SMG Technical Committee Annual Report for 2010

SMG Technical Committee Annual Report for 2010
1. Name of Technical Committee
AIAA Space Logistics Technical Committee
2. TC Chair Information
Alan W. Johnson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Department of Operational Sciences |
Air Force Institute of Technology
2950 Hobson Way, Bldg 641, Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio, 45433, USA
Office: + (937) 255-3636
TC Vice-Chair Information
Peter Paceley
General Manager Huntsville
Draper Laboratory
Office: + (256) 890-7995
3. Membership
a. TC membership breakdown:
- 24 Regular Members
- 2 International Members
- 4 Associate Members
- Total: 30 Members (start of 2010 roster also had 30 members)
Note: We added 5 members for 2010 and are close to full strength with 30 members. We will
ratify 5 new members at the January 5, 2010 meeting of the TC in Orlando, but will also drop
several members who are no longer active. We had 19 members in early 2008 and 25
members in 2009. Not all members are equally active, but there is a core of about 15
members that participates in at least two meetings per year and contributes to the range of
activities of the TC.
b. List any member upgrades:
4. Meetings
a. List All TC Meetings This Year (specify whether in-person or teleconference)
The AIAA SLTC had 3 official meetings in 2010:
 January 5, 2010 – ASM Orlando – in person
April 26, 2010 – Huntsville – SpaceOps – in person
August 31, 2010 – Anaheim for AIAA Space 2010 – in person
We held about 3 telephone conferences with dial-in and WebEx opportunity at different
times during the year between our in-person meetings. These telecons were used to
coordinate our various activities.
b. Special Events
Released SpaceNet 2.5r2 to the Public. This open source software is dedicated to modeling
and simulation of space exploration missions and campaigns from a logistics perspective.
December 28, 2010. URL:
c. Participation in AIAA National Technical Conferences (specify number of sessions
AIAA Space 2010 in Anaheim, 30 August – 2 September, 2010
We sponsored the track in space logistics and had 5 technical paper sessions and 1 panel
session on ISS sustainment in the post-Shuttle era. Attendance varied across sessions but was
about 20 people on average. The panel was particularly well-attended. We believe that our
track’s strong attendance is driven by two significant trends:
Sustainment of the ISS post-Shuttle retirement in 2010 is a major logistics challenge
Increased entry of private companies (SpaceX, OSC) in the space cargo business
A summary of the sessions that were sponsored by the SLTC at AIAA Space 2010 is
given in Appendix A.
d. Participation in Non-AIAA Conferences (specify number of sessions sponsored)
5. Honors and Awards Presented by or to the TC (list Name of Award, Name of Recipient, When
and Where Awarded)
a. TC Awards
b. SMG Awards
Oli deWeck, our Immediate-Past Chair a SMG service award for his outstanding
contributions to the SLTC.
The SLTC received $750 for its 2nd place finish, best TC metric.
c. AIAA Awards Sponsored by TC
We would like to sponsor a national AIAA space logistics award. The International Society
for Logistics (SOLE) currently sponsors the Jack Williams Medal for Space Logistics – we
are in discussions with SOLE on opportunities for co-sponsorship of the Jack Williams
d. AIAA Awards to TC Members
6. TC Publication Activities
a. Aerospace America
- Did you submit an annual highlight article?
- Yes, a 800 word article on Space Logistics appeared in the 2010 Year in Review
Issue of Aerospace America
- List any other article published?
b. Newsletter
We publish a bi-annual AIAA SLTC newsletter. The last issue appeared in August 2010 to
coincide with the AIAA Space 2010 conference.
c. White Papers/Position Papers
d. Books
Standards: We currently have two AIAA/ANSI standards in preparation and review.
1. AIAA Lexicon for Space Logistics. Version 4 of the Space Logistics Lexicon Standard
was submitted to AIAA for Review on September 13, 2008. It highlights location
designations separately for easy reference and adds a definition of “space logistics”.
2. AIAA/ANSI/BSR Standard for Space Cargo. This standard will define and create “classes
of supply” COS and standardized demand models for space logistics. This is similar to the
EPC electronic product codes in retail and the classes of supply used by the military.
Work on our two standards was delayed this year due to unforeseen personal issues of our
point person on this effort. Further, the (now retired) AIAA standards Point of Contact
was concerned about the size and representation of our space logistics lexicon review
committee. We are now taking steps to expand the review committee.
AIAA Progress Series Book: Space Logistics – Enabling New Frontiers
Contract signed in late 2008 with Prof. Olivier de Weck (MIT) and Dr. Robert Shishko (JPL)
serving as co-editors. The finished book will have about 28 chapters and 600 pages. We
have received about 60% of the 28 chapters, but work remains to be done on the
introductory, history, and concluding chapters. Co-editor de Weck will take a sabbatical in
2011 with the goal of dedicating time to this effort.
e. Journal Articles
Individual members are publishing journal articles on space logistics as part of their TC
activities and professional contributions. We have not kept track of all such submissions in
the past but plan on publishing a yearly bibliography (reference list) of space logistics
related articles in the future. An examples of journal articles published in 2010 is:
Grogan, P.T., A. Siddiqi, and O.L. de Weck, 2010, “Matrix Methods for Optimal
Manifesting of Multinode Space Exploration Systems”, Accepted for publication in Journal
of Spacecraft and Rockets
f. Contributions to SMG Newsletter or Website
We plan on contributing to the SMG Newsletter and Website in 2011.
7. TC Participation/Activities with AIAA Sections, TCs, and PCs
Sarah Shull is a member of the AIAA National YP committee.
8. TC Participation in AIAA Committees/Activities
AIAA SLTC Past Chair de Weck also serves as Associate Editor of the AIAA Journal of
Spacecraft and Rockets (JSR).
9. TC Outreach and Education Activities
a. Website
b. Student Design/Build Competitions
Our TC members sought a NASA grant to pursue an online gaming strategy for our student
engagement as we feel that this is different and an effective means to engaging the young
generation that is accustomed to such active online environments. As part of our TC outreach
strategy we planned to develop an online game based on the existing SpaceNet 2.5 JAVA
based modeling and simulation environment. Unfortunately we were not selected for grant
Education/STEM Activities
Wednesday, February 10 2010. Chris Marchant with Draper Labs, presenting on the Ares I
Avionics Architecture. Attending schools: MIT, Virginia Tech, University of Wisconsin,
University of Maryland
10. TC Public Policy Activities
a. TC Person Responsible for Public Policy Activities
AIAA SLTC Chair … we do not have a dedicated public policy liaison yet
b. List Public Policy Activities (e.g., Key Issues, CVD Participation)
Associate member Grogan attended CVD 2010, and is planning on attending again in
11. Other TC Activities/Honors/Accomplishments of Significance
a. Collectively our TC membership is very engaged in current space logistics engineering
and operations activities that impact national and global space logistics operations. An
incomplete list of our activities is shown below with the name of the most relevant TC
members in parenthesis
- New ISS Resupply Commercial Vehicles (COTS) (Shull)
- Space Logistics Campaign Planning and Simulation (Grogan, de Weck)
- Exploration Software, enabling Technologies (Held)
- RLV Mission Operations (Hellman)
- Exploration and Operations Cost Modeling (Shishko)
- Integrated Logistics Management (Evans, Bachman)
- Space Logistics Capability Development and Investment (Taylor)
- Spaceports (Barker), Space Launch Operations (Rodriguez, Steele)
- In-Space Infrastructure (Snead)
- Others
12. Please provide a paragraph summarizing what you feel was the most significant achievements
or activities of your TC.
The AIAA SLTC has made significant progress in 2010 and continues to retain and attract
strong membership. We expect to sustain a robust roster in 2011 with 30 members and 4
active subcommittees (publications, conferences, awards, education). Our main activity is our
support of AIAA Space 20XX with a dedicated track of approximately 6 sessions. Our
primary publications projects are the new AIAA Progress Series book as well as the two
Standards. Overall the collective sense is that the TC has continued to perform in 2010 and is
on a very good trajectory.
Appendix A
Sessions sponsored by the AIAA Space Logistics TC at the Space 2010 conference
Monday, 30 August
1400 Hours: 008-SL-1 ISS Logistics and Supportability
 AIAA-2010-8620 The Automated Transfer Vehicle - A Valuable Asset for ISS Logistics
 AIAA-2010-8621 Cygnus: Back to the Future - Applying Commercial Program Lessons Learned
Tuesday, 31 August
1030 Hours: 042-SL-2 Exploration Logistics and Supportability
 AIAA-2010-8697 Improving Mission Reliability, Enhancing Astronaut Safety, and Reducing the
Life Cycle Costs of Exploration through Design Commonality and Dual Use Systems
 AIAA-2010-8698 Affordable Logistics Using Proven Commercial Human Flight Technology
 AIAA-2010-8699 Comparison of Supportability Analysis Techniques for Lunar Surface Systems
 AIAA-2010-8700 The Impact of Flight Hardware Scavenging on Space Logistics
1630 Hours: 064-SL-3 Panel: ISS Sustainment Until Year 2020
Wednesday, 1 September
1000 Hours: 102-SL-6 Supply Chain Management and Analysis
 AIAA-2010-8805 Matrix Methods for Optimal Manifesting of Multi-Node Space Exploration
 AIAA-2010-8806 Systems Engineering and the Role Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Within
the NASA Project Life Cycle Framework
 AIAA-2010-8807 Towards Enhanced Sustainability in the Aerospace Industry
 AIAA-2010-8808 Data Management, Collaboration, and Model Integration for Space
Exploration System Analysis and Design
1600 Hours: 124-SL-7 On-Orbit Servicing
 AIAA-2010-8832 Risk Analysis of On-Orbit Spacecraft Refueling Concepts
 AIAA-2010-8833 On-Orbit Satellite Servicing from a Vehicle Routing Viewpoint
 AIAA-2010-8637 Commercial Benefits of Orbital Refueling
 AIAA-2010-8638 Evolving to a Depot-Based Space Transport Architecture
Thursday, 2 September
1000 Hours: 146-SL-8 Future of Space Logistics
 AIAA-2010-8864 Orbital Power Beaming For Humanitarian Applications
 AIAA-2010-8865 Operations Support with a Virtual Space Logistics Readiness Center
 AIAA-2010-8866 Heavy Lift Space Logistics
 AIAA-2010-8867 The Rise of the Transnational State: Space Logistics, Diaspora Off the Earth,
and Sovereignty in Space