TREASURER TRAINING STUDENT DEVELOPMENT AND CAMPUS ACTIVITIES ESTABLISHED FALL 2013 1 Table of Contents Page # Vision Statement 3 Mission Statement 3 Values 3 Introductions 4 Types of Accounts 5 Revenue Opportunities 6 Purchase Requisitions 7, 20 New Vendor Update Form 7 Document Services 8 Tax Exemption 9 Honorarium 10 Petty Cash 11 Fundraising Process 12, 22-24 Special Payment Request 13 Journal Vouchers 14 Travel and Expense Reimbursement 15 Gift Card Process 16, 25-27 Conference Process 17, 28-31 Contracts 18 Appendix 19-31 2 Vision Statement To foster an inclusive, experiential learning environment and create dynamic co-curricular opportunities for the intellectual growth of our students as they prepare to be global leaders of the world. Mission Statement To develop students into responsible, well-rounded, and self-reliant individuals. We empower by promoting a broad range of programs and services to engage students in leadership development and to involve them in campus life. We adapt to the evolving needs of our students and community by building working partnerships within and outside of the university. Values In fulfilling the vision and mission, the following values will guide the Center for Student Development and Campus Activities specific strategic goals and activities. Service to Students - We will continue to assist our students to achieve their individual and collective goals through leadership programs and services specifically designed to help them succeed and become greater global citizens and leaders. Diversity - We will actively model and promote a campus culture in which respect, responsibility, diversity of varied ideas, and individual perspectives are valued. Accountability - We will assist in the process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills to reach individual potential. Community - We will embrace a culture of open dialogue, mutual respect, commitment to long term relationships, collaborations and a sense of belonging that inspires Pace pride. Advocacy/Adaptability - We will support a campus climate that serves as agents of change through meaningful contributions within the campus, locally and globally. 3 Congratulations! You’ve been chosen by your organization to represent its financial decisions to the Activities Center and be responsible for administering your organization’s financial transactions. If you are the chief financial officer, you have also been entrusted with keeping the official ledger book of your organization. You were selected for your financial integrity and accounting ability. Such an important officer holds important responsibilities. In general, treasurers and other financial officers are expected to: o Be custodians. Collect, deposit, and disburse the funds of the organization. o Give receipts (keeping a duplicate) for any cash or checks received such as dues. o Prepare vouchers for reimbursement, transfers and contract payment o Disperse funds only as authorized by the bylaws or the assembly or other granted authority (such as the executive board) o Verify that all bills are within the budgeted amounts. o Maintain neat, up-to-date, accurate financial records. o Prepare and reconcile budget reports. This packet includes material of the following budget items: o Document Services o Tax Exemption o Honorarium o Petty Cash Vouchers o Special Payment Request o Journal Vouchers o Travel and Expense Reimbursement o New Vendor Update o Purchase Requisition o Gift Cards o Conference o Contracts **Please Remember: Payment request is required on OrgSync, prior to any paperwork being processed by the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities. 4 Types of Accounts Agency Account: Roll over year after year Each Treasurer is responsible for the agency account while serving for that academic year. The agency account must remain in positive standing by the end of the year. Student Organization can find updated information regarding the agency account on OrgSync. Operating Accounts: University Funded Organizations (Valid August 1st through Commencement) Student Activities Fee Allocation Accounts per semester The Budget Allocation Council, subcommittee of the Student Government, disperses funding to student organizations on a semester basis. The total amount approved to the student organizations is based on the total amount of funding used from the previous semester. 5 Revenue Opportunities Fundraising Dues Raffles Table Sales Ads Innovative fund drives Charging for Services Rendered For Student Organizations and University Funded Organizations such as Pace Press, WPUB, Aphros, Pace Advertising Club, Pop-TV, and Legend; the students can provide a pricing package to departments for development of products or ads to promote events throughout the campus. For example, SDACA can request for the Pace Advertising club to provide a logo for SDACA. The Pace Advertising club can charge for the creation of the logo. Once the logo is completed, the Pace Advertising club will provide the department with an invoice of the total cost of the logo production. The total cost will indicate the total revenue to transfer into the agency account of the Pace Advertising club. The journal voucher must be completed after the invoice is submitted. Depositing Funds The activities center is open Mon – Fri 10AM – 6PM. Deposits after 6pm and weekends should be arranged prior to the event with your SDACA advisor. Late night and weekend deposits are made with the Night & Weekend Manager. For an event that requires ticket sales, you can use the SDACA approved ticketing system. Send a request to your SDACA advisor indicating the following items: Name of Student Organization Co-Sponsoring Student Organizations Name of the Event Date and Time of the Event Cost of Ticket for Pace Student Cost of Ticket for Non-Pace Student Step 1: Complete a deposit slip along with a cash counting form. Step 2: Get a Campus Activities staff member to sign it and keep a copy. It is your only record. Step 3: Submit the deposit slip, cash counting form, and revenue to the SDACA staff prior to the end of the event. Step 4: Send an email to your SDACA advisor indicating total amount raised and how the student organization would like to spend the revenue collected. Remember: Don’t leave campus with cash! If you are stuck carrying a lot of cash and the Activities Center is closed and SDACA staff did not attend the event, ask the Security Office to get in touch with the night manager or one of the directors. Safety First! 6 Purchase Requisitions Step 1: Complete a purchase requisition form and submit it to SDACA at least three weeks prior to the event. Step 2: Please submit a payment request with the payment type as a purchase requisition. Purchase Requisitions are used for items such as stress balls, tote bags, and imprinted pens. Please be advised: If the vendor is not in the system, you must submit the new vendor update form along with the W-9. Step 3: Purchase requisition forms must be used for items such as: Promotional Items Decorations o Please be advised: For purchase requisitions such as promotional items and decorations, the student organization are required to attach a quote or an invoice from the vendor. o For promotional items, please upload the artwork to OrgSync. Step 4: Once purchase requisition is processed, the student organization will be notified via OrgSync. Step 5: For each vendor, the invoices must be sent to the following address: Student Development and Campus Activities Attn: Financial Coordinator th 41 Park Row, 8 Floor New York, NY, 10038 FYI…All orders must be placed by Student Development and Campus Activities. Please refer to the appendix for the Purchase Requisition Form. New Vendor Update Form Step 1: Email the new vendor update form to the contact person of the vendor. Step 2: The contact person for the vendor must complete all the information on the new vendor update form along with a W-9 Form. Step 3: Email the completed Vendor Update Form and W-9 Form to or fax to SDACA ay 212-346-1916 at least three weeks prior to the event. Step 4: Student Organizations will be notified, via OrgSync, if the vendor has been approved. Please refer to the appendix for the New Vendor Update Form. 7 Document Services For all flyers for events, the student organization must request a promotional budget on orgsync for approval. Once approved, the organization must complete the following steps: Step 1: Complete the document services work order form. Step2: Take the document services work order form to the document services department. Step 3: The document services department will complete the cost sections. Step 4: Submit the work order form to SDACA for signatory along with the flyer for the event. Step 5: Once signed by SDACA, take the signed form to document services with the flyer for processing. 8 Tax Exemption For all services, Pace University it tax exempt. If your organization is dealing with a new vendor and the vendor request for the tax exemption form. Please complete the information below for processing by the Financial Coordinator. Step 1: Complete a tax exemption form on OrgSync. Step 2: Submit the complete tax exemption form to SDACA at least three weeks prior to the event. Step 3: Once the tax exemption form is processed, the exemption form will be sent directly to the vendor. Requestor’s Organization: ________________________________________ Requestor’s Name: ________________________________________ Requestor’s Position: ________________________________________ Requestor’s Email: ________________________________________ Name of Event: ________________________________________ Request Date: ________________________________________ VENDOR INFORMATION Vendor Name: ________________________________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ State: ________________________________________ Zip Code: ________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________________________ Fax Number: ________________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ Additional Comments: ________________________________________ 9 Honorarium Please be advised this is only for speakers requesting $500 or below Step 1: The Independent contract must be completed and submitted to SDACA along with a copy of the speaker biography and/or resume and W-9 form. This can ONLY be used if the speaker is not a client of a company or agency. Step 2: Please be advised, if this is a new guest, they must submit a new vendor update form. Upload the new vendor update form to OrgSync. Step 3: Complete and submit a payment request on OrgSync. The payment type is Honorarium for processing. 10 Petty Cash Please Remember: This is only for purchases $99.99 or less. This should only be requested after the event is approved and the purchase was already made. If you are requesting for multiple reimbursements for the same event and the amount exceeds $99.99, you must complete a special payment form. Step 1: Complete petty cash voucher form on orgsync. Step 2: Attach original receipts, flyer of the event, and credit statement (if purchase was made with a credit card. Step 3: Make sure the petty cash form is signed by the recipient and the President and/or Treasurer of the organization. Step 4: Submit a payment request with the payment type as petty cash. Step 5: Submit the petty cash to Student Development and Campus Activities with all of the necessary documents stated above. Step 6: Once the petty cash is processed, the individual will receive an email from SDACA indicating that the petty cash is ready for pick up to send to OSA. 11 Fundraising Process Attach the Fundraising Request form to the budget if an event is designated as a fundraiser Letter from your organization indicating the amount collected to donate to the organization Completed new vendor update form (if necessary) W-9 Form of charitable organization Completed Special Payment request form Once You Raised Money: Schedule an appointment with the financial coordinator to calculate all the proceeds Bring the proceeds to the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities Complete a deposit slip Once the Money is submitted for Deposit: The proceeds and the deposit slip is submitted to the Financial Coordinator The Financial Coordinator submits the deposit to OSA to be deposited into the organization agency account Financial Coordinator submits the special payment with the letter from your organization and a copy of the deposit slip for signatory. Once signed, the form is sent to accounts payable for processing Fundraising Restrictions: No direct monetary donations from Student Activity Fee are permitted All proceeds must be donated to the approved charity SAF funded fundraisers are limited to one fully sponsored event per club Bake Sales are not funded by SAF All proceeds must be counted on the day of the event unless the event occurs at night. For night events, the student organization can submit the proceeds the next day to the Financial Coordinator Please refer to the Fundraising process packet for any additional information. The packet is in the appendix. 12 Special Payment Request Remember: This form is used for purchases over $100.00 Step 1: Complete a special payment request form found on OrgSync. Step 2: Attach a copy of the original receipt, flyer of the event, and credit card statement (if necessary, invoice from vendor.) Step 3: If the vendor is new, the student organization must provide a vendor update form along with a W-9 form from the vendor. Step 4: Submit a payment request on orgsync with payment type as Student Reimbursement. Step 5: Submit the Special Payment form with all of the necessary paperwork to SDACA. FYI… Special Payment forms are used for reimbursements, charitable donations, etc. 13 Journal Vouchers Step 1: For organizations such as Legend, WPUB, Pace Press, etc., you are required to provide invoices to departments for services requested. Step 2: If collaborating with another department within the University for an Event that required funding from multiple parties, the Financial Coordinator must receive an email confirmation. The email must detail the following information: The name of the department, name of the event, name of the organization they are collaborating with, amount of funding the department is contributing, the amount of funding the student organization is contributing, department contact for the event, and the account and index codes for the journal voucher. Step 3: Complete a Journal Voucher and attach the following documents: The flyer of the event. Copies of the receipts and/or invoices for the event 14 Travel and Expense Reimbursement Step 1: Complete the form from orgsync. Please make sure you provide your U number. Step 2: Attach all original receipts, flyer and credit card statement. (Credit card statement if purchase was made with a credit card.) Tape all receipts to a blank white page and place in the correct order by date. If you are requesting a reimbursement for a payment of a group of people, please provide the list of students with their full name, U number, phone number, and pace email. Step 3: Input payment request on orgyync for review and approval by SDACA with the payment type as student reimbursement. Remember: Travel Reimbursement takes 4-6 weeks to process. 15 Gift Card Process Directions: Each organization must complete the following steps for each event to distribute gift cards. If each step is not completed, then the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities will not distribute gift cards to the recipients. Gift Card Requirements: 2.0 QPA full-time undergraduate student 12 Credits or more Graduate Students are NOT eligible ***If a student is ineligible to receive the gift card then the gift card will not be distributed. Gift Card Request Process: Complete a gift card request form and attach the form to the organization budget. Once the event occurs, complete and submit the recipient form 48 hours after the event. All the information must be completed. All recipients QPA and registration will be checked prior to receiving a notification email for the pickup of the gift card. The recipient will receive an email confirming date and time to pick up the gift card. Upon receiving the gift card, the student is required to provide their Pace University ID and sign the gift card pick up form. The Office of Student Development and Campus Activities will process all request within 7-14 business days, if all paperwork is completed in a timely fashion. Please Note: All student organizations are allowed a maximum of $500 for up to two events, as per the Student Activities Fee Guidelines. All forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities and must be typed. If the form is not typed, it will NOT be accepted. The organization must submit a payment request for the amount of the gift cards on orgsync for processing. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities at or call at 212-346-1590. Please refer to the gift card process packet for any additional information. The packet is in the appendix. 16 Conference Process Directions: An organization can attend a conference off-campus or host a conference on-campus. The maximum amount a student organization is eligible for a conference is $5,000. The organization must be active for two consecutive semesters prior to being eligible to request funding for a conference. The organization can attend a domestic conference off-campus. For organizations interested in hosting a conference at Pace University, the organization must reimburse 75% of all proceeds back into the Student Activities Fee. Conference Requirements: 2.0 QPA Full-time student with at least 12 credits or above Graduate Students are NOT eligible Conference Process: Submit a conference budget on orgsync and in the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities prior to the deadline provided by the Budget Allocation Council. Complete an Attendee Information Form and submit the form as an attachment to the budget. Once the budget is approved and all the attendees have been confirmed, complete a waiver liability and a commitment form for each attendee. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Coordinator four weeks prior to the conference to confirm Registration, Hotel, and Transportation. Submit the following paperwork upon return. o Boarding Pass for both directions o Booklet of the Event o All original receipts Complete Travel and Expense Reimbursement Form and attach necessary documents. (If Necessary) ***Please Note: Student Activities Fee do not reimburse students for food purchases while attending a conference. If reimbursements exceed the initial amount allocated by BAC, the remaining reimbursement must be paid through the agency account. If the organization do not have any funds in the agency account, then the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities is not responsible for reimbursing student or students that attended the conference. Please refer to the Conference process packet for any additional information. The packet is in the appendix. 17 Contracts Types of Contracts Master Vendor Agreement Co-Sponsor Agreement Speaker Artist Performer Contract Speaker Artist Performer Rider Step 1: Submit a payment request on orgsync with the payment type as contract. Please upload the speaker, artist, performer biography and invoice to the payment request. Step 2: The Financial Coordinator of SDACA will develop and determine which contract will be used for specific events. Step 3: Each speaker, artist, or performer must sign a speaker or artist agreement, workers compensation exemption, and provide an invoice for the event. Step 4: The speaker, artist, or performer must email or submit the signed agreement to the Financial Coordinator for processing. Step 5: After processing the paperwork, the student organization will be notified via OrgSync regarding approval. Step 6: All payments will be made 4-6 weeks after services have been rendered. 18 Appendix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Purchase Requisition New Vendor Update Form Fundraising Packet Gift Card Packet Conference Packet 19 Purchase Requisition Form Please Note: All purchases are made with the Financial Coordinator of Student Development and Campus Activities. All purchase requisition forms must have a quote or invoice attached. All Purchase Requisitions must be submitted at least 3-4 weeks prior to date required. Name of Requestor: ___________________________________ Date of Request: ___________________________________ Date of Delivery: (date merchandise is needed): ___________________________________ Organization Name: ________________________________ Name of Vendor: ________________________________ Vendor Representative Name: ________________________________ Representative Email Address: ________________________________ Representative Phone Number: ________________________________ Description: (Event Name/Title, Date of Event) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Do you require a Tax Exemption (Please circle one) Please circle one of the following: Student Activity Fee Agency Account Yes or No PromotionalConference Carpe Diem Please provide the following information: Total Price: ______________ Item Name: _________________________ Item Number: _______________ Quantity: _______________ Additional Fees such as Shipping and Imprint: Unit Price: _______________ _________________________ 20 New Vendor Update Form SEND TO SECURE FAX LINE: (212)346-1916 * Indicates the Required Field (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) SSN: Federal ID: * Corporation/ * Company Name: Company Type: * PO Delivery Preference: * 1099 Vendor? * Does your company participate in eprocurement? * Alumni Owned Employee Owned Minority Owned Small Business State Contract Dealer Individual Manufacturer Retailer Partnership Incorporated By Fax By Email By Mail Yes No Yes No If YES, enter e-procurement contact information: E-procurement Name: Email Address: Telephone Number: Area code: Phone: Ext: Area code: Phone: Ext: Area code: Area code: Phone: Fax: Ext: Primary Contact: Name: * Email Address: * Telephone Number: * Mailing Address: Address 1: * Address 2: City: * State: * Zip Code: * Country: * Telephone: * Fax: * 21 Fundraising Packet Fundraising Process: Attach the Fundraising Request form to the budget if an event is designated as a fundraiser Letter from your organization indicating the amount collected to donate to the organization Completed new vendor update form (if necessary) W-9 Form of charitable organization Completed Special Payment request form Once You Raised Money: Schedule an appointment with the financial coordinator to calculate all the proceeds Bring the proceeds to the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities Complete a deposit slip Once the Money is submitted for Deposit: The proceeds and the deposit slip is submitted to the Financial Coordinator The Financial Coordinator submits the deposit to OSA to be deposited into the organization agency account Financial Coordinator submits the special payment with the letter from your organization and a copy of the deposit slip for signatory. Once signed, the form is sent to accounts payable for processing Fundraising Restrictions: No direct monetary donations from Student Activity Fee are permitted All proceeds must be donated to the approved charity SAF funded fundraisers are limited to one fully sponsored event per club Bake Sales are not funded by SAF All proceeds must be counted on the day of the event unless the event occurs at night. For night events, the student organization can submit the proceeds the next day to the Financial Coordinator 22 EVENT DETAILS NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ________________________________________ NAME OF EVENT: ________________________________________ DATE OF EVENT: ____________ TIME OF EVENT:______________ LOCATION OF EVENT: ________________________________________ LOCATION APPROVAL DETAILS APPROVED LOCATION: _______________________________________ APPROVED DATE: ________________ APPROVED TIME: ________ SDACA REPRESENTATIVE INTLS: ___________________ CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ___________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ADDRESS OF ORGANIZATION: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ORG: ___________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION OF ORG REP: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ STUDENT CONTACT INFO NAME: ___________________________________ U NUMBER: ___________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: __________ 23 24 Gift Card Process Directions: Each organization must complete the following steps for each event to distribute gift cards. If each step is not completed, then the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities will not distribute gift cards to the recipients. Gift Card Requirements: 2.0 QPA full-time undergraduate student 12 Credits or more Graduate Students are NOT eligible ***If a student is ineligible to receive the gift card then the gift card will not be distributed. Gift Card Request Process: Complete a gift card request form and attach the form to the organization budget. Once the event occurs, complete and submit the recipient form 48 hours after the event. All the information must be completed. All recipients QPA and registration will be checked prior to receiving a notification email for the pickup of the gift card. The recipient will receive an email confirming date and time to pick up the gift card. Upon receiving the gift card, the student is required to provide their Pace University ID and sign the gift card pick up form. The Office of Student Development and Campus Activities will process all request within 7-14 business days, if all paperwork is completed in a timely fashion. Please Note: All student organizations are allowed a maximum of $500 for up to two events, as per the Student Activities Fee Guidelines. All forms must be submitted to the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities and must be typed. If the form is not typed, it will NOT be accepted. The organization must submit a payment request for the amount of the gift cards on orgsync for processing. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities at or call at 212-346-1590. 25 Gift Card Request Form Please Note: You must attach this form to each event your organization is requesting gift cards for within your budget. Name of Organization: _______________________________________ Event Title: _______________________________________ Event Date: _______________________________________ Type of Gift Card: _______________________________________ If variety of gift cards please outlines the information below: Gift Card Name Amount of Card # of Cards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 26 Gift Card Recipient Form Name of Organization: ________________________________________ Event Title: ________________________________________ Event Date: ________________________________________ List of Recipients: ***Please be advised: Shaded area is for SDACA use ONLY! ***ALL GIFT CARDS MUST BE PICKED UP IN THE SAME SEMESTER YOU WERE SELECTED TO WIN THE GIFT CARD. IF NOT, YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE GIFT CARD. Name U Pace Email Number Address Name of Gift Card Amount of Gift Card Enrollment QPA Picked Check Up 27 Conferences Process Directions: An organization can attend a conference off-campus or host a conference on-campus. The maximum amount a student organization is eligible for a conference is $5,000. The organization must be active for two consecutive semesters prior to being eligible to request funding for a conference. The organization can attend a domestic conference off-campus. For organizations interested in hosting a conference at Pace University, the organization must reimburse 75% of all proceeds back into the Student Activities Fee. Conference Requirements: 2.0 QPA Full-time student with at least 12 credits or above Graduate Students are NOT eligible Conference Process: Submit a conference budget on orgsync and in the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities prior to the deadline provided by the Budget Allocation Council. Complete an Attendee Information Form and submit the form as an attachment to the budget. Once the budget is approved and all the attendees have been confirmed, complete a waiver liability and a commitment form for each attendee. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Coordinator four weeks prior to the conference to confirm Registration, Hotel, and Transportation. Submit the following paperwork upon return. o Boarding Pass for both directions o Booklet of the Event o All original receipts Complete Travel and Expense Reimbursement Form and attach necessary documents. (If Necessary) ***Please Note: Student Activities Fee do not reimburse students for food purchases while attending a conference. If reimbursements exceed the initial amount allocated by BAC, the remaining reimbursement must be paid through the agency account. If the organization do not have any funds in the agency account, then the Office of Student Development and Campus Activities is not responsible for reimbursing student or students that attended the conference. 28 ATTENDEE INFORMATION FORM LIST OF ATTENDEES: ***SHADED AREA IS FOR SDACA USE ONLY! NAME DATE OF BIRTH U NUMBER PHONE NUMBER PACE EMAIL ADDRESS ENROLLMENT QPA CHECK 29 CONFERENCE COMMITMENT LETTER I, ____________________, (Print Name) acknowledge that I was approved to attend a Conference funded by the Student Activities Fee of Pace University. I understand, if I am unable To attend the event, I will notify the Financial Coordinator three weeks prior to the event. If I do Not notify the Financial Coordinator within three weeks, I am responsible for all booking fees And must reimburse the total amount allocated back into to the Student Activities Fee Account. In addition, I am aware that I am able to attend only ONE conference per academic year funded By the student activities fee. _______________________ ___________ Signature Student Name Date 30 WAIVER OF LIABILITY FORM To: Pace University One Pace Plaza New York, New York 10038 I, _________________________ (Print Name) currently resides at __________________________________________________. In consideration of my being permitted to participate in the ______________________ in __________________________ currently scheduled for ________________. I hereby agree to assume all the risks and responsibilities attendant to my participation in the event and any activities, including transportation, undertaken as an adjunct thereto; and further, for myself, my heirs and personal representatives, I hereby agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify and release forever, and forever discharge Pace and all its trustees, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all threatened and imposed claims, demands, and actions or causes of action, on account of damage to personal property, or personal injury, or death which may result from the my participation in the aforesaid participation and transportation activities. I hereby authorize Pace, through and by its authorized agents, to secure for me any necessary emergency medical treatment. By my signature, below, I hereby certify that I have read and fully understand the terms of this Release, Consent, and Waiver. __________________________________ Date Participant Signature ______________________________________ Date Parent or Guardian Signature (if Participant is under age 18) Name and phone number to call in case of emergency: Name Telephone No.-Work _________________ Telephone No.-Home 31