HM Theme 3: Growing Up Where the Red Fern Grows, 11/4/11 Please choose 20 words from the lists below: 10 from left, and 10 from right. Use the words to complete spelling activities. Attach one sheet to the Spelling Activities sheet with your words circled. PLEASE BE NEAT. Take the green copy home for practice. minus method item supply whisper spirit tennis adopt instant vital stupid panic shiver tulip notice elect report remind value orphan rocket farther declare captain employ volume balance lawyer sheriff author require poison deserve rescue journey relief laundry Congress beware expire translate symptom monarch license aspire crescent misspell flourish column merit lapel pageant The spelling test is on Friday! VCV, VCCV, and VCCCV Patterns To spell a two-syllable word, divide the word into syllables. Look for spelling patterns, and spell the word by syllables. Divide a VCV word after the consonant if the first syllable has the short vowel pattern. Divide the word before the consonant if the first syllable ends with a vowel sound. VC/V bal/ance V/CV mi/nus VCCV words are usually divided between the consonants. They can be divided before or after two consonants that together spell one sound. VC/CV law/yer V/CCV au/thor VCC/V meth/od VCCCV words are often divided after the first of the three successive consonants. When y spells a vowel sound, it is considered a vowel. VC/CCV sup/ply HINT V= Vowel, and C= Consonant… Write each Spelling Word under its syllable pattern. VCV ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ VCCV ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ VCCCV ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________