Duties and responsibilities - Downe Manor Primary School

Downe Manor Primary School
Mathematics TLR post – Job Description
Post title
Salary and grade:
Line manager/s:
Supervisory responsibility:
Mathematics TLR holder
Downe Manor Primary School
TLR 2 Lower
The headteacher, members of the senior leadership
team (SLT) and the governing body
The postholder may be responsible for the
deployment and supervision of the work of teaching
assistants/nursery nurses relevant to their
Main purpose of the job:
The Mathematics leader will work in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team to secure
Downe Manor Primary School’s success and improvement, ensuring high quality education
for all its pupils and improved standards of learning and achievement for all.
The main responsibilities for this post are:
 To work with the SLT to accelerate progress for all pupils particularly in Mathematics
 To support, develop and coach teaching and learning in Mathematics across the Key
Stages, so that the school has a consistently good or better teaching
 To lead and co-ordinate learning in Mathematics, maximizing pupil and parental
 To support day to day leadership in school
 Act within, the statutory frameworks, which set out their professional duties and
responsibilities and in line with the duties outlined in the current School Teachers Pay
and Conditions Document and Teacher Standards (2012)
Duties and responsibilities
In addition to the job description for a teacher the Mathematics leader will also have key
accountabilities for:
Knowledge and Understanding of
 What constitutes quality in Mathematics educational provision, the characteristics of
effective Mathematics teaching, and strategies for raising pupils’ achievement in
 How to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and good
behaviour through effective management and leadership.
Strategic leadership
 Help develop a highly effective school with a “can do” culture.
 Maintain an ethos and provide educational vision and direction which secure effective
teaching, successful learning and achievement by pupils in Mathematics.
 Present a coherent and accurate account of pupil performance and other selfevaluation evidence in a form appropriate to a range of audiences, including
governors, the LA, the local community, Ofsted and others, to enable them to play
their part effectively.
April 2014
Downe Manor Primary School
Mathematics TLR post – Job Description
Lead by example, provide inspiration and motivation. Embody for the pupils, staff,
governors and parents the vision, purpose and leadership of Downe Manor Primary
Ensure that all school staff are committed to the school’s aims, and are accountable
in meeting long, medium and short-term objectives to secure school improvement,
and targets which secure the educational success of all pupils.
Planning and setting expectations
 Support the Deputy Headteacher in leading and managing the creation and
implementation of a curriculum strategic plan, with particular emphasis on improving
the quality of provision, which identifies priorities and targets for ensuring that pupils
achieve high standards and make progress, and securing school improvement.
 Think creatively and imaginatively to anticipate and solve problems and identify
 Have high expectations of all pupils and staff.
Teaching and planning pupil learning
 Work in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure the implementation of
a climate and code of conduct which promote and secure good teaching, effective
learning, high standards of achievement, good behaviour and discipline throughout
the school.
 Work in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team to monitor and evaluate the
quality of teaching and standards of learning and achievement of pupils in
Mathematics, including those with special educational or linguistic needs, in order to
set and meet challenging, realistic targets for improvement.
 Support the work of the Deputy Headteacher on developing the whole school
Assessment and evaluation in Mathematics
 To work with the Senior Leadership team to monitor, evaluate and review the effects
of policies, priorities and targets of the school in practice, and take action as
 To contribute to the School Self Evaluation.
 Work with other lead professionals to ensure the use of comparative data, together
with information technology about pupils’ prior attainment, to establish benchmarks
and set targets for improvement.
Relationships with parents and the wider community.
 Ensure that parents are well-informed about their child’s attainment and progress.
 To develop an effective partnership with parents
 Develop effective relationships with the community, to extend the curriculum and to
enhance teaching and learning.
 Maximise the contribution of school staff to improve the quality of education provided
and standards achieved and ensure that constructive working relationships are
formed between staff and pupils.
 Lead professional development of staff through example, creating strong team work.
 Support the provision of high quality professional development by methods such as
coaching, drawing on other sources of expertise where appropriate.
 Mentor trainee and newly qualified teachers and support the induction of any new
April 2014
Downe Manor Primary School
Mathematics TLR post – Job Description
Manage, monitor and review the range, quality and quantity of all available resources
in order to improve pupils’ achievements, ensure efficiency and secure value for
Participate in arrangements for appraisal and take responsibility for own professional
Prioritise and manage own time effectively.
Work under pressure and to deadlines.
Sustain their own motivation and that of other staff in the school.
Accountability for leading a core subject
 Identify relevant school improvement issues and complete relevant strategic actions
 Define and agree appropriate improvement targets
 Evaluate the impact of all improvement activities on the quality of teaching and
 Evaluate and report on the effectiveness of practice in the subject annually
 Build effective links in order to develop the subject
Impact on educational progress
 Identify appropriate attainment and/or achievement targets
 Monitor pupil standards and achievement against annual targets and ensure they are
met or exceeded
 Monitor planning, curriculum coverage and learning outcomes
 Plan and implement strategies where improvement needs are identified
 Support teachers in planning appropriate strategies to achieve pupil progress target
levels and objectives
 Monitor the objectives and targets for specific groups of children e.g. SEN/EAL and
promote the importance of raising their achievement/attainments
Other duties and responsibilities:
 To undertake the duties of the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Assistant
Headteacher in their absence.
 To ensure the safeguarding of pupils.
 Other duties that the Headteacher may from time to time ask the post holder to
This job description is not your contract of employment or any part of it. It has been prepared
only for the purpose of school organisation and may change either as your contract changes
or as the organisation of the school is changed. Nothing will be changed without consultation.
Signature of post holder:
Signature of headteacher:
April 2014