07.02 Contributions of Chinese Dynasties [Write your name here] What Do I Have To Do? For this assignment you will be creating a digital poster highlighting the contributions of the Chinese Dynasties. Step 1: Choosing and Ranking Contributions In order to begin this assessment you must: Choose five of the contributions named in this lesson Locate an image to go along with each contribution Rank the contributions in order of importance Create a list of reasons why you chose each of these five contributions and how you decided upon their ranks See the Table Below You do not have to submit anything for Step 1. You are now ready to go onto Step 2 to complete the assessment. Name of Contribution Importance Rank (1-5) Scroll down for Step 2 Image of Contribution Reasons why you ranked this contribution the rank you Step 2: Creating A Digital Poster You must create a digital poster that: displays an image of each of the five contributions identifies the rank you assigned each of the five contributions write a one-to two-paragraph explanation that tells why each contribution was chosen and why each contribution was assigned a particular rank 07.02 Rubric Score Excellent Good Needs Improvement Yourse lf! 40 points All of the following are present: What content did you learn? Can you apply what you learned? a digital poster that includesfiveco ntributions from ancient China an image for each contribution a rank for each contribution includes a one to two paragraph explanation for the selections and ranks ofeach of the five contributions 40 points All of the following are present: 30 points No more than one of the following elements is missing: a digital poster that includesfiveco ntributions from ancient China an image for each contribution a rank for each contribution includes a one to two paragraph explanation for the selections and ranks ofeach of the five contributions 20 points No more than two of the following elements are missing: a digital poster that includesfiveco ntributions from ancient China an image for each contribution a rank for each contribution includes a one to two paragraph explanation for the selections and ranks ofeach of the five contributions 30 points 20 points No more than one of the following is missing: No more than two of the following are missing: Score Excellent Good Needs Improvement Yourse lf! How are you using your 21st century presenta tion skills? accurate selections for contributions evidence of understanding how ancient Chinese contributions affected ancient Chinese civilization ability to compare and evaluate the relative importance of different Chinese contributions to ancient Chinese civilization accurate selections for contributions evidence of understanding how ancient Chinese contributions affected ancient Chinese civilization ability to compare and evaluate the relative importance of different Chinese contributions to ancient Chinese civilization accurate selections for contributions evidence of understanding how ancient Chinese contributions affected ancient Chinese civilization ability to compare and evaluate the relative importance of different Chinese contributions to ancient Chinese civilization 20 points 15 points 10 points All of the following are present: No more than one of the following is missing: No more than two of the following are missing: organized format easy to read and comprehend work is organized format easy to read and comprehend organized format easy to read and comprehend Score Excellent Good Needs Improvement Yourse lf! checked for spelling and grammar work is checked for spelling and grammar work is checked for spelling and grammar