Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other

11 UC 15/PGCertTESOL
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha
Template 5: Report to CUAP (Section 5.2) 2015
Proposal Description
CUAP Unique Identifier: 11 UC 15/PGCertTESOL
Name of Qualification(s): Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PGCertTESOL).
The Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (PGCertTESOL) is proposed as a 60point, postgraduate qualification whose graduates will be skilful and knowledgeable English language educators for a
variety of settings in New Zealand and internationally. They will not, however, become qualified to teach in NZ schools,
and the qualification will not be submitted for approval by the New Zealand Teachers Council. The courses of the
programme offer students engagement with our current understanding of language acquisition, and English language
learning and teaching to allow them to begin to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need as English
language educators for the 21st century. It will be of interest to three separate groups of potential participants:
The first group is New Zealand English language educators, or those who wish to specialise in English language
education to emergent bilingual speakers of other languages in New Zealand, who may have come to teaching
English to speakers of other languages by an indirect route rather than through a specialist teaching
qualification. This programme is useful to them because it will allow them to develop knowledge about
language acquisition and development as well as skills in teaching languages and understanding of the linguistic
and social pressures experienced by learners and users of indigenous, heritage or additional languages.
The second group is graduates of universities in New Zealand and other English-speaking countries who may
currently teach or plan to teach English in other countries. Some of these potential students may have taken
short training courses such as the Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other
Languages (CELTA). This programme will take any prior experiences of learning and teaching languages as a
point of departure to relate to further knowledge, skills and understanding of the needs of learners of English in
many settings.
The third group is teachers of English throughout the world who want or need to develop their language
teaching but who are not yet ready to commit to a Master qualification. Many of them may be teaching English
at tertiary level and are required to complete a postgraduate qualification for career purposes. Others may be
teaching at primary or secondary level and will be interested in beginning their postgraduate study online while
teaching. This is a new group who can be attracted to study at UC through this programme and its sister
programmes, Master of TESOL, Postgraduate Diploma of Education endorsed in Teaching and Learning
Languages, and Master of Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
CUAP in Round 1 2015 approved the Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MTESOL). The MTESOL
will be included in 2016 UC Calendar for the first time. This proposed Postgraduate Certificate uses courses from the
MTESOL. As a 60-point postgraduate certificate programme, the PGCertTESOL is a professional development
qualification expected to attract practicing educators who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in English language
learning and teaching. For any students who wish to continue to further postgraduate study in this area, staircasing to
the PGDipEd(TLL), the MTESOL, the MCALL and the MEd will be created to ensure a smooth pathway.
The programme comprises two existing courses, EDEM 631 Foundations of Language Acquisition and Learning and
EDEM 615 Learning & Teaching Languages , each of 30 points (0.25 EFTS), both at Level 8. The programme is usually
completed in eight months of part-time study though other arrangements may be possible.
EDEM631 Foundations of Language Acquisition and Learning 30 points 0.25 EFTS
This course extends the professional knowledge-base of educational professionals through the examination of
the main theories of first and second language acquisition, examining the linguistic, psychological and social
11 UC 15/PGCertTESOL
processes that underlie language(s) learning and use. Second language acquisition (SLA) is multi-disciplinary in
nature, reflecting the complex nature of language learning and use. Therefore the course will examine a wide
range of current research from the contributing multiple disciplines, as well as take into account the
perspectives of the language teaching professional.
EDEM 615 Learning and Teaching Languages 30 points 0.25 EFTS
The students will gain a comprehensive overview of the field of language learning and teaching and the ability to
judiciously plan for research-informed language courses for a variety of settings, target languages, learners and
learning environments.
For New Qualifications – TEC/NZQA/UNZ Requirements
EFTS value of qualification: 0.5
NZSCED code: 070130 Teacher Professional Development
NZQA exit level of qualification to go on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework: Level 8
Statement regarding funding: The qualification meets the criteria to be fully funded at the postgraduate level
Memorandum of understanding: n/a
Calendar Form
New Qualification Regulations
UC Calendar 2015 Page 307
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
These award regulations should be read in conjunction with General Course and Examination Regulations
1) Entry Requirements
a) Admission to the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages shall be subject to
the approval of the Dean of Education, Health and Human Development
b) Candidates must have:
i) qualified for a Bachelor’s degree; or
ii) been admitted under the Regulations for admission ad eundem statum as entitled to enrol for the
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
c) The detail of the course of study followed, as well as the performance in the qualifying course of study will
determine entry to the programme. Candidates will normally be expected to have maintained B average or
better in the qualifying course of study.
d) Requirements b and c may be waived by the Dean of Education for a candidate able to demonstrate extensive
practical, professional or scholarly experience of an appropriate kind.
2) Structure of the Certificate
a) Candidates must complete 60 points (0.5 EFTS) of prescribed courses as follows:
i) EDEM631 - Foundations of Language Acquisition and Learning
ii) EDEM615 - Learning and Teaching Languages
b) With prior approval, relevant and equivalent postgraduate level courses up to the value of 30 points (0.25 EFTS)
may be credited from another school, department, College or from another university or tertiary institute.
11 UC 15/PGCertTESOL
3) Time limits
a) The Certificate will normally be completed within 12 months
b) The maximum timeframe to complete the Certificate is two years from the date of enrolment in the first course.
c) The Dean may extend the maximum in special circumstances.
4) Re-enrolling in Courses
A candidate may fail only one course which they may enrol in one further time.
5) Transfer from PGCertTESOL to Other Qualifications
A candidate may elect to have courses passed for the Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages transferred to other qualifications in lieu of being awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, provided that the candidate meets the eligibility criteria and
regulations, including completion timeframes, of that qualification.
6) Transfer from PGCertTESOL to PGDipEDTLL, MCALL, MTESOL
a) With the approval of the Dean
i) A candidate may elect to have courses passed with a B grade or higher to be transferred to either:
(1) PGDipEd endorsed in Teaching and Learning Languages; or
(2) MEd
(3) MCALL; or
b) A candidate with a completed PGCertTESOL may be exempt 60 point (0.5 EFTS) from either:
i) PGDipEd endorsed in Teaching and Learning Languages; or
ii) MEd
iii) MCALL; or
c) Candidates under 6 a and b must meet the entry criteria for the named qualification