Analysis of 100 Academic Articles from 2013-2015

Analaysis of 100 Academic Articles from 2013-2015
Search Keywords: Ecosystems and Wellbeing
Science Direct, Scopus, GreenFILE, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index
(977 in total including many sources repeated)
Excluded: Only those that have a very specific focus
(e.g. on one species, one isolated micro-environment)
Main Themes in Titles
Coal, mining, grasslands ecosystems, Mongolian herdsmen
Assessing human wellbeing in a socio-ecological context (Assessment A:1)
Marine ecosystem services, human wellbeing, Kenya (Marine M:1, Water W:1)
Ocean ecosystems, human health, environmental stressors (M:2, W:2)
Socioeconomic influences, biodiversity, ecosystem services, human wellbeing, China
(Biodiversity B:1)
6. Ecosystem service assessment, diverse landscapes, human wellbeing (A:2)
7. Ecosystem services spatial characteristics, reservoir, China, human wellbeing (W:3)
8. Subjective indicators assessing natural and social capital, residents’ quality of life,
small volcanic island (A:3)
9. Identifying indicators of ecosystem contributors to human wellbeing (A:4)
10. Ecosystem services, poverty alleviation, Himalayas (Poverty alleviation Po:1)
11. Index system of human dependence on ecosystem services (A:5)
12. Social processes, conservation, bioenergy (Bioenergy E:1)
13. Biodiversity, climate change, South America, South East Asia (B:2)
14. Air quality, climate change, urban forests, Spain (Climate change C:1, forest F:1,
urban: U:1)
15. Spatial planning, green infrastructure, European urban regions (U:2, Planning pl:1)
16. Social ecology, restoration (Restoration R:1)
17. Links between landscapes and human wellbeing (Landscape L:1)
18. Relationships between ecosystems and human wellbeing, Spain
19. Landscape sustainability, human wellbeing (L:2, Sustainability S:1)
20. Natural environment, determinant of health (Nature N:1)
21. Land use changes, provisioning ecosystem services, human wellbeing (Land use LU:1)
22. Coastal wetland, earthquake, Chile (M:3, W:4)
23. Climate change, human wellbeing, ecosystem services U.S. (C:2)
24. Advances and challenges in ecosystem services research (Research Res:1)
25. Wilderness protection, societal engagement, canoe area (Conserv:1, W:5)
26. Knowledge systems, enhanced ecosystem governance (Gov G:1)
27. Biodiversity, climate change, European forest ecosystem (B:2, C:3, F:2)
28. US Index for relating human wellbeing and ecosystem services (A:6)
29. Energy consumption, sustainability, central and eastern Euope (E:2, S:2)
30. Community wellbeing, health, urban lake ecosystem (U:3, Community Comm:1, lake
Lak:1, W:6)
31. Biodiversity indicators, estuarine system (B:3)
32. Impacts of ecosystem services, Europe’s top 10 invasive species
33. Benefits of biodiverse environments for health and wellbeing (B:4)
34. Climate change, socio-ecological network, Spain (C:4)
35. Children, environmental change, tropical forests (F:3)
36. Planning and valuing ecosystem services, urban planning (U:4, Pl:2)
37. Governance, legal recognition, forest ecosystem services, Mozambique (Gov G:2)
38. Marine ecosystems, modelling socio-ecological scenarios (M:4)
39. Water quality, coastal-based ecosystem services, U.S. (M:5, W:7)
40. Climate change, biodiversity, tropics (C:5, B:5)
41. Restoration efforts, ecological processes, arid regions (Restoration Rest:2)
42. Managing The Commons: land, water, climate (C:6, W:8)
43. Ecosystem services, ethics
44. Evaluating human wellbeing,realtive importance values, ecosystem services example
45. Cultural ecosystem services, ecological restoration, forest, Brazil (Rest:3, F:4)
46. Ecosystem properties, integrity, indicators, interactions (A:8)
47. Land use, climate regulation services, impacts, human wellbeing (LU:2, C:7)
48. Ecology, marine planning, human wellbeing (M:3)
49. Soundscapes (bird)
50. Economic indices, human dimension, coastal marine ecosystem services, Florida (A:9,
W:9, Economics Ec:1))
51. Landscape service, planning, human wellbeing (L:3)
52. Landscape, cutural dimension, ecological research (L:4, Res:2)
53. Peri-urban woods, health, management, England (N:2)
54. Land use changes, human wellbeing, ecosystem provisioning services (LU:3)
55. Review of cultural ecosystem services indicators (CES:1, A:10)
56. Seagrass meadows, fisheries, human wellbeing (M:4, W:10)
57. Indigenous knowledge, ecosystem services, Burkina Faso (Comm:2)
58. Sustainable biomass energy, indigenous models of wellbeing, forests, Alaska (E:3,
Comm:3, S:3))
59. Evaluating projects and policies using ecosystem services framework (A:11)
60. Assessing, mapping, quantifying cultural ecosystem services at community level
(CES:2, Comm:4, A:12)
61. Impact of conservation on human wellbeing (Conserv:2)
62. Measuring ecosystems services, social-ecological approach, human wellbeing (A:13)
63. Sustainable ocean management (M:5, W:11)
64. Poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihoods, China (Po:2)
65. Poverty alleviation research, ecosystem services (Po:3)
66. Bee pollination, crop quality
67. Restoration, rivers, economic aspects, cost effectiveness (Rest:4, W:12)
68. Economics and ecosystem services (Ec:2)
69. Solution scanning, policy, maintaining and enhancing regulating ecosystem services
70. Urban green spaces, Afrian countries, ecosystem services (U:5)
71. Assessing the value of natural land areas, a human wellbeing approach (A:14, Values
72. Environmental sustainability, stewardship, Net Ecosystem Service Analysis (S:3)
73. Human health, social deprivation, ecosystem services, Wales
74. Nature, health (N:3)
75. Value of ecosystem services in Bhutan (V:2)
76. Human population, climate change, Papua New Guinea (C:8)
77. Managing cultural ecosystem services, Hawaii (CES:3)
78. Water-use, economic growth (W:13)
79. Diversity, agriculture, Malaria
80. Riparian ecosystems, climate change, Australia (C:9)
81. Green economy, consumption, wellbeing (Ec:3)
82. Ecological protection, wellbeing (Conserv:3)
83. Community-based landscape planning, wellbeing-based approach (Comm:5, pl:2)
84. Anthropocentric, biocentric conservationists (Conserv:4)
85. Agricultural landscapes, farmers, Australia (L:5)
86. Sustainable landscapes, social-ecological systems, research (L:6, S:4)
87. Civil ecology, cities (U:6)
88. Newspaper representations of ecosystem disservices
89. Wetland ecosystem services, urban case studies (U:7)
90. Cultural landscapes, futures of ecosystem services, scenario development, Germany
(CES:4, L:7)
91. Determining value of multiple ecosystem services, community wellbeing (Comm:6,
92. Multiple values of ecosystem services, environmental worldviews, spatial analysis
93. Adaption policies to increase terrestrial ecosystem resilience (Gov:4)
94. Ecological constraints on multiple ecosystem service delivery and biodiversity (B:6)
95. Marine ecosystems, fisheries, conservation (M:6)
96. Fluvial ecosystems, social indicators, Spain (W:14)
97. Cost-benefit analysis, marine protected area (M:7)
98. Ecological restoration in urban landscapes, interactions between people and nature,
planning (Rest:5, U:8)
99. Ecosystem service trade-offs, human wellbeing
Biodiversity and human health (B:7)
Most Common Themes in the Analysed Articles
Word Cloud of Most Common Themes (Size indicates importance)
Most Relevant Articles to the Working Group Interests (so far)
These were selected from the review of 100 articles and a further 100 out of 977
Duraiappah, A.K.; Asah, S.T.; Brondizio, E.S.; Kosoy, N.; O'Farrell, P.J.; Prieur-Richard, A.-H.;
Subramanian, S.M.; Takeuchi, K. (2014) Managing the mismatches to provide ecosystem
services for human well-being: A conceptual framework for understanding the new
commons. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, April, 7, pp. 94-100
King, M.; Renó, V. and Novo, E. (2014) The Concept, Dimensions and Methods of Assessment
of Human Well-Being within a Socioecological Context: A Literature Review.
Social Indicators Research. May, Vol. 116, Issue 3, p.681-698.
Maynard, S., James, D., Davidson, A. (2014) Determining the value of multiple ecosystem
services in terms of community wellbeing:Who should be the valuing agent? Ecological
Economics (in press).
Petrosillo, I., Costanza, R.; Aretano, R.; Zaccarelli, N.; Zurlini, G. (2013) The use of subjective
indicators to assess how natural and social capital support residents’ qualityof life in a small
volcanic island. EcologicalIndicators. Jan, Vol. 24, p.609-620.
Ringold, P. L.; Boyd, J.; Landers, D.; Weber, M. (2013) What data should we collect? A
framework for identifying indicators of ecosystem contributions to human well-being.
Frontiers in Ecology & the Environment. Mar2013, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p.98-105.
Sijtsma, F.J; van der Heide, C.M; van Hinsberg, A. (2013) Beyond monetary measurement:
How to evaluate projects and policies using the ecosystem services framework.
Environmental Science & Policy, Oct, 32, pp.14-15.
Smith, L.M.; Case, J.L.; Smith, H. M.; Harwell, L.C., Summers, J.K. (2013) Relating ecoystem
services to domains of human well-being: Foundation for a US index, Ecological Indicators,
Vol. 28, May, Pages 79–90
Smith, L.M.; Harwell, L.C.; Summers, J.K.; Case, J.L.; Smith, H.M. (2013) Development of
Relative Importance Values as Contribution Weights for Evaluating Human Wellbeing: An
Ecosystem Services Example, Human Ecology, August, 41(4):631-641.
Smith, L. M. & Case, J. L. & Harwell, L. C. & Smith, H. M. & Summers, J.K. (2013) Development
of Relative Importance Values as Contribution Weights for Evaluating Human Wellbeing: An
Ecosystem Services Example, Hum. Ecol., 41, pp. 631-641.
Yang, W.; Dietz, T.; Liu, W.; Luo, J.; Liu, J. (2013) Going Beyond the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment: An Index System of Human Dependence on Ecosystem Services
PLoS ONE. May, Vol. 8 Issue 5, p.1-9.
Musacchio, L.R. (2013) Cultivating deep care: integrating landscape ecological research into
the cultural dimension of ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology. Jul, 28; 6; p.1025-1038.
Yongmin, Z.; Shidong, Z.; Rongchao, G. (2014) Recent Advances and Challenges in Ecosystem
Service Research. Journal of Resources & Ecology, Mar, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p.82-90.
Nature and Health
Jackson, L. E., • Daniel, J. McCorkle, B., Sears, A., Bush, K. F. (2013) Linking ecosystem
services and human health: the Eco-Health Relationship Browser, Int J Public Health, 58,
Tait, P. W.; McMichael, A. J.; Hanna, E. G. (2014) Determinants of health: the contribution of
the natural environment. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Apr, Vol. 38
Issue 2, p.104-107.
Bieling, C.; Plieninger, T.; Pirker, H.; Vogl, C. R. (2014) Linkages between landscapes and
human well-being: An empirical exploration with short interviews.
Ecological Economics. Sep Vol. 105, p.19-30.
Liu, J.•, Opdam, P. (2014) Valuing ecosystem services in community-based landscape
planning: introducing a wellbeing-based approach. Landscape Ecol , 29, pp. 1347–1360.
Musacchio, L. R. (2013) Cultivating deep care: integrating landscape ecological research into
the cultural dimension of ecosystem services, Landscape Ecol., 28, pp. 1025–1038.
Vallés-Planells, M., Galiana, F., and Van Eetvelde, V. (2014) A classification of landscape
services to support local landscape planning, Ecology and Society 19(1), p. 44.
Villamagna, A. and Giesecke, C. (2014) Adapting Human Well-being Frameworks
forEcosystem Service Assessments across Diverse Landscapes. Ecology & Society. March, Vol.
19, Issue 1, p.283-300.
Wu, J.G. (2013) Landscape sustainability science: ecosystem services and human well-being
in changing landscapes. Landscape Ecology, Jul, 28; 6; p.999-p.1023.
Cultural Ecosystem Services
Andersson , E., Tengö, M., McPhearson, T., Kremer, P. (2014) Cultural ecosystem services as
a gateway for improving urban sustainability, Ecosystem Services, (in press).
Plieninger, T., Dijks, S. Oteros-Rozas, E., Bieling, C. (2013) Assessing, mapping, and
quantifying cultural ecosystem services at community level, Land Use Policy, 33, pp. 118–