Northwest Rankin Middle School Lesson Plan Template Teacher: Mrs. Cooper Course: 8th Grade Science Dates of implementation: January 11th through February 8th, 2016 Stage 1: Desired Results Competency/Objective: 1d. Analyze evidence that is used to form explanations and draw conclusions. (DOK 3) 1e. Develop a logical argument defending conclusions of an experimental method. (DOK 3) 1f. Develop a logical argument to explain why perfectly designed solutions do not exist. (DOK 3) 4c. Examine weather forecasting and describe how meteorologists use atmospheric features and technology to predict the weather. (DOK 2) Temperature, precipitation, wind (speed/direction), dew point, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. How the thermal energy transferred to the air results in vertical and horizontal movement of air masses, Coriolis effect Global wind patterns (e.g., trade winds, westerlies, jet streams) 4e. Explain how the tilt of Earth’s axis and the position of the Earth in relation to the sun determine climatic zones, seasons, and length of the days. (DOK 2) At the end of this unit, students will know: At the end of this unit, students will be able to: Analyze data from recorded data to form sound inferences How to take a systematic approach in developing supportive facts for the conclusion of the experiment Identify how human error prevents a scientific experiment from ever being perfectly designed Weather data that consist of its temperature, precipitation, barometric pressure, wind speed/direction, dew point, and relative humidity. How the thermal energy that is transferred to the air results in vertical and horizontal movement of air masses, Coriolis effect, global wind patterns (e.g., trade winds, westerlies, jet streams) How the tilt of Earth’s axis and the position of the Earth in relation to the sun determine climatic zones, seasons, and length of the days Northwest Rankin Middle School Analyze their own and their peers’ recorded data of activator &/or science fair projects. Justify how conclusions are properly developed. Recognize that there is no perfectly designed experiment due to human error &/or involvement Analyze weather data to identify its temperature, precipitation, barometric pressure, wind speed/direction, dew point, and relative humidity. Explaining how the movement of thermal energy results in air masses. Discuss what causes and what results in the Coriolis effect. Justify why trade winds have the patterns that they exhibit. Infer the seasons that would result in the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the position that Earth has in relation to the sun. Determine the length of the days based upon the relation of Earth’s tilt, relation to the sun and its season. 2015-2016 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Pre-Assessment The students will take the “Weather” Pre-test. The students will take the “Seasons” Pre-test. NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance—Monday, January 18, 2016 Formative Assessment: Any of the daily activities below may serve as formative assessments based upon the discretion of the teacher. Rotating Stations include the following: Scientist station Graph interpretation Reading Comprehension/Current Event Vocabulary Measurement Summative Assessment The students will perform their activators/science fair projects to address the inquiry competencies: 1d, 1e & 1f. 8TH GRADERS WILL VIEW THE “ARCS & SPARKS” (ELECTRICITY) PRESENTATION IN THE GYM ON 1/13. Students will monitor the weather statistics on a daily basis using their weather charts and the provided weather tools. Take the Weather post test on February 1st & February 2nd. Stage 3: Learning Plan Date: 1/11 & 12/16 Date: 1/13 & 14/16 Date: 1/15 & 19/16 Date: 1/20 & 21/16 Date: 1/22 & 25/16 WEATHER/ELECTRICITY WEATHER/ELECTRICITY WEATHER/ELECTRICITY WEATHER WEATHER Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/ Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) • • • Transitions: (Min. of Three) • • • Discuss the “Arcs & Sparks” overview questions. Discuss section 1 of the “Weather” point notes; students must complete the guided notes. Complete the "Weather Vocabulary" handout on the laptops. Reflection: Make a flow chart using the section 1 vocabulary H.W. Study Mr. E's power point (chapter 7—Atmosphere). Northwest Rankin Middle School • • • Take Weather quiz #1 on the section 1 notes. Complete the “Weather” QR handout. Read the Science World magazine. Reflection: Complete a 3-2-1 (like, learn & change) of today’s H.W. Enjoy your family. • • Reflect on the “Arcs & Sparks” presentation; take quiz. Discuss part 2 of the Weather power point notes; complete the guided notes Complete the rotating stations exercises (weather tools, weather map symbols & types of fronts). • • Perform “Outdoors Weather” lab. Complete part 2 of the Weather power point notes. Discuss both parts 1 & 2 with your peersharing partner. Take a quiz on both parts 1 & 2. • • Discuss part 3 of the “Weather” power point notes. Perform the “Weather” lab. Reflection: Make a Frayer model using any vocabulary term. Reflection: Complete an analysis of 1d, 1e & 1f on the “Outdoors Weather” lab. Reflection: Complete the lab report. H.W. Study Mr. E's power point--chapter 8--Weather). H.W. Study the “Weather” guided notes. H.W. Study the “Weather” guided notes. 2015-2016 Date: 1/22 & 25/16 Date: 1/26 & 27/16 Date: 1/28 & 29/16 Date: 2/1 & 2/16 Date: 2/3 & 4/16 WEATHER WEATHER WEATHER WEATHER SEASONS Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: Bell ringer/Hook: CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) Transitions: (Min. of Three) • TURN in and discuss the “Weather” lab report. • • • View the following link on the laptops and complete the “deep reading” exercise: efault/files/passages/1300_a_br ave_new_climate.pdf Reflection: Complete the graphic organizer—“I read, I think, Therefore…” H.W. Study Mr. E's power point (chapter 7— Atmosphere). . • Watch “Weather” TWIG video; write 3-5 summary sentences Discuss section 4 of the “Weather” power point notes; students are to complete their guided notes. Complete the “Weather” web quest. • Navigate the following link: http://www.enchantedlearni me.html (See atmosphere & clouds.) • • • • • Take the “Weather” posttest. Read the “Science World” magazine. Check the “Weather” posttest. Write 3-5 summary sentences about the atmosphere & clouds. Perform the Dew Point lab. Reflection: Pretend that you’re a meteorologist. Write a dialogue using the following terms: barometric pressure, relative humidity, low pressure system, high pressure system, dew point, temperature, & air mass. Reflection: Complete the Dew Point lab report. H.W. Study Mr. E's power point (chapter 8— Weather). H.W. Study the Weather guided notes for the “Weather” posttest. Reflection: Pretend that you’re a critic for an article in the Science World magazine. Write a 150- word analysis of your selected article. H.W. Enjoy your family. • Perform an item-analysis of the “Weather” posttest; the student teacher will explain each missed items to the 3-4 students in the group. • Take the “Seasons” pre-test. Navigate and study seasons on the following link: s/Geologictime.html; click on seasons; click on leap year. Check the “Seasons” pre-test. Reflection: Write a short story about seasons. Make sure that you include the following words: winter solstice, vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, axis (23.5 degrees) H.W. Enjoy your family. ______________________________________ Date: 2/5 & 8/16 SEASONS Bell ringer/Hook: CASE-21 OR USA TEST-PREP QUESTIONS Transitions: (Min. of Three) • • Northwest Rankin Middle School View a TWIG video on “Seasons”; write 3-5 summary sentences. Discuss the “Seasons” power point; complete the “Seasons” guided notes. Navigate the following animated season’s link: /16/92/94/Brownstein/att1573305/SeasonsModule_bothvie ws_.swf (animated seasons) 2015-2016 Reflection: Explain what happens to the stick man in each of the four seasons. (See the animated seasons.) H.W. Study Mr. E's power point (chapter 7— Atmosphere). Add an additional page if needed Stage 4: Differentiation What difference in students do I anticipate, and how will I differentiate instruction to attend to those differences? THE STUDENTS WILL BE PEER-TUTORED OR LEVELED GROUPED OR HETEROGENEOUSLY GROUPED &/OR RE-TESTED ON COMPETENCIES NOT MASTERED. Study the following link for remediation: (Chapter 7—Atmosphere; chapter 8-Weather) (Science World magazine) (weather & seasons) (animated seasons) Northwest Rankin Middle School 2015-2016