A Continuum Mechanics Approach of Deriving Stress Tensor Components of Double Shear-Plane Revolute Joints in the Elastic Domain by Christopher Stubbs A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Professor Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Thesis Adviser Additional Committee Members: _________________________________________ Professor Norberto Lemcoff _________________________________________ Professor Sudhangshu Bose Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT November 2014 (For Graduation December 2014) i © Copyright 2014 by Christopher Stubbs All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v LIST OF SYMBOLS ....................................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ viii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ix 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 History ................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................ 9 2. Theory and Method.................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Procedure.......................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Method ............................................................................................................. 10 2.2.1 Finite Element Model Development .................................................... 10 2.2.2 Output................................................................................................... 19 3. Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 20 3.1 Output Requests ............................................................................................... 20 3.2 Example Output ............................................................................................... 20 3.3 Regression Analysis ......................................................................................... 24 3.4 Verification Analyses ....................................................................................... 31 4. Conclusions................................................................................................................ 34 4.1 Future Work ..................................................................................................... 34 5. References.................................................................................................................. 35 6. Appendix 1................................................................................................................. 37 7. Appendix 2................................................................................................................. 43 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Parametric Analyses Performed ...................................................................... 19 Table 2 - Parameters for verification analysis ................................................................. 32 Table 3 - Verification Analyses, Error ............................................................................ 33 Table 4 - Verification Analyses, Average Error .............................................................. 33 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Example double shear clevis connection ......................................................... 1 Figure 2 – Madux’s parametric lug dimensions [4]........................................................... 3 Figure 3 – Wearing’s findings on hoop stress based on stepped analysis [6] ................... 4 Figure 4 – Stenman’s finite element model [7] ................................................................. 5 Figure 5 – To’s conforming bushing, section view [8] ..................................................... 6 Figure 6 – Antoni’s pin-bushing-lug system [10].............................................................. 6 Figure 7– Strozzi’s stress results from loaded clevis [11] ................................................. 7 Figure 8– Antoni’s spring contact representation [12] ...................................................... 8 Figure 9– Kwon’s contact stress distribution [13] ............................................................. 8 Figure 10 – Overall view of the finite element model ..................................................... 11 Figure 11 – Meshed Pin ................................................................................................... 12 Figure 12 – Meshed Inner and Outer Lug ....................................................................... 12 Figure 13 – Convergence study results, normalized ........................................................ 13 Figure 14 – Meshed assembly ......................................................................................... 14 Figure 15 – Load application ........................................................................................... 16 Figure 16 – Z symmetry plane ......................................................................................... 16 Figure 17 – X symmetry plane ........................................................................................ 17 Figure 18 – Fixed boundary condition............................................................................. 18 Figure 19 – von Mises stress of assembly ....................................................................... 19 Figure 20 – Shear tear-out plane ...................................................................................... 20 Figure 21 – Overall von Mises stress .............................................................................. 21 Figure 22 – Lug von Mises stress .................................................................................... 21 Figure 23 – Lug shear tear-out stress ............................................................................... 22 Figure 24 – Lug contact pressure..................................................................................... 22 Figure 25 – Pin von Mises stress ..................................................................................... 23 Figure 26 – Pin shear stress ............................................................................................. 23 Figure 27 – Pin contact pressure ...................................................................................... 24 Figure 28 – Lug von Mises, load applied ........................................................................ 25 Figure 29 – Lug von Mises, lug width ............................................................................. 26 Figure 30 – Lug von Mises, lug gap ................................................................................ 26 v Figure 31 – Lug von Mises, Young’s modulus ratio ....................................................... 26 Figure 32 – Lug von Mises, Poisson’s ratio ratio ............................................................ 27 vi LIST OF SYMBOLS Symbol Definition Units σ1 von Mises stress, lug psi σ2 shear tear-out stress, lug psi σ3 contact pressure, lug psi σ4 von Mises stress, pin psi σ5 shear stress, pin psi σ6 Epin Elug gap contact pressure, pin Young’s modulus of pin Young’s modulus of lug lug gap psi Kn1 stress multiplication factor for σn, based on lug gap - Kn2 stress multiplication factor for σn, based on ratio of pin to lug Young’s moduli - Kn3 stress multiplication factor for σn, based on ratio of pin to lug Poisson’s ratios - Kn4 stress multiplication factor for σn, based on lug width - Lw υ_pin υ_lug lug width Poisson’s ratio of pin Poisson’s ratio of lug in - psi psi in vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thanks Professor Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete for his advisement and guidance – he saw this work through from inception to completion. My friends and coworker at General Dynamics Electric Boat have all provided motivation and advice in one way or another. Jeffrey Pierce has drawn on his vast knowledge of solid mechanics to point me in the right direction or to provide me with the means to complete this work. Lastly, I would like to thank my family and Mirrie Choi for their continued support; this would not have been possible without them. viii ABSTRACT The current engineering community uses finite element analyses in the development and design of double shear-plane clevis connections. Although accurate, finite element analyses of this nature are non-linear in nature, and are often both time consuming and computationally intensive. This thesis presents an approach for sizing frictionless double shear-plane clevis connections to be under their material yield strengths for their given application. This will lessen the need for the engineering community to rely on finite element analysis in designing these clevis connections. Instead, simple empirical formulae may be used. This has the advantage of (1) not needing specialized personnel to develop finite element models, (2) much shorter analysis time, and (3) a much shorter iteration time to understand what dimensions and variables are most critical for a given clevis system. Finite element analysis is utilized to simulate testing for purposes of developing empirical formulae based on the load through the connection, lug widths, lug gaps, Young’s moduli, and Poisson ratios. Regression analysis is then used to derive closedform empirical formulae, using multiplication factors based upon each parametric evaluated. A verification analysis is performed to evaluate the error of the empirical formulae, and acceptable levels of accuracy are verified. ix 1. Introduction 1.1 Background A clevis connection is defined herein as a revolute joint, comprising of two of more lugs and a single pin. A double shear-plane clevis connection is defined as a clevis connection with three lugs, and therefore two shear planes. These joints have widespread applications in mechanical systems, ranging from submarine applications to house-hold door hinges. Although both single- and multi-shear-plane clevis joints exist, double shearplane joints are by far the most common in practical applications. This is because they balance the advantages of a multi-shear-plane connection due to their load-sharing ability and symmetry, and the advantages of a single shear-plane clevis due to their simplicity of fabrication, installation, and maintenance. Figure 1 depicts an example clevis connection. In clevis connections, two components rotate relative to another about a single axis, with the other degrees of freedom remaining constrained to one another. Clevis connections are used in a widespread variety of application, including door hinges, automotive drive shaft joints, and any other hinged connection in which two shear planes are required for the robustness of the system. Figure 1 – Example double shear clevis connection 1 However, despite the commonality of many aspects of most clevis connections, most documentation examines specific and unique joint designs [8]. Some sources examine varying aspects of the clevis connection, but only base the design on data from tests that bring the connection to failure, and thus reflect a nonlinear, elastic-plastic response [4]. Other sources [13] evaluate only one stress component of a single component of the clevis system, such as bending in the pin, while ignoring pin shear and the entire lug tensor. Additionally, each source is tailored towards maximum accuracy at certain radius-tolength aspect ratios, and thus various sources yield different results for a given clevis system. 1.2 History A thorough literature review of interference pin connections prior to 1966 was performed by Venkatarman [1]. Included in the work done prior to 1966 was that of Cozzone and Melcon [2], who presented a study in 1950, which was subsequently updated by Melcon in 1953 [3], attempting to give generalized empirical data for pin and lug joints. Particularly, they examined the cross sections in which (1) bearing and shear were highest, and (2) in which the net tensile failure of the lug would occur. They were the first to be able to correlate empirical data, destructive testing, and close-form formulae for predicting failure in the lug. Furthermore, they were able to extrapolate these formulae for multi-lug connections. In 1969, Madux et al [4], in cooperation with the United States Air Force, attempted to put forth a fully comprehensive document for use in the design and evaluation of pin joints. Namely, they produced a series of empirical curves to estimate produce stress intensity factors for the various failure modes. Madux evaluated both single shear and multi shear lug designs, for use in designing components to be under their ultimate strength. They parameterized a number of geometric aspects of the clevis connection, as shown in Figure 2, to derive these generalized formulae based on the physical characteristics of the system. Key conclusions of this study were (1) that the governing failure mode changes depending on the pin and lug geometry, transitioning from shear to compression in the lug at given geometry ratios; (2) that a generalized method of 2 developing a stress intensity factors was possible; (3) the method can be used to evaluate the stress components of both axial and transverse loading scenarios. Figure 2 – Madux’s parametric lug dimensions [4] However, the work done prior to 1978 focused primarily on full contact along the width of the pin, as well as presuming a state of either full- or no-slip between the pin and clevis; it was therefore followed up with a continued literature review up to 1978 by Rao [5]. Rao focused on the two-dimensional analysis of the problem of a pin in a plate layout. He evaluated the non-linearities of an initial clearance, and estimated the stresses in the pin, plate, and contact interface. He also investigated the effects of slip in the pin-to-plate model. In 1985, Wearing et al [6] investigated the effect of an initial clearance on a twodimensional framework. However, the advent of finite element analysis, in conjunction with the use of analytical step function representations, allowed Wearing to transition from a pin within an infinite plate, to a pin within a clevis lug joint. The linear stepping theory used in Wearing’s investigation evaluated a finite number of distinct points on the contact surface of the lug, and utilized the stiffness matrix of the system to define if a given point was in contact or not. Slowly stepping through a load application, he was able to gradually load the pin as to engage each point in series. The result of this work was first look at a potential fully-deformable physical solution, in which the tension-compression strains caused by the hoop stress and contact loading at the pin-lug interface correlated with photo-elastic testing. An example of Wearing’s tension-compression strain plot is 3 depicted in Figure 3. This plot shows how the tension and compression changes along the contact surface of the lug. Figure 3 – Wearing’s findings on hoop stress based on stepped analysis [6] In 2008, with the vast improvement of computational capacity, and the popularization of finite element software, Stenman [7] sought to re-evaluate Madux and the United States Air Force’s findings from 1969. Specifically, she examined the third dimension of the revolute joint; where Venkataraman, Rao, and Wearing all examined the radial and azimuthal dimensions, Stenamn sought to verify Madux’s claims with respect to the axial dimension. She used commercial finite element software to develop models to compare with Madux’s findings. Figure 4 depicts the model developed by Stenman’s analyses, in which symmetry constraints were used to increase the computation efficiency of the study. In double shear clevis connections, the contact pressure as a function of axial distance from the edge of a lug is non-linear, with the peak pressure existing at the shear plane, and the pressure decreasing at some rate along the axial dimension of the pin. For purposes of analytical solutions, Madux assumed the contact pressure distribution to be uniform over the contact area. However, Stenman found that a more appropriate solution resulted from 4 using a uniform pressure distribution that did not extend the full length of the lug, but instead extended to a representative distance from the edge of the lug as found by the finite element model. Figure 4 – Stenman’s finite element model [7] In 2008, Q. D. To et al [8] began investigating more complex versions of Roa’s pinplate model. The investigation centered on a system in which the bushing between the pin and lug was of non-trivial thickness, and was of a conforming nature. Specifically, they evaluated a system in which a bolt was placed into a hole in a glass plate, in which the hole was much larger than the pin. The pin was subsequently glued to the glass using a resin. A cross-sectional view of the system is depicted in Figure 5. This example is unique in that unlike previous studies ([1]-[7]), this problem is driven in large part by a conforming intermediate layer. This study was an advancement from previous investigation performed by Ciavarella and Decuzzi [9], as it took into account the influence of friction on the systematic behavior of the pin-in-plate concept. However, although friction does play an important role in the system, the general contours of stress at the contact interface were markedly similar in To’s and Rao’s models. 5 Figure 5 – To’s conforming bushing, section view [8] In contrast with To, in 2010 Antoni [10] examined non-conforming intermediate bushings. As depicted in Figure 6, the system was comprised of a pin, a thin nonconforming bushing, and a lug. This work focused on shrink-fit, cold expansion, thermal, or axial pin-loading conditions on bushings. Analytical solutions were derived, and compared with highly refined two-dimensional finite element models. The finite element analyses featured an analytic pin, with a highly refined mesh of a deformable bushing and lug. This high level of mesh refinement was done to accurately capture the stress phenomena at the interfacing surface between the bushing and the lug. Figure 6 – Antoni’s pin-bushing-lug system [10] 6 In 2011, Strozzi [11] expanded Wearing’s investigation into progressive contact, where contact surfaces increase as more load is applied. He investigated pin-lug joints in which an initial clearance yielded different system behaviors. The result of his investigation was a further development of Madux’s stress concentration factor, K, to include initial clearances as well as varying angles tapered thicknesses of the lug. The design charts presented in Strozzi’s investigation are validated and presented for use in the designing of clevis connections, where peak stress concentrations are of concern, namely for fatigue applications. Figure 7 depicts the lug system studied, including the offset load applied (offset at an arbitrary angle α). Figure 7– Strozzi’s stress results from loaded clevis [11] Antoni [12] continued his previous investigations from 2010, and in 2013 added nonlinearities to his evaluations. As depicted in Figure 8, Antoni used a matrix of springs to represent the deformation of the lug as load is applied to the pin. The three non-linearities focused on in his work were initial clearances – where he added to Strozzi’s study – conforming contact – where he added to To’s work – and an evaluation of regressive and progressive contact. Contrary to progressive contact, the study into regressive contact postulated a system in which the area of the contact interface decreased as more load was applied. His findings suggested that the regressive phenomenon of contact separation results in a decrease in the overall stiffness of the system, while an initial clearance results in an overall increase in the stiffness. 7 Figure 8– Antoni’s spring contact representation [12] Finally, in 2013, Kwon [13] further investigated Madux’s and Stenman’s results, and described a finite element model in which the contact pressure between the lug and pin was represented as a linear pressure distribution, not a uniform pressure distribution. Like Stenman, Kwon investigated the problem in all three dimensions, but he focused primarily on the bending stress of the pin along its axis. From that analysis, he put forward a critical pin diameter, at which the transition occurs between the bending and the shear stress governing the failure of the pin. As an example of Kwon’s results, Figure 9 shows the contact pressure of the pin as it varies along its length, with the two peaks representing the inner edges of the two outer lugs. Figure 9– Kwon’s contact stress distribution [13] 8 1.3 Objective The objective of this thesis is to present an approach for sizing frictionless double shear-plane clevis connections that will function under their material yield strengths for their given application. Finite element analysis will be utilized to simulate the connections for purposes of developing empirical formulae based on the load through the connection, pin clearance, lug widths, lug gaps, Young’s moduli, and Poisson ratios. For frictionless double shear-plane clevis connections, the development of closedform formulae for three-dimensional problems to date has been limited; based on the high complexity and nonlinearity of the contact stiffness matrix, most formulae have been deduced from physical testing, which is both expensive and data-restrictive. Therefore, the industry-typical approach has become to derive equations for a given clevis connection on a case-by-case basis for each design. However, with the development of finite element analysis, the ability to obtain data from a mass array of virtual experimentation is now possible. Still, the use of finite element analysis does not change the fact that each clevis system needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Substituting the current method with simple empirical formulae is that no specialized personnel to develop finite element models are required, the analysis time is greatly reduced, and a much shorter iteration time exists, allowing the engineer to quickly understand what dimensions and variables are most critical for a given clevis system. 9 2. Theory and Method 2.1 Procedure The procedure used in this thesis is a four step process for deriving closed-form formulae for a standard pin-lug clevis: Step 1: Perform a convergence study on a finite element model to ensure accuracy and validity of analysis Step 2: Perform a carefully designed suite of analyses varying the parameters to be used in the closed-form solution – one parameter at a time Step 3: Perform regression analysis on the computed results and derive equations using best fit curves to the computed data Step 4: Verify solutions by comparing closed-form solutions with three additional analyses 2.2 Method A finite element model was developed to analyze the stress field in the pin and lugs of a generic clevis connection. Parametric analyses will be performed, with the analyses varying load through the connection, lug widths, lug gaps, Young’s moduli, and Poisson ratios. The data will then be extracted and processed to derive generalized empirical formulae for double shear-plane clevis connection. The clevis connection used has a 0.5” pin radius and lug inner radius, a 1.0” lug outer radius, and an inner lug that twice the thickness of a given outer lug. These dimensions were used as a baseline, as they represent a typical clevis connection used in the engineering community. As the empirical formulae become less accurate the more the design deviates from the baseline configuration, it was important to represent a clevis design that was centered within the common design envelope. 2.2.1 Finite Element Model Development All geometry was modeled using ABAQUS/CAE, Version 6.13-EF1. analyses were performed using ABAQUS/Standard, Version 6.13-EF1. files were used for the finite element analysis. 10 The The following Figure 10 – Overall view of the finite element model As depicted in Figure 10, the finite element model consists of a one-quarter pin, onehalf of the outer lug (depicted in green above), and quarter of the middle lug (depicted in beige above). Symmetry boundary conditions were established to reduce the model size and allow for a more detailed mesh for the same computational resource. All elements are 3-dimensional 20-noded hexahedral reduced integration continuum elements, denoted in ABAQUS as C3D20R. The meshed components are shown in Figures 11 and 12. Zero element errors and zero element warnings existed in the models after meshing. 11 Figure 11 – Meshed Pin Figure 12 – Meshed Inner and Outer Lug 12 A mesh convergence study was performed to verify the adequacy of the mesh, and is presented in Appendix 1. Upon collecting data from each of the convergence study models, a plot is produced of mesh density vs. stress, and then is normalized to the most dense mesh result. Figure 13 depicts the mesh convergence study data. As described in Appendix 1, the von Mises stresses of the pin are within 10% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 1, and within 5% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 2. The von Mises stresses of the lug are within 10% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 6, and within 5% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 8. Therefore, a mesh-radius ratio of 8 is maintained throughout the study. 1.1 1.05 1 Value (Normalized) 0.95 Pin Mises (S MISES) 0.9 Lug Mises (S MISES) 0.85 Shear Tear Out (S12) 0.8 Net Tensile (S22) 0.75 Pin Bending (S33) 0.7 Pin Shear (S12) 0.65 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 0.6 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 0.55 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MR # Figure 13 – Convergence study results, normalized Each component is assigned a material for any given analysis. As a NewtonRaphson solution ABAQUS/Standard is being used for a static analysis, density is not considered. Only Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio are varied. For the baseline analysis, the Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio values are set to 3E7 psi and 0.3 respectively, typical for steel. 13 The system is arranged such that the pin is initially in contact with the bottom of the inner lug contact surface, and the top of the outer lug contact surface. The mid-length of the pin is co-planar with the mid-length of the inner lug. The gap between the inner lug and outer lug are varied, and the pin protrudes from the outer lug an arbitrary amount, as it has been shown by Kwon [13] that the stresses in the system are not a function of pin length beyond the outer lug. Figure 14 – Meshed assembly 14 Each ABAQUS analysis consists of two steps. These steps are Initial and Load. Initial: In the Initial step, the appropriate constraints for each run are created. These boundary conditions set both the edge conditions and the symmetry constraints necessary to fully capture the kinematics of the system. Load: Load is a Static, General step. In this step, the load for each run is applied to the model. The load was applied as a uniform anti-pressure at the top surface of the inner lug; see Figure 15. 15 Figure 15 – Load application Two types of boundary conditions are imposed on the model. The first type are symmetry boundary conditions. These boundary conditions are imposed at the two symmetry planes in the model. The first is imposed at the mid-length of the inner lug and the mid-length of the pin (red highlighted surface shown in Figure 16). This allows for the axial extent of the model to be half of the physical system. This symmetry boundary condition is imposed on continuum element nodes using a zero-displacement condition in the z-axis degree of freedom (ABAQUS degree of freedom U3). Figure 16 – Z symmetry plane The second symmetry boundary condition is imposed at the 0-180 azimuth plane of the pin and both lugs (red highlighted surface shown in Figure 17). This allows for the Xaxis extent of the model to be half of the physical system. This symmetry boundary condition is imposed on continuum element nodes using a zero-displacement condition in 16 the x-axis degree of freedom (ABAQUS degree of freedom U1). The combination of the two symmetry conditions allows for the model extent to be one quarter of the physical system, allowing for a much more detailed mesh for the same computational resources. Figure 17 – X symmetry plane The second type of boundary condition is a fixed boundary condition, which is applied at the bottom of the outer lug (red highlighted surface shown in Figure 18). This boundary condition both reacts the applied load and prevents the model from diverging based on free body modes. This fixed boundary condition is imposed on continuum element nodes using a zero-displacement condition in the y- and z-axis degree of freedom (ABAQUS degrees of freedom U2 and U3). 17 Figure 18 – Fixed boundary condition One contact interaction constraint is imposed in the model, between the pin and the lugs. As the curvature of contact is significant in this problem, surface smoothing at the interaction level is enlisted. Furthermore, the instances are places in initial full-closure, so no nodal adjustment is required. The interaction property normal to the contact surface is characterized by a classical Lagrange multiplier method, with the constraint utilizing a standard pressure-overclosure relationship. The interaction property tangential to the contact surface is characterized by a zero-penalty constraint. This is used to create a fully frictionless, full-slip condition. A total of 42 analyses were performed, in which the load applied, lug width, lug gap, Young’s modulus of the pin, and Poisson’s ratio of the pin were varied. Table 1 depicts all the analyses performed. 18 Minimum Maximum Value Value Increment Value Analyses Performed 4000 2 0.9 400 0.25 0.1 10 7 10 1.00E+07 6.00E+07 1.00E+07 6 0.05 0.45 0.05 9 Parametric Units Load Lug Width Lug Gap Young's Modulus of Pin Poisson's Ratio of Pin lbf in in 400 0.5 0 psi - Table 1 – Parametric Analyses Performed 2.2.2 Output For each analysis, the full set of results was examined. Here, an example of typical results is presented. Figure 19 displays an overall view of the von Mises stresses of the assembly when 100% of the load is applied. Figure 19 – von Mises stress of assembly As can be seen in Figure 19, the maximum stress in the system is at the contact surface between the pin and the lug, at each lug edge. The stress dissipates along the axial length of the pin, as was described by both Stenman [7] and Kwon [13]. In addition, the pin shear stress, dominated by pure shear due to the short moment arm, but still with the existence of transverse shear, can be seen in the unsupported section of the pin between lugs. 19 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Output Requests Output is requested for specific key variables that can be evaluated and independently verified with previous historical and empirical data. The variables of interest are von Mises stresses for the lug and pin, contact pressure for the lug and pin, shear-tear out at the lug, contact pressure at the lug and pin, and shear stress at the pin. The following figure shows a diagram of the shear-tear out plane of interest for clarity. Figure 20 – Shear tear-out plane 3.2 Example Output The following figures show example outputs for a single loading condition. The analysis shown is part of the analysis suite of varying loads. The particular analysis depicted is of a load of a load of 4000 lbf applied to the system. The full results, best fit curves, and R2 values can be found in Appendix 2. Figure 21 depicts the overall von Mises stress. 20 Figure 21 – Overall von Mises stress Figure 22 depicts the von Mises stress of the two lugs. The high stresses are at the edges of each lug, based on the increased contribution of the contact pressure. Figure 22 – Lug von Mises stress Figure 23 depicts the shear stress of the lug. The shear tear-out plane has spread out from a singular plane, which is what exists with a small load, to two distinct shear planes at some angle away from the symmetry plane. The angle away from the symmetry plane is dependent on the load applied, geometry, and material properties. 21 Figure 23 – Lug shear tear-out stress Figure 24 depicts the lug contact pressure. As expected, the contact pressure dissipates along the axial length of the pin, as was described by both Stenman and Kwon. Figure 24 – Lug contact pressure Figure 25 depicts the von Mises stress in the pin, with varying contributions from contact pressure, shear stress, and bending stress. 22 Figure 25 – Pin von Mises stress Figure 26 depicts the shear stress in the pin. The shear stress is a result of both transverse and pure shear, mainly occurring at the unsupported section of the pin between the lugs. Figure 26 – Pin shear stress 23 Figure 27 depicts the contact pressure on the pin. As expected, the contact pressure is highest at the edge of the lugs, and rapidly decreases in stress down to almost zero along the axial length of the pin. Figure 27 – Pin contact pressure 3.3 Regression Analysis Through the use of regression analyses, multiplication factors are determined for each variable, and a final set of closed form expressions representing the finite element results are developed. Equations are presented for von Mises stress in the lug, shear tearout in the lug, contact pressure in the lug, von Mises stress in the pin, shear stress in the pin, and contact pressure in the pin. For each stress mode, a general equation based upon the load applied is presented and then stress multiplication factors for each variable are presented. K1 is the multiplication factor from the axial gap between lugs, K2 is the multiplication factor from the Young’s Moduli, K3 is the multiplication factor from the Poisson’s ratios, and K4 is the multiplication factor from the lug width. The equations were derived by creating a best fit curve for the data, evaluating them at the baseline condition (0.5” lug gap, 2” lug width, and Epin/Elug = υ _pin/ υ_lug = 1), and dividing the equation by the result of the baseline equation, i.e. normalizing each equation such that at the baseline condition, the multiplication factor is equal to 1. 24 An example of the regression analysis is shown here, for shear tear-out in the lug. However, the other five stress components evaluated are performed similarly. For the full set of results, see Appendix 2. First, the various analyses were post-process, and best-fit curves were created. The curves were created using a polynomial function of the power needed to create a good correlation (R2 > 0.98). In addition, the curve for load applied was set about a y-intercept of 0, as no stress exists with zero load applied. The following figures show the post-processing for lug shear tear-out as a function of load, gap, Young’s modulus (ratio of pin to lug), Poisson’s ratio (ratio of pin to lug), and lug width. Lug von Mises vs Load (lbf) 25000 y = 5.8691x R² = 1 20000 15000 Lug Mises (S MISES) 10000 Linear (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 5000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Figure 28 – Lug von Mises, load applied Lug von Mises vs Lug width (in) 3000 y = 636.44x3 - 2914.5x2 + 4151.7x + 541.86 R² = 0.9944 2500 2000 Lug Mises (S MISES) 1500 Poly. (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 1000 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 25 2.5 Figure 29 – Lug von Mises, lug width Lug von Mises vs Lug gap (in) 3000 y = 1279.7x + 1625 R² = 0.9996 2500 2000 Lug Mises (S MISES) 1500 Linear (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 1000 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 30 – Lug von Mises, lug gap Lug von Mises vs Young's modulus Ratio (-) y = 580.98x2 - 2377.3x + 4078.9 R² = 0.9958 4000 3500 3000 2500 Lug Mises (S MISES) 2000 1500 Poly. (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 1000 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 31 – Lug von Mises, Young’s modulus ratio 26 Lug von Mises vs Poisson's Ratio Ratio (-) y = -130.5x + 2392.1 R² = 0.9909 2400 2350 2300 Lug Mises (S MISES) 2250 Linear (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 2200 2150 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 32 – Lug von Mises, Poisson’s ratio ratio The equations taken from each curve, except for the load applied curve, are then evaluated for the baseline configuration, which is a lug gap of 0.5”, a lug width of 2.0”, and a Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio pin-to-lug ratio of 1. This is shown in the equations below. The first equation is the best fit curve for the lug gap (“gap”). The second is the best fit curve based for the Young’s modulus ratio (“Epin/Elug”). The third is the best fit curve for the Poisson’s ratio ratio (“Vpin/Vlug”). The fourth is the best fit curve for the lug width (“Lw”). The following equations show each equation set at the baseline configuration. 27 The equations are then normalized by their value at the baseline configuration. This is done to set each equation to 1.0 at the baseline configuration, such that the equations can be used as multiplication factors, or factors that affect the stress as a function of the system’s deviation from the baseline configuration. That means, for example, if all four equations were set to a value of 2 (i.e. the pre-normalized equations resulting in double the stress as the baseline configuration), the resulting overall multiplication factor would be 16. The equations therefore become: These equations are then combined with the curve for the applied load, such that each multiplication factor is multiplied together, and then multiplied with the load applied curve. This yields a final equation for von Mises stress in lug of: (1) As was done in the preceding example, the shear stress in the pin and lug, the contact pressure in the pin and the lug, and the von Mises stress in the pin are also derived. The shear tear-out stress in the lug is determined to be: (2) 28 Where: The contact pressure in the lug is determined to be: (3) Where: 29 The von Mises stress in the pin is determined to be: (4) Where: The shear stress in the pin is determined to be: (5) Where: 30 The contact pressure in the pin is determined to be: (6) Where: 3.4 Verification Analyses To confirm that the formulae presented are accurate, three verification analyses are performed, with the parameters shown in Table 2. 31 Parameter Value Verification 1 Verification 2 Verification 3 Load (lbf) 400 800 80 Gap (in) 0.3 0.5 0.4 Epin (psi) 6.00E+07 4.00E+07 3.00E+07 Elug (psi) 3.00E+07 2.00E+07 3.00E+07 v_pin 0.15 0.3 0.2 v_lug 0.3 0.2 0.4 1 1.4 1.2 Lug Width (in) Table 2 - Parameters for verification analysis As an example, the resulting finite element analysis from Verification 1 showed a maximum von Mises stress in the lug of 1612 psi. For that configuration, the computed multiplication factors, and computed von Mises stress in the lug are: The resulting error on the analysis is calculated to be 1.36%, well within the acceptable limits of accuracy. Table 3 depicts the error percentages for all six stress components evaluated, for all four verification analyses. The resulting error of the analyses varies depending on the analysis and stress component. Among all four analyses, the average error percentage of each stress component is shown in Table 4. It is found that the average error percentage among all stress components is less than 6.8%, within the acceptable limits of accuracy. 32 Stress Component Lug von Mises FEA Value (psi) 1612 Calculated Value (psi) 1586 Error (%) 1.6 Verification 1 Lug shear tear-out 800 794 0.8 Lug bearing 1350 1298 3.9 Pin von Mises 1501 1409 6.1 Pin shear 377 372 1.3 Pin bearing 1150 1111 3.4 Lug von Mises 3658 3338 8.7 Lug shear tear-out 1826 1696 7.1 Lug bearing 2857 2563 10.3 Pin von Mises 2377 2087 12.2 Pin shear 759 764 0.7 Pin bearing 2450 2194 10.4 Lug von Mises 459 469 2.2 Lug shear tear-out 218 225 3.2 Lug bearing 435 422 3 Pin von Mises 201 205 2 Pin shear 87 85 2.3 Pin bearing 368 356 3.3 Verification 3 Verification 2 Analysis Table 3 - Verification Analyses, Error Stress Component Lug von Mises Error (%) 4.2 Lug shear tear-out 3.7 Lug bearing 5.7 Pin von Mises 6.8 Pin shear 1.4 Pin bearing 5.7 Table 4 - Verification Analyses, Average Error 33 4. Conclusions This thesis presented an approach for sizing frictionless double shear-plane clevis connections to be under their material yield strengths for their given application. Finite element analysis was utilized to simulate testing for purposes of developing empirical formulae based on the load through the connection, lug widths, lug gaps, Young’s moduli, and Poisson ratios. Regression analysis was then used to derive closed-form empirical formulae, using multiplication factors based upon each parametric evaluated. A verification analysis was performed to evaluate the error of the empirical formulae, and acceptable levels of accuracy were verified. The results presented in this thesis will lessen the need for the engineering community to rely on finite element analysis in designing these clevis connections. Instead, the simple empirical formulae presented may be used. This has the advantage of (1) not needing specialized personnel to develop finite element models, (2) much shorter analysis time, and (3) a much shorter iteration time to understand what dimensions and variables are most critical for a given clevis system. 4.1 Future Work This thesis laid the groundwork and approach that can be used in developing a closed-form solution for the full range of clevis connections. In this thesis, a number of stress components and a suite of variables were examined. However, this approach can be extended to study the effects of other variations on clevis connections, such as the existence of bearings, pin clearance, pin radius, and lug outer radius. In addition, stress components such as pin bending and lug hoop stress can be evaluated further using this same technique. 34 5. References [1] Venkataraman, N. S. A Study into the Analysis of Interference Fits and Related Problems. Ph.D. Thesis. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 1996. 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Antoni, “A Study of Contact Non-Linearities in Pin-Loaded Lugs: Seperation, Clearance and Frictional Slipping Effects.” Safran Group, Analysis Methods of Structures (2013): n. pag. Print. [13] Kwon, E. A Critical Study of Pin Bending Behavior Using Finite Element Analysis. Rensselaer Institute of Technology. Master’s Thesis. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Hartford, CT, 2013. 36 6. Appendix 1 Method A finite element model will be developed to determine the appropriate mesh density for the model used. A parametric analysis will be performed, with the analyses varying mesh density. The data will then be extracted and processed to derive a relationship between the solution convergence and the density of the mesh as compared to the pin radius. Finite Element Model Development All geometry was modeled using ABAQUS/CAE, Version 6.13-EF1. The analyses were performed using ABAQUS/Standard, Version 6.13-EF1. The following files were used for the finite element analysis. MeshConvergenceModel.cae ABAQUS CAE database MeshConvergenceModel.jnl ABAQUS Journal File The input and output database files were formatted such that the ratio of element size to pin radius is easily determined. Each output database was named “MR” followed by the number of element lengths in the pin radius (e.g. “MR2.odb” indicates an output database in which the seed size is half that of the pin radius). The model used was the same as the baseline configuration model used for all of the anlyses Output An example output (MR1) is shown in the following figures. 37 Figure A1-9 – Overall Stress Figure A1-10 – Pin von Mises 38 Figure A1-11 – Lug von Mises Figure A1-12 – Lug shear tear-out stress Figure A1-15 – Pin shear stress 39 Figure A1-16 – Lug contact pressue Figure A1-17 – Pin contact pressure Upon collecting data from each of the convergence study models, a plot is produced of mesh density vs. stress, and then is normalized to the most dense mesh results. 40 2500 2000 Pin Mises (S MISES) Lug Mises (S MISES) 1500 psi Shear Tear Out (S12) Net Tensile (S22) 1000 Pin Bending (S33) Pin Shear (S12) 500 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MR # Figure A1-18 – Stress vs. mesh density 1.1 1.05 1 Value (Normalized) 0.95 Pin Mises (S MISES) 0.9 Lug Mises (S MISES) 0.85 Shear Tear Out (S12) 0.8 Net Tensile (S22) 0.75 Pin Bending (S33) 0.7 Pin Shear (S12) 0.65 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 0.6 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 0.55 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MR # Figure A1-19 – Stress vs. mesh density (normalized) 41 Based on the normalized stress plots, it is shown that the von Mises stresses of the pin are within 10% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 1, and within 5% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 2. The von Mises stresses of the lug are within 10% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 6, and within 5% accuracy with a mesh-radius ratio of 8. Therefore, a mesh-radius ratio of 8 is maintained throughout the study. 42 7. Appendix 2 Load 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Lug Lug Shear Tear Mises (S Out (S12) MISES) 2349 1148 4697 2296 7046 3377 9394 4592 11741 5740 14088 6888 16435 8035 18781 9183 21127 10330 23472 11477 Pin Lug Bearing (CPRESS) Pin Mises (S MISES) 2089 4176 6263 8349 10433 12517 14598 16679 18758 20835 Pin Shear (S23) Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 428 856 1283 1710 2137 2563 2989 3415 3841 4266 1779 3566 5362 7166 8980 10802 12635 14479 16333 18196 791 1581 2371 3162 3952 4742 5532 6322 7112 7901 Shear Tear Out (S12) 14000 y = 2.8683x R² = 1 12000 10000 Shear Tear Out (S12) 8000 6000 Linear (Shear Tear Out (S12)) 4000 2000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 43 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 25000 y = 5.2122x R² = 1 20000 15000 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 10000 Linear (Lug Bearing (CPRESS)) 5000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Pin Mises (S MISES) 9000 y = 1.9756x R² = 1 8000 7000 6000 Pin Mises (S MISES) 5000 4000 Linear (Pin Mises (S MISES)) 3000 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 44 Pin Shear (S23) 4500 y = 1.0673x R² = 1 4000 3500 3000 2500 Pin Shear (S23) 2000 Linear (Pin Shear (S23)) 1500 1000 500 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 y = 4.5234x R² = 0.9999 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) Linear (Pin Bearing (CPRESS)) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 45 Lug Mises (S MISES) 25000 y = 5.8691x R² = 1 20000 15000 Lug Mises (S MISES) 10000 Linear (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 5000 0 0 1000 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 Lug Lug Shear Tear Mises (S Out (S12) MISES) 1962 995 2300 1087 2414 1161 2407 1153 2357 1144 2309 1128 2272 1117 Lug Width 2000 3000 4000 5000 Pin Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 1889 2161 2205 2156 2085 2029 1990 Pin Mises (S MISES) Pin Shear (S23) Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 378 414 430 430 423 416 410 1600 1832 1871 1832 1773 1726 1692 1766 1636 1285 1019 884 822 791 Lug Mises (S MISES) 3000 y = 636.44x3 - 2914.5x2 + 4151.7x + 541.86 R² = 0.9944 2500 2000 Lug Mises (S MISES) 1500 Poly. (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 1000 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 46 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1200 y = 174.22x3 - 837.52x2 + 1262.5x + 548.43 R² = 0.9831 1150 1100 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1050 Poly. (Shear Tear Out (S12)) 1000 950 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) y = -452.85x4 + 2891.8x3 - 6727.7x2 + 6515.7x - 19.714 R² = 0.9999 2250 2200 2150 2100 2050 2000 1950 1900 1850 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) Poly. (Lug Bearing (CPRESS)) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Pin Mises (S MISES) y = -1214.1x4 + 6497x3 - 11836x2 + 7726.2x + 129 R² = 0.999 2000 1500 Pin Mises (S MISES) 1000 Poly. (Pin Mises (S MISES)) 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 47 Pin Shear (S23) y = 65.778x3 - 311.24x2 + 454.27x + 220.57 R² = 0.9987 440 430 420 410 Pin Shear (S23) 400 Poly. (Pin Shear (S23)) 390 380 370 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 1900 y = -382.06x4 + 2436.5x3 - 5669.5x2 + 5502.2x - 14.071 R² = 0.9998 1850 1800 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 1750 1700 Poly. (Pin Bearing (CPRESS)) 1650 1600 1550 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Lug Lug Gap 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Lug Shear Tear Mises (S Out (S12) MISES) 1611 825 1749 886 1885 946 2017 1004 2146 1061 2272 1117 2397 1173 2521 1229 2644 1285 2767 1340 Pin Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 1357 1489 1619 1746 1869 1990 2108 2225 2341 2457 48 Pin Mises (S MISES) 647 676 699 717 734 791 865 942 1022 1102 Pin Shear (S23) Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 301 328 353 374 393 410 427 451 502 477 705 1268 1379 1486 1590 1692 1792 1892 1990 2089 Lug Mises (S MISES) 3000 y = 1279.7x + 1625 R² = 0.9996 2500 2000 Lug Mises (S MISES) 1500 Linear (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 1000 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1600 y = 570.06x + 830.07 R² = 0.9998 1400 1200 1000 Shear Tear Out (S12) 800 Linear (Shear Tear Out (S12)) 600 400 200 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 49 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 3000 y = 1218.2x + 1371.9 R² = 0.9994 2500 2000 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 1500 Linear (Lug Bearing (CPRESS)) 1000 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Pin Mises (S MISES) y = -2294.6x4 + 4225.2x3 - 1914.3x2 + 477.49x + 646.43 R² = 0.9992 1200 1000 800 Pin Mises (S MISES) 600 Poly. (Pin Mises (S MISES)) 400 200 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 50 Pin Shear (S23) 600 y = 210.18x + 307.02 R² = 0.9678 500 400 Pin Shear (S23) 300 Linear (Pin Shear (S23)) 200 100 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 2500 y = 34449x5 - 89283x4 + 85811x3 - 37462x2 + 8229.7x + 712.48 2000 R² = 0.9978 1500 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 1000 Poly. (Pin Bearing (CPRESS)) 500 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Lug Young's Modulus (Epin/Elug) 0.333333333 0.666666667 1 1.333333333 1.666666667 2 Pin Lug Mises (S MISES) Shear Tear Out (S12) Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 3391 2686 2272 1972 1768 1618 1582 1294 1117 988 898 833 3297 2465 1990 1642 1416 1256 51 Pin Mises (S MISES) 1031 852 791 838 881 924 Pin Shear (S23) Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 515 452 410 381 380 379 2794 2092 1692 1398 1207 1072 Lug Mises (S MISES) 4000 y = 580.98x2 - 2377.3x + 4078.9 R² = 0.9958 3500 3000 2500 Lug Mises (S MISES) 2000 Poly. (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 1500 1000 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1800 y = 235.13x2 - 982.51x + 1868.7 R² = 0.9968 1600 1400 1200 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1000 800 Poly. (Shear Tear Out (S12)) 600 400 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 52 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 3500 y = 700.07x2 - 2807.8x + 4107 R² = 0.9954 3000 2500 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 2000 1500 Poly. (Lug Bearing (CPRESS)) 1000 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Pin Mises (S MISES) 1200 y = 441.45x5 - 2551.5x4 + 5271.8x3 - 4396.5x2 + 1007.8x + 1018 R² = 1 1000 800 Pin Mises (S MISES) 600 Poly. (Pin Mises (S MISES)) 400 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 53 Pin Shear (S23) 600 76 500 400 Pin Shear (S23) 300 Poly. (Pin Shear (S23)) 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 3000 y = 589.98x2 - 2367.4x + 3476.9 R² = 0.9954 2500 2000 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 1500 Poly. (Pin Bearing (CPRESS)) 1000 500 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 54 Poisson's Ratio (Vpin/Vlug) 0.166666667 0.333333333 0.5 0.666666667 0.833333333 1 1.166666667 1.333333333 1.5 Lug Lug Shear Tear Mises (S Out (S12) MISES) 2368 1155 2346 1146 2324 1138 2305 1130 2287 1123 2272 1117 2245 1107 2216 1095 2187 1084 Pin Lug Bearing (CPRESS) Pin Mises (S MISES) 2115 2086 2058 2032 2009 1990 1950 1908 1865 823 816 810 804 797 791 785 779 773 Lug Mises (S MISES) 2400 y = -130.5x + 2392.1 R² = 0.9909 2350 2300 Lug Mises (S MISES) 2250 Linear (Lug Mises (S MISES)) 2200 2150 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 55 Pin Shear (S23) Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 437 432 426 421 416 410 406 401 395 1791 1768 1746 1725 1707 1692 1659 1625 1590 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1160 1150 y = -51.2x + 1164.3 R² = 0.9912 1140 1130 Shear Tear Out (S12) 1120 Linear (Shear Tear Out (S12)) 1110 1100 1090 1080 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 2150 y = -85.818x3 + 167.01x2 - 250.64x + 2152.8 R² = 0.9986 2100 2050 Lug Bearing (CPRESS) 2000 Poly. (Lug Bearing (CPRESS)) 1950 1900 1850 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 56 Pin Mises (S MISES) 830 y = -37.4x + 828.72 R² = 0.9996 820 810 Pin Mises (S MISES) 800 Linear (Pin Mises (S MISES)) 790 780 770 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Pin Shear (S23) 440 435 430 425 420 415 410 405 400 395 390 y = -31.2x + 442 R² = 0.999 Pin Shear (S23) Linear (Pin Shear (S23)) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 57 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 1850 y = -70x3 + 134.09x2 - 198.71x + 1820.9 R² = 0.9984 1800 1750 Pin Bearing (CPRESS) 1700 Poly. (Pin Bearing (CPRESS)) 1650 1600 1550 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 58