Behaviour Policy November 2014


Behaviour Code (Nursery – Year 6)

November 2014

At John Bamford Primary School we believe that everyone who works within our school should enjoy the experience and feel satisfaction at making a positive contribution. In order to achieve this we need to discourage unacceptable behaviour, adopting a system which is consistent and understood throughout school. We must also emphasise and reward the good.

School Goals

Every learning area (including the school hall) will have 3 goals displayed prominently:

I can be kind to everyone and everything

I can listen and respond to adult instructions straight away

I can use good manners at all times

On each behaviour display board there will be:

A rainbow, a sun, a white cloud and a black cloud

At the start of each day every child’s name is on the sun.

(All names are in the colour corresponding to each child’s house team colour. Nursery children’s names are displayed in their keyworker colour).

If a child does not follow one of the goals, an adult explains to the child what they have done, using the language of choice, explaining that the child chosen to act that way.

The child must then move their name from the sun to the white cloud.

Names can be moved back to the sun if the child’s behaviour improves.

If a child chooses to persist in unacceptable behaviour then he / she will be asked to move his/her name to the black cloud.

Both white and black clouds are recorded in the class behaviour record. Children who have been on the black cloud, lose the right to choose their golden time that week, remaining with their class teacher. The class teacher will use their discretion to decide how much golden time that child will miss.

Golden Time (Reception-Yr 6)

At the beginning of each half term every teacher and TA will decide on a Golden Time activity that they will do each Friday from 2.30pm until 3.00pm.

Every Monday morning a chart will go up in each classroom showing which activity adults will be leading and each child puts his/her name under the activity he/she would like to do that Friday.

(Reception and KS1 will have 1 chart for each class to complete and KS2 will have another)

Only 5 children from each class are allowed to put their name under each activity and if their first choice activity is already full children must choose an alternative.

Each class teacher will then photocopy the chart for every other teacher / TA (in their key stage) and put them into pigeon holes by Friday registration time, so that each member of staff has a

record of who will be with them for Golden Time. Teachers must keep a record of their own class too.

Golden Time (Nursery)

From the summer term Nursery will have Golden Time for the last 15 minutes of their session on a

Friday morning


All consequences start afresh each week.

For children who choose to breach the goals there are consequences:

 The first time a child’s name goes onto a black cloud during the week staff MUST contact the child’s parent ( this can be on the playground or a phone call – NOT TEXT )

The second time, during the same week, that a child is on the black cloud staff must contact parents but ALSO send home a letter (a standardised copy will be used ) and a copy of the letter will be kept in the child’s file.

 The third time a child is on the black cloud the team leader makes contact with the parents.

The fourth time, the Deputy Head contacts parents.

 The fifth time the Head teacher contacts parents.

In exceptional circumstances, where extreme behaviours are displayed, a child may be excluded from school.


Positive reinforcement of good behaviour, work and effort is central to our Behaviour Policy.

Nursery children have all got their own ‘super hero’ reward card where they collect stickers for good behaviour, being kind, following the golden rules and for tidying up. When a child has achieved five stickers they will be encouraged to choose a small gift and a gold coin from the ‘super hero’ treasure box which they can take home with a small certificate. From the start of the summer term Nursery will be giving house points in line with the rest of the school.

House teams (Reception-Year 6):

Red Falcons

 Blue Buzzards

 Green Hawks

Yellow Kestrels

Staff will choose one Year 6 boy and one Year 6 girl from each team to be team captains.

House points (plastic counters in team colours) will be given as rewards for children to put into a jar within the classroom (Reception-Year 6).

Each Thursday afternoon class teachers will choose a child to count the number of house points each team has collected in their class, and record the numbers on a chart in the school hall.

The house points will all be added and the winning team will be announced in Friday’s Celebration assembly when the winning team captains will collect the house point cup / trophy from the Head teacher.

Children whose names always remain on the sun will be rewarded at the end of each half term by receiving an extra 10 minutes golden time.

Children who have excelled in their behaviour may move their name to the rainbow. Their name is recorded on the rainbow record and will be displayed on the scroll of honour in the hall at the end of each term.

Dinner Time (Reception-Year 6)

If children choose to behave in an unacceptable manner that breaches the school goals, Lunchtime

Supervisors will keep a record of events and report to class teachers at the end of the dinner time so that the children involved can move their names to the next cloud.

Lunchtime Supervisors may also reward children for good behaviour by giving children a raffle ticket.

During Friday assembly a raffle ticket will be drawn and the winner will receive a small reward.

Parental Involvement

 A copy of the school behaviour policy is available to all parents on the John Bamford website.

Parents will be informed as soon as their child chooses to breach our school goals.

 A copy of the behaviour system is available for parents if requested.

Reviewed by Ms Wall November 2014
