
Global and Regional
Slide 1/ Title Slide - Stephen Hvizdzak,
Sharkavin & Abdulaziz Alfahaid
The slide consists of the group members, the topic that will be discussed in the
PowerPoint, the class, and the professor of the class.
Slide 2/ Internet Access and Restrictions Stephen Hvizdzak
Slide 2 consists of the topic on the restriction and access of the internet service.
There’s a limit of information that is exposed to the internet. The information that
is exposed is monitored by the government and different organizations.
Goverments like to monitor the information their citizens have access to and are
exposed to to help maintain order in their country and regulate the flow of ideas.
Slide 3/ About N. Korea - Stephen Hvizdzak
This slide basically informs you about the internet service in Korea. Due to
Dictatorship as their Government, their internet is strictly for their country only.
Dictator Kim Jong Un, keeps a tight grasp on his Country. This keeps them
separate from the outside world, and contact with other nations is punishable by
death. A System called Sneakernet was set up within the country. It is a handoff of
data via jumpdrives from over the border. Also, Cell Phones within the country do
not have internet capabilities. Only authorized officials and family members to the
Dictator have World-wide Intrenet access. The Intranet is controlled and operated
by the Kwang Myung Service Station.
Slide 4/ North korea digital Readings - Stephen
Slide 4 is a picture of Korea internet service in the country. The time frame is
from 1992 to 2008. It is comparing the digital reading from those years. Notice the
surroundin countries have hotspots where digital data is being accessed, while
north Kora is completely blacked out. Only the capitol has a small signature of
digital data.
Slide 5/ Kwan Myung Intranet - Stephen
The Kwang Myung organization directs and monitors the Intranet within North
Korea. Their internet service has only authorized information from the
government. They also have email services within the Country. Their form of
internet is the same is most, but are only networked to other computers within the
Country. The organization is also the security of the internet. They monitor citizens
activity and report it back to their goverment.
Slide 6/ About U.S. - Stephen Hvizdzak
Slide 6 is about the United States of America internet service. We have a
democracy as our goverment. This gives the citizens a variety of freedoms. We
have worldwide internet access. The united States isnt censored and monitored so
closely.This is due to the 1st Amendment, which states that the citizens of the
United States have the Freedom of speech. This protects most Internet laws within
the Country. They're are only a few laws passed by our government that protects
goverment secrets and the moral standing of our citizens
Slide 7/ U.S. vs N. Korea - Stephen Hvizdzak
Mainly this slide compares and contrasts the United States and Korea from the
information provided. The U.S. and Korea only have one thing in common about
their internet service, which is the the facts that they both have networking
capabilities, Just the United States can network all over the world and North Korea
is limited to network only within their country, Other than that, their services are
extremely different.
Slide 8/ Access and Restrictions within the
States - Stephen Hvizdzak & Sharkavin Reese
Now on this slide we are comparing the internet service within the states. The
access and restriction are still the same as the U.S. But some States pass laws
protect services like military, education systems, and state government programs.
Each state goverment is different but still answer to the National Goverment
Slide 9/ Georgia vs New York – Abdulaziz
Slide 9 compares the states Georgia and New York. New York is one of the states
with the highest percentage of people who have access to the Internet in the States.
This is due to the high population to the state. while having a lower population,
Georgia still boasts a high pertcentage. New York State is a home for 19,746,813
people, 81.5 % of them have access to the internet. There are 9,932,505 people are
living in Georgia State. 76.5 % of the population have access to the internet.
Slide 10/ Internet Censorship - Abdulaziz
Slide 10 explains Internet Censorship into more detail, detailing our conclusions
about our findings. It informs you on the positive and negative aspects of the
Censorship. The strong protections for freedom of speech and expression against
federal, state, and local government censorship are rooted in the First Amendment
of the United States Constitution. These protections extend to the Internet and as a
result very little government mandated technical filtering occurs in the U.S.
Nevertheless, the Internet in the United States is highly regulated, supported by a
complex set of legally binding and privately mediated mechanisms. Internet
censorship in the United States is the suppression of information published or
viewed on the Internet in the United States. Several U.S. corporations including
Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and MySpace practice greater levels of self-censorship
in some international versions of their online services.
Slide 11/ Sources - Stephen Hvizdzak,
Sharkavin & Abdulaziz Alfahaid
The Source page indicates where we located our information about each topic
discussed. From here, any one can follow the html to access the information we