
Sustainability Committee Minutes
May 21, 2014 11-12:30
Committee Members present: Trecia Thomas & Scott Zaluda (co-chairs), Noelle Bucci, Caryn Helfer,
Carla Rae Johnson, Eryn Klosko, Deb Krikun, Tiago Machado, Johanna Marker, Abdur-Rasheed Nuri,
Mike Priano, Ed Tatton, Hayden Tse Hei Tsun, David Skylar, Talbert Spence (Minutes created by Eryn)
Meeting commenced at 11:00 AM
o Committee members made introductions
o Approval of minutes from last meeting
o Updates:
o New members: Ed Tatton, Caryn Helfer
o Mike wrote a section about our committee for the Hudson Valley Environmental Consortium
 Blurb in the section 'Campus Greening Corner' at the end of the green shaded section:
o New email address for committee - (work will be done so that
eventually all committee members will have sustainability emails forwarded to them)
o David discussed the refillable mug program - 1000 mugs were ordered, student clubs are
involved with project. Mug has a stainless steel interior and will be sold for $7. Students get
first refill for free and 10% off all future drinks purchased using mug. The hope is to eliminate a
lot of waste from cups, lids, straws, etc...
o David also updated group that the grant for composting food waste from the cafeteria has not
yet been accepted.
o Tiago discussed the new hydration filling stations. The first station will go into the Student
Center. Future stations are planned for other buildings. Although the first hydration stations
has been purchased, it was noted that it is important to budget important items like
replacement filters.
o Banners were discussed. Several members of the committee would like to push to have
banners appear on the entrances to the campus.
o Ed discussed the TV monitors placed in all of the buildings and noted that they are all linked to
security, but can also be independently operated. Information on how to add information
about sustainability initiatives is forthcoming
o Deb mentioned putting together a design logo, using a specific color, and a template for the
o Carla Rae has two graphic design students working on a logo for the committee already. Carla
Rae also mentioned that the Art Club might be able to purchase banners
o Ed noted the electronic signs at the campus entrances are being upgraded to full-color LED
signs (when is unknown, but planned for the next academic year). We can also advertise on
these new signs.
o Johanna suggested that the committee generate a survey that can be distributed at the start
and end of the academic year to assess the sustainability areas that we wish to work on, and
how successful we are at educating the campus community
o Tiago discussed new student orientation in August and how they will have a student
'sustainability pledge' - possibly also distribute refillable mugs as an incentive for students to
sign. Links to the pledge would also appear on Blackboard and MyWCC (thus, there would be
no paper waste). Students that do not participate at orientation would be encouraged to sign
pledge by students that did. Once there are many signatures, the names could be displayed.
They are considering a sustainable dining process for orientation
o Hydration station in Student Center should be installed by late summer.
o Hayden discussed how the SGA goes through a process to distribute all of the remaining club
money and how this might be a possible source of money for our committee. Hayden will also
ask for additional funding when he attends the Board of Trustees meeting later today
o David discussed how we can request funding through grant proposals and we can also ask for
involvement from the WCC Foundation
o Tiago mentioned that the college is involved with the Clinton global net-zero carbon footprint
initiative, and this might also be a source of funding
o Trecia plans to reach out to WCC alumni via the Alumni Association by volunteering this
summer with the association. Her goal is to gain some interest from alumni in our committee
and hopefully attain funds.
o Sustainability website
o Everyone should contribute information on the sustainability initiatives that they are involved
with by emailing Scott will edit the information for placement on
the college website’s sustainability page.
o Some initiatives discussed were:
 Spence - Native Plant Center is working to create an arboretum. The campus nature
trail is going to be upgraded.
 Ed - campus mailings and printings have been reduced and electronic/digital copies have
been used. Recycled paper is used with concerns over the location the paper comes
from. Soy based inks have also been used. IT is continuing the use the of the Paper Cut
o New Business
o Report to President's office by December 2014 (end of every semester)
 Want to know what the administration will do with the information
 The committee will expect administration to initiate and take action
o The committee reviewed the wish list items that were submitted by committee members. The
two main initiatives that the committee would like to work on are transportation and recycling with transportation being the issue that the committee will address for its first report and set of
recommendations to the college president as per the president’s charges to the committee. ,
Members of the committee wish to tackle recycling through initiatives such as relabeling and
decorating recycling containers.
o Recycling Initiative ideas
 Clubs could get involved and paint the recycling bins on campus
o Transportation
 Scott - we all should examine programs at other colleges to come up with ideas of what
WCC should do
o Possible funds  Spence mentioned that there are funds that come from the auctioning off of old
equipment and computers
o Creation of subcommittees - the following subcommittees were recommended. Tricia will
email committee to ask for people to sign up
 Media/Marketing/Branding
 Budgets/Money
 Student Driven
o Space for Sustainability Committee
 Take over one of the student lounges and decorate with sustainable art
 Need a place for students to find a home and become acquainted with committee and
other student/faculty members
o Facebook page: Campus-Sustainability-Committee-at-Westchester-Community-College
 A location for people to share books and other sustainability related items
 Caryn mentioned book - Myth of Progress, by Tom Wessels
o Summary - Work for committee members over the summer
o Submit a list/description of sustainability initiatives that committee members are working on
o Start to research sustainable transportation practices at other colleges
o Continue to work on individual projects
o Next Meeting: A Doodle survey will be distributed to committee members to find the next
meeting time in September (although several committee members are interested in meeting
over the summer)
Meeting ended at 12:30 PM