list of our Staff - North Walsham Junior, Infant School and

North Walsham Junior, Infant School and Nursery Federation
Who’s who in our schools (2015 2016)
Senior Leadership Team:
Executive Head Teacher - Mrs. Clare Fletcher
Executive Deputy Head – Mrs. Gill Finch
Assistant Head KS2: Mr. Nick Read
EYFS Phase Leader - Mrs. Jenny Wyant
Key Stage 1 Phase Leader -Mrs. Jackie Hallam
Inclusion Leader- Miss Sue Kitchener
Year Group Leader (1) - Mrs Charlene Pinkham / Year Group Leader (3) - Mrs Sarah Smith/ Year Group Leader (4) – Miss Anna McAlpine
Year Group Leader (5) – Mrs Emma McGuinness/ Year Group Leader (6) – Mrs Jane Hunt
If you would like to speak to any of these staff, then please enquire at the school office for their availability.
Staff team NWIS:
Fox Class
Hedgehog Class
Squirrel Class
Panda Class
Lion Class
Elephant Class
Owl Class
Kangaroos Class
Tiger Class
Mrs Sally Seymour/ Miss Tracy Bailey/ Mrs Cherry
Mrs Jenny Wyant/Mrs Wendy Cowley/Miss Paula
Ms Jane Clayton/ Mrs Lysa Shuttleworth -Hobbs
Miss Kate Moore /Mrs Julia Giani/ Miss Natasha Morris
Mrs Tab Sims/ Mrs Nicky Fiszer/ Mr Dale Gayfer
Mrs Hannah Simpson/Mrs Bev McGinnis
Mrs Charlene Pinkham/Mrs Sally Sizeland
Mrs Rebecca Papworth/ Mrs Bev Leeder
Mrs Jackie Hallam/Mr Jim Barrett/Mrs Mary
Emerson/Mrs Vicci Smith/Miss Penny Day
Mr Tom Smith/ Mrs Jenny Welsh
KS1 Teaching Assistants
Mrs Wendy Brown
Mrs Helen Burdett
Mrs Colleen Covell
Link Worker
ICT Technician
Mrs Debbie Bedford
Mr Dave Faccenda-Tait
Admin Team
Mrs Carolle Robinson
Mrs Heather West
Mrs Kelly Sayer
Mrs Sarah Dowe
Mrs Jane Godden
Staff team NWJS:
Miss Jo Ramsay/ Mrs Janet Wardle
Mrs Sarah Smith/ Mrs Rachel McCann
Mrs Katie Pascoe/ Mrs Jane Nicholson
Ms Shereen Jackson/ Miss Tanya Dyckhoff
Miss Anna McAlpine/ Mrs Helen Dunger
Mr Gavin Morgan/ Mrs Rebecca Owen
Miss Jo Luce/Mrs Jo Bateman/ Mrs Laura Vann
Mr Lawrence Dibden/ Mrs Lucy Mills
Mrs Emma McGuinness/ Mr David Ballard
Mrs Jane Hunt/Mrs Nina Bruce/ Miss Chelsea Walls
Mrs Abby Jones/ Mrs Mandy Welsh
Mrs Emma Curtis/ Mrs Sheryl Isbell
KS2 Teaching Assistants
Mrs Georgina Peck
Mrs Lynda East
Mr Dale Gayfer
Mrs Margery Moreton
Mrs Laura Cowell
ICT Technician
Link Worker
Mr David Faccenda-Tait
Mrs Debbie Bedford
Mrs Susan Wallace
Admin Team
Mrs Sue Emerson
Miss Sarah Roberts
Mrs Kelly Sayer
Mrs Sarah Dowe
Mrs Helen Taylor
Aims of our Schools
Each child recognised as an individual so our teaching specifically targets their learning needs, develops their social skills and nurtures their talents
A focus on literacy so every child will become an avid reader, a fluent writer and a confident speaker
A focus on mathematics so every child will become a confident, skilful mathematician
Thinking and questioning at the heart of our curriculum so that children are encouraged to explore, enquire and extend their learning
Strong values, developing in every child resilience, creativity, politeness, respect and motivation to succeed
Outstanding teaching so that every child learns new things every day and is motivated to attend school
An exciting, stimulating curriculum taught inside and outdoors
A calm, purposeful environment in which to learn, with a clear focus on rewarding positive behaviour
A coaching culture to support the development of thinking and learning processes
…………………………… Dream, believe, learn, achieve ……………………………
We are proud of what we have achieved since the two schools federated with one Headteacher and one Governing Body in July 2012. We
have a School Improvement Plan each year to follow, which sets out the priorities for the development of the schools. Key focus areas are
This next school year will be an exciting and challenging one. We have more new staff to settle in and a building project to deal with!
There is also the small matter of keeping up with the Government’s changes to education and schooling whilst Norfolk County Council’s
education services are cut back again, leaving schools responsible for much more and with less money to do it with.
It will again be a challenge for us all, but we strive for the best and the staff work really hard to make our Federation such a success.
Target 1 Focus : To maintain impeccable pupil behaviour to enable the best learning for all
Target 2 Focus: To continue to improve the quality of teaching & learning through robust quality assurance processes
Target 3 Focus: To raise attainment overall by accelerating pupil progress (especially disadvantaged pupils)
Target 4 Focus: To develop outstanding leadership and management across the Federation
5 Focus: To improve the quality of the curriculum and ensure staff use agreed assessments consistently