System Philosophy (main branch) Application Logic

System Philosophy Application Logic
Declassified on 9-11-2014
Note: This document is designed for philosophy researcher on the application structure of system
philosophy main branch.
Also note: This document is 5 years old. Core structure information is still classified, and the date for
declassification is still unknown for the next 3 years at least. This document present the subject in logical
formation, it means: it will have its application limitations unless you read the core structure
information regarding to it. The document that is explained here and what was actually used have
alternative differences but leads to the same conceptual conclusion. Reason for the alternative make up:
Information control and record tracking. Thank you.
The above diagram explains pretty much everything you need to know about its application logic. I am
unlike philosophers who ONLY focus on conceptual application of philosophy, I actually spend great
amount of time thinking about its REAL applications that even include its potential side effects.
It is often disturbing to me that many of the modern philosophers are stuck on the doubts within
philosophy that they cannot go on or progress anywhere of importance. Spoiler: Sometimes the logical
sound philosophy doesn’t lead you, or the humanity anywhere than a flawed philosophy such as: Be
ANYWHERE IF YOU ARE STUCK WITHIN THE DOUBTS. Quite frankly, this doubt is one of the philosophical
trap in the world of philosophy. Many philosophers such as Descartes tried to fight against the doubt,
but you know you can’t win no matter what logic you throw at it. So it is rather awkward when I read
about these philosophers tried to find an explanation out of this, and publish unsound concepts that
ruins their reputation.
As easy as it sounds: None of this will matter, because people are happy that religion is giving them an
answer at least.
As normal as it sounds: I wouldn’t expect people to advance in ideology as fast as my research goes. So I
guess at current stage of development in human logic, people are already doing a great job.
As extreme as it sounds: current philosophical field is dead. Both conceptually and application-wise,
system philosophy out-weights every single concept in existence.
As neutral as it sounds: Any path will work, after all, human tends to inhabit with the ideology they stay
in. Even living in poverty can be as happy as people living in mansions because of naturally-inherency of
human values over time.
As paradox as it sounds: What next?
As realistic as it sounds: This is the ultimate path human can ever achieve, the end. There will not be
another alternative better approach to this problem. This is the best human logic can achieve without
going into perhaps a superior system of logic. This entirety of system philosophy’s existence perhaps
might be the end of philosophy, but at the same time…. It is the new world of unknown waiting to
Note: all of the approach is correct.