM and BBC Radio Wiltshire. If anyone is still sceptical about this
please do get in touch and I will arrange for you to see the press
cuttings and coverage that we achieved. In addition of course
this year we had the added benefit of the FaceBook page which
was always very lively and informative throughout the Art Trail.
It would be nice if the Council were more supportive with the Art
Trail and now we have proof positive evidence with the sales and
visitor figures we will be looking to discuss this with them for
future Art Trails.
We were particularly pleased with the success of the Salisbury
Hospice who joined the Art Trail for the first time in 2015. They
showed work from both staff and patients and found the
experience extremely rewarding on many levels.
Although we have now drawn a line in assessing the results from
the Art Trail, your views and comments are always of
considerable value. If you were unable to send us your feedback
form or have further comments that you think might be useful
please do not hesitate in contacting us.
 The Plain Arts NHS Centre exhibition
The Plain Arts Collection at the Salisbury Medical Practice, Wilton Road,
Salisbury has been a great opportunity for many Plain Arts members to
display their work. It’s free and the exhibitions usually last for between 2-3
months. We need some new faces to take advantage of this great way to get
your name known in the local community.
Apply now for the next exhibition which will be now starting in
April 2016. Simply email me with your interest.
 Artist of the month - Salisbury Journal
Keep an eye open in the Salisbury Journal. Plain Arts has set up a monthly
article for members entitled Artist of the Month. It will usually appear in the
first or second week of each month. We kicked off with the work of David
Walker followed by Sally Pond, Bod Ford, Charlotte Moreton,
Louise Luton, Fiona Forbes, Murray Marshall, Judith Rodgers, Vicky Slater
and Lindsay Keir
Our star for January is non other than…….
Ed Cheesman
 Workshops
Angela Corben - Art Workshop
‘Paint Mediterranean Villages & Olive groves’
Sunday 31st January 2016
10am-4pm at the Wilton Pavilion, Castle Lane, Wilton, Salisbury, SP2
£45 Please bring your own paints and brushes
£55 Paints and brushes supplied
(£15 deposit required at time of booking)
Step in to the sunshine and the scents of the Mediterranean and forget
the British winter, as we visit olive groves and cliff top villages in this
Using expressive acrylic paint application and vibrant colour, Angela will
show you the techniques to simplify buildings and trees to capture their
essence without fuss, combining the two approaches for a really dynamic
acrylic painting on canvas.
Canvas, resources and themed refreshments (Sicilian Lemon cake)
Angela will be using themed Aromatherapy scents and music to transport
you to the Med
Please bring your own packed lunch
NB Suitable for all except absolute beginners
This workshop is designed for acrylics but can be applied to watercolours
if combined with gouache or an opaque medium
NEW Beginners Acrylic Painting class Wilton - with Angela
Wilton Cricket Pavilion, Castle Lane, Wilton, nr Salisbury SP2 OHG
Every Monday 2pm-5pm Commencing 1st February 2016
6 months course
Learn to paint with thorough, carefully structured lessons, which enable you to learn
the techniques, become more expressive, and find your own style For enquiries
please Contact Angela Corben 01425 650859
Mobile 07879 007775
All courses are suitable for beginners or those with some experience.
Maximum of 4 places for painting and drawing workshops and max 2 for
printing courses and batik. ALL MATERIALS PROVIDED
Saturday 13th Feb
PAPER COLLAGE – fruit or cupcakes
Friday 19th Feb
LINOCUTS – design and print your own shopping bag
Thursday 25th Feb
BATIK - using Japanese rice paper and tissue –
abstract patterns
10.30 – 3.30
Thursday 3rd March
ACRYLICS – Seascapes
Saturday 5th March
COLLAGRAPHS – make and print abstract collagraphs
10.30 – 3.30
Friday 11th March
BATIK – design and make a lampshade
10.30 – 3.30
Thursday 17th March
OILS – Palette knife - Spring Trees
Thursday 31st March
ACRYLIC INKS – Cards and mini abstract pictures
Saturday 2nd April
LINOCUTS – Spring theme
All courses are held at The Creative Space, next to my gallery at WILTON
To book a course please contact me re: availability and I will give you booking
details. A non-returnable £10 deposit is required to book a place on each
Contact Teresa Rogers on 07920162019 or 01725514537
email or pop in and see me at my studio in
Wilton Shopping Village.
Please let me have your email address if you would like details of future
Developing a sketchbook
All workshops are suitable for beginners or those with some experience.
Maximum of 5 places
Please bring your own A4 sketchbook
8 weeks -Wednesday mornings 10th and 17th and 24th February
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th March
8 week course is £120 - £15 per session 10am – 12.00
Each week we will tackle different drawing techniques and
sketchbook ideas and develop sketches that can be used in
All courses are held at The Creative Space, next to my gallery at WILTON
To book please contact me re: availability and I will give you booking details.
A non-returnable £20 deposit is required to book this series of drawing
workshops with the remainder due at the first session.
Contact Teresa Rogers on 07920162019 or 01725514537
email or pop in and see me at my studio in
Wilton Shopping Village.
Exhibitions at Salisbury Arts centre
Come and try out something new for 2016
 Photography workshops with Sally Edwards
Photography Workshops & Courses
Are you new to digital photography, self-taught or keen to refresh knowledge and skills?
Understand the basics of photography and how to operate your camera.
8 week part-time Photography Courses for Beginners
Next course starts:
Monday 11th January 2016
Three full practical workshops included
Practical Workshops for Beginners & Improvers
Available to book weekdays and weekends – 1-2-1 or bring a friend!
Practical Photography Workshops for Teenagers
Workshops held half-terms and holidays
Available for the following age groups:
13 & 14 yrs
15 & 16 yrs
17 & 18 yrs
Learn how to control your camera and improve your photography skills
 Stone Sculpting with Moira Ross
Moira Ross Stone Carving Workshops 2016
There are a number of options available for workshops, starting at £20 for 3 hours.
Please check out my website for details.
New for 2016 will be some 6-week day and evening classes.
I offer flexible sessions to suit busy lives. Come on your own, bring a friend, have
your own small group event - usually up to 6 people (eg. hen do, work outing, art
group). Give as a gift (vouchers available) or treat yourself.
Check my website for dates but if you don't see anything suitable, please, please,
please let me know and we can sort something out!
Workshops are held at my studio on Churchfields Indus. Estate in Salisbury.
What to do: Pick a workshop then a date. There are no specific classes against
dates. If you are first to book you set the class or we may have a mixed one
Workshops at Stonehenge Pottery
Thank you for your interest in the Pottery classes and workshops that I run at
Stonehenge Pottery, I have outlined below the classes and workshops we are
running at the moment, but as always, if you want to have a go but can't make the
times or dates, just give me call and we will see what can be done!
At present we are running a term time pottery course on a Thursday
morning, it runs from 9.30 -12.30, it is a mixed ability course, so please
come along and have a go! We run in blocks of ten weeks, but we are very
flexible, you are welcome to dip in and out as suits you.
I provide all your basic materials, clay, firing, glazes, equipment and
tuition...... And not forgetting coffee/tea and cakes!
We run one off fun sessions, for you and a group of friends(min 8 people) ,
you come along and have a go at throwing, coiling and slab making, your
marvellous creations are dried, glazed and fired and returned to your group
organiser. It is a great fun evening or day out, we will feed you a light pizza
supper and you are welcome to bring something to drink with you! The cost
is £25 per person.
If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me
either by email or phone, we are always happy to hear from you,
Sarah Holtby Stonehenge PotteryW: –
T : 01980 620 328
 News from Charlotte Moreton
I am continuing into the Winter with a series of smaller (but perfectly formed)
exhibitions, along with courses and workshops to give you something fun and
absorbing to do as your toes get colder...
Workshops in Charlotte’s Shed (9 Radnor Road, Salisbury, SP1 3PL):
Printmaking, willow animals and more… see
Useful information:
Cost of materials is additional to the workshop cost
You will be advised on what equipment to bring at the time of booking.
All sessions are suitable for any level of experience from beginners to
professionals, and teachers wishing to gain skills.
Hot drinks are provided; please bring your lunch or buy locally.
One-to-one tuition, school visits and additional sessions can be arranged
 Opportunities
 Fancy giving a talk?
I'm sending this email out to all Arts-related organisations around Salisbury (that I
know, please feel free to forward to anyone you feel may be interested) to try to gauge
your interest in holding a talk in coalition with the Arts Society at BWS, at some point in
the future.
The talks are usually held Monday after school (4:00 onwards) and can last for
any amount of time (usually 45minutes - 1hr). However, the day of the talk can be
changed, and the style of the talk is completely up to you. Other societies have had
small Q&A sessions, ranging up to full fledged informal talks.
I'd like to start holding regular-ish talks beginning the week of the 25th January, but
would of course need a couple of weeks prior to create posters and generally generate
interest for the event.
If this sounds like something you, or your organisation would be interested in, please
just drop me an email on here, or on:
It's a lovely opportunity for the boys of the school, and they really value this input and
influence from local organisations outside the school walls.
Phillip Olney
 Studio share at Wilton Shopping Village.
The art studio would be available for the whole of January and on
Mondays and Tuesdays from February. It is a fully equipped art studio
next to other artists an ideal place to work with opportunities for
sales. Contact by phone 07920162019 or by email
 Studio wanted
I am looking for a studio, new to Downton and have no space to work at home.
Presently involved with The Young Gallery, Big Stone& Rain Project alongside Nikki
Sheppard we are based at Tidworth working with the soldiers . I am desperate to find a
place to work no matter how small, willing to share or sub let on a temporary basis.
Please help!
Contact : Julie George at
 Graffiti workshops leader required
that can deliver 1-2 hour sessions working on boards/canvas using acrylic spray
paints and paint pens (a non toxic substitute to the spray can). Participants will
be from 8-16 years old and will be in groups of up to 8.
There are 15 dates in total from January –April. All venues are within a 10 miles
radius of Salisbury, so ideally looking for someone in that area.
If you know anyone that is available and can deliver this kind of workshop,
Katherine Bryan-Merrett / Director
please get in touch ASAP.
 Exhibition space
I have space to accommodate a few more artists in our Mad March Hare
Exhibition. If you know anyone who would be interested in showing their
work I'd be pleased to hear from them. These are the details.
Could you come up with a winning design to represent the Marsh
Chequer? The winning artist will realise their design in situ on the
existing sign boards attached to 71 Brown Street. A plaque will be
placed on the wall of the building giving the artist details.
Tofindout morevisit
CALFPlain Arts Salisbury
Do you know anyone else who might be interested in joining us at PLAIN ARTS
Salisbury? As we are aiming to bring together a multitude of artists and all those
interested in the local arts, please do pass this on to anyone else as all are welcome and
new blood and members will keep us going and our thinking fresh!
You can join us on a 2 year membership running from April 2015 for just £45 and you
can advertise events, opportunities and listings in these pages. At the same time you can
make sure that you know what’s going on in the visual arts in Salisbury.
How to join PLAIN ARTS Salisbury... Please contact David Walker at and we will send you a form
OR you can download a form from our website:
OR you can pick up a form from the box office of our booking agent and supporter
Salisbury Arts Centre.
OR try our new PayPal option
PLAIN ARTS Tel No: 07961 689159
 Facebook
The PLAIN ARTS newsletter is the ideal way to reach a
wider audience but don't forget you can also find PLAIN ARTS
Salisbury on Facebook. Here you can find event listings, workshop
details, contact with other artists and discussion, as well as Plain
Arts members having the opportunity to post your own exhibition
photos and info, all free of charge: Plain Arts Facebook
Disclaimer: Entries are accepted at the discretion of the editors