syllables lesson compound word and vccv rules - RUSD

RW 1.2 - Decode Regular multisyllabic words
Define syllable
Know the rule for dividing compound words
Know the rule for dividing words with double consonants
Know the rule for dividing words with VCCV spelling pattern
Read standard. Define decode and explain (BRIEFLY) how this helps us when we’re
reading. Define multisyllabic as a word with more than one syllable.
Read Objectives.
Tell the students the definition of syllable, using same language as the frames on the
board (see below). Use a name as an example to illustrate vowel sounds.
Fill in sentence frame, and read the entire definition to the class.
Read frame again, pausing to have the students read the underlined words. (Drop in
reading). CFU with equity cards for definition of syllable.
Explain the compound word rule, using same language as on the sentence frame. Show,
on white board, one example. “doghouse” Divide the word.
Fill in the blanks on the frame, and read the definition to the class.
Using drop in reading, read with the class again.
Give two more examples. Students will TPS to try to decide where to divide the word.
CFU with equity cards . “cupcake” and “headphone”
Repeat the above process for the double consonant rule. Examples “giggle” “batter”
Repeat one more time for VCCV. Clarify vowel and consonant if necessary. Examples
“garden” “helmet” “basket”
Highly Structured Practice:
Using chart paper, placed horizontally, place a tree map (premade) on the white board
with the titles “Compound Word” “Double Consonant” and “VCCV”
Using the examples below, hold up premade cards with words that are divided using the
three rules. On personal whiteboards, students will write the word, drawing a dash
where there is a break in syllables. Students will hold up boards, so teacher can CFU.
As the word is divided, draw a line at the syllable break on the card, review which rule
the word follows, and place it on the tree map.
Examples: playground, baseball, bedroom, letter, office, traffic, cracker, insect, problem
Guided Practice: (Day 2)
Review rules by reading sentence frames and reviewing tree map from previous lesson.
Break students into groups of two, and explain activity:
o Each pair will receive one paper, one set of titles, and two word lists.
o Partner A will fold the paper into 3 columns, Partner B will cut the titles and
place them on the chart (gluestick)
o Partner A is responsible for cutting apart the list beginning in POPCORN, Partner
B is responsible for the list beginning with SPALTTER.
o TOGETHER, they will look at the POPCORN list, divide the words, and place (do
not glue) them under the correct rule. They will repeat the process with the
second list.
o When finished, students will raise their and to be checked BEFORE gluing.
o If a group finishes early, they will think of more two syllable words that fall in
these categories, and write them on the chart.
o Share created words with class and collect all charts.
Independent Practice:
See attached worksheet.
Sentence Frames:
A syllable is a part of a word that has only one vowel sound.
To divide a compound word, split the big word into two smaller words. (homework)
When a word has two consonants that are the same in the middle of the word, divide it
between the two consonants. (middle)
When a word has two consonants, surrounded by two vowels, divide it between the two
consonants. (napkin)