August 2013

SCAVMA Meeting Minutes – August 29, 2013
Members present: Erin Carey, Caroline Bodi, Allie Mosel, Frank Romano, Andrew Eitzer, Sirrika Samuels,
Anya Price
1. Frank
a. Riding Club – part of AAEP
i. SCAVMA could develop guidelines for approval of formation of clubs
1. “Provide direct veterinary education/experience….board approves
2. Riding club sounds like duplication with AAEP – advise to talk to AAEP
3. Ask Barbara Berman about founding club (Spanish club precedents)
ii. As SAVMA member, can apply for extracurricular grant money independently
b. Dog Wash – 32 dogs, raised $556
i. Most people had school affiliation: PR committee needs to work on that
1. Advertise at farm field in the future
c. Friday – club fair BBQ
i. Sgt McCune – agreed to check IDs (no IDs, no drink)
d. Membership and Dues
i. Error since been corrected – SAVMA refunded everyone who overpaid
ii. Transfers – had already paid dues – contact SAVMA and Teresa
iii. VP to assume membership responsibilities upon election
iv. Good standing members – how to get information?
1. Google document: committee assignments 2011-2013 (under
“Membership” folder)
2. Assume compliance – meet with committee chairs about issues
3. If second year was not on committee first year, they can take on a
committee fall of third year (auction committee?)
e. Club Calendars
i. Clubs need to coordinate calendars with website
ii. Club presidents meeting/lunch talk with presidents and SCAVMA board –
include information about Google calendar (website committee chair attends to
introduce self as point person)
f. Vacancy for V’16 Hill’s rep filled (Dale Levitt)
g. HSVMA – Cindy had trouble with finding new leader
i. Frank: email Cindy to send out another email to recruit people for position
h. Coffee coupons – make them for Parent’s Weekend to sell for parents for students
i. Need a way to make sure they are not reproducible – numbers on each one
i. SAVMA leadership conference – Frank will be attending with Dr. Blaze from Sept 20-21
j. Auction on Parent’s Weekend (October 26)
i. Collect items (inform Auction Committee as it forms)
ii. All SCAVMA Board members have to get 2 items each
iii. Auction Committee chairs make a Google doc for donated items
k. Committee assignments
i. Send out survey ASAP (after the BBQ when more people are signed up)
ii. Sign up for committees at BBQ – send out email about starting process
1. Erin: send out introductory email (through Barbara Berman)
2. Allie: print out sign up for committees
l. VP/First year rep
i. Taken care of next week – Frank address V16: new VP, email to submit blurb
m. Open House – September 22 (Sunday)
i. We work with Open House Committee (V17s) and Sue Brogan
n. SCAVMA general meeting: suggested to have at least one/semester
i. Dean Kochevar: general meeting to address student debt and article in JAVMA
1. Meeting to boost morale (before October 1st deadline for signup so it
can be open not only to SCAVMA members but to everyone)
2. Talk to Dean Kochevar’s secretary
3. Meeting: question and answer at the end
2. Allie
a. October 28 – November 18
i. Dr. Threllfall’s visit dates for visit with SCAVMA Board/dinner
ii. Tour of the school – Erin
b. Vice President election – Frank to talk to V16 class
c. AVMA Convention
i. Talked about professionalism at president’s meeting: schools have been having
issues with people posting on FB/having issues with professors
1. Not necessarily SCAVMA’s role; more appropriate to set an example
2. Professionalism talks (Dr. Warner)
3. Student rep for academic integrity committee
a. Allie: email Barbara Berman for more info on Ethics Committee
4. Formal/business dress day one day/week
a. Involve Professional Development committee
b. “Dress for Success” days (Wednesdays?)
5. Class codes: poster to write words at TVOP; entire class gets together
about what they want to be (e.g. polite, courteous)
a. Email Dr. Parodis for next year’s TVOP
6. Fundraising: Purina donated wooden doghouses
a. Clubs paint doghouses in their theme – have a competition,
show off doghouse at Spring Festival and in the fall auction
them off at the Parents’ Day Auction
i. Each club can store their own until Spring Festival
b. Gingerbread doghouses – sell as fundraiser
c. Talk to Purina rep – donate candy or gingerbread?
d. Josh Project – community service chairs interested this year
e. Garage sale in the spring – anyone can donate, pay $10 for table
or space, do it on Alpha Psi lawn flea market-style
f. Alumni lunch talks – hear from Tufts grads (Alumni Association)
i. Erin: letter to Alumni Association about funding (write
up what we spend money on)
7. SAVMA video – on YouTube
8. St. George’s University – have members sign professionalism note
9. AAHA speaker for professionalism talk
3. Anya
Secretary SOP – look over it next meeting
Dog Race/Walk: Not a lot of interest – keep reminding
Hills/Purina reps – donate to grab
Barbara Berman email to whole school community
Email Community Service Committee – volunteer to be a member in good standing (add
to community service SOP)
f. Flyers – print out and put on academic buildings
i. Make sure to take them down
g. Travis Fund fundraiser – advertise at other Trail Race
h. Open up to Alumni community
4. Sirrika
a. Change gift card amount for SCAVMA members from $25 to $20
5. Erin
a. Travis fund donation – not made last year
i. Donated last year - $733
ii. This year: donate $1000 to Travis Fund
6. Caroline
a. AVMA Convention in Chicago –
i. Meera Sriram won $300 Communicating Many Facets of Vet Med
ii. Andrew taking over SCAVMA emails and deadlines added to Google Calendar
iii. Past president Bridget Helsberg visited at HOD meeting – new governance
model for the AVMA (time for new change)
1. Feedback available for new model on homepage
iv. Note: anyone who wants to become part of SAVMA Executive Board cannot act
as a voting power in organizations (e.g. VBMA) – conflict of interest – cannot
serve on two executive committees
v. AVMF – special invitation to SAVMA members; willing to give out $$ for certain
(listed) projects; gauging interest of veterinary students
vi. HOD voted: SAVMA Symposium at University of Minnesota 2015
Next Meeting October 1, 5:00 pm
Anya getting food