E.V. Ryltseva
Tomsk state university, Tomsk
The article examines the created multilevel system of supplementary education by Tomsk state
university (TSU), which allows realizing personnel training on educational programs drawn up taking
into account modular principle and accumulating system of education. Some special attention in the
article is paid to teachers’ training processes with application of both traditional and modern distance
educational technologies (DET): particularly the use of automatized system of accompany and control
the educational process “Electronic University” elaborated at the Institute of Distance Education
attached to Tomsk state university.
Forming innovative society on modern stage inevitably leads to changes in educational
system. Swift development of digital technologies states that modern education, general, as well
as professional, can not remain unchanged. School-leavers, graduate students should
correspond to demands, which developing society is making to them. New informational
technologies, introduced into educational process raise a great problem of training qualified
pedagogical personnel. Professional development of pedagogues is one of the necessary
conditions of successful development of school informatization process. Ways of
supplementary pedagogical education, as well as any educational system, are defined by tasks,
formulated within Concept of Russian education modernization: widening education
availability, increasing education quality and effectiveness. Professional development is one of
the main directions of federal programs of informatization: national project “Education” and
Federal target program of education for 2006 – 2010.
Multilayer system of supplementary education was created in Tomsk State University, it
allows implementing specialists training on educational programs, developed considering
module principle and storage system of education. The basis for professional development of
pedagogues is competence approach to education, which supposes that pedagogues will master
not only basic ICT-competences, but learn methods of educational process optimization, based
on active cognitive activity, creative approach, work on modern PCs and interactive equipment
and increasing the role of person who is learning; mastering models and methods of ICT using
during educational process, development of subject competences [1].
267 professional development programs of different level on 11 directions were
developed and are realizing on TSU basis. 17 programs are devoted for pedagogues of 13
general schools and professional schools.
In Tomsk professional development of pedagogues of secondary general institutions as
well as institutions of primary professional is realized within 2 NFPK projects education
“Internet support of professional development of pedagogues” and “professional development
of various categories of educators and forming their basic pedagogical ICT-competence”.
Work implementation results on projects should be transition of majority institutions
stated above on the next stage of ICT usage in educational process, which suppose active usage
of modern digital educational resources; this creates conditions for achieving educational
results by the majority of students, adequate to new labor market demand and modern social
Training of audience of various categories is revealed with the help of traditional as well
as modern distant educational technologies (DET). Educational centers, on which basis TSU
implements programs of supplementary education (schools, regional resource centers,
universities branches) are equipped with necessary satellite facilities, allowing educational
process support implementation, using TSU Teleport facilities, concluding broadcasting using
satellite means of communication, video conferences, on-line support to educational resources,
on-line and off-line technologies of pedagogical communication. The basis for distant lessons
on programs of professional development is video lectures of professors using technologies of
satellite IP-broadcasting and forms of active work with audience with the help of video
conferences, chat-technologies. With video conferences assistance TSU professors carry out
lecturing, practical and seminar classes, consultations, they master project resultant works of
students. A part of practical classes is implemented basing on traditional technologies of class
work with the help of trained tutors – if there is necessary technical equipment of resource
centers and tutors qualification [2].
Practically each program, realized in distant mode, is provided methodically with set of
video lectures, network and local methodological complexes, materials for preparation to
seminars and practical classes, simulators, testing systems. Network model of education allows
using remote resources (computer, imitational models, virtual labs, laboratory complexes of
remote access, on-line demonstrational experiments, etc) gives possibility to use university
resources out: biological labs where it is possible to carry out on-line natural experiments [3].
Educational process on programs of professional development on DET basis is
differentiated by high methodological and technical level. Education is implemented using
“Electronic University” automated system of educational process support and management,
developed by Institute of Distant Education Tomsk State University. The system allows
organization of access to informational and methodological program support (specialized
databases, electronic tutorials, audio and video material, testing systems), indirect
communicational space for continuous Internet access supply of educational process. Two
components can be distinguished In automated system “Electronic University” – organizational
and methodological.
Organizational component contains:
advertising and informational system, which provides information about educational
services and education terms, etc;
system of registration and signing up for program, allowing potential audience to register
as applicants and apply for stated program;
system of educational material support during education on program, making it possible
to implement effective search of necessary information in electronic library, including
multimedia courses, methodological complexes and interactive programs;
system of conducting educational service quality monitoring.
Methodological component includes gaining educational programs of various levels of
education, syllabuses, educational resources, testing materials. Automated system integrates
both components, providing realization of educational programs basing on distant education
Functionally automated system is divided into two parts – user and administrator parts.
User part is subdivided into category of “web site users” and “logged in users”. Web site visitor
is given possibility to acquaint with education programs provided by IDO TSU - to study
description, content and educational plan of each program, as well as acquaint with list and
summary of electronic and educational resources, developed on Tomsk State University basis.
Logged in user has an access to information about available educational programs and
applying for education on chosen programs, to educational programs content and syllabuses; to
educational resources, timetables, bulletin board, groupmates contact information, testing and
monitoring systems are is able to chat with pedagogues and groupmates [4].
Education on distant programs of supplementary education is accompanied by monitoring
researches, which allow making conclusion about quality of classes, programs correspondence
to set up goals of education, etc. we find out how much audience expectations correspond to
reality basing on monitoring results.
The main advantage of education using DET is possibility to create individual educational
direction, making educational process as individual as possible. Network model of professional
development distant programs organization allows widening choice of educational
technologies, creating network communicative space. Usage of various pedagogical and
informational technologies allows implementing on practice flexible combination of self-reliant
cognitive activity of learners and various information sources, group activity, operational and
systematic interaction with pedagogues. Stability of development results of continuous
supplementary education system is provided by systematic approach to programs of
supplementary education, their orientation on new technologies and educational models and
modern level of innovative spheres development.
1. Mayer G.V., Demkin V.P, Mozhaeva G.V., Vimyatin V.M. Academic university in
open system of education. – Tomsk: TSU Press, 2005. – 200.
2. Anisimova S.P., Riltseva E.V. Monitoring research of quality of educational services
basing on DET // Open and distant education. 2006. № 3 (23). С. 54 – 57.
3. Demkin V.P, Mozhaeva G.V. Distant education technologies. Tomsk: TSU Press, 2006.
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