Library Submission Form

BGI@CHOP Library Sample Submission Form
* means required information
Contract Number
Project Name
Name of Client*
Contact Person*
BGI Project
□ 1. HiSeq 2000/2500
NGS Platform*
Analysis type*
□ 1.De Novo Sequencing
8.Target Region Sequencing
2.Whole Genome Re-sequencing
9.Metagenomic Sequencing
3.Genome survey
10.Small RNA
4.MeDIP Sequencing
11.RNA-Seq (Quantification)
5.ChIP Sequencing
12. RNA-Seq (Transcriptome)
6.Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing
13.Digital Gene Expression Tag Profiling
7.Exome Sequencing
14. Others:
Information of samples:
 Library Type*: □ DNA library
□ ChIP-Sep library
□ Expression library
 Condition*:
□ Dissolved in water
□ Small RNA library
□ Dissolved in TE Buffer
□ Dissolved in pure ethanol
 Method*
□ Transcriptome library
□ Others:
□ Dry powder
□ Others :
□ Illumina kit (kit code and type):_________________
□ non-Illumina kit(In such a case, the preparation method, the used kit and its brand, and the
sequence of the adaptor and PCR primers, and expected size of the libraries are required information. If the
library contains index, the position of the index and the index sequence need to be indicated.)
 Special sequence*:□ No;
□ Yes;(For PCR products or samples with specific sequence inserted, please indicate it on
the Sample Information Sheet)
 GCcontent:
* Please note that fields marked with asterisk mark (*) are required
For us to approve and evaluate the samples, please complete the information with correct details timely
No. of
Size (bp)*
Library Type
/SE_index) *
If you are sending the primer(s), please fill in the following form.
No. of
Primer Type
□ 1. Read 1 primer
□ 2. Read 2 primer
□ 3. Index primer
□ 1. Read 1 primer
□ 2. Read 2 primer
□ 3. Index primer
□ 1. Read 1 primer
□ 2. Read 2 primer
□ 3. Index primer
* Notes For Filling Out Forms*
1. Please provide analysis results measured by using one or several methods of Qubit, NanoDrop, Gel
Electrophoresis, Caliper LabChip GX and Agilent 2100. Agilent 2100 and Caliper LabChip GX are
strongly recommended. Agilent DNA 1000 kit (for Agilent 2100) and HT DNA 1K LabChip (for
Caliper LabChip GX) is recommended.
2. In order to expedite the process, please fill in the above form carefully. For any questions, please
contact BGI@CHOP Project Coordinator Xiangdong Zhou (
Those columns marked with asterisk (*) are required ones.
3. If standard Illumina kit is used, please indicate the type and the lot number of the kit. If another kit is
used, the clients should provide information for the methodology, kit usage and its brand, the sequences
of the adaptor and PCR primers, and the expected fragment size of the libraries. If the sample is
indexed, please indicate the position and the sequence of the index. Please specify if the library is
partially constructed.
4. For PCR products or samples with specific sequence inserted, please indicate it on the Sample
* Please note that fields marked with asterisk mark (*) are required
For us to approve and evaluate the samples, please complete the information with correct details timely
Information Sheet; otherwise, the quality of sequencing will be significantly affected.
5. The fragment size of the library must be smaller than 600bp; otherwise, the quality of sequencing
will be significantly affected.
6. Recommended Agilent 2100/Caliper LabChip GX result for foreign samples
Requirements of HiSeq Library Samples
Type of Library
Concentration (nM)
Total Quantity
Transcriptome Library
Expression Library
Small RNA Library
ChIP Library
Exome Capture Library
DNA Short Segment Library(0-499bp)
DNA Long Segment Library(500-800bp)
DNA Large Segment Library
Methylation Library
Note: The concentrations above are the minimum concentration required for one round of HiSeq
Sequencing. The qPCR result shall be final. Please refer to Illumina qPCR Quantification Protocol
Guide. DNA Large fragment library refers to the sample interrupted after cyclization, DNA Short
Fragment library refers to the sample with fragment size smaller than 450bp, DNA Long fragment
library refers to the sample with fragment size longer than 450bp.
7. After BGI@CHOP receives samples, DNA or Library will be stored at -20 oC freezer, RNA or tissue
will be stored at -80 oC freezer.
Special treatment: Customers need to provide detailed information for special treatment of certain
samples in the information sheet. Antibodies, Primers, and Probes sent along with the samples also
need to have the corresponding information of storage temperature specified.
8. Customers are encouraged to keep their own aliquot of libraries in storage. All libraries submitted to
BGI@CHOP will be used for processing and discarded after data delivery. We do not support retrieval
of remaining libraries from our facility at this time.
9. Shipping information:
Consignee’s Name
Consignee’s Address
BGI@CHOP Genome Center
Attn: Xiaoxiao Xiang
BGI@CHOP Genome Center Room A450
Colket Translational Research Building
* Please note that fields marked with asterisk mark (*) are required
For us to approve and evaluate the samples, please complete the information with correct details timely
3500 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Contact No
After the samples have been picked up, please send the name of courier, tracking no. and sample
information sheet to
* Please note that fields marked with asterisk mark (*) are required
For us to approve and evaluate the samples, please complete the information with correct details timely