MABE’s Education Bill Highlights February 6, 2014 Number / Chapter (Cross File / Chapter) Total: 51 HB0001 (SB0064) Title Primary Sponsor Children in Need of Assistance Educational Stability Chair, Judiciary Committee HB0015 Public School Facilities Security Improvements Program Delegate McDermott HB0017 Criminal Law Misuse of Interactive Computer Service Delegate Cardin HB0020 Primary and Secondary Education - Security - School Resource Officers Delegate Cluster HB0026 (SB0151) Administrative Procedure Act Fiscal Impact Statements for Proposed Regulations Delegate McDermott HB0037 Employment Delegate Synopsis & MABE Position Requiring the juvenile court to inquire as to the educational stability of a child at specified hearings and proceedings; and authorizing the juvenile court to consider specified factors in determining the educational stability of a child. MABE: No Position Establishing the Public School Facilities Security Improvements Program; requiring the Interagency Committee on Public School Construction to implement and administer the Program and to develop procedures to provide grants to county boards to improve security in public school facilities; authorizing the Interagency Committee to award grants to improve security in public school facilities under specified circumstances; requiring the Governor to provide a specified amount in the State budget for the Program in fiscal year 2016; etc. MABE: No Position Expanding the prohibition against using an interactive computer service to maliciously engage in a specified course of conduct that inflicts serious emotional distress on a minor or places a minor in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury with a specified intent, so as to prohibit this conduct against any person regardless of age; and providing penalties for a violation of the Act. MABE: No Position Requiring that a specified number of school resource officers be assigned to specified public schools in the State; requiring specified public schools to hire retired law enforcement officers to serve as school resource officers for the school; requiring specified school resource officers to obtain a special police officer commission issued by the Department of State Police; requiring the county superintendent to submit an application to the Secretary of State Police for a special police commission for each school resource officer hired; etc. MABE: Oppose Altering a specified provision of law to clarify that a promulgating unit is required to submit a specified fiscal impact statement with a proposed regulation to the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review and the Department of Legislative Services; and altering a specified provision of law to prohibit a unit from adopting a proposed regulation until after a specified fiscal impact statement is submitted with the proposed regulation to the Committee for preliminary review. MABE: No Position Establishing that the ability of an employer to establish standards 1 Discrimination Dress and Grooming Standards Washington, M. HB0051 Public Schools Boards of Education - Bullying Hotlines and Tip Boxes Delegate Cardin HB0053 Public Records Provision of Copies, Printouts, and Photographs Required Delegate Vitale HB0056 Sales and Use Tax Tax-Free Periods School Supplies and Textbooks Family Law - Denial of Custody or Visitation - Sexual Abuse of a Minor Delegate Vitale HB0069 Procurement - State Funds - Energy Efficient Outdoor Lighting Fixtures Delegate Carr HB0076 Education Implementation of the Common Core State Standards Prohibition Delegate Smigiel HB0068 Delegate Haddaway-Riccio concerning an employee's dress and grooming that are directly related to the nature of the employment of the employee does not allow the employer to require or prohibit specific hairstyles or facial hair or prohibit an employee from wearing clothing or adopting modes of grooming based on sex. MABE: No Position Requiring county boards of education to establish a toll-free bullying hotline and distribute bullying tip boxes to public schools; requiring county boards of education to publicize the bullying hotline and tip boxes in specified locations and venues; requiring the completion of a victim of bullying, harassment, or intimidation report form on receipt of a report of an act of bullying, harassment, or intimidation on a bullying hotline or from a tip box; establishing that specified information is confidential; etc. MABE: Oppose Requiring a custodian of a public record to provide a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record to an applicant under specified circumstances; authorizing a person or governmental unit that is not provided with a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record to file a complaint with a specified circuit court; authorizing the court to take specified action regarding the failure to provide a copy, printout, or photograph of a public record; etc. MABE: Oppose Expanding the annual sales and use tax-free period to include specified school supplies and textbooks if the taxable price of the school supply or textbook is $500 or less; defining "school supply" and "textbook"; etc. MABE: No Position Prohibiting a court, except under specified circumstances or unless good cause for the award of custody or visitation is shown, from awarding custody of a child or visitation with a child to a parent who has been found guilty of sexual abuse of a minor; clarifying that specified provisions of law may not be construed to require a conviction of a party for a crime before a determination by the court regarding custody or visitation under specified circumstances; and applying the Act prospectively. MABE: No Position Expanding the prohibition on the use of State funds to install or replace specified luminaires by applying the prohibition to all permanent outdoor luminaires unless the luminaires meet specified requirements; establishing specified requirements for luminaires intended for specified lighting purposes; etc. MABE: No Position Prohibiting the State Board of Education and specified county boards of education from establishing specified educational policies, curriculum, and guidelines that include or are based on the Common Core State Standards; prohibiting the State Board from entering into any agreements or joining any organizations that give control over educational matters to any entity other than the State; requiring the State Board to take specified steps to rescind the State Board's adoption of 2 HB0086 Education Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Act Establishment Delegate Gutierrez HB0087 Anne Arundel County Superintendent of Schools Compensation Education Geographic Cost of Education Requirement Delegate McMillan HB0117 (SB0165) Education Maryland School Assessment Request for Waiver Delegate Luedtke HB0123 Program Open Space - Use of Funds - Artificial Turf Surfaces Vehicle Laws School Vehicles Definition Delegate Carr Education - Public School Holidays Veterans' Day Juvenile Services Child in Need of Supervision Pilot Program Expansion Delegate Sophocleus HB0114 HB0133 (SB0159) HB0148 HB0151 Delegate Luedtke Delegate Beitzel Delegate Jones the Common Core State Standards; etc. MABE: Oppose Establishing the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy Program; providing for the purpose of the Program; providing that participation in the Program by a local school system is voluntary; providing that beginning with the graduating class of 2015, specified students shall receive a Seal of Biliteracy under specified circumstances; requiring the State Board of Education to establish criteria and requirements on or before October 1, 2014; etc. Prohibiting the Anne Arundel County Board of Education from paying monetary compensation to the county superintendent of schools for sick leave benefits earned in a specified manner. MABE: No Position/Local Requiring that the county boards of education receive a specified grant to reflect regional differences in the cost of education that are due to factors outside of the control of the local jurisdiction; and repealing a provision that allowed for the reduction of a grant under specified circumstances. MABE: Support Requiring the State Department of Education to request a specified waiver from the U.S. Department of Education within a specified period of time; prohibiting the Department from administering the Maryland School Assessment in the spring of 2014 under specified circumstances; and requiring the Department to administer the Maryland School Assessment under specified circumstances. MABE: Support Prohibiting the use of specified funds under Program Open Space to build new or to replace specified athletic fields with artificial or synthetic turf surfaces; etc. MABE: No Position Altering the definition of a "school vehicle"; establishing that a "school vehicle" includes specified vehicles that meet or comply with specified standards and requirements, were originally used to transport children, students, and teachers in another state, and are used only for transporting children to and from specified locations. Requiring Veterans' Day to be a public school holiday. Requiring the Secretary of Juvenile Services to establish a Department of Juvenile Services Child in Need of Supervision Pilot Program in two counties each year until the Pilot Program is available in every county in the State; requiring the Secretary to determine which counties to add to the Pilot Program based on specified criteria; requiring the Secretary to submit a specified annual report to the General Assembly and the Department of Budget and Management on or before July 1 each year; etc. MABE: No Position 3 HB0157 Open Meetings Act Advance Notice of Meeting - Agenda Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2015) Delegate Krebs HB0165 (SB0042) Financial Education and Capability Commission Membership and Duties Delegate Stein HB0166 State Government Administrative Procedure Act Effective Date of Adopted Regulations Creation of a State Debt - Qualified Zone Academy Bonds Delegate Arora State Capital Projects - High Performance Buildings Charles County Board of Education Salaries and Expenses Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee Charles County Delegation Anne Arundel County Superintendent of Schools Compensation for Unused Leave on Delegate McConkey HB0160 HB0190 (SB0218) HB0207 HB0209 (SB0203) HB0216 Speaker Speaker Requiring a public body to include an agenda containing specified information in the advance notice of an open or closed meeting held by a specified public body. Making the proposed appropriations contained in the State budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, in accordance with Article III, Section 52 of the Maryland Constitution; etc. MABE: Support Altering the membership of the Financial Education and Capability Commission to include the Secretary of Higher Education, or the Secretary's designee, rather than a member of the Higher Education Commission; and altering the duties of the Commission to require the Commission to coordinate specified financial education events and activities to highlight a specified month as Financial Education Month. Altering the effective dates of specified regulations adopted under the Administrative Procedure Act. MABE: No Position Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $4,625,000, the proceeds to be used as grants to the Interagency Committee on School Construction and the Maryland State Department of Education for specified development or improvement purposes; providing for the disbursement of the loan proceeds and the further grant of funds to eligible school systems for specified purposes, subject to a requirement that the grantees document the provision of a required matching fund; etc. MABE: Support Altering the definition of a "high performance building" as it applies to specified provisions of law relating to State capital projects. Increasing the salary of the chair of the Charles County Board of Education beginning in the year 2015 to $7,000 annually; increasing the salary for the vice chair and other nonstudent members of the county board beginning in the year 2015 to $6,000 and compensation for travel and other expenses to $800 annually; providing that members of the county board may be reimbursed for specified expenses after submitting expense vouchers and supporting receipts; etc. MABE: No Position/Local Providing that the Anne Arundel County Board of Education, on termination of the employment of the county superintendent of schools, may compensate the county superintendent for specified unused leave earned while employed as county superintendent only in the manner applicable to specified other employees of the county board on termination of employment. MABE: No Position/Local 4 HB0222 HB0232 HB0242 (SB0282) Termination of Employment Education Reportable Offenses - First Degree Burglary and Animal Cruelty County Boards of Education Spending Reporting Requirement Juvenile Law Truancy Reduction Pilot Program - Kent County Delegate Dumais Adding first degree burglary and animal cruelty to a list of offenses for which a law enforcement agency that arrests a student for the offense is required to report the arrest to specified school officials under specified circumstances. MABE: Support Delegate Olszewski Requiring each county board of education to provide a report to the State Department of Education by specified dates on the amount of State, local, and federal funds spent per student for specified students at each school; requiring the Department to submit a specified report to the General Assembly by specified dates; etc MABE: Oppose Requiring each county board of education to provide a report to the State Department of Education by specified dates on the amount of State, local, and federal funds spent per student for specified students at each school; requiring the Department to submit a specified report to the General Assembly by specified dates; etc. MABE: No Position/Local Establishing the Task Force to Study How to Improve Student Achievement in Middle School; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study "A New Mission for the Middle Grades" and make recommendations regarding specified matters; etc. Requiring the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) to establish a specified Prison In-Reach Program; requiring each county board of education to include behavioral health services with school health services; requiring DHMH to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before October 1, 2014 on a plan for statewide implementation of the School Health Program; requiring the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration to implement a specified program throughout the State; etc. MABE: Support with Amendment Specifying the State minimum wage rate that is in effect for specified time periods; increasing, except under specified circumstances, the State minimum wage rate in effect for specified time periods based on the annual growth in the Consumer Price Index; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, beginning on a specified date and each subsequent year, to determine and announce the growth in the Consumer Price Index, if any, and the new State minimum wage rate; etc. MABE: No Position Expanding prekindergarten services to specified 4-year-old children; establishing the Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Program; identifying the purpose of the Program; requiring the Department of Education to Delegate Jacobs HB0265 Task Force to Study How to Improve Student Achievement in Middle School Delegate Hixson HB0273 (SB0262) Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Safety Net Act of 2014 Delegate Rosenberg HB0295 (SB0331) Maryland Minimum Wage Act of 2014 Speaker HB0297 (SB0332) Prekindergarten Expansion Act of 2014 Speaker 5 HB0311 (SB0265) Gang-Related Crimes - Reporting Delegate Anderson HB0343 (SB0383) Allegany County and Garrett County Boards of Education - Removal of Ex Officio Member Allegany County Delegation HB0349 (SB0388) Education Maintenance of Effort - Lease Payment Exclusion Education - Talbot County Board of Education - Lease of Public School Facility Criminal Law - PartTime School Employees, Contractors, and Coaches - Sexual Contact With Minors Prohibited Truant Students System of Active Intervention Requirements Delegate Vitale HB0350 HB0362 HB0363 administer the Program; requiring the Program to be a competitive grant program for specified providers; establishing specified criteria for priority consideration of grant funds; establishing specified uses for grant funds; etc. Requiring the court, on request of the State's Attorney, to make a finding as to whether a crime for which a defendant is convicted or receives a probation before judgment disposition is a gang-related crime; establishing that the State has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a crime is a gang-related crime; requiring a finding by the court that a crime is a gang-related crime to become part of the court record for purposes of reporting to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository; etc. Repealing the requirement that the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County or any county commissioner serve as an ex officio member of the Allegany County Board of Education; repealing the requirement that the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County serve as an ex officio member of the Garrett County Board of Education; making conforming changes; and making stylistic changes. Excluding specified lease payments made by a local school district from the maintenance of effort calculation. Delegate Haddaway-Riccio Authorizing the Talbot County Board of Education to lease a public school facility to an organization that operates a community-based educational and recreational program, subject to a specified determination and specified limitations. MABE: No Position/Local Delegate Arora Altering the definition of a "person in a position of authority" prohibited from engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal intercourse with a specified person under a specified age under specified circumstances to include any employee, contractor, subcontractor, or contractor's employee, including a part-time employee or coach of a specified age who exercises supervision of the person. MABE: Support Delegate Glenn Requiring the system of active intervention for specified truant students developed by each county board of education to include an Individualized Reengagement Plan for each truant student, coordination and collaboration with State and municipal agencies to deliver services, creation of a database to track truant students, and a specific plan for each public school to reengage truant students; requiring the Individualized Reengagement Plan to be developed by specified individuals using a specified process; etc. 6 HB0384 (SB0290) Baltimore County Board of Education Selection of Members Delegate Lafferty HB0413 Special Education Individualized Education Program Parental Notice Requirements and Service Models List Education Implementation of Next Generation Science Standards Prohibition Delegate Luedtke HB0426 Education Concussion Impact Sensor Pilot Program Delegate Cardin HB0427 Education Maryland Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act Delegate Hixson HB0428 Children - Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program - Eligibility Education - School Vehicles Authorized Riders Delegate Luedtke Anne Arundel County - Board of Delegate Schuh HB0423 HB0440 (SB0058) HB0444 (SB0148) Delegate Ready Delegate PenaMelnyk Establishing procedures for the election and appointment of the members of the Baltimore County Board of Education; repealing provisions governing the appointment of members of the county board; establishing the composition of the county board; requiring members of the county board to reside in, be a registered voter in, and be elected from specified districts; providing for a student member of the county board; providing for the removal of, and hearings and appeal procedures for, specified members of the county board; etc. MABE: No Position/Local Requiring the parents of a child attending their initial individualized education program evaluation meeting to be provided a specified verbal and written explanation of their rights and responsibilities and a program procedural safeguards notice and providing the right for the parents to request this information at any meeting thereafter; etc. Prohibiting the State Board of Education and specified county boards of education from establishing specified educational policies, curriculum, and guidelines that include or are based on the Next Generation Science Standards; and requiring the State Board to take specified steps to rescind the adoption by the State Board of the Next Generation Science Standards on or before July 1, 2014. Establishing the Concussion Impact Sensor Pilot Program; requiring the State Department of Education to develop and implement the Program, in collaboration with specified entities; requiring specified circumstances to be met before the Program can be implemented; if the program can be implemented, requiring each board of education to choose one high school football team to participate in the Program and to provide specified team members with a concussion impact sensor; etc. Requiring the State Department of Education, in collaboration with specified entities, to develop policies and to implement a program to provide awareness to coaches, school personnel, students, and parents or guardians of students on the risk of sudden cardiac arrest; requiring a county board of education to provide information and a notice to specified students and parents or guardians; requiring a student and parent or guardian to sign a specified statement; etc. Altering the eligibility requirements for the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program by allowing a child to participate until the beginning of the school year after the child turns 4 years old. Prohibiting the driver of a school vehicle from allowing specified individuals to board or ride on the school vehicle, subject to specified exceptions; and authorizing specified individuals to board or ride on a school vehicle under specified circumstances. Requiring that specified members of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education be elected at specified elections; requiring that specified 7 Education Selection of Members HB0461 State Early Childhood Advisory Council Chair, Ways and Means Committee HB0469 Speed Monitoring Systems - School Zones - Days of Operation Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services Name Change Delegate Davis Nancy Grasmick Teacher Award and Walter Sondheim Jr. Public Service Internship Scholarship Qualifications Education - Task Force to Study the Suspension of Prekindergarten Students in Public Schools Delegate Rosenberg HB0567 Procurement - State Vehicle Fleet Biodiesel or Biofuel Requirements Delegate Bromwell HB0571 School Counselors Role Expansion in Public High Schools Delegate Kaiser HB0488 (SB0084) HB0536 HB0561 Delegate PenaMelnyk Delegate Robinson, B. members of the county board be appointed; providing for the residency, terms of office, and filling of a vacancy of specified members of the county board; authorizing the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections to adopt specified regulations; etc. MABE: No Position/Local Establishing the State Early Childhood Advisory Council; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Council; requiring the Council to develop a strategic plan to improve the school readiness of young children; requiring the Council to provide a statewide strategic report on or before December 1, 2015; etc. Altering the permissible days for the operation of a speed monitoring system in a school zone to establish that the speed monitoring system may operate only on days when the school for which the school zone has been established is scheduled to be in session. Changing the name of the Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services to the Joint Committee on Access to Behavioral Health Services; altering the duties of the Committee by requiring it to monitor access to specified behavioral health services and specified medically necessary services; and altering the information that must be included in a specified report to the Governor and the General Assembly. Requiring the Office of Student Financial Assistance to assist in the repayment of specified higher education loans owed by recipients of a Nancy Grasmick Teacher Award who receive specified degrees from specified institutions of higher education; adding specified individuals who attended specified institutions of higher education and also graduated from specified high schools in the State to the list of individuals eligible for a specified repayment program; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study the Suspension of Prekindergarten Students in Public Schools; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and specified committees on or before December 31, 2014; etc. Altering the requirement that the State ensure that at least 50% of the vehicles in the State vehicle fleet using diesel fuel use a blend of fuel containing at least 5% biodiesel or other biofuel; requiring that 100% of the vehicles in the State vehicle fleet, in specified years, use a blend of fuel containing at least a specified percentage of biodiesel or other biofuel; etc. Stating a goal of the State regarding a ratio of school counselors to students; requiring each local school system to develop and adopt a plan on or before December 1, 2016; requiring specified school counselors to spend a specified percentage of time performing specified 8 HB0577 HB0607 HB0628 (SB0238) HB0630 (SB0576) HB0632 (SB0484) HB0639 Task Force to Study Housing and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Continuation, Membership, Stipend, and Duties Education - Student Privacy and Cloud Computing Act Delegate Washington, M. Board of Public Works - Relocatable Classrooms - Indoor Air Quality Requirements Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems Reemployment of Retirees - Penalty for Failure to Submit Certification Delegate Robinson, S. Procurement Maryland Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Revisions Task Force on CommunityPartnered SchoolBased Mental Health Delegate PenaMelnyk Delegate Kaiser Delegate Griffith Delegate Luedtke activities; requiring each local school system to share resources and technology available for school counselors; requiring specified county boards of education to develop a transition plan using existing resources of a local school system; etc. Altering the membership and duties of the Task Force to Study Housing and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth; authorizing youth or young adult members of the Task Force to receive a specified stipend as compensation for serving on the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to issue its findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly in a preliminary report on or before November 1, 2014 and in a final report on or before June 1, 2015; and extending to June 30, 2015 the termination date of the Task Force. Authorizing educational institutions to use cloud computing services to provide specified individuals access to specified documents; requiring an educational institution and a cloud computing service provider to enter into a specified agreement; providing for the content of the agreement; prohibiting a cloud computing service provider from using or processing specified student data in a specified manner; etc. Requiring the Board of Public Works, in consultation with specified departments, to adopt regulations that include specifications relating to indoor air quality for the occupants of relocatable classrooms constructed after July 1, 2014, that are purchased or leased using State funds. MABE: Support Altering the amount a local school system or the Maryland School for the Deaf must pay as a penalty for failing to submit to the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System and the State Department of Education within a specified period of time a specified certification regarding retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System or the Teachers' Pension System who are employed by a local school system or the Maryland School for the Deaf and are exempt from a specified retirement allowance offset. Altering the information regarding State payments that a specified searchable Web site is required to contain; and requiring the searchable Web site to allow a user to compare data for multiple fiscal years and access specified information regarding specified contracts. Establishing the Task Force on Community-Partnered School-Based Mental Health; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding specified matters; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 15, 2014. 9 HB0653 Education - Deaf Culture Digital Library Delegate Luedtke HB0658 Public Information Act - State Public Information Act Compliance Board Establishment Delegate Carter HB0694 Baltimore County Education - Report on Low-Achieving Students Delegate Cluster HB0722 Baltimore County Education Advancement Via Individual Determination Pilot Program Delegate Cluster HB0727 (SB0232) Procurement Prevailing Wage Applicability Public Schools and Institutions of Higher Education - Artificial Trans Fat Prohibition Delegate Olszewski Education Academic Standards and Curriculum Common Core State Standards Implementation Prohibited Delegate McDonough HB0736 (SB0251) HB0764 Delegate Carter Requiring the Division of Library Development and Services in the Department of Education to establish the Deaf Culture Digital Library; and specifying the mission, duties, and responsibilities of the Deaf Culture Digital Library. Establishing the State Public Information Act Compliance Board; providing for the powers and duties of the Board; authorizing any person to file a specified complaint with the Board; requiring that the complaint contain specified information and be signed by the complainant; requiring the Board to take specified action regarding a complaint; requiring a custodian who receives a complaint from the Board to file a specified response within a specified time period; etc. Requiring the Baltimore County Superintendent of Schools to submit a specified report on the number of students in specified grades for each Baltimore County public school with less than a specified grade point average and the programs that have been established to reduce the number of students with a low grade point average to the Baltimore County Board of Education, the Baltimore County Council, and the Baltimore County Delegation of the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2014; etc. Establishing the Advancement Via Individual Determination Pilot Program in Baltimore County; establishing the purpose of the Program; requiring the Baltimore County Board of Education to develop and implement the Program; requiring the Program to require a minimum number of specified teachers in each Tier 3 high school; requiring that funds for the Program be provided from the Education Trust Fund; requiring that money in the Education Trust Fund be used to provide funds for the Program; etc. Repealing a specified limitation on the applicability of the Prevailing Wage Law to the construction of a public work by revising the definition of "public body". Prohibiting a public school or public institution of higher education from storing, distributing, holding for service, using in the preparation of any menu item, or serving food containing artificial trans fat; and defining "artificial trans fat" as the specific type of fat formed by adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oil to make the oil more solid, and including partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening, margarine, and vegetable oil. Prohibiting the State Board of Education from taking any further action to implement or direct the State Department of Education to implement or require a local education agency to implement specified State standards and curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards; requiring the State Board to implement specified academic standards and curriculum on or after July 1, 2014; etc. 10 HB0771 Commission to Study the Impact of the Common Core State Standards in Harford County Delegate McDonough HB0776 Commission to Study the Impact of the Common Core State Standards in Baltimore County Delegate McDonough HB0777 Baltimore County Board of Education Selection of Members Delegate McDonough HB0781 (SB0460) Criminal Law Person in a Position of Authority - Sexual Offenses With a Minor Delegate Clippinger HB0783 (SB0717) Task Force to Study School-Based Health Centers Delegate Cullison HB0798 (SB0701) Education - Children With Disabilities Habilitative Services Information Local Government Tort Claims Act and Delegate Kelly, A. HB0809 Delegate Waldstreicher Establishing the Commission to Study the Impact of the Common Core State Standards in Harford County; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Commission; requiring the Commission to study a specified impact, hold specified public meetings, evaluate specified concerns, and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Commission to report its findings and recommendations on or before January 1, 2015; terminating the Act at the end of June 30, 2015; etc. Establishing the Commission to Study the Impact of the Common Core State Standards in Baltimore County; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Commission; requiring the Commission to study a specified impact, hold specified public meetings, evaluate specified concerns, and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Commission to report its findings and recommendations on or before January 1, 2015; terminating the Act at the end of June 30, 2015; etc. Requiring that specified members of the Baltimore County Board of Education be elected; requiring that specified members of the county board be appointed within a specified period of time; establishing the composition of the county board; providing for the qualifications, terms of office, and filling of a vacancy of a member of the county board; establishing a procedure for the election and appointment of members of the county board; etc. Altering a specified prohibition against a specified "person in a position of authority" from engaging in specified conduct to prohibit a specified person in a position of authority from engaging in sexual contact, a sexual act, or vaginal intercourse with a minor who is at least 7 years younger than the person in a position of authority and who the person in a position of authority knows is or was enrolled or participating in the institution, program, or activity at which the person in a position of authority works; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study School-Based Health Centers; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding policies for the integration and sustainability of School-Based Health Centers in the State; etc. Requiring a local school system to provide to the parents of a child with a disability verbal and written information about access to habilitative services at specified times. Establishing that the limits on liability of a local government under the Local Government Tort Claims Act do not apply to a tort action for 11 HB0811 (SB0876) HB0812 Maryland Tort Claims Act Damages Sustained on Artificial or Synthetic Turf Playing Fields Education - Summer Career Academy Pilot Program damages sustained by an individual on an artificial or synthetic turf playing field owned or operated by a local government; providing that the State, its officers, and its units may not raise sovereign immunity as a defense in a tort action for damages sustained by an individual on a State-owned or State-operated artificial or synthetic turf playing field; etc. Delegate Olszewski Education - Middle Schools Automated External Defibrillators Education - State Grant to Counties With Small and Declining Student Enrollment Task Force to Study Vocational and Technical Education Programs in Harford County Delegate Lee HB0869 (SB0715) Task Force to Study Chronic Absenteeism in Maryland's Public Schools Delegate Cullison HB0883 (SB0014) Task Force to Study Safe and Healthy School Hours for Maryland Public Schools Delegate Miller, A. HB0814 (SB0534) HB0838 Delegate Beitzel Delegate James Establishing the Summer Career Academy Pilot Program and identifying the purpose of the Program; requiring the State Department of Education to develop criteria for the selection of eligible school systems and eligible students for participation in the Program; authorizing the State Superintendent of Schools to select up to four school systems to participate in the Program; requiring a student selected to participate in the Program to be assigned a summer career counselor and to receive a $4,500 stipend; etc. Altering a requirement that each county board of education develop and implement an automated external defibrillator program that meets specified requirements for high schools to include middle schools in the county. Establishing eligibility for a county board of education to receive a specified State grant; requiring a specified grant to be provided to eligible county boards in specified fiscal years; declaring the intent of the General Assembly; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study Chronic Absenteeism in Maryland's Public Schools; requiring the Task Force to collect and analyze specified data, evaluate local and national strategies and best practices to address chronic absenteeism, identify responses to chronic absenteeism that rely on prevention and intervention, and make specified recommendations; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2014; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study Chronic Absenteeism in Maryland's Public Schools; requiring the Task Force to collect and analyze specified data, evaluate local and national strategies and best practices to address chronic absenteeism, identify responses to chronic absenteeism that rely on prevention and intervention, and make specified recommendations; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2014; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study Safe and Healthy School Hours for Maryland Public Schools; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting Task Force members from receiving compensation, but authorizing reimbursement for specified expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations; requiring the 12 HB0884 Income Tax Credit Nonpublic Education Expenses Delegate Schuh HB0893 Education - Local School System Autonomy Delegate George HB0903 Baltimore County Truancy Education Pilot Program Parents and Guardians of Students Delegate Boteler HB0904 Human Services Local Management Boards - Study and Report Delegate ValentinoSmith HB0909 Procurement Purchasing Products Containing Chicken Processed in China Prohibition on Use of State Funds Task Force to Study a Funding Formula for Corollary Athletic Programs Delegate Kramer Education Common Core State Delegate George HB0922 (SB0857) HB0925 (SB0408) Delegate Luedtke Task Force to study and make recommendations relating to alternative school day starting times for Maryland public schools; etc. Allowing a parent or guardian a credit against the State income tax for specified nonpublic education expenses; providing that the credit may not exceed $1,000; providing that the credit may be carried forward to the 5th taxable year after the taxable year in which the nonpublic education expense is incurred; requiring the Comptroller to adopt regulations; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013; etc. Providing that specified bylaws, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education do not apply to a county board of education under specified circumstances; requiring a county board to provide specified notice to the public concerning specified grant applications; requiring a county board to establish specified policies for the county school system; etc. Authorizing a specified court in Baltimore County to include mandatory participation in a Truancy Education Pilot Program as a condition under which the court may suspend a specified fine or prison sentence of a person who fails to see that a child attends school, subject to a specified limitation; requiring the Office of Pupil Personnel Services in Baltimore County to implement a Truancy Education Pilot Program for a specified number of the parents or guardians of students who are chronically truant; etc. Requiring the Department of Legislative Services and the Governor's Office for Children to conduct a study of local management boards; providing for the scope of the study; and requiring the Department of Legislative Services to report on the findings of the study by December 1, 2014. Prohibiting the use of State funds to purchase a product that contains chicken that was processed in China; and applying the prohibition to specified procurements and units of State government that are generally excluded from State procurement law. Establishing the Task Force to Study a Funding Formula for Corollary Athletic Programs; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations on or before a specified date; etc. Requiring each county board of education to determine the implementation timeline for the Common Core State Standards 13 HB0926 HB0944 Standards Implementation Timeline Education - Public Charter Schools Virtual Learning Programs Authority Education - Home Instruction Programs - Private Tutors notwithstanding any other provision of law. Delegate Smigiel Altering the definition of public charter school to include the establishment of a virtual learning program as a public charter school; defining "virtual learning program"; etc. Delegate Smigiel Providing that a child participating in a specified home instruction program is in compliance with specified provisions of law if the parent or guardian in charge of the child and in control of the home instruction program provides or arranges for a private tutor to provide specified instruction; and requiring a private tutor to meet specified requirements. Providing that, except under specified circumstances, for specified provisions of law concerning specified charitable, educational, or religious property, when any property that was formerly exempt from property tax is sold and the property is no longer entitled to the exemption, the property tax is payable for the remainder of the taxable year from the date of transfer; making the Act applicable to all taxable years beginning after June 30, 2014; etc. Requiring the Division of Labor and Industry in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to collect and retain a specified civil penalty rather than have the penalty paid into the General Fund; requiring a contractor to pay specified liquidated damages for late submission of payroll records to the Division and not to the General Fund; requiring a contractor to pay specified liquidated damages for failing to pay a specified laborer or employee the prevailing wage to the Division and not to the General Fund; etc. Establishing the Task Force on the Creation of a Juvenile Assessment Center and Constructive Alternatives to Managing Youth at Risk of Delinquency in Prince George's County; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study, identify, and report on specified issues, hold specified meetings, and make specified recommendations; etc. HB0950 Property Tax Charitable, Educational, or Religious Properties - Tax on Formerly Exempt Property Delegate Hogan HB0956 Prevailing Wage Enforcement Act Delegate Mizeur HB0994 Task Force on the Creation of a Juvenile Assessment Center and Constructive Alternatives to Managing Youth at Risk of Delinquency in Prince George's County PG 306-14 Education - Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waivers Prince George's County Delegation HB1001 (SB0910) Delegate Hixson Requiring a waiver from the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act requested by the State Department of Education to the United States Department of Education to be consistent with State law and regulations; requiring the Department to adopt regulations establishing the provisions of a waiver before requesting a waiver; requiring the State Superintendent of Schools to submit a detailed description of how a waiver is consistent with State law and regulations; 14 etc. HB1013 HB1017 HB1033 HB1034 (SB0901) HB1035 HB1053 (SB0210) HB1055 Prince George's County Board of Education - Public High Schools Outdoor Synthetic Turf Fields PG 40914 Prince George's County - Board of Education - Elected Member Vacancy Approval of Appointment PG 422-14 Prince George's County Delegation Queen Anne's County Board of Education - Filling a Vacancy in Membership Queen Anne's County - School Buses - Length of Operation Prince George's County Juvenile Court and School Safety Workgroup Continuation, Membership, and Duties PG 305-14 Child Abuse Failure to Report Penalties and Task Force Queen Anne's County Delegation Prince George's County - Board of Education - Prince George's County Delegation Prince George's County Delegation Queen Anne's County Delegation Requiring the Prince George's County Board of Education to install an outdoor synthetic turf field at each public high school in the county during a specified period of time; requiring outdoor synthetic turf fields to be constructed for joint use; requiring specified expenditures to be deemed eligible public school construction costs or capital improvement costs by the Interagency Committee on School Construction for specified purposes; etc. Requiring the County Executive of Prince George's County to transmit to the clerk of the Prince George's County Council the name of a specified individual appointed to fill a vacancy of an elected member of the Prince George's County Board of Education; and altering a provision relating to a rejection of a specified appointment to establish that, if the County Council does not disapprove the appointment within 30 days after the transmittal of the name of the appointee, the appointment shall be considered approved. Altering provisions of law concerning the filling of a vacancy on the Queen Anne's County Board of Education; providing for the holding of an election to fill a vacancy on the county board under specified circumstances; and providing that a member appointed by the Governor to fill a vacancy on the county board serves only for a specified period. Altering the length of time a school bus may be operated in Queen Anne's County. Prince George's County Delegation Altering the membership and duties of the Prince George's County Juvenile Court and School Safety Workgroup; requiring the Workgroup to report its findings and recommendations to the Prince George's County Delegation on or before December 15, 2014; and extending the termination date of the Act creating the Workgroup to the end of December 31, 2015. Delegate McComas Making it a misdemeanor, subject to specified penalties, for a specified person to knowingly and willfully fail to report child abuse under specified circumstances; establishing the Task Force to Study Training for Mandatory Reporters on the Risk Factors, Prevention, Identification, and Reporting of Child Abuse; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; etc. Prohibiting the Prince George's County Board of Education from issuing a credit card to a member of the county board; and providing for a delayed effective date. 15 HB1058 HB1062 (SB0714) Issuance of Credit Cards - Prohibition PG 415-14 Baltimore City School Closures Consultations Delegate Carter Baltimore City - 10Year Plan for Public School Facilities Neighborhood Revitalization and Community Development Task Force to Study Starting Times for Maryland Public Schools Delegate Haynes SB0030 Educational Institutions Personal Electronic Account - Privacy Protection Senator Young SB0042 (HB0165) Financial Education and Capability Commission Membership and Duties Senator Klausmeier SB0058 Education - School Vehicles Authorized Riders Senator Pugh SB0064 (HB0001) Children in Need of Assistance Educational Stability Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee SB0014 Senator Reilly Requiring the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners to conduct specified public meetings and consult with the Parent and Community Advisory Board before a vote to close a specified school that is not included in a specified 10-Year Plan. Stating a specified finding of the General Assembly; requiring the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners to provide specified information to specified residents and community leaders; requiring the Board to provide an opportunity to specified individuals to coordinate specified efforts with a specified design team; requiring a specified committee to provide an opportunity to specified individuals to communicate specified efforts to a specified committee; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study Starting Times for Maryland Public Schools; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting Task Force members from receiving compensation, but authorizing reimbursement for specified expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations relating to a later starting time for Maryland public schools; requiring the Task Force to submit a report; etc. MABE: Oppose Prohibiting an educational institution from requiring, requesting, suggesting, or causing a student, an applicant, or a prospective student to grant access to, allow observation of, or disclose information that allows access to or observation of the individual's personal electronic account; prohibiting an educational institution from compelling, as a condition of acceptance or participation in specified activities, an individual to add individuals to a list of contacts or to change privacy settings; etc. Altering the membership of the Financial Education and Capability Commission to include the Secretary of Higher Education, or the Secretary's designee, rather than a member of the Higher Education Commission; and altering the duties of the Commission to require the Commission to coordinate specified financial education events and activities to highlight a specified month as Financial Education Month. MABE: Support w/Amendment to add MABE representative. Prohibiting the driver of a school vehicle from allowing specified individuals to board or ride on the school vehicle, subject to specified exceptions; and authorizing specified individuals to board or ride on a school vehicle under specified circumstances. MABE: No Position Requiring the juvenile court to inquire as to the educational stability of a child at specified hearings and proceedings; and authorizing the juvenile court to consider specified factors in determining the educational stability 16 SB0084 Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services Name Change Senator Benson SB0091 State Ethics Commission - Local Governments and School Boards Compliance Enforcement Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee SB0103 Public Health Programs for Children Renaming and Modernization Chair, Finance Committee SB0109 Public Ethics Financial Disclosure Statements Electronic Filing Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee SB0116 Juvenile Law Committed Facilities - Repeal of Termination Juvenile Law Commitment Placement Visits Juvenile Law Juvenile Services Education Facilities Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee Education - Children With Disabilities - Chair, Education, Health, and SB0117 SB0118 SB0120 Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee of a child. MABE: No Position Changing the name of the Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services to the Joint Committee on Access to Behavioral Health Services; altering the duties of the Committee by requiring it to monitor access to specified behavioral health services and specified medically necessary services; and altering the information that must be included in a specified report to the Governor and the General Assembly. MABE: No Position Requiring the State Ethics Commission to adopt specified model provisions for school boards; providing that a specified model provision may be adopted or imposed on a school board under specified circumstances; authorizing the State Ethics Commission, after making a specified determination, to issue an order directing a county or municipal corporation or school board to comply with specified provisions of the Public Ethics Law; etc. MABE: No Position Changing the name of the Program for Hearing-Impaired Infants to the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program; altering the membership and duties of the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Advisory Council; altering the length of an Advisory Council member's term; providing for staggered terms for Advisory Council members; altering the number of times the Advisory Council must meet each year; etc. MABE: No Position Requiring that specified financial disclosure statements be filed electronically with the State Ethics Commission; and requiring the Ethics Commission to develop and implement specified procedures for the electronic filing of a financial disclosure statement and for the granting of exemptions to the mandatory electronic filing requirement. MABE: No Position Repealing the termination of specified provisions of law authorizing the Department of Juvenile Services to transfer a child committed to residential placement from a specified facility to another facility under specified circumstances. MABE: No Position Authorizing the use of video conferencing by a juvenile counselor for specified commitment placements under specified circumstances. MABE: No Position Repealing a requirement that the Department of Juvenile Services adopt regulations requiring the provision of year-round educational services in residential programs; repealing a requirement that the State Department of Education develop and implement an educational program specific to the Charles H. Hickey, Jr. School; repealing requirements related to the transmission of specified records under specified circumstances; etc. MABE: No Position Adding the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation and the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to the list of 17 Parent Surrogates Environmental Affairs Committee Education Coordinating Committee and Lida Lee Tall Learning Resources Center Repeal State-Aided Educational Institutions Qualification Criteria Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee Education Compensatory Education Grants Federal Community Eligibility Provision Public Ethics Officials and Regulated Lobbyists - Late-Filing Penalties Family Law - Foster Care - Kinship Parent Age Requirements Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee SB0148 Anne Arundel County - Board of Education Selection of Members Senator Reilly SB0151 (HB0026) Administrative Procedure Act Fiscal Impact Statements for Proposed Regulations Senator Colburn SB0124 SB0125 SB0128 SB0129 SB0144 Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee public agencies required to request a local school system superintendent to appoint a parent surrogate to represent a child at any point in the educational decision making process if it is suspected that the child may be disabled. MABE: No Position Repealing the Education Coordinating Committee and the Lida Lee Tall Learning Resources Center. MABE: No Position Updating the information required in the documentation supporting an application for qualification as a State-aided institution; and updating the criteria on which the State Superintendent of Schools must review and comment regarding a list of qualified State-aided educational institutions. MABE: No Position Altering for specified fiscal years a definition to determine the number of students used to calculate a grant for schools that participate in a specified federal program; etc. MABE: HOLD – pending additional information. Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee Altering specified fees that an official or a regulated lobbyist must pay for failing to file in a timely manner a required report or financial disclosure statement form with the State Ethics Commission. MABE: No Position Senator Kelley Lowering, from 21 years to 18 years, the age that a person must be to serve as a kinship parent for a child in need of out-of-home placement; and repealing a provision authorizing a local department to waive the age requirement for a potential kinship parent who is at least 18 years of age and who lives with a spouse who is at least 21 years of age. MABE: No Position Requiring that specified members of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education be elected at specified elections; requiring that specified members of the county board be appointed; providing for the residency, terms of office, and filling of a vacancy of specified members of the county board; authorizing the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections to adopt specified regulations; etc. MABE: No Position/Local Altering a specified provision of law to clarify that a promulgating unit is required to submit a specified fiscal impact statement with a proposed regulation to the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review and the Department of Legislative Services; and altering a specified provision of law to prohibit a unit from adopting a proposed regulation until after a specified fiscal impact statement is submitted with the proposed regulation to the Committee for preliminary 18 SB0159 (HB0133) Vehicle Laws School Vehicles Definition Senator Edwards SB0165 (HB0117) Education Maryland School Assessment Request for Waiver Senator King SB0170 Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2015) President SB0171 Creation of State Debt - Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2014, and the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loans of 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2014 President SB0194 Anne Arundel County Board of Education - Student Member - Voting Rights Senator Reilly SB0199 State Education Aid - Real Property Valuation - Tax Senator Ferguson SB0172 President review. MABE: No Position Altering the definition of a "school vehicle"; establishing that a "school vehicle" includes specified vehicles that meet or comply with specified standards and requirements, were originally used to transport children, students, and teachers in another state, and are used only for transporting children to and from specified locations. MABE: Oppose Requiring the State Department of Education to request a specified waiver from the U.S. Department of Education within a specified period of time; prohibiting the Department from administering the Maryland School Assessment in the spring of 2014 under specified circumstances; and requiring the Department to administer the Maryland School Assessment under specified circumstances. MABE: Support Making the proposed appropriations contained in the State budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, in accordance with Article III, Section 52 of the Maryland Constitution; etc. MABE: Support Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $1,166,065,000, the proceeds to be used for specified necessary building, construction, demolition, planning, renovation, conversion, replacement, and capital equipment purchases of the State, for acquiring specified real estate in connection therewith, and for grants to specified subdivisions and other organizations for specified development and improvement purposes, subject to specified requirements; etc. MABE: Support Authorizing specified funds to be used for specified purposes; authorizing or altering the distribution of specified revenue; altering or repealing specified required appropriations; altering the rate of specified commissions; providing for the transfer of specified funds; altering the rate of a specified assessment; requiring the Health Services Cost Review Commission to establish a Community Partnership Assistance Program; setting limits in increases in payments to specified providers for a specified fiscal year; etc. Providing that the student member of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education may not vote on specified matters; and authorizing the board, by majority vote of the elected members, to determine whether a matter is subject to the exclusionary provision under the Act that forbids the student member from voting on specified matters. MABE: No Position/Local Requiring the assessed valuation of specified real property used in calculating the wealth of a jurisdiction for purposes of education aid to remain at a specified assessment for a specified period of time; defining 19 Increment Financing SB0200 (HB0263) terms; and applying the Act to the calculation of specified payments for fiscal years after June 30, 2014. Elections - Early Voting Centers Days of Operation Charles County Board of Education Salaries and Expenses Senator Ferguson Altering the days on which each early voting center is required to be open before a primary or general election. Senator Middleton SB0204 Prevailing Wage Rates Reform Act of 2014 Senator Manno SB0210 Child Abuse Failure to Report Penalties and Task Force Senator Kelley SB0218 (HB0190) Creation of a State Debt - Qualified Zone Academy Bonds President SB0232 Procurement Prevailing Wage Applicability Board of Public Works - Relocatable Classrooms - Indoor Air Quality Senator Stone Increasing the salary of the chair of the Charles County Board of Education beginning in the year 2015 to $7,000 annually; increasing the salary for the vice chair and other nonstudent members of the county board beginning in the year 2015 to $6,000 and compensation for travel and other expenses to $800 annually; providing that members of the county board may be reimbursed for specified expenses after submitting expense vouchers and supporting receipts; etc. Expanding the applicability of the prevailing wage rate law to political subdivisions, agencies, and public works on property where the State, a political subdivision, or an agency is the owner or lessee by altering the definition of "public body"; altering the dollar amount for public work contracts at which the prevailing wage rate law applies; requiring that prevailing wage rates be calculated using wage rates established by specified collective bargaining agreements; etc. Making it a misdemeanor, subject to specified penalties, for a specified person to knowingly and willfully fail to report child abuse under specified circumstances; establishing the Task Force to Study Training for Mandatory Reporters on the Risk Factors, Prevention, Identification, and Reporting of Child Abuse; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; etc. Authorizing the creation of a State Debt in the amount of $4,625,000, the proceeds to be used as grants to the Interagency Committee on School Construction and the Maryland State Department of Education for specified development or improvement purposes; providing for the disbursement of the loan proceeds and the further grant of funds to eligible school systems for specified purposes, subject to a requirement that the grantees document the provision of a required matching fund; etc. Repealing a specified limitation on the applicability of the Prevailing Wage Law to the construction of a public work by revising the definition of "public body". Requiring the Board of Public Works, in consultation with specified departments, to adopt regulations that include specifications relating to indoor air quality for the occupants of relocatable classrooms constructed after July 1, 2014, that are purchased or leased using State SB0203 (HB0209) SB0238 Senator King 20 Requirements SB0251 funds; and generally relating to indoor air quality requirements for relocatable classrooms,etc. Public Schools and Institutions of Higher Education - Artificial Trans Fat Prohibition Baltimore City Public School System - Chief Executive Officer Advice and Consent of the Senate Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Safety Net Act of 2014 Senator Muse Prohibiting a public school or public institution of higher education from storing, distributing, holding for service, using in the preparation of any menu item, or serving food containing artificial trans fat; and defining "artificial trans fat". Senator Conway Requiring the employment contract of the Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System to be contingent on the advice and consent of the Senate. Senator Madaleno SB0265 (HB0311) Gang-Related Crimes - Reporting Senator JonesRodwell SB0271 Income Tax Credit Home Instruction Expenses Senator Jacobs SB0275 (HB0046) State Government Maryland Uniform Electronic Legal Materials Act Senator Kelley Requiring the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) to establish a specified Prison In-Reach Program; requiring each county board of education to include behavioral health services with school health services; requiring DHMH to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before October 1, 2014 on a plan for statewide implementation of the School Health Program; requiring the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration to implement a specified program throughout the State; etc. Requiring the court, on request of the State's Attorney, to make a finding as to whether a crime for which a defendant is convicted or receives a probation before judgment disposition is a gang-related crime; establishing that the State has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that a crime is a gang-related crime; requiring a finding by the court that a crime is a gang-related crime to become part of the court record for purposes of reporting to the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository; etc. Allowing a parent or guardian a credit against the State income tax for specified home instruction expenses; providing that the credit may not exceed $1,000; providing that the credit may be carried forward to the fifth taxable year after the taxable year in which the expenses were incurred; requiring the Comptroller, in consultation with the State Department of Education, to adopt specified regulations; defining specified terms; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013; etc. Requiring an official publisher that publishes legal material in an electronic record to designate the electronic record as official, under specified circumstances, and authenticate the electronic record in a specified manner; providing that specified legal material in an electronic record is presumed to be an accurate copy of the legal material; requiring an official publisher of specified legal material in an electronic SB0253 SB0262 (HB0273) 21 record to provide for the preservation and security of the record; etc. SB0282 (HB0242) Juvenile Law Truancy Reduction Pilot Program - Kent County Public Schools Smoking on School Property Prohibition Baltimore County Board of Education Selection of Members Senator Hershey SB0331 (HB0295) Maryland Minimum Wage Act of 2014 President SB0332 (HB0297) Prekindergarten Expansion Act of 2014 President SB0350 Motor Vehicles Speed Monitoring Systems - Local Jurisdictions Senator Brochin SB0288 SB0290 (HB0384) Senator Zirkin Senator Brochin Authorizing the Circuit Administrative Judge of the Second Circuit to establish a Truancy Reduction Pilot Program in the juvenile court in Kent County; and making specified provisions relating to a Truancy Reduction Pilot Program in specified counties applicable to Kent County. Prohibiting an individual from smoking a tobacco product at any time on public school property; establishing a civil penalty of $50 for each violation of the Act; and defining "smoking". Establishing procedures for the election and appointment of the members of the Baltimore County Board of Education; repealing provisions governing the appointment of members of the county board; establishing the composition of the county board; requiring members of the county board to reside in, be a registered voter in, and be elected from specified districts; providing for a student member of the county board; providing for the removal of, and hearings and appeal procedures for, specified members of the county board; etc. Specifying the State minimum wage rate that is in effect for specified time periods; increasing, except under specified circumstances, the State minimum wage rate in effect for specified time periods based on the annual growth in the Consumer Price Index; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, beginning on a specified date and each subsequent year, to determine and announce the growth in the Consumer Price Index, if any, and the new State minimum wage rate; etc. Expanding prekindergarten services to specified 4-year-old children; establishing the Prekindergarten Expansion Grant Program; identifying the purpose of the Program; requiring the Department of Education to administer the Program; requiring the Program to be a competitive grant program for specified providers; establishing specified criteria for priority consideration of grant funds; establishing specified uses for grant funds; etc. Altering the standards and requirements for the required warning period for violations recorded by speed monitoring systems; establishing that speed monitoring systems placed in specified areas may only be placed on highways with a specified minimum speed limit; applying notice and signage standards for unmanned local stationary speed monitoring systems to all local speed monitoring systems; establishing that a speed monitoring system in a school zone may operate only during the regular school year; etc. 22 SB0353 Criminal Law Deadly Weapons on School Property Public and Private Schools Allegany County and Garrett County Boards of Education - Removal of Ex Officio Member Senator Manno Prohibiting a person from carrying or possessing a deadly weapon on public or private school property; and extending specified exceptions that allow the carrying or possession of a deadly weapon on public school property to private school property. Senator Edwards Education Maintenance of Effort - Lease Payment Exclusion Education Common Core State Standards Implementation Timeline Libraries - Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Funding Senator Reilly Repealing the requirement that the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County or any county commissioner serve as an ex officio member of the Allegany County Board of Education; repealing the requirement that the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County serve as an ex officio member of the Garrett County Board of Education; making conforming changes; and making stylistic changes. Excluding specified lease payments made by a local school district from the maintenance of effort calculation. SB0430 Libraries - Regional Resource Centers and County Public Libraries - Funding Senator King SB0431 Education - Bridge to Excellence State HoldHarmless Requirement Senator Getty SB0449 (HB0166) State Government Administrative Procedure Act Effective Date of Adopted Senator Young SB0383 (HB0343) SB0388 (HB0349) SB0408 SB0419 Senator Reilly Requiring each county board of education to determine the implementation timeline for the Common Core State Standards notwithstanding any other provision of law. Senator Manno Authorizing the State Department of Education to include operating funds for the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped in its budget; requiring the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped to receive a specified amount of funding each year; requiring the Department to disburse funds to the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; etc. Authorizing the State Department of Education to include operating funds for the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped in its budget; requiring the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped to receive a specified amount of funding each year; requiring the Department to disburse funds to the Maryland Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; etc. Providing a grant to specified county boards of education in specified fiscal years if total direct education aid in the current fiscal year is less than in the prior fiscal year; and declaring it is the intent of the General Assembly that no county board of education receive less State direct education aid in the current fiscal year than in the prior fiscal year until after the completion of a specified study. Altering the effective dates of specified regulations adopted under the Administrative Procedure Act. 23 Regulations SB0460 Criminal Law Person in a Position of Authority - Sexual Offenses With a Minor Senator Raskin SB0463 Community Colleges Developmental Education Courses Student Credit Hours Senator Ferguson SB0470 (HB0015) Public School Facilities Security Improvements Program Senator Muse SB0477 (HB0350) Education - Talbot County Board of Education - Lease of Public School Facility Procurement Maryland Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Revisions Juvenile Law Prohibition Against Continued Detention Speech-Language Pathologists License Renewal Senator Colburn SB0484 (HB0632) SB0485 (HB0407) SB0514 Altering a specified prohibition against a specified "person in a position of authority" from engaging in specified conduct to prohibit a specified person in a position of authority from engaging in sexual contact, a sexual act, or vaginal intercourse with a minor who is at least 7 years younger than the person in a position of authority and who the person in a position of authority knows is or was enrolled or participating in the institution, program, or activity at which the person in a position of authority works; etc. Altering the defined term of "student credit hours" as used in the calculation of State aid for community colleges and Baltimore City Community College; defining "developmental education course"; and declaring that it is the intent of the General Assembly that any reduction of State aid to the community colleges that results from the Act may not be recouped by the community colleges through an increase in tuition or fees charged for developmental education courses. Establishing the Public School Facilities Security Improvements Program; requiring the Interagency Committee on Public School Construction to implement and administer the Program and to develop procedures to provide grants to county boards to improve security in public school facilities; authorizing the Interagency Committee to award grants to improve security in public school facilities under specified circumstances; requiring the Governor to provide a specified amount in the State budget for the Program in fiscal year 2016; etc. MABE: No Position Authorizing the Talbot County Board of Education to lease a public school facility to an organization that operates a community-based educational and recreational program, subject to a specified determination and specified limitations. MABE: No Position/Local Senator Madaleno Altering the information regarding State payments that a specified searchable Web site is required to contain; and requiring the searchable Web site to allow a user to compare data for multiple fiscal years and access specified information regarding specified contracts. Senator Forehand Prohibiting the continued detention, beyond emergency detention, of a child under the age of 14 years except under specified circumstances. Senator Gladden Requiring the State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, and Speech-Language Pathologists to waive specified continuing education requirements for the purpose of renewing a license 24 Requirements National Certification SB0523 Task Force to Study a Program for Interest-Free Loans to STEM College Students in Maryland Senator Feldman SB0534 Education - State Grant to Counties With Small and Declining Student Enrollment Teachers' Retirement and Pension Systems Reemployment of Retirees - Penalty for Failure to Submit Certification Senator Edwards Education Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Implementation Timeline Education Evaluation of Teachers and Principals Implementation Timeline Child Abuse and Neglect - Failure to Report and Training Senator Reilly SB0576 (HB0630) SB0578 SB0579 SB0607 Senator JonesRodwell to practice speech-language pathology for a licensee who holds a license to practice speech-language pathology and a specified national certification that is determined to be in good standing by the issuing organization. Establishing the Task Force to Study a Program for Interest-Free Loans to STEM College Students in Maryland; providing for the composition, cochairs, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly; etc. Establishing eligibility for a county board of education to receive a specified State grant; requiring a specified grant to be provided to eligible county boards in specified fiscal years; declaring the intent of the General Assembly; etc. Altering the amount a local school system or the Maryland School for the Deaf must pay as a penalty for failing to submit to the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System and the State Department of Education within a specified period of time a specified certification regarding specified retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System or the Teachers' Pension System who are employed by a local school system or the Maryland School for the Deaf and are exempt from a specified retirement allowance offset. Requiring each county board of education to determine the implementation timeline for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), notwithstanding any other provision of law; and making the Act an emergency measure. Senator Reilly Requiring the State Board of Education to determine the implementation timeline for the evaluation of teachers and principals in public schools in the State, notwithstanding any other provision of law; and making the Act an emergency measure. Senator Shank Requiring an agency that is participating in a child abuse or neglect investigation and that has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has failed to report child abuse as required under a specified provision of law to file a specified complaint with a specified board, agency, institution, or facility; requiring each health occupation board authorized 25 SB0633 Maryland Education Credit Senator DeGrange SB0635 Anne Arundel County - School Board - Membership Senator Simonaire SB0636 Anne Arundel County Board of Education - Method for Selection of Members (Listen to the People Act of 2014) Anne Arundel County - Board of Education Member Limitation on Candidacy for Other Elective Office Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarship Program Senator Simonaire Teachers and Principals Performance Evaluation Criteria - Senator King SB0637 SB0666 SB0676 to issue a license or certificate to adopt specified regulations regarding training on the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect; etc. Providing a tax credit against the State income tax for contributions made to specified student assistance organizations; requiring the Department of Business and Economic Development to administer the tax credit; requiring specified entities to submit an application to be a student assistance organization on or before December 1 of each year; establishing the Maryland Education Tax Credit Reserve Fund; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013; etc. MABE: Oppose Requiring that members of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education be elected and appointed, as specified; repealing provisions relating to a retention election for specified appointed members of the county board; establishing procedures for the election and appointment of members of the county board; providing for a nonpartisan election for specified members of the county board; providing for the termination of the terms of specified members of the county board; providing for a delayed effective date of the Act; etc. MABE: No Position/Local Requiring that a question be placed on the ballot in Anne Arundel County at the November general election of 2014 to determine the sense of the voters of the County on the issue of changing the method of selecting members of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education; and providing for the carrying out of the straw ballot. MABE: No Position/Local Senator Simonaire Prohibiting a member of the Anne Arundel County Board of Education from being a candidate for election to a municipal, county, or State office during the 2-year period immediately following the conclusion of the term to which the member was appointed; and applying the Act prospectively. Senator Pinsky Renaming the Maryland Teacher Scholarship to be the Teaching Fellows for Maryland scholarship and altering specified elements of the scholarship program; altering the eligibility criteria and service obligation associated with the scholarship; altering the amount of the award for a scholarship to be 100% of the annual tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board at specified institutions; requiring institutions that enroll at least 15 scholarship recipients to develop and implement a specified honors program; etc. Renaming specified model performance evaluation criteria; prohibiting specified performance evaluation criteria from requiring the use of specified student growth data before the 2016-2017 school year; and prohibiting a county board of education from being required to adopt 26 Use of Student Growth Data specified model performance evaluation criteria. SB0679 Task Force on CommunityPartnered School Mental Health Senator Conway SB0685 Family Law - Child Abuse and Neglect Provision of Information to Health Care Provider Education - Children With Disabilities Habilitative Services Information Baltimore City - 10Year Plan for Public School Facilities Neighborhood Revitalization and Community Development Task Force to Study Chronic Absenteeism in Maryland's Public Schools Senator Zirkin Child Care Centers Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Act Senator Ferguson SB0701 (HB0798) SB0714 (HB1062) SB0715 (HB0869) SB0716 Senator Madaleno Senator Ferguson Senator Ferguson Establishing the Task Force on Community-Partnered School Mental Health; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving certain compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding the provision and financing of community-partnered school mental health programs and services; etc. Requiring the State Department of Human Resources or a local department of social services to notify the primary care physician of a child or a health care provider who is providing ongoing care to a child of specified information; requiring the Department or local department to provide to the physician or provider specified information if requested by the physician or provider; etc. Requiring a local school system to provide to the parents of a child with a disability verbal and written information about access to habilitative services at specified times. Stating a specified finding of the General Assembly; requiring the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners to provide specified information to specified residents and community leaders; requiring the Board to provide an opportunity to specified individuals to coordinate specified efforts with a specified design team; requiring a specified committee to provide an opportunity to specified individuals to communicate specified efforts to a specified committee; etc. Establishing the Task Force to Study Chronic Absenteeism in Maryland's Public Schools; requiring the Task Force to collect and analyze specified data, evaluate local and national strategies and best practices to address chronic absenteeism, identify responses to chronic absenteeism that rely on prevention and intervention, and make specified recommendations; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2014; etc. Requiring the rules and regulations for licensing and operating child care centers to require child care centers providing care to children under the age of 1 year to have in attendance an individual who has had specified breast-feeding education and training; requiring the regulations to contain specified provisions as to beverages served by a child care center to children in the child care center's care; requiring the regulations to require a child care center to adopt limits on screen time; etc. 27 SB0717 (HB0783) Task Force to Study School-Based Health Centers Senator Ferguson SB0719 County Boards of Education Professional Development Evaluation Systems Senator Ferguson SB0726 Education - State Funding - Operating and Capital Funds Senator Madaleno SB0738 Open Meetings Act Public Body Definition Education - General Assembly Scholarships Modification of Programs Senator Kittleman Anne Arundel County Superintendent of Schools Compensation Food Service Facilities - Meals for Children Juveniles - Transfer Determinations Confinement in Juvenile Facilities Senator Astle SB0739 SB0747 (HB0087) SB0750 SB0757 Senator Kittleman Senator Pugh Senator McFadden Establishing the Task Force to Study School-Based Health Centers; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding policies for the integration and sustainability of School-Based Health Centers in the State; etc. Requiring each county board of education to develop and implement professional development evaluation systems that are based on teacher feedback and will enable the county board to assess teacher satisfaction and measure the effectiveness and relevancy of the activity; requiring each county board to report annually the results to the State Department of Education; requiring the Department to report annually to the Governor and General Assembly; etc. Requiring that specified county boards of education receive the Geographic Cost of Education Index adjustment; repealing specified provisions that phased in a specified adjustment in specified fiscal years and allowed for the reduction of a specified adjustment under specified circumstances; establishing a specified amount of capital funding for the public school construction or capital improvement program in specified fiscal years; etc. Altering the definition of "public body" for the purposes of the Open Meetings Act to include a multimember subcommittee of a standing committee of either house of the General Assembly. Altering the Senatorial and Delegate Scholarship Programs to require that the money appropriated under the programs be awarded by the Office of Student Financial Assistance in the Maryland Higher Education Commission; requiring the Office to ensure that the awards are distributed in a specified manner and that specified student populations are served; requiring the Office to adopt specified guidelines; etc. Prohibiting the Anne Arundel County Board of Education from paying monetary compensation to the county superintendent of schools for sick leave benefits earned in a specified manner. Limiting the types of beverages that a food service facility may include in the price of specified menu options or meals; and authorizing a food service facility to offer specified beverages to minors for a charge. Requiring a court exercising criminal jurisdiction in a case involving a child, or the District Court at a bail review or preliminary hearing, to order a child to be held in a secure juvenile facility pending a transfer determination except under specified circumstances; and requiring the District Court at a bail review or preliminary hearing to order that a 28 specified study be made under specified circumstances. SB0766 (HB0854) Higher Education College Admissions Outreach Program for High-Achieving Students Establishment Senator Madaleno SB0777 Driver's Education Income Tax Credit Assessment of Fees for Driving Offenses Senator Montgomery SB0779 Education - Due Process Hearings for Children With Disabilities - Burden of Proof Senator Montgomery SB0794 (HB0794) Department of Planning - Maryland Unaccompanied Homeless Youth and Young Adult Count Demonstration Project Digital Equity for All Maryland Students Act of 2014 Senator Reilly Early-In Early-Out Education Act of 2014 Senator Rosapepe SB0821 SB0822 Senator Rosapepe Establishing the College Admissions Outreach Program for HighAchieving Students; requiring the Maryland Higher Education Commission and the Maryland State Department of Education, in collaboration with specified educational officials, agencies, and organizations, to jointly administer the Program; providing that the Program shall provide specified information on the college admissions process to specified students free of charge; etc. Allowing an individual to claim a specified credit against the State income tax for specified driver education costs paid for a child, stepchild, or legal ward who is eligible to receive free meals at school; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to assess specified fees on specified licensees convicted of specified driving offenses; establishing the Driver's Education Fund to pay for the tax credit under the Act; etc. Requiring specified public agencies to bear a specified burden of proof in due process hearings that are held to resolve a dispute relating to the provision of a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities; and establishing that a specified provision of law is not intended to change specified record keeping requirements or what constitutes a free and appropriate public education under federal law. Requiring the Department of Planning to select a coordinating entity to oversee the Maryland Unaccompanied Homeless Youth and Young Adult Count Demonstration Project; establishing the purpose of the Project; requiring the coordinating entity to be selected through a competitive request for proposal or by sole source contract; requiring the coordinating entity to determine the number and characteristics of unaccompanied homeless youth and young adults in specified jurisdictions using specified methods; etc. Requiring all students to have specified access to digital technology in the classroom on or before the 2016-2017 school year; establishing a Technology Infrastructure Improvement Program to be administered by the Interagency Committee on School Construction; requiring the State to distribute grants from a specified source to county school boards; authorizing the grant amount to be apportioned between specified sources; requiring the Interagency Committee to make specified considerations when allocating a specified grant; etc. Including students who graduated from high school before grade 12 in the definition of "full-time equivalent enrollment" for the purpose of specified State education aid calculations; restricting the use of specified funds for the purpose of expanding prekindergarten programs for specified children; etc. 29 SB0847 (HB0157) SB0857 (HB0922) SB0866 SB0870 SB0876 (HB0811) SB0901 (HB1034) SB0910 (HB1001) Open Meetings Act Advance Notice of Meeting - Agenda Task Force to Study a Funding Formula for Corollary Athletic Programs Senator Kittleman Education Suspension and Expulsion Restrictions and Alternative Disciplinary Options Criminal Law - Drug Paraphernalia Near School Property Penalties Education - Summer Career Academy Pilot Program Senator Benson Queen Anne's County - School Buses - Length of Operation Education - Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waivers Senator Hershey Senator Kasemeyer Senator Benson Senator Klausmeier Senator Madaleno Requiring a public body to include an agenda containing specified information in the advance notice of a meeting held by a specified public body. Establishing the Task Force to Study a Funding Formula for Corollary Athletic Programs; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding specified matters; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations on or before a specified date; etc. Prohibiting specified school principals from suspending specified students or recommending specified students for expulsion unless the student commits a specified act or a specified offense under specified circumstances; requiring specified principals to use specified alternative disciplinary options in lieu of suspensions unless the student committed a specified act or a specified offense; etc. Prohibiting a person from committing a specified crime relating to the delivery or sale of drug paraphernalia in a specified school vehicle or in, on, or within 1,000 feet of specified real property used for elementary or secondary education; establishing a penalty; etc. Establishing the Summer Career Academy Pilot Program and identifying the purpose of the Program; requiring the State Department of Education to develop criteria for the selection of eligible school systems and eligible students for participation in the Program; authorizing the State Superintendent of Schools to select up to four school systems to participate in the Program; requiring a student selected to participate in the Program to be assigned a summer career counselor and to receive a $4,500 stipend; etc. Altering the length of time a school bus may be operated in Queen Anne's County. Requiring a waiver from the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act requested by the State Department of Education to the United States Department of Education to be consistent with State law and regulations; requiring the Department to adopt regulations establishing the provisions of a waiver before requesting a waiver; requiring the State Superintendent of Schools to submit a detailed description of how a waiver is consistent with State law and regulations; etc. 30 SB0911 Education Performance Evaluation Criteria Default Model Senator Madaleno SB0914 Family Law Protecting the Resources of Children in State Custody Senator Raskin SB0927 Supplemental Public School Construction Matching Fund Program Senator Raskin SB0933 Public School Employees Service or Representation Fees - Local Discretion Senator Getty Clarifying that the model performance evaluation criteria adopted by the State Board of Education for the evaluation of teachers and principals are the default criteria to be used in the instance that a local school system and the exclusive employee representative fail to mutually agree to performance evaluation criteria. Requiring the Department of Human Resources to serve in a fiduciary capacity for children in its custody; requiring the Department, in any action, service, or decision on behalf of a child in its custody, to protect and serve the best interest of the child; prohibiting the Department from imposing a debt obligation on a child in its custody or taking any other action that requires the child to pay for the child's own care or custody; etc. Establishing the Supplemental Public School Construction Matching Fund Program; providing for the purpose of the Program and requiring the Department of Budget and Management to implement and administer the Program; establishing specified requirements a county must meet to be eligible for the Program; requiring the Department to provide to each county that is eligible for the Program up to $20,000,000 of State funding each fiscal year to be used to fund the cost of public school construction projects; etc. Repealing specified provisions requiring public school employers in all jurisdictions of the State to negotiate with specified employee organizations regarding service or representation fees charged to nonmembers; and limiting the application of specified provisions of law regarding the negotiation and charging of service or representation fees. 31