Fifth Grade Information 2014-2015 Tentative Class Schedule: 8:20-8:45 8:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:55 10:55-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 2:00-2:40 Unpack/Warm-up’s Mathematics Read Aloud Specials (M/T/TH) Science/S.S. (W) Teacher choice (F) Reading Recess/Lunch Writing Science or Social Studies (M/T/TH/F) Art (W) Specials: Specials will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10:15-11:55 and Wednesday specials will be from 2:00-2:45. Monday: Music Tuesday: PE Wednesday: Art Thursday: Library Band will be starting soon. Band lessons will be held throughout the day on Friday and full band practice will be from 12:00-12:30 on Fridays. Students will be bringing additional information home at a later time. Guidance classes will be scheduled later in the school year. Classroom Behavior Expectations: Classroom Rules: ● Come prepared for class ● Follow directions the first time asked ● Treat others the way they want to be treated ● Raise their hands and wait to be called on before speaking ● Move around the classroom in a calm without manner that does not disrupt the work of others I use a color coded behavior chart to track students behaviors. When students enter the classroom they start the day on green. If a student is not following the classroom rules they will be asked to flip their card. Green…….Keep up the great behavior Yellow…..First warning- take a deep breath and check your behavior Orange…..Second warning- loss of 10 minutes of recess Red….......Third warning- teachers choice loss of recess and or contact home Purple……Level up from green for outstanding behavior. If a student flips their card to any of the warning colors they can always correct their behavior and flip back towards Green. Contact Information: Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns taht you may have. You may contact me by phone, email, or through a note with your students. email: phone: (207) 626-2461 ext.3804 Homework Expectations Please expect your student to have homework Monday through Thursday. Homework most nights will include reading, mathematics, and spelling. Occasionally students will have writing, science, and social studies. Homework should take students less than an hour to complete most nights. If your student is unable to get their homework done due to illness or family emergency pleases send a note in with your student and I will excuse them for that night. Mathematics: Math homework is assigned each night and is due the next day. Homework will either be additional practice of that days skill or review of skills students have already learned. It is a chance for me to see what students have retained and determine what will need to be reviewed. For this reason I ask that students attempt each assignment. Spelling: Spelling assignments are assigned nightly and collected the next day. This way I can check that students are practicing their spelling each night and check for any errors students might be making. Some of the spelling activities I might ask students to complete include but are not limited to: Spelling Stories: Write your spelling words in a silly story! Rainbow Words: Write your words using a different color for each letter in your best handwriting! ABC Order: Write your words in alphabetical order. Then write them in reverse abc order. Spelling 3 Times Each: Write your words 3 times each! Spelling Bee: Have a parent, sibling, or friend call out your spelling words to you while you spell them out loud. Consonants & Vowels: Write your spelling words. Circle the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and underline the consonants. Bookmark: Design a pretty bookmark on thick paper. Write your list on the bookmark. Spelling Pyramid: Make Spelling Pyramids. Write the first letter. On the next line, write the first and second letters. On the third line, write the first, second, and third letters, and so on. Your words will look similar to this: c ca cat Word Shapes: Write your words in shapes. Put all the shapes together to make a picture. Reading: Every Monday students will be given a reading log to complete and turn in on Friday. I expect students to read a choice book or book report book for at least 20 minutes Monday through Thursday and to journal each night. For each journal entry I ask that students record the title and author of the book they are reading along with pages read. I also want students to write two to three sentences summarizing what they read each night. I ask that you sign your students reading log Thursday to verify that you have seen your students reading log. Each month I will assign students a book report project to complete. I will assign either a specific genre, author, or topic for students to use as a guideline when they are choosing their book. When I assign the book report I will also give students the directions they need in order to complete their project. Students will have some class time to read their book but the majority of it will need to be read at home. ***Independent books should be at school every day and taken home at night. If your child has a Nook or Kindle and you agree to allow your child to bring it to school, they are welcome to read from that. The school cannot be responsible, however, for lost, stolen, or broken devices.