11-20-13 UUFL Bread Service Intergenerational

Entering music
or elements
CD or musician
Sarah, then congregation
Element Leader
Gathering Song
"Come, Come
Whoever You
ParkerChalice Lighting Williams
1010 Teal
Hymnal "We
Give Thanks" or
#360 or #407 in
Offering + music
from ParkerWilliams Kids
Candles of
Prayer (on Sarah
"Comfort me"
Readings from
the Common
Preparing the
Sharing the
Breads/"In the
Sarah or
Bread" Judy Fjell Worship
p 25
Story Sharing:
Making a
Difference with
Your Vote and
Your Voice
Hymn: Judy
Fjell; I am saying
thank you
Shalom Circle
Sarah or W.L.
Announcements: Barb/board member
Come, come whoever you are: Sarah + Congregation
Chalice lighting/music:
Choral Affirmation:
Come Enter in this meeting house
Give heart, give hand, give love its way
Come hear the challenge of this hour
To call all people to one world.
Unison Affirmation
“We come here to stimulate, support, and empower each individual to
honestly discover the spiritual, moral, and intellectual qualities
necessary to live and act compassionately within the interdependent web
of the human family and the environment.”
Offering/Parker-Williams kids music
We now receive the offering for the life and work of this Fellowship [OR Change for Change
We dedicate these gifts to the work of this congregation;
weaving a tapestry of compassion and action,
faith and fellowship, hope and wholeness.
We dedicate these gifts to the work of this congregation,
And we affirm our lives within it.
Candles of Community: Sarah and Barbara
Prayer: Sarah
Comfort Me: Congregation
Readings from the Common Bowl: Sarah
This theme for this November is democracy. two of the UU principles related to this theme are
● The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations
and in society at large;
● The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
The Common Bowl contains quotes from many points of view related to our theme, and I invite
three of you to volunteer to reach into the bowl, choose one, and read it to us. We will pause in
between each. If you feel like you agree with one, shake your hand like this: (show). If you
disagree, do this (demonstrate).
[3 quotes drawn and read into microphone]*
Preparing the table:
In the room we have hidden some items to help us serve our breads today. First, we must
cover our table with a cloth. Can anyone find the cloth?
[Once found…] Do any of you have a special table cloth that was handed down to you?
Now we must have some candlabras and candlesticks? Who can find these for our table?
[Once found] . Do any of you have special candlesticks you use at the holidays? What is their
Now we must find a vase and some flowers. Who can find the flowers for our table?
[Once found] And does anyone have a special vase in their house that’s embued with memory
and story?
Next the Plates -- in our case -- cutting boards. There are a few out there. Who can find them
and bring them up? Does anyone have a story about special plates in their household?
In addition, we set our table with a chalice and a candle. If you see the chalice and candle can
you bring it up? Does anyone use a chalice at home and like to tell us about it?
Finally, we are looking for some items related to our theme of democracy. There are ___
objects related to our theme of democracy. When you think you’ve found one, bring it up, share
what it is, and place it here.
Now I will invite you to bring your bread to the front. When you get here, tell us your name
and the type of bread you have with you, and something brief about its origin.
HYMN/music [When done, we will sing “In the Bread,page 25 in the songbook.]
As we organize and prepare these for sharing, I invite you to share stories in pairs or small
groups about a time when you felt like you made a difference by speaking out, writing a letter,
voting, protesting, or otherwise exercising your democratic rights.
[If time, invite a couple of shares]
HYMN: “I am saying thank you” and bow to each other
Responsive reading:
BENEDICTION: Reading 727 (Rudolph Nemser)
led by Sarah and Worship Team as a final “grace” before we eat
SARAH:The bread we share this day is sacred.
Barbara: Grain, gift of the earth gives life.
SARAH: The friendship we share this day is sacred.
Barbara: All gatherings when people meet and touch, celebrate life.
SARAH: The laughter we share this day is sacred.
Barbara: Joy and Sorrow that rise from love are springs of life
SARAH: The stillness we share this day is sacred.
Barbara: In this peace is a haven for the spirit which nurtures life.
SARAH: For bread, for friends, for joy, and sorrow, for the comfort of quietness: let us ever be
grateful and caring.
Extinguish Chalice: (Barb and kids?--someone lead the words, someone extinguish)
Shalom Circle
Benediction and directions for getting/eating bread: Sarah
*We will need help getting the common bowl to the volunteers and inviting them to the
microphone. We’ll also need help placing items people retrieve and getting the breads situated
on the table.