Workshop on Producer Organisations AGR IND/EXP 57369 organised in co-operation with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Venue : TO BE DEFINED, Israel Date: 10 - 12 November 2014 For more information on TAIEX assistance and to download presentations of this event, please go to: Aim of the meeting : The aim of the workshop is to introduce to the Israeli stakeholders the objectives and principles of agricultural supporting measures in the EU by focusing on the EU measures for obtaining competitiveness and a more market-oriented agricultural sector. Beneficiary : Israel Day 1 : Monday 10 November 2014 Chair : 08:30 Registration of participants 09:00 Welcome by the Ministry of Agriculture national expert 09:10 Introduction of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU (background, history, development, objectives, beneficiaries, budget) Mr. Jonas Anne Braun, Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood, and Forestry, France 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Overview of specific CAP policies for sectors with support for producer organisations (fruit and vegetables, milk) Ms. Emilie Colombo, FranceAgriMer, France 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Producer organisations (POs) – background (history, differences between PO's and cooperatives, organisation rate, differences between countries) Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 EU policies supporting POs (objectives, budget, Operational plan, activities receiving support, agricultural sectors benefitting from support of POs) Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 17:00 Closing remarks and discussion – Is the support of producer organisations a feasible strategy for Israeli agricultural policy? Ms. Emilie Colombo Mr. Jonas Anne Braun Day 2 : Tuesday 11 November 2014 Chair : 09:00 Producer Organisations (POs) – from a PO request to receiving of support (establishment, requirements, administration of requests "behind the scenes) Ms. Emilie Colombo, FranceAgriMer, France 10:00 POs and antitrust regulation Jonas Anne Braun, Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood, and Forestry, France 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Operational plans – statistics, examples, case studies, monitoring and evaluation Ms. Emilie Colombo 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Implementation of policy (constraints hindering the establishment of POs / attracting farmers to establish a PO, differences in implementation between countries, national strategies of EU member countries) Ms. Emilie Colombo Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 Comparison of support to POs with other support policies (advantages and disadvantages, criteria and measurement of impact/success of support policies, Are farmers better off?) Possibilities to improve support policy for producer organisations? Planned EU policy changes? Ms. Emilie Colombo Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 17:00 Closing remarks and discussion – feasibility of implementation for Israeli policy national expert Day 3 : Wednesday 12 November 2014 Chair : 09:00 Policies for risk and crisis management – Overview (types of risk in agriculture, policy objectives, overview of instruments) Ms. Emilie Colombo Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Crisis prevention and management: Instruments, application, case study (e.g. Russian ban of EU food imports) Ms. Emilie Colombo Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 12:30 Lunch break 13:30 Other instruments for risk and crisis management (e.g. insurances, longterm contracts, mutual funds, direct support) – advantages and disadvantages, instruments implemented by EU policy Ms. Emilie Colombo Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 Support for small farmers/family farms (Should small farms / family farms be favoured? Policy instruments, evaluation, efficiency of policies in delaying structural change, effects on farmers' income, prices and welfare, current support policies and their distributional effects (e.g. mainly benefiting larger farms?) Mr. Jonas Anne Braun 17:00 Closing remarks and discussion – conclusions for Israeli policy national expert This meeting is being organised by the Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission L-15 04/90 , B - 1049 Brussels Telephone: +32-2-296 73 07 , Fax: +32-2-296 76 94 Web site