access the full announcement - Planned Giving Round Table of

The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® is a graduate-level designation
that is designed and aimed toward bringing advisors and fundraisers
together in common purpose for the good of their mutual clients and
their communities.
Become a Chartered
in Philanthropy!
The Planned Giving Round Table is facilitating a GS 859
course study group to help individuals obtain the
Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) designation.
(GS 839, GS 849, and GS 859 Courses are required to obtain the CAP(R) designation)
When: Tentative GS 859 study group first
meeting: July 2, 2015 (To be confirmed)
Where: Arizona Community Foundation
Fee: The study groups will be coordinated/facilitated at
no cost to participants. Tuition and material costs are
charged through The America College for course
participation and testing.
Requirement: Membership in the Planned Giving
Round Table
(Participation in the study groups is a PGRTAZ member benefit)
Reviewing the following items will help in your
decision to join this venture.
Watch the Lecture This presentation is an
introduction to CAP® and the format of the
Tuition and Fees
Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy Admissions
CAP Scholarship Information and Application
For those that need more information..........
Target goals:
Get everyone committed and applications
completed by June 30, 2015.
Begin the GS 859 Course study groups early in July.
The Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona truly hopes
you will take great consideration in expanding your
education and skills through this innovative, and
synergistic approach to serving our community for
generations to come.
Copyright © 2014 Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona. All rights reserved.
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