
Exploration & Fur Trade
A. General
462. Bartlett, Richard A. Great Surveys of the American West. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1962. (Colorado River Expedition, Diamond
Hoax, Great Basin - exploration, John Wesley Powell, Clarence King, George
Montague Wheeler, Timothy O’ Sullivan)
463. Bergon, Frank. A Wilderness Reader. Reno: University of Nevada Press,
1994. A collection of excerpts from famous exploration expeditions including
Clarence King, John Wesley Powell, John C. Fremont and John James
464. Cline, Gloria Griffen. Exploring the Great Basin. The American
Exploration and Travel Series, vol. 39. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
1964; reprint with new foreword by Michael J. Brodhead. Reno: University of
Nevada Press, 1988. (Great Basin, Dominquez - Escalante Expedition. Garces,
Francisco Tomas Hermenegildo. Humboldt River.)
465. Farquhar, Francis P. “Exploration of the Sierra Nevada.” California
Historical Society, 4, no. 1 (1925): 3-58.
466. Fletcher, Fred Nathaniel. “The Trappers and Explorers of the Great Basin.”
Nevada Historical Society Papers 2 (1917-20): 208-32.
467. Goetzmann, William H. Exploration and Empire; The Explorer and the
Scientist in the Winning of the American West. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.
(Fremont, John Charles. King, Clarence. Powell John Wesley. Ogden, Peter
Skene. Simpson, James Hervey. Smith, Jedidiah Strong. Walker, Joseph
Reddeford. Wheeler, George Montague.
468. _____. Army Explorations of the American West, 1803-1863. New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1959.
469. Hoffmann, Hermann. Californien, Nevada und Mexico: Wanderungen
Eines Polytechnikers von Hermann Hoffmann. Basel, Switzerland:
Schweighauserische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1871. (Nevada - Description and
Travel. Mines and mineral resources - Nevada. Austin - Description. Virginia
City - Description. Dayton - Description.)
470. Phillips, Fred M. Desert People and Mountain Men: Exploration of the
Great Basin 1824-1865. Bishop, California: Chalfant Press, 1977. (Great Basin.
Fremont, John Charles. Ogden, Peter Skene. Smith Jedidiah Strong. Walker,
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
Joseph Reddeford.)
471. Roscoe, Gerard, and David Larkin. Westward: The Epic Crossing of the
American Landscape. New York: Monacelli Press, 1995. Recreates the journeys
of famous explorers including Jedidiah Smith, Joseph Walker, Zenas Leonard
and John Bidwell across Nevada.
472. Stone, Irving. Men to Match My Mountains: The Opening of the Far West,
1940-1900. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1956.
(Carson Valley. Comstock Lode. Consolidated Virginia Mine. Mount
Davidson. Mackay, John William. Sharon, William.)
473. Wyckoff, William and Lary M. Dilsaver, editors. The Mountainous West:
Explorations in Historical Geography. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. A
collection of geographical essays on topics including Lake Tahoe, the Sierra
Nevada and Owens Valley.
474. United States Congress. The New American State Papers: Explorations and
Surveys. Introduction by W. Eugene Hollon. 15 volumes. Wilmington, DE:
Scholarly Resources, 1972. Sources on discovery and exploration of the United
B. Spanish and Mexican Periods (1776-1848)
475. Adams, Eleanor B. “Fray Francisco Anastasio Dominguez and Frey
Sylvestre Velez de Escalante.” Utah Historical Quarterly. 44 (Winter, 1976):
476. Bolton, Herbert E. Outposts of Empire. New York: Knopf, 1939. Spanish
explorations in the Great Basin.
477. _____. Pageant in the Wilderness: The Story of the Escalante Expedition in
the Interior Basin, 1776. Salt Lake City: Utah Historical Society, 1950. Cites
substantial evidence that the Escalante expedition did not enter present Nevada.
478. Brewerton, George Douglas. Overland With Kit Carson: A Narrative of the
Old Spanish Trail in '48. New York: A. L. Burt, 1930. (Carson, Christopher. Old
Spanish Trail. Frontier and Pioneer Life - The West.)
479. Brooks, George R., ed. The Southwest Expedition of Jedidiah Smith: His
Personal Account of the Journey to California, 1826-1827. Glendale, CA: The
Arthur H. Clark Company, 1977.
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
480. Camp, Charles L. “Jedidiah Smith’s First Far-Western Expedition.” The
Western Historical Quarterly, 4 (April, 1973):151-70.
481. Cline, Gloria Griffen. "Peter Skene Ogden's Nevada Explorations." Nevada
Historical Society Quarterly 3 (July- September, 1960): 3-11. (Ogden, Peter
482. Coues, Elliott, editor. On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer: The Diary and
Itinerary of Francisco Garces in his Travels Through Sonora, Arizona and
California. 2 vols. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1900.
483. Crampton, C. Gregory and Gloria G. Griffen. “The San Buenaventura,
Mythical River of the West.” Pacific Historical Review, 25 (1926): 163-71.
484. Dale, Harrison Clifford, ed. The Ashley-Smith Explorations and the
Discovery of a Central Route to the Pacific, 1822-1829, with Original Journals.
Revised edition. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Company, 1941.
485. Farquhar, Francis P. “Jedidiah Smith and the First Crossing of the Sierra.
Sierra Club Bulletin, 28 (June, 1943): 36-53.
486. Fletcher, Fred Nathaniel. Early Nevada: The Period of Exploration,
1776-1848. With a Forward by Everett W. Harris. Reno, University of Nevada
Press, 1980. (Bidwell, John. Carson, Christopher. Escalante, Francisco Silvestre
Velez de. Fremont, John Charles. Garces, Francisco. Smith, Jedidiah.)
487. _____. “The Eastbound Route of Jedidiah S. Smith, 1827.” California
Historical Society Quarterly, 2, no. 4: (1924): 344-49.
488. Fremont, John Charles. The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Vol. 1,
Travels from 1838 to 1844. Edited by Donald Jackson and Mary Lee Spence.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970. (Buenaventura River. Fremont
Cannon. Pyramid Lake. Washo Indians.)
489. _____. The Expeditions of John Charles Fremont. Map Portfolio.
Commentary by Donald Jackson. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970.
(Fremont's Expeditions of 1843-1844 - Map.)
490. Gianella, Vincent P. “Where Fremont Crossed the Sierra Nevada in 1844.”
Sierra Club Bulletin, 44 (October, 1959): 54-63.
491. Griffith, Martin. “Seeing the Elephant.” Nevada Magazine, May-June,
1994: 12-17. Authro retraces the route of the Overland Emigrant Trail through
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
492. Guild Thelma S. and Harvey L. Carter. Kit Carson: A Pattern for Heroes.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
493. Jackson, Donald. “The Myth of the Fremont Howitzer.” The Bulletin
[Missouri Historical Society], 23 (April, 1967): 205-14.
494. James, George Wharton. "Fremont and Carson in Nevada." Out West 7
(April, 1914): 202-07.
495. Kelly, Charles and Dale L. Morgan. Old Greenwood: The Story of Caleb
Greenwood, Trapper, Pathfinder and Early Pioneer. Revised Edition.
Georgetown, CA: The Talisman Press, 1965.
496. Lewis, Ernest Allen. The Fremont Cannon High Up and Far Back:
Unraveling the Puzzle of the Brass Cannon Abandoned in 1844 and Never
Recovered from California's Sierra Nevada. Frontier Military Series XI.
Glendale, California: The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1981. Rev. 2nd ed., Penn Valley,
CA: Western Trails Press, 1992. (Fremont, John Charles. West Walker River.
Fremont Cannon.)
497. Merriam, C. Hart. Earliest Crossing of the Deserts of Utah and Nevada to
Southern California: Route of Jedidiah Smith in 1826,” California Historical
Society Quarterly, 2, no. 3 (1923): 228-37.
498. _____. “Jedidiah Smith’s Route Across the Sierra in 1827 (A Reply to F.
N. Fletcher),” California Historical Society Quarterly, 3, no. 1 (1924): 25-29.
499. Morgan, Dale Lowell and Carl I. Wheat. Jedidiah Smith and His Maps of
the American West. San Francisco: California Historical Society, 1954. (Smith,
Jedidiah Strong. Nevada - Discovery and exploration. Maps - Nevada.
500. Neihardt, John G. The Splendid Wayfaring: The Story of the Exploits and
Adventures of Jedidiah Smith and His Comrades, the Ashley-Henry Men,
Discoverers and Explorers of the Great Central Route From the Missouri River
to the Pacific Ocean, 182-1831. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1948.
(Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Fur Trade. Beckwourth, James Pierson.
Ashley, William Henry. Smith, Jedidiah Strong.
501. Ogden, Peter Skene. Snake Country Journals, 1827-28 and 1828-29. Edited
by Glyndwr Williams. London: The Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1971. (fur
Trade - The West. Buenaventura River. Humboldt River - Exploring
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
Expeditions. Humboldt Sink.)
502. Preuss, Charles. Exploring With Fremont: The Private Diaries of Charles
Preuss, Cartographer for John C. Fremont on his First, Second and Fourth
Expeditions to the Far West. Translated and edited by Erwin and Elizabeth K.
Gudde. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. American Exploration
and Travel Series, No. 26.
503. Roberts, J. B. “The Brothers Grosh,” Nevada Magazine, Nov.-Dec., 1990:
48-52. The saga of the ill-fated discoverers of silver on the Comstock Lode in
504. Schiel, James. The Land Between. Edited and translated by Frederick W.
Bachman and William Swilling Wallace. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1957.
“This is the first English edition of the brief account of the Gunnison-Beckwith
expedition of 1853-1854 which was written by the party’s physician-geologist.”
505. Sears, Stephen W. “Trail Blazer of the Far West, American Heritage, 14
(June, 1963): 60-64, 80-83. Traces Jedidiah Smith’s expedition across Nevada
and the Far West.
506. Selkirk, Bert N., editor. The Sunset Trail: Fremont Through Nevada.
Gardnerville: Record-Courier, 1921. (Fremont, John Charles. Kit Carson Pass.
Smith Valley. Fremont's Expedition of 1843-1844. Carson Christopher.)
507. Smith, Alson J. Men Against the Mountains: Jedidiah Smith and the South
West Expedition of 1826-1829. New York: The John Day Company, 1965.
508. Sullivan, Maurice S. The Travels of Jedidiah Smith: A Documentary
Outline Including the Journal of the Great American Pathfinder. Santa Ana,
California: Fine Arts Press, 1934. (Smith, Jedidiah Strong. Nevada - Discovery
and Exploration. Fur Trade - The West.)
509. United States, 28th Congress, 1st Session (1943-1944). Senate. Message of
the President of the United States, Communicating, in Compliance with the
Resolution of the Senate, Copies of the Correspondence on the Subject of the
Mountain Howitzer Taken by Lieutenant Fremont on the Expedition to Oregon.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1843.
510. Warner, Ted J., editor. The Dominicus-Escalante Journal: Their Expedition
Through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico in 1776. Translated by Fray
Angelico Chavez. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1976.
(Dominquez-Escalante Expedition. Escalante, Silvestre Velez de. Dominquez,
Francisco Atanasio.)
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
511. Warren, Elizabeth Von Till. “Armijo’s Trace Revisited: A New
Interpretation of the Impact of the Antonio Armijo Route of 1829-1830 on the
Development of the Old Spanish Trail.” M. A. Thesis, University of Nevada,
Las Vegas, 1974.
C. U.S. Territorial Periods (1848-1864)
512. Beeton, Barbara. James Hervey Simpson in the Great Basin.” Montana, the
Magazine of Western History, 28, no. 1 (1978): 28-43. (Great Basin, Utah
Surveys, George Chorpenning, John Reese, Carson City, Genoa)
513. Carvalho, Solomon Nunes. Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far
West with Colonel Fremont’s Last Expedition Across the Rocky Mountains. New
York: Derby and Jackson, 1857.
514. Ives, Joseph C. Report Upon the Colorado River of the West, Explored in
1857 and 1858. U. S. Government Document, 36th Cong, 1st sess., House
Executive Document 90. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1861.
515. Miller, David H. “The Ive’s’s Expedition Revisited: A Prussian’s
Impressions.” The Journal of Arizona History. 13 (Spring, 1972): 1-25. Based
on the Diary of Balduin Mollhausen, Prussian artist and naturalist with the
Colorado River expedition of 1858.
516. Mitchell, Stewart. A Forgotten Exploration: In Search of a Route Across
the Sierra Nevada for the Pacific Railroad,” California Historical Society
Quarterly, 24 (1955), 209-28.
517. Phillips, Fred M. Desert People and Mountain Men: Exploration of the
Great Basin, 1824-1865. Bishop, CA: Chalfant Press, 1977. A brief history.
518. Reid, H. Lorenzo. Brigham Young’s Dixie of the Desert: Exploration and
Settlement. Zion National Park, Utah: Zion Natural History Association, 1964.
519. Schiel, Jacob Heinrich Wilhelm. Journey Through the Rocky Mountains
and the Humboldt Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Translated and edited by
Thomas N. Bonner. The American Exploration and Travel Series, no. 27.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. (Gunnison-Beckwith expedition,
Edwin Griffith Beckwith, John William Gunnison, Humboldt Mountains, Great
basin exploration)
520. Simpson, James Hervey. Report of Explorations Across the Great Basin of
the Territory of Utah for a Direct Wagon Route from Camp Floyd to Genoa, in
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
Carson Valley, in 1859. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1876.
Reprint edition, Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1983. (Nevada - Surveys.
Great Basin - Exploration. Railroad Routes - Nevada. Nevada-Exploration.
521. Smith, Melvin T. “Colorado River Explorations and the Mormon War.”
Utah Historical Quarterly, 38 (Summer, 1970): 207-23.
522. U. S. War Department. Reports of the Explorations and Surveys to
Ascertain the Most Practical and Economical Route for a Railroad from the
Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the Direction of the
Secretary of War in 1853-[56]. Washington, D. C.: A. O. P. Nicholson, 1855-60.
12 volumes.
D. Early Statehood (1864-1870's)
523. Bartlett, Richard A. "Clarence King's Fortieth Parallel Survey." Utah
Historical Quarterly XXIV (1956), 131-47.
524. Cooley, John. The Great Unknown: The Journals of the Historic First
Expedition Down the Colorado River. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing,
1988. (John Wesley Powell)
525. Darrah, William Culp. Powell of the Colorado. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1951. (Colorado river - Exploration. United States Geological
Survey. Powell, John Wesley. Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer. Stewart, William
Morris. King, Clarence. Paiute Indians. Shoshone Indians. King, Clarence.
Paiute Indians. Shoshoni Indians. Irrigation - Nevada. Virgin
River - Exploration.)
526. Dellenbach, Frederick S. A Canyon Voyage: The Narrative of the Second
Powell Expedition. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1984.
527. Fowler, Don D. “Photographed All the Best Scenery:” Jack Hillers’ Diary
of the Powell Expeditions, 1871-1875. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press,
528. Fowler, Don. D. and Catherine S. Fowler. John Wesley Powell’s Colorado
River Exploration, 1871-1872.” The Smithsonian Journal of History, 3
(Summer, 1968): 1-44.
529. Glad, Paul W. "Frederick West Lander and the Pacific Railroad
Movement." Nebraska History Magazine, 35 (1954): 173-92.
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
530. Jackson, William Turrentine. Wagon Roads West: A Study of Federal Road
Surveys and Construction in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1864-1869. With
foreword by William H. Goetzmann. Yale Western American Series, no. 9. New
Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1964. (Simpson, James Hervey.
U.S. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers. Chorpenning, George.)
531. Powell, John Wesley. Down the Colorado, Diary of the First Trip Through
the Grand Canyon, 1869. New York: Promontory Press, 1969. Elliot Porter,
photographs and epilogue. (Colorado River - Exploration.)
532. _____. The Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its
Tributaries. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1875. Explored
1869, 1870, 1871 and 1872, under the direction of the Secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution.
533. Schmeckebier, Laurence Frederick. Catalog and Index of the Publications
of the Hayden, King, Powell and Wheeler Surveys. New York: De Capo Press,
1971. Reprint of the 1904 edition which was issued as Bulletin No. 222 of the U.
S. Geological Survey.
534. Stegner, Wallace Earle. Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley
Powell and the Second Opening of the West. Introduction by Bernard De Voto.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954.
535. "The Wheeler Survey in Nevada." Harpers New Monthly Magazine (June,
1877). Notes of a survey party working on the Wheeler survey west of the 100th
meridian. Description of Nevada operation, methods.
536. United States Army Corps of Engineers. Preliminary Report Concerning
Explorations and Surveys, Principally Nevada and Arizona: Prosecuted in
Accordance with Paragraph 2, Special Orders no. 109, War Department, March
18, 1871, and Letter of Instructions of march 23, 1871, from Brigadier General
A. A. Humphreys Chief-of-Engineers/ Conducted Under the Immediate
Direction of 1st Lieut. George M. Wheeler ... 1871. Washington, D. C.:
Government Printing Office, 1872.
E. Biography
537. Clyman, James. James Clyman, Frontiersman: The Adventures of a
Trapper and a Covered Wagon Emigrant as Told in his own Reminiscences and
Diaries. Edited by Charles L. Camp. Portland, OR: Champoeg Press, 1960.
538. Irving, Washington. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
Rocky Mountains and the Far West. Edited and with an introduction by Edgeley
W. Todd. American Exploration and Travel Series, No. 34. Norman: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1961.
539. Leonard, Zenas. The Adventures of Zenas Leonard, Fur Trader. Edited by
John C. Ewers. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. (Thomas
Fitzpatrick, Fur trade, Paiute Indians, Joseph L. Meek, Joseph Reddeford
540. Miller, Sally M. John Muir, Life and Work. Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico Press, 1993. John Muir wrote his impressions about Nevada in his
work Steep Trails, in the 1890s. Chapter 10 has a special emphasis on the Sierra
541. Templeton, Sardis W. The Lame Captain, the Life and Adventures of
Pegleg Smith. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1965. (Smith, Thomas L. Young,
Ewing. Carson, Christopher. Smith, Jedidiah Strong.)
542. Wilkins, Thurman. Clarence King: A Biography. Albuquerque: University
of New Mexico Press, 1988.
James P. Beckwourth
543. Bonner, Thomas D. The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth.
Edited by Delmont R. Oswald. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1972.
Reprint of 1856 edition.
544. Wilson Elinor. Jim Beckwourth: Black Mountain Man and War Chief of the
Crows. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972.
Kit Carson
545. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. Christopher Carson, Familiarly Known as Kit
Carson. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1873. (Carson, Christopher. Fur Trade - The
West. Fremont, John Charles. Frontier and pioneer life - The West.)
546. Blackwelder, Bernice. Great Westerner: The Story of Kit Carson. Caldwell,
Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1962. (Carson, Christopher. Fur Trade. Fremont, John
Charles. Frontier and Pioneer Life - The West.)
547. Burdett, Charles. The Life of Kit Carson: The Great Western Hunter and
Guide. New York: A. L. Burt, 1902. (Carson, Christopher. Fur Trade - The
West. Frontier and Pioneer Life - The West. Fremont, John Charles.
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
548. Carson, Christopher. Autobiography. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife.
Chicago: R. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., 1935. (Carson, Christopher. Fur
Trade - The West. Fremont, John Charles. Frontier and Pioneer Life - The
549. Carter, Harvey Lewis. “Dear Old Kit:’ The Historical Christopher Carson.
With a new edition of the Carson Memoirs. Norman: University of Oklahoma
Press, 1968.
550. Fremont, Jessie Benton. Kit Carson, Land of Sunshine, 6 (February, 1897):
551. Sabin, Edwin Legrand. Kit Carson Days, 1809-1868: Adventures in the
Path of Empire. New York: Press of the Pioneers, 1935. (Carson, Christopher.
Fur trade - The West. Fremont, John Charles. Frontier and Pioneer Life - The
552. Vestal, Stanley. Kit Carson, the Happy Warrior of the Old West: A
Biography. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928. (Carson, Christopher. Fur
Trade - The West. Frontier and Pioneer Life - The West.)
John C. Fremont
553. Baskford, Herbert and Harr Wagner. A Man Unafraid; The Story of John
Charles Fremont. San Francisco: Harr Wagner Publishing Co., [1927].
554. Egan, Ferol. Fremont, Explorer for a Restless Nation. Reno: University of
Nevada Press, 1985. Originally published in 1977. New foreword by Richard H.
Dillon. (Fremont, John Charles. Great Basin - Exploration. Fremont Cannon.
Pyramid Lake.)
555. Fremont, John Charles. Memoirs of my Life...Including in the Narrative
Five Journeys of Western Exploration, During the Years 1842, 1843-4,
1845-6-7, 1848-9 1853-4.... a Retrospect of Fifty Years, Covering the Most
Eventful Periods of Modern American History. Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co.,
1886. (The West - Discovery and Exploration. Pyramid Lake. Benton, Thomas
556. Goodwin, Cardinal Leonidas. John Charles Fremont: An Exploration of his
Career. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1930.
557. Herr, Pamela. Jessie Benton Fremont: A Biography. New York: Franklin
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
Watts, 1987. (Fremont, Jessie (Benton). Fremont, John Charles. Benton, Thomas
Hart. Carson, Christopher.
558. Nevins, Allan. Fremont: The West’s Greatest Adventurer. New York:
Harper and Brothers, Publishers, 1928.
559. _____. Fremont: Pathmarker of the West. New York: Longmans Green &
Co., 1955.
560. Rolle, Andrew. John Charles Fremont: Character as Destiny. Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
Peter Skene Ogden
561. Binns, Archie. Peter Skene Ogden: Fur Trader. Portland, Oregon: Binfords
& Mort, Publishers, 1967. (Ogden, Peter Skene. Fur Trade - The West. Hudson's
Bay Company. Humboldt River.)
562. Cline, Gloria Griffen. Peter Skene Ogden and the Hudson's Bay Company.
The American Exploration and Travel Series, vol. 64. Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press, 1974. (Hudson's Bay Company. Ogden, Peter Skene. Fur
Trade - The West. Humboldt River.)
Jedidiah Smith
563. Burns, Peter J. “The Short Incredible Life of Jedidiah Smith,” Montana:
Magazine of Western History, 17 (January, 1967): 44-55.
564. Garber, D. W. Jedidiah Strong Smith, Fur Trader form Ohio. Stockton:
University of the Pacific, 1973. (Smith, Jedidiah Strong. Simons, Titus Gordon
Vespasian. Gass, Patrick.)
565. Morgan, Dale Lowell. Jedidiah Smith and the Opening of the West.
Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1953. (Smith, Jedidiah Strong. The
West - Discovery and Exploration. Nevada - Discovery and Exploration.
Ashley, William Henry. Fur Trade - The West. Ogden, Peter Skene.)
566. Sullivan, Maurice S. Jedidiah Smith, Trader and Trail Breaker. New York:
Press of the Pioneers, Inc., 1936. (Smith, Jedidiah Strong. Nevada - Description
and Exploration. Ashley, William Henry. Fur Trade - The West.)
Joseph R. Walker
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography
567. Gilbert, Bil. Westering Man, the Life of Joseph Walker. New York:
Atheneum, 1983. (Walker, Joseph Reddeford. Great Basin. Walker Pass.)
568. Watson, Douglas Sloane. West Wind: The Life Story of Joseph Reddeford
Walker. Morongo Valley, California: The Sagebrush Press, 1984. (Walker,
Joseph Reddeford. Great Basin. Humboldt River. Walker Pass.)
Chapter 5
A. General
567. Andrews, Thomas F. “Satire and the Overland Guide: John B. Hall’s
Fanciful Advice to Gold Rush Emigrants.” California Historical Society
Quarterly, 48 (June, 1969): 99-111.
568. Brodhead, Michael J. Passing Through ... Documents of the Road West.
Reno: Nevada Historical Society, 1990.
569. Clemmer, Richard O. "The Tail of the Elephant: Indians in Emigrant
Diaries, 1844-1862." Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 30 (1987): 269-90.
570. Cline, Gloria Griffen. “Early Exploration, Routes and Trails in Nevada.”
M. A. Thesis, University of Nevada, 1951.
571. Faragher, John Mack. Women and Men on the Overland Trail. Yale
Historical Publication, Miscellany, 121. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale
University Press, 1979. (The Family - The West - History. Frontier and Pioneer
Life - The West. Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Women in the West.)
572. Goodwin, Victor O. Development of the Emigrant Routes of Northern
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography 14
Nevada,” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 8 (Fall-Winter, 1965): 25-41.
573. Holmes, Kenneth L., editor. Covered Wagon Women, Diaries and Letters
From the Western Trails 1840-1890. 9 volumes of a projected 10. Glendale,
California: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1983 (Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Diaries.
Overland Trail. Women.)
574. Langrum, David J. “Pioneer Justice on the Overland Trails,” Western
Historical Quarterly 5 (October, 1974): 421-40.
575. Morgan, Dale Lowell, editor. Overland in 1846; Diaries and Letters of the
California-Oregon Trail. Georgetown, California: The Talisman Press, 1963. 2
volumes. (Overland journeys to the Pacific. Overland Trail. Oregon Trail.
California Trail. Donner Party.)
576. Reid, John Phillip. Law for the Elephant: Property and Social Behavior on
the Overland Trail San Marino, CA: The Huntington Library, 1980. (Overland
journey, law, social conditions)
577. Schlissel, Lillian. Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey. New York:
Schocken Books, 1982. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Women in the West.
Diaries. Overland Trail.)
578. Sheppard, John Craig. Landmarks on the Emigrant Trail, a Portfolio of
Nevada Watercolors. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1971. (Emigrant
Trail - Views. Watercolors - Nevada. Paintings - Nevada.)
579. Unruh, John David. The Plains Across: The Overland Emigrants and the
Trans-Mississippi West, 1840-60. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1979.
(Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Frontier and Pioneer Life.)
B. California Trail (Central Overland Route)
580. Altrocchi, Julia Cooley. The Old California Trail, Traces in Folklore and
Furrow. Caldwell: Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1945. (California Trail. Overland
Journeys to the Pacific. Humboldt River.)
581. Andrews, Thomas F. “Lansford W. Hastings and the Promotion of the Salt
Lake Desert Cutoff: A Reappraisal,” Western Historical Quarterly 4 (1973):
582. Bidwell, John. A Journey to California: A Day by Day Record of the
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography 15
Journey from May 18, 1841 to November 6, 1841. Introduction by Herbert
Ingram Priestley. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, Printer, 1937.
583. Bryant, Edwin. When I Saw California, Being the Journal of a Tour by the
Emigrant Route and South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, Across the Continent
of North America, The Great Basin Desert, and Through California in the Years
1846, 1847. Notes and Index by Marguerite Eyer Wilbur. Santa Ana: CA: Fine
Arts Press, 1936.
584. Christy, Thomas. Road Across the Plains: A Guide to the Route From
Mormon Crossing, Now Omaha, Nebraska, to the City of Sacramento ..
Compiled From His Personal Observations During the Spring and Summer of
1850... Edited by Robert H. Becker. Denver: Old West Publishing Company,
1969. Includes a Cartographic interpretation of Christy’s journey in 1850.
585. Curran, Harold. Fearful Crossing: The Central Overland Trail Through
Nevada. Reno: Great Basin Press, 1982. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific.
Diaries - Overland Trail. Overland Trail. Applegate Trail.)
586. Eaton, Herbert. The Overland Trail to California in 1852. New York: G. P.
Putnam’s Sons, 1974.
587. Giffen, Helen S., editor. The Diaries of Peter Decker: Overland to
California in 1849 and Life in the Mines, 18501851. Georgetown, CA: Talisman
Press, 1966.
588. Gordon, Mary McDougall. “Overland to California in 1849: A Neglected
Commercial Enterprise,” Pacific Historical Review 52 (1933): 17-36. The
emergence of commercial transportation to the West with the discovery of gold.
In May, 1849 the first “passenger train” with over forty wagons, 300 mules and
161 passengers and crew, set out from Saint Louis, organized by two
Entrepreneurs in St. Louis and called the Pioneer Line.
589. Henderson, Lucy Ann. “Young Adventure.” Edited by Ronald Thomas
Strong. Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 16 (Summer, 1973): 67-99.
590. Hill, William E. The California Trail Yesterday & Today: A Pictorial
Journey Along the California Trail. Boulder, Colorado: Pruett Publishing
Company, 1986. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific. California Trail.)
591. Hulbert, Archer Butler. Forty-Niners: The Chronicle of the California
Trail. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1931. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific.
California Trail. Humboldt River.)
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography 16
592. Hunt, Thomas H. Ghost Trails to California. Palo Alto, California,
American West Publishing Co., 1974. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific.
Applegate Trail Lassen Trail. Black Rock Desert. California Trail. Hastings
Cut-Off Nobles' Route.) With Selected Excerpts from Emigrant Journals.
593. Ingalls, Eleazer Stillman. Journal of a Trip to California by the Overland
Route Across the Plains in 1850-51. Waukegan, IL: Tobey & Co., Printers,
594. Kilgore, William H. The Kilgore Journal of the Overland Journey to
California in the Year 1850. Edited by Joyce Rockwood Muench. New York:
Hastings House, 1949.
595. “The Maiden’s Grave,” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 6 (JuneDecember, 1963): 1-21. (Lucinda Duncan)
596. McGlashen, Charles Fayette. History of the Donner Party: A Tragedy of
the Sierra. Sixth edition, illustrated. Sacramento: CA: H. S. Crocker & Co.,
Printers, 1880. (Jacob Donner, Tamsen Donner, Patrick Breen, James Frazier
Reed, overland trail)
597. McKinstry, Byron N. The California Gold Rush Overland Diary of Byron
N. McKinstry, 1850-1852. With a biographical sketch and Comment on a
modern tracing by Bruce L. McKinstry. Glendale, CA: The Arthur H. Clark
Company, 1975.
598. Moffat, Gwen. Hard Road West: Alone on the California Trail. New York:
Viking Press, 1981. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Humboldt River.
Humboldt sink. California Trail.)
599. Moorman, Madison Berryman. The Journal of Madison Berryman
Moorman, 1850-1851. Biographical sketch by Louise Parks Banes. San
Francisco: California Historical Society, 1948.
600. Morgan, Dale Lowell. The Humboldt, Highroad of the West. New York:
Farrar & Rinehart, 1943. (Humboldt River - Exploring Expeditions. Overland
Trail. Hastings Cut-Off. Buenaventura River. Overland Journeys to the Pacific.)
601. Murphy, Virginia Reed. Across the Plains in the Donner Party (1846-47):
A Personal Narrative of the Overland Trip to California. Reprinted from
Century Magazine 42 (1891). Olympic Valley, CA: Outbooks, 1977. (James
Frazier Reed, Margaret Willson Reed)
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography 17
602. Nevada Emigrant Trail Marking Committee, Inc. The Overland Emigrant
Trail to California: A Guide to Trail Markers Placed in Western Nevada and the
Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. Reno, Nevada: The Author, 1978.
(Historical Markers - Nevada. Emigrant Trail - Guide-books. Overland
Trail - Guide-books. Humboldt River Route - Guide-books. Truckee River
Route. Carson River Route.)
603. Nunis, Doyce B., Jr. The Bidwell-Bartleson Party, 1841 California
Adventure: The Documents and Memoirs of the Overland Pioneers. Santa Cruz,
CA: Western Tanager Press, 1991.
604. Olson, Bert H. “The Emigrants’ Forty Mile Desert Through Nevada,”
Westerners Brand Book 5 (1953): 28-37.
605. Paden, Irene Dakin. Prairie Schooner Detours. New York: Macmillan,
1949. (Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Overland Trail. Lassen Trail. Hastings
606. _____. The Wake of the Prairies Schooner. New York: Macmillan, 1943.
607. Platt, P. L. and N. Slater. Traveler’s Guide Across the Plains Upon the
Overland Route to California. Reprint of 1852 edition with an introduction by
Dale Morgan. San Francisco: John Howell Books, 1963.
608. Purdy, John R., Jr. “A Manuscript Map of an Overland Journey From Salt
Lake City to Sacramento City,” Western Historical Quarterly 7 (January, 1975):
609. Stewart, George Rippey. The California Trail, an Epic with Many Heroes.
American Trail Series, vol. 4. New York: McGraw- Hill, 1962. (Overland
Journeys to the Pacific. Applegate Trail. Black Rock Desert. Hastings Cut-Off.
California Trail.)
610. _____. Ordeal by Hunger: The Story of the Donner Party. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1960.
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography 18
_611. ____. “The Smart Ones Got Through,” American Heritage, 6 (June, 1955): 60-63. In 1844 the Elisha Stevens
party used the same pass as the tragic Donner Party two years later. A comparison between the two crossings.
612. Todd, Edgeley Woodman, editor. A Doctor on the California Trail: The Diary of Dr. John Hudson Wayman
from Cambridge City, Indiana to the Gold Fields in 1852. Denver: Old West Publishing Company, 1971.
613. Topping, Gary. “Overland Emigration, the California Trail and the Hastings Cutoff,” Utah Historical Quarterly
56 (Spring, 1988): 109-27.
614. Yager, James Pressley. “Diary of a Journey Across the Plains.” Notes and commentary by Everett W. Harris.
Nevada Historical Society Quarterly 13 (Spring, 1970): 5-19; 13 (Fall, 1970): 19-39; 13 (Winter, 1970): 26-52; 14
(Spring, 1971): 27-54); and 14 (Summer, 1971): 33-54.
C. Old Spanish Trail
615. Hafen, Leroy R., and Ann W. Hafen. Old Spanish Trail Santa Fe to Los Angeles, with Extracts from
Contemporary Records and Including Diaries of Antonio Armijo and Orville Pratt. The Far West and the Rockies
Historical Series, 1820-1875, Vol. 1. Glendale, California: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1954. (Overland
Journeys to the Pacific. Spanish Trail.)
616. Hague, Harlan. The Road to California, the Search for a Southern Overland Route 1540-1848. Glendale,
California: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 1978.
617. Perkins, George Elwood. Pioneers of the Western Desert: Romance and Tragedy Along the Old Spanish or
Mormon Trail. Los Angeles: ???, 1947.
D. Other Routes (Lassen, Applegate, Nobles)
618. Amesbury, Robert. Nobles' Emigrant Trail. Susanville, California: Lassen Litho, 1967. (Nobles' Route. Lassen,
Peter. Nobles, William H. Lassen Meadows. Rabbit Hole Springs. Black Rock Springs. Deep Hole Springs. Mud
Springs Massacre.)
619. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough. Gold Rush, the Journals, Drawings, and Other Papers of J. Goldsborough Bruff,
Captain, Washington City and California Mining Association April 2, 1849- July 20, 1851. Edited by Georgia Willis
Read and Ruth Gaines. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Two Volumes. (California Trail. Lassen Trail.
Diaries - California Trail. Diaries - Lassen Trail. Overland Journeys to the Pacific.)
620. Hawkins, Bruce R., and David B. Madsen with contributions by Ann Hannibal, Brigham D. Madsen, M.
Elizabeth Manion and Gary Topping. Excavation of the Donner-Reed Wagons: Historic Archaeology Along the
Hastings Cut-Off. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1990.
621. Helfrich, Devere. The Applegate Trail. Klamath Echoes, NO. 9. ???: Klamath County Historical Society, 1971.
(Applegate Trail. Applegate, Jesse. Humboldt River. Mud Meadows. Rabbit Hole Springs. Black Rock Desert.
Hardin City.
622. Kelly, Charles. Salt Desert Trails: A History of the Hastings Cut-Off and other Early Trails which Crossed the
Great Salt Desert Seeking a Shorter Road to California. Salt Lake City: Western Printing Company, 1930.
(Hastings, Lansford Warren. Overland Journeys to the Pacific. Hastings Cut- Off. Donner Party.
623. McGuckian, Peggy. Emigrant Trails in the Black Rock Desert: A Study of the Fremont, Applegate-Lassen, and
Nobles Route in the Winnemucca District. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Buffalo
Hills Planning Unit. n.p., 1978. (Applegate Trail. Lassen Trail. Noble's Route. Fremont Trail. Diaries. Lassen
Meadows. Antelope Springs. Rabbit Hole Springs. Black Rock Springs. Double Hot Springs. Hardin City.)
624. Meacham, Walter. Applegate Trail. James, Kerns & Abbott, Printers, 1947. (Applegate Trail. Applegate, Jesse.
Humboldt River. Black Rock Desert.)
Nevada History: An Annotated Bibliography 19
625. Reeder, Ray. “The Mormon Trail: A History of the Salt Lake to Los Angeles Route to 1869.” Ph.D.
dissertation, Brigham Young University, 1966.
626. Watson, Jeanne H. "The Carson Emigrant Road." Overland Journal 4 (1983): 4-12.
627. Andrews, Thomas F. “The Ambitions of Lansford W. Hastings: A Study in Western Myth-making,” Pacific
Historical Review 39 (November, 1970): 473-93.
628. _____. “The Controversial Career of Lansford Warren Hastings: Pioneer California Promoter and Emigrant
Guide.” Ph.. D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1970.
629. Benjamin, Marcus. John Bidwell, Pioneer: A Sketch of His Career. Washington: n. p., 1907.
630. Bidwell, John. Echoes of the Past: An Account of the First Emigrant train to California, Fremont in the
Conquest of California, the Discovery of Gold and Early Reminiscences. Chico, CA: Chico Advertiser, n. d.
631. Hunt, Rockwell, Dennis. John Bidwell: Prince of California Pioneers. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1942.
F. Guide Books
632. Andrews, Thomas F. “The Controversial Hastings Overland Guide: A Reassessment,” Pacific Historical review
37 (February, 1968): 21-35.
633. Child, Andrew. Overland to California .. Via the Sublette and Bear River Cut-Offs and the Truckee River Road.
Los Angeles: N. A. Kovach, 1946.
634. Hastings, Lansford W. The Emigrants' Guide to Oregon and California. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1932. Reproduced in facsimile from the original edition of 1845 with historical note and bibliography by Charles
Henry Carey.
635. Marcy, Randolph B. The Prairie Traveler: A Handbook for Overland Expeditions, With Maps, Illustrations,
and Itineraries of Principal Routes Between the Mississippi and the Pacific. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1859.
636. Mulcahy, Walter W. Forty-Mile Desert Tour Guidebook. Sponsored by the Nevada Historical Society and
Churchill County Historical Society, June 6, 1971. Mimeographed copy. (Forty- Mile
Desert - Description - Guidebook. Humboldt Trail. Carson River Route. Truckee River Route.)
637. Ware, Joseph E. The Emigrants' Guide to California. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1932. reprinted
from the 1849 edition with introduction and notes by John Caughey. (Overland Journeys to the
Pacific - Guide-books. Humboldt River. Pyramid Lake. Truckee River.