Table S1: Summary of epidemiological data obtained from the systematic review of the literature and included in the DisMod-MR modelling of major depressive disorder and dysthymia. 1 Region Major depressive disorder Dysthymia Studies Studies Number of estimates Prevalence Incidence Duration Number of estimates Asia Pacific, High Income [1-8] 15 - - Excessmortality - Prevalence Incidence Remission [1-8] 12 - - Excessmortality - Asia, Central - - - - - - - - - - Asia, East [6,9-16] 59 - - - [9-12] 19 - - - Asia, South [6,17,18 ,19 ] 6 - - - - - - - - Asia, Southeast [20] 16 - - - - - - - - Australasia [21-30] 41 - - 1 [21-30] 13 - - - Caribbean [31,32] 6 - - - [31,32] 1 - - - Europe, Central [33-35] 23 - - - - - - - - Europe, Eastern [36-38] 13 - - - [36-38] 6 - - - Europe, Western [6,7,35,39-74] 170 - 1 6 35 - 2 0 Latin America, Andean - - - - - [50,57,6167,75,76] - - - - - Latin America, Central [35,77-80] 8 - - - [79,80] 2 - - - Latin America, Southern [6,35,81] 4 - - - - - - - - Latin America, Tropical [6,82-84] 11 - - - [6,82-84] 8 - - - North Africa/Middle East [6,35,85-92] 22 - - - {[6,35,85-92] 3 - - - North America, High Income [6,35,93-116] 122 18 4 6 38 3 1 - Oceania - - - - - [94,99,100,102,10 4,111,117] - - - - - Sub-Saharan Africa, Central - - - - - - - - - - Sub-Saharan Africa, East [118-123] 9 1 - 1 [118-123] 2 - - - 2 Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Sub-Saharan Africa, West [124,125] 3 - - - [125] 1 - - - [6,126-130] 16 - - - [126] 1 - - - Note. 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