Designing Science - Galileo Educational Network

Designing for Deep Scientific Understanding
Discipline-Based Inquiry1
1. Engineering or Design: (e.g. building machines, models, circuits, structures,
measurement techniques and equipment etc. to solve a particular problem)
 Maintains focus on a well-defined goal for design
 Creates unique design OR combines and/or modifies elements of existing
designs to solve a specific problem or design challenge
 Thinks of more than one solution to design problems
 Troubleshoots; i.e. reflects on difficulties and considers potential solutions
 Considers the implications of all results
2. Experimental Inquiry (broadly defined to include descriptive, comparative, and
correlation studies2)
 Asks and refines questions that lead to deeper understanding
 Selects relevant variables for observation
 Develops detailed descriptions and/or measurements of relevant variables
 Notes puzzling observations and/or discrepant events
 Develops potential explanations / hypotheses to explain observations
 Considers potential implications of hypotheses: If true, then what should
follow? (Note: The implications may be observable in either a naturalistic
or laboratory setting3.)
 Designs and carries out comparative or correlative studies (as appropriate
to context and scale of observation).
 Develops methods for collecting, quantifying, organizing, and interpreting
 Considers how scale of investigation informs interpretation of results; e.g.
How is a model like/unlike the more complex context from which it was
derived? How might parts of a system be connected to broader system
functioning, and how might the parts behave differently when considered
in isolation?
 Reflects on progress of work and adjusts focus / hypotheses / procedures
as needed
 Forms conclusions that are supported by the data; e.g. uses all evidence4,
distinguishes causation and correlation, considers alternate explanations
 Connects new and existing knowledge; considers applications of findings
The three broad categories of science inquiry described here are adapted from categories in the Alberta
Program of Studies for Elementary, Junior, and Senior High Science: Nature of Science (NS), Science and
Technology (ST), and Science, Technology, and Society (STS); see Alberta Learning 1996; 2003a; 2003b;
2005; 2006; 2007a, 2007b, 2007c; 2009)
2 These terms are borrowed from Windschitl et. al. (2007) and vastly broaden the scope of experimental
inquiry beyond the important but overemphasized (in school) correlation study or “controlled experiment,”
which is not appropriate to all questions. For example, a descriptive study could attend to the naturalist’s
skill in observing birds, and a comparative study might take place in a naturalistic setting where controlling
variables isn’t feasible.
3 See Dayton & Sala (2001) for a discussion of the importance of attending deeply to the descriptive; their
discussion is focused on natural history, but the implications needn’t be limited to this context.
4 Finding meaningful ways to summarize / condense large amounts of data and considering whether the
results could have happened by chance are important considerations here; these require inquiry into
significant mathematical ideas.
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 Considers ethical implications of the study and its results
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3. Critical Analysis of Scientific Findings
 Collects information relevant to science-based issues.
 Uses science-based criteria to evaluate the validity of information
gathered (e.g. considers sample size, distinguishes between causation
and correlation, appreciates that some studies are conducted by those
with a vested interest in their outcome, etc5.)
 Evaluates and synthesizes information from a variety of sources to form
an informed conclusion pertaining to the topic; provides a balanced
consideration of diverse views (e.g. environmental, social, economic)
Procedural Competence:
Uses established tools (e.g. specialized equipment for observing, measuring, and
manipulating data) and procedures (e.g. controlling variables) to support inquiry.
Conceptual Understanding:
 Considers how a new idea fits with what is already accepted as knowledge and
 Appreciates that a “theory” is a well-established collection of knowledge that has
proven consistent both within the larger scheme of what we know and over time
Application of Scientific Findings:
 Uses established scientific knowledge to develop solutions to relevant problems (e.g.
uses medical symptoms to diagnose disease)
Scientific Work Habits
 Considers alternative ideas
 Tolerates ambiguity
 Willing to try own ideas before seeking help
Establishing and Supporting Scientific Community
 Contributes to class discussion re: the development of ideas and solving of problems
 Connects contributions to what others have said or done (This goes with....; I agree
with....; I disagree with...; I think I see what ... means by ...; Another way of saying
that might be….)
 Respects other people and ideas; i.e. works hard to understand other views (asks
questions, paraphrases, etc.)
 Recognizes the human tendency to become attached to our own ideas and the
rationales we develop to support them.
 Shows evidence to support conclusions (uses writing, charts, diagrams, models)
 Describes and explains how evidence support conclusions clearly
 Uses appropriate scientific terminology to express their ideas
5 Many have compiled lists of important criteria that fit here. A good one is Carl Sagan’s (1996) “Baloney-
Detection Kit.”
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Alberta Learning. (1996). Science (Elementary) [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2003a). Science Grades 7-8-9 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta
Alberta Learning. (2003b). Science 14-24 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2005). Science 10 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2006). Knowledge and Employability Science 10-4, 20-4 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton,
Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2007a). Biology 20-30 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2007b). Physics 20-30 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2007c). Physics 20-30 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Alberta Learning. (2009). Chemistry 20-30 [Program of Studies]. Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Learning.
Donovan, S., & Bransford, J. D. (2005). How Students Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in the
Classroom: National Academies Press.
Csíkszentmihályi, M. (1996). Creativity: Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York:
Harper Perennial.
Dayton, P.K. & Sala, E. (2001). Natural history: The sense of wonder, creativity and progress in ecology. In
Scientia Marina 65 (Suppl. 2), 199-206.
Duckworth, E. (1996). “The having of wonderful ideas” and other essays on teaching and learning (2nd Ed.).
New York: Teachers College Press.
Friesen, S. (2009). What did you do in school today? Teaching effectiveness: A framework and rubric.
Toronto, ON: Canadian Education Association. Retrieved from
Liem, T. (1987). Invitations to Science Inquiry: 2nd Edition. Science Inquiry Enterprises: California.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2007). Understanding the brain: The
birth of a learning science. Paris: Centre for Education Research and Innovation.
Sagan, C. (1996). The demon-haunted world. Random House: New York.
Windschitl, M., Dvornich, K., Ryken, A., Tudor, M., & Koehler, G. (2007). A comparative model of field
investigations: Aligning school science inquiry with the practices of contemporary science. In
School Science and Mathematics 107(1), 382-390. (may be retrieved from
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Galileo Educational Network 2012 DRAFT Version