START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange at A or B with

START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange at A or B with hands relaxed at sides. Pistol and all
spare magazines loaded to 6 rounds only. Shooter’s weapon is flat on either barrel, loaded, with
muzzle pointed safely downrange. Any/all spare magazines are to be placed on opposite barrel.
STAGE PROCEDURE On the signal, retrieve weapon from barrel and engage each target with 1 round
only. When weapon is empty, retrieve other mag and engage each target again with 1 round only. No
additional reloads allowed.
SCORING: Limited Vickers- 12 rounds TARGETS: 6 IDPA SCORED HITS: 2 per target
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Standing and facing down range at A with hands above shoulders. Load to Division
Capacity. Gun holstered.
STAGE PROCEDURE On the signal, draw and engage 2 targets at the sides of the wall with 2 rounds to
the torso area and 1 round to the head area in any order or sequence from or while moving to shooting
position C.
While keeping muzzle safely downrange, move to position B and engage 4 remaining targets. Those on
the outside must be engaged with 2 rounds and the two in the middle must be engaged with 1 round.
Note to Scorekeeper: Any shot impacting the barrier will incur a procedural penalty. No reloads on the
move from C to B – reload must take place behind barrel.
SCORING: Vickers- 18 rounds
SCORED HITS: 2 shots on each of the four outside targets and 1 shot on each of the two middle targets
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Sitting at A facing down range holding cards. Load to 6 rounds only. Gun flat on table.
STAGE PROCEDURE On signal, engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each in Tactical Sequence (1-1-2-1-1).
Reload and re-engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each, weak hand only. All targets must be engaged from
position A. Shooter must remain in the seated position during string of fire.
SCORING: Limited Vickers- 12 rounds
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 secs
START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange at A with hands relaxed at sides. Load to Division
Capacity. Gun is holstered. Concealment garment required. STAGE PROCEDURE On the start signal,
draw and engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each (Tactical Priority) while retreating to cover position at B. From
cover position B, engage T4-T6 with 2 rounds each (Tactical Priority) with at least one knee on the
ground. Targets may be engaged over the top of the barrel. Make-up shots for T1-T3 may be taken from
position B. All reloads must be initiated and completed behind cover at B.
SCORING: Vickers- 12 rounds
START-STOP: Audible- Last Shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange at A with hands relaxed at sides. Load to 6 rounds
only. Gun holstered.
STAGE PROCEDURE On the signal, draw and engage T1 with 6 rounds. All shots must be taken from
position A.
SCORING: Limited Vickers- 6 rounds
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange behind Bianchi Barricade/Door at A with hands
touching Barricade/Door. Gun holstered.
STAGE PROCEDURE On the start signal, draw and engage each IDPA target with 2 rounds and 6
poppers with 1 round each in Tactical Priority using both sides of Bianchi Barricade. All targets must be
engaged from position A.
Note to Scorekeeper: The shooter’s feet must be inside the box of the Bianchi Barricade or a 3 second
cover procedural shall be assessed.
Score steel left standing as 5 points down and a Failure to Neutralize.
SCORING: Vickers- 12 rounds
TARGETS: 2 IDPA, 6 Mini-poppers
SCORED HITS: 3 each (IDPA), 1 each (poppers)
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
If door is available/operable make door activator and both targets swingers
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange at A with hands relaxed at sides. Load to 6 rounds
only. Shotgun loaded to 3 rounds only in tube, safety on, in barrel at B, muzzle safely downrange.
STAGE PROCEDURE On the signal, draw and engage IDPA targets with 2 rounds each (Tactical
Sequence – 1-1-2-1-1) while moving to position B. Upon shooting pistol to empty, place safely on barrel
or in holster, retrieve shotgun and engage 3 clay targets.
Note to Scorekeeper: Clay targets left unbroken (1 pellet hole is sufficient) shall be scored as 5 pts down
and a Failure to Neutralize.
SCORING: Vickers- 9 rounds
TARGETS: 3 IDPA, 3 Clays
SCORED HITS: 2 per IDPA, 1 per Clay
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Benelli’s tube loaded with 3 rounds, on safe
??Clays or steel??
??reholster or place pistol in box??
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Standing with gun loaded to division capacity and holstered. SK should roll die and
toss in box, close lid so shooter does not see dice.
STAGE PROCEDURE. Draw pistol and engage each target with 2 shots each, the number on the die
indicates which target is the no shoot.
SCORING: Vickers- 10 rounds
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
No-Shoot.10 secs
NOTES: Number targets
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec
START POSITION: Standing and facing downrange at A with hands relaxed at sides. Load to Division
STAGE PROCEDURE On the signal, draw and engage all 6 plates on the Plate Rack while standing. All
targets must be engaged from position A.
Note to Scorekeeper: Steel targets left standing shall be scored as 5 pts down and a Failure to
Neutralize. The shooter must fire a minimum of 6 rounds or incur a 3 second procedural penalty.
SCORING SCORING: Vickers- 6 rounds
TARGETS: Bianchi Plate Rack
SCORED HITS: 1 per steel plate
START-STOP: Audible - Last shot
PENALTIES: Procedural. 3 sec
Failure to do right. 20 sec
Failure to neutralize. 5 sec