Name: Date:______ Etymology Ms. Kinzer My Language Log The

Ms. Kinzer
The English language is a very powerful tool. In order to gain a deeper insight into the intricacies of
English you are going to start keeping a Language Log. In this Language Log your task is to write about
any linguistic curiosities that you may have. In each journal you will analyze each word/phrase, why you
found it interesting, and its influence on the English language.
Task: Write about and analyze linguistic curiosities. Tell why you decided to write about it, why you
found it interesting and how it has influence the English language.
Time Frame: 1 Journal entry per week (10 per quarter) 100 pts per 10 entries
Length: 1 FULL page (do not leave a huge space at the bottom)
Font: Times New Roman 12 pt. DOUBLE SPACE
Appropriate Sample Topics: Teenage jargon, euphemisms, dialects, technology’s influence, slang,
dissecting words/phrases, suffixes, prefixes, origins of specific words, advertisement word choice,
misuse of words, an investigation of a word, etc. (make sure your topic is school appropriate –see me if
you have questions.)
Appropriate Heading for Etymology Language Log
Your Name
Etymology Language Log # 1
Ms. Kinzer
*Each Language Log must be numbered and follow this heading format*
Journal 1
Journal 2
Journal 3
Journal 4
Journal 5
Journal 6
Journal 7
Journal 8
Journal 9
Journal 10
3rd Quarter Due Dates
4th Quarter Due Dates
Ima Writer
Etymology: Journal Log # 1
Ms. Kinzer
What’s in a Name?
I recently saw an advertisement for a pair of running sneakers from the company ASICS. This ASICS
company is the manufacturer of sporting shoes and apparel. I wondered how the name came about
since it really did not resemble a word that I knew. So I looked up the company name. ASICS is actually
an acronym for Anima Sana In Corpore Sano. This comes from Latin and means “Healthy soul in a
healthy body.” I thought that this marketing technique was really clever. It makes the potential buyer
believe they will have a “healthy soul and body” if they exercise with ASICS’s accessories. Also, I found
out the ASICS’s slogan is “sound mind, sound body.” Their saying is based upon the Latin in their name.
By analyzing a slogan I realized that elements of different languages can be found in English. ASICS
used the Latin language to base their brand on. The company could have done this for several reasons.
For example, to reference the “classic” era and therefore implying their brand is also the “classic”
choice. Or even because ASICS, being a Japanese company, needed a common/familiar language so it
could reach buyers around the globe. I find it interesting that by using specific words in a slogan, it can
help make the brand more popular. People may be more apt to buy the brand that has the promise to
make them have a “sound mind and body” if they exercise with ASICS products.
I think it is really interesting how a name can be taken for granted and people might not really know
what it means. I also thought it was neat that the company based the name on a Latin saying. People
constantly say Latin is a “dead language” but it seems to be used or found in a lot of things. I am glad I
found the true meaning of the brand.