The Moors and Christians will be marching through the streets of Moraira from the 5th to the 14th June 2015. The packed programme includes not only the traditional parades, battles and the firing of the blunderbuss guns, but also a grand international music festival and several concerts. Friday 5th June 19:30 Inauguration of the Medieval Andalusí Market 22:30 Opening Speeches in the Espai La Senieta followed by a concert of the La Senieta Choir of Moraira and the music group Clau de Mar Moraira Saturday 6th June 12:00 Gathering of all Moors and Christians in the 'Urban Forest' to prepare for their Fraternity Meal 21:30 Parade of all the Moors and Christian filas accompanied by the music band dolçainers i tabaleters Colla el Falço of Teulada from the El Fortí 22:00 Presentation of the Standards of each group at the Castle Promenade, followed by partying to the music by 'Pentagrama' Sunday 7th June 18:00 Grand International Music Festival, live on Stage at the Castle. Jazz, Folk, Rock and Country Monday 8th June 21:00 Concert by the English Choir in the Church of Moraira Tuesday 9th June 21:00 Summer movie 'Kingdom of Heaven' in Calle Dr. Caiatayud Wednesday 10th June 22:30 Musical Concert by the Association dolçainers i tabaleters Colla el Falçó de Teulada in the Plaza de la Iglesia Thursday 11th June 21:30 Fiesta dinner all of the filas with Karaoke Competition in Calle denia and Calle Juan XXIII Friday 12th June 13:00 Informal parade of the filas 13:30 Firing of the Blunderbusses at the Castle along the Paseo del Castillo 19:30 Offering of the Flowers in honour of the Sacred Christ of Moraira 23:15 The spectacular arrival of the Moors on the beach at Playa L'Ampolla and the commencement of the battle to conquer the Castle. Followed by the ‘Night of the Captains' with Duo ' Valentinos'. Saturday 13th June 09:00 General Reveille with the firing of Blunderbusses 10.45 Informal parade of the filas 12:00 Mass in the honour of Our Sacred Christ at the Church in Moraira 12:45 Firing of Blunderbusses at the castle 13:00 Informal parade of the filas. 19:30 Battle on the beach and the conquering of the castle by the Christians. 00:00 Informal parade of Festeros and the Public all round the village – everyone is welcome to join, continuing with Cabila night with performances by the Duo 'Acuario' Sunday 14th June 09:00 General wake-up with the firing of Blunderbusses 12:00 Informal parade of the filas followed by the firing of Blunderbusses at the Castle 18:00 Parade of the bands from the Castle to Avd Portet 19.00 Spectacular Parade of the Christians and then the Moors, followed by a grand firework display