Student Prizes - University of Sheffield

Student Prizes
BABAO awards student prizes at the Annual Conference: the prize awarded for the best
student podium presentation and runner-up is given in memory of Jane Moore and the
prize for the best poster presentation and runner-up is awarded in memory of Bill
White. Jane Moore (PhD student, University College London) and Bill White (Curator
Emeritus, Museum of London) were both BABAO members who sadly passed away in
2004 and 2010 respectively. Jane was studying the genetic and multivariate
morphological differences between modern and ancient Nubian populations in Sudan.
Bill was a founding member of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and
Osteoarchaeology and he is well known for his osteological work on many of the
London cemeteries. For more information please follow these links:
Jane Moore
Bill White
Jane Moore (1962-2004)
Bill White (1944-2010)
All student members are eligible to enter their contribution for the awards. Once your
presentation has been confirmed as accepted by the Conference Organising
Committee, to be considered for a student prize you must submit a PDF of your
Powerpoint slides or poster presentation to the BABAO Conference Organising
Committee via email ( no later than Friday 11th
September 2015; this is to allow student prize judges to review all contributions prior to
the conference itself. We are aware that your contribution might contain unpublished
data and we would like to assure you that each file will only be reviewed by the student
prize judges/organising committee. We will delete all PDFs immediately after the
A panel of three competition judges, comprising established BABAO members and a
student member, will review all entries during the meeting and the winners of the
competition will be announced at the close of the meeting. There will be four cash
•Jane Moore for best student podium presentation £100
•Jane Moore for best student podium presentation runner up £50
•Bill White for best student poster presentation £100
•Bill White for best student poster presentation runner up £50
Prizes will also include books donated by authors and BABAO members.
Please note that papers/posters not received by the deadline or contributions that do
not follow the guidelines will be disqualified from the competition.
Guidelines for Student Prize entrants:
- The first author of the podium/poster presentation needs to be a paid-up BABAO
student member by the time of the abstract’s acceptance (the Organising Committee
will cross check with the membership list)
- Multi-authored papers are acceptable, but the student must be the lead researcher
and first author
- The first author must indicate on the Abstract Submission Form that the podium
presentation or poster is being entered for the Student Awards
- For posters: dimensions and format – maximum size A1 ‘maximum of 594mm x
- For podium presentations: maximum 15 minutes