Annual Infection Prevention and Control Team Work Programme Annual work programme for 2015/16 1. Executive summary The annual programme of the Infection Prevention and Control service for April 2015-March 2016 sets out the proposed activities of the infection prevention and control service which will ensure that the programme of work continues to focus on two main areas: raising awareness of infection prevention and control through education and training and reducing the incidence of Health Care Associated Infection (HCAI). It also supports the Trusts continuing registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This programme is based around The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for the NHS on the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections and related guidance, Care Quality Commission core standards (2009), Saving Lives programme, the National Cleaning Standards 2007 and the Revised Healthcare Cleaning Manual 2009. Learning from incidents, complaints, root cause analysis (RCA) and observation of care audits have also contributed to this programme. 2. General Objectives To sustain and further develop an enhanced programme to focus on promoting the ownership of infection prevention and control by all Trust employees. To provide assurance that the organisation is committed to a further reduction in the incidence of HCAIs. To meet our key performance targets agreed with the commissioners of services and improve services year on year. To give the public and service users whom the Trust serves confidence in the organisations commitment to preventing HCAI’s. Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 Page 1 Objective Action Lead Outcome Evidence Date to be achieved/up date Management and Organisation It is vital that there are clear lines of ownership and accountability for Infection Prevention and Control within the organisation. Ownership at a more local level will promote the engagement of clinical teams and therefore increase the commitment to infection prevention and control. However, commitment from senior managers and existence of a local infrastructure and system is vital to sustain good clinical service delivery. Maintain Board level involvement in ensuring infections are reduced to a minimum. Annual infection prevention and control forthcoming year work programme to be presented to Trust Board. The Board will receive an annual report from infection prevention and control team. DIPC Approval of plan at Trust Board Minutes of Board meeting July 2015 DIPC Approval of report at Trust Board Minutes of Board meeting report Annual DIPC report July 2015 The Board will receive monthly infection prevention and control reports. DIPC Executive and nonexecutive awareness of HCAI performance Minutes of Board meetings Quarterly reports to Monitor Monthly in place Surveillance Many patients acquire infection when their body’s natural defences are breached. The risks from such breaches must be kept to a minimum. To further reduce healthcare associated infections, meeting mandatory surveillance requirements, monitor trends in infection and identify potential outbreaks promptly. Continue common alert organism surveillance e.g. Clostridium difficile, influenza, Norovirus and MRSA and mandatory surveillance Provide advice and support in the event of outbreaks or infection prevention and control incidents IPCT Complete and review RCA’s as required, identify learning and monitor any identified action to ensure learning has taken place. IPCT Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 Meet mandatory requirements and support practice and safe patient management Minutes from weekly clinical governance meetings Identification and learning from incidents Root cause analysis reports Quarterly reports to Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee and Safety Committee Page 2 In place Quarterly reports to Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee and Safety Committee In place To continue to reduce unavoidable cases of CDI. To continue to work collaboratively with external organisations across the health economy to identify shared learning To participate in the monthly CDI health economy review meetings for all Oxfordshire CDI cases to establish and identify any learning Attend Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) infection control committee (HICC)meetings Attend Bucks Commissioning infection prevention and control (BICC)meetings Attend regional meetings IPCT Independent expert review of CDI cases, identifying learning. IPCT Shared learning, strong working relationships and excellent communication with other organisations supporting the patient care pathway. Monthly meeting minutes Quarterly reports to Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee OUH HICC minutes Minutes of BICC meetings Minutes of other relevant meetings In place In place Audit Programme High quality information on healthcare associated infection and antimicrobial resistant organisms is vital in reducing the risk of infection. Continual monitoring of infection prevention and control practices and the clinical environment through audit, ensures minimising the risk of infection spread and patient safety. To provide specialist infection prevention and control input into the annual PLACE (Patient assessment of the care environment) assessment process and national standards of cleanliness audits. To monitor and review appropriate antimicrobial prescribing. Follow up particular infection prevention and control risks identified during such inspections. Facilities hub managers IPCT PLACE assessments receive expert infection control advice Issues identified are addressed. To receive and review antimicrobial prescribing audits as per pharmacy audit programme Pharmacy To identify good and poor practice for antimicrobial prescribing and implement action plans to address any issues identified. There is a heightened awareness of infection prevention and control issues and practice. Standards are improved. PLACE reports Monthly facilities hub managers meetings minutes Estates risk management meetings minutes Quarterly reports to Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee Decontamination Committee Prescribing audit reports to Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee and safety committee. Environmental Audit reports and Action plans. Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee minutes Safety Committee minutes Summary Audit reports discussed at IPCDC quarterly In place Quarterly To undertake infection Undertake audits and complete IPCT Per audit prevention and control reports. ICLP’s and ward programme audits of all clinical areas managers and prisons. This will include hand hygiene, equipment decontamination, laundry issues, and other clinical practice areas if relevant. Training It is vital that all staff within the organisation will receive appropriate training in infection prevention and control. Staff must have access to up to date knowledge and skills in minimising the risk of infection and safeguarding patients. Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 Page 3 To ensure that all staff receive infection prevention and control, training as part of essential mandatory training. To ensure that specialist infection prevention and control advice is provided to related service providers where infection prevention and control input will minimise risks to patients or staff. Infection prevention and control input is co-ordinated by the Learning and Development team and additional training provided on request IPCT Learning and development All staff will have an awareness of basic infection prevention and control practice and be updated in key changes to practice. Training records. Induction training packs. Appraisal records Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee minutes Safety Committee minutes PDR/Appraisals Monthly Additional training provided on request To continue to support the Infection prevention and control Link Practitioner programme via bi annual study days. IPCT Training needs will be met. Infection prevention and control standards will be improved. A 3-monthly newsletter for staff highlighting topical or newsworthy information on infection prevention and control will continue to be published and circulated to all Trust staff. The infection prevention and control team will attend regular and additional meetings as required. IPCT Staff will gain evidencebased information on infection prevention and control Newsletters Intranet Quarterly IPCT IPCT will maintain the high profile of infection prevention and control and support the Trusts’ objectives Minutes of meetings In place IPCT will attend national conferences/study days to ensure up to date knowledge IPCT IPCT will remain up to date with national guidance and practice PDR/Appraisals Annually Annually Hand hygiene Healthcare workers and the environment are a major route through which patients can acquire infection. Micro-organisms may be transferred by staff, from one patient to another,and from the environment to the patient. To maintain hygiene awareness and compliance. Infection prevention and control Link practitioners (ICLP) will monitor hand hygiene compliance Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 ICLP’s All staff will have an increased awareness of the importance of hand hygiene and hand hygiene compliance will improve. Page 4 Hand hygiene monitoring charts and audit reports Minutes of division quality and clinical governance meetings Minutes of Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee Minutes of safety committee Bi monthly Policies and Procedures It is vital that staff can readily access current infection prevention and control policies and procedures across the organisation. To ensure the provision of Provide input into other Trust IPCT Trust wide policies and Policies and procedures on evidence based, up to date policies as required. Governance lead procedures available to all intranet. and relevant infection staff. Audit programme prevention and control Audit tracker policies Ensure policy and procedures are IPCT All relevant Trust policies Detailed infection prevention available on the intranet for staff to reflect current infection and control guidance on the access in a timely way and this is prevention and control infection prevention and effectively communicated to them guidance control intranet page. Minutes of Infection Review procedures as part of Prevention, Control and rolling programme to ensure they Decontamination Committee remain appropriate and meet the Minutes of Safety Committee Trust’s needs National directives and initiatives Infection Prevention and Control will work across Trust to ensure new national directives and guidance is appropriately implemented. To ensure that new Ongoing review of national IPCT Trust procedures and Minutes of Infection national guidance is directives from the Department of infection prevention and Prevention, Control and reviewed and acted on. Health (DH) Care Quality control practice will comply Decontamination commission etc. with national guidance Committee Minutes of Safety Committee Ensure on going compliance with IPCT Trust will maintain high Minutes of Infection CQC registration and to prepare standards and compliance Prevention, Control and prior to CQC inspections. Decontamination Committee Minutes of Safety Committee Participate in the Academic Health IPCT Trust will improve standards Minutes of Catheter Science Network (AHSN) and compliance with urinary Associated Urinary Tract innovation project to reduce urinary catheter management infections (CAUTI) catheter infections workforce meeting Minutes of Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee Minutes of Safety Committee Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 Page 5 As required As required As required Quarterly August 2016 Support staff uptake of influenza immunisation To support the Trust influenza lead with increasing staff influenza immunisation uptake Influenza lead Staff influenza immunisation will increase in 2015-16 Minutes of Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee March 2016 Environmental Cleanliness monitoring The cleanliness of the environment is key in reducing the spread of healthcare associated infections. Collaborative strategic working ensures the environment is built, maintained and cleaned in an efficient and effective way To monitor and improve All hospital cleanliness to be Matrons and facilities Robust monitoring of Audit reports Ongoing the standards of monitored quarterly including managers cleanliness standards and Minutes of Infection environmental Adenosine triphosphate ATP efficacy of environmental prevention and control cleanliness, including monitoring in community cleaning Committee ward kitchen audits hospitals and older adult mental Monitoring of ward kitchen Safety committee health wards. audits ATP reports The water quality will be monitored in the Trust to ensure it meets national standards and requirements Water quality testing will be undertaken as per testing regimes and results reported/escalated as required. non-compliant results will be reported immediately and action taken to safeguard patients, staff and visitors Facilities/ IPCT/ microbiologist Provide Trust assurance of water standards Compliance with national standards minimising risk of infection transmission Minutes of Infection Prevention and Control Committee, Water safety group minutes Quarterly Decontamination Infection prevention and control will work with the nominated Trust decontamination lead to ensure compliance with national requirements and that appropriate policies and procedures for decontamination are in place. To ensure Trust is To continue to work with the IPCT/ decontamination Trust decontamination Minutes of Infection Ongoing compliant with national decontamination lead to develop lead strategy and policies will Prevention, Control and decontamination and support the decontamination comply with national Decontamination requirements strategy and work programme for guidance Committee Trust Minutes of Safety To review external Service Level Committee Agreement (SLA) contracts to Minutes of Medical devices ensure compliance and Committee assurance with methodologies Patient involvement Infection prevention and control will provide suitable and sufficient information on HCAI to the patient, the public and other service providers to promote ownership and engagement with infection prevention and control. Patients and visitors will Infection Prevention and Control Ward managers and The public will have Review of comments and Ongoing be encouraged to information to be displayed and facilities/area confidence in the efforts of complaints and lessons support infection kept updated on Ward Notice managers the Trust in preventing the learnt acted upon. Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 Page 6 prevention and control within the organisation Boards. Cleaning schedules to be displayed for public viewing To revise and update patient information leaflets as necessary spread of infection CQC compliance To ensure that service IPCT Service users will have Leaflets Reviewed users and their carers accurate easy to understand Website every 2 years are updated on risks of information. HCAI and given specific information on infections. New Builds and refurbishments The environment is a major risk to the development of HCAI. Infection prevention and control will work with the estates and facilities teams to ensure compliance with national requirements and that appropriate policies and protocols for infection prevention and control and building requirements are in place. The infection control Continue to work with estates to IPCT Compliance with national Project meeting minutes Ongoing team will provide expert review and examine all new Estates project standards minimising risk of Minutes of Infection opinion and advice on proposals for new buildings. managers infection transmission Prevention, Control and all new developments or Area/service managers Decontamination refurbishments. Committee To review and support all Estates/IPCT Compliance with national Project meeting minutes As requested refurbishments and building standards minimising risk of Minutes of Infection activity ensuring compliance with infection transmission Prevention, Control and national standards Decontamination Committee Key DIPC- Director of Infection Prevention and Control IPCT- Infection Prevention and Control Team CQC- Care Quality Commission IPCDC- Infection Prevention, Control and Decontamination Committee ICLP- Infection Prevention and Control Link Practitioners PLACE- Patient Led Assessment of Clinical Environments References The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance Department of Health (2008) updated 2010. Care Quality Commission (2009) Core Standards Saving Lives: reducing infection, delivering clean, safe care’ Department of Health (2007) National Patient Safety Agency (2007) The National Specifications for Cleanliness in the NHS Helen Bosley Infection Prevention and Control Matron Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust April 2015 Infection Prevention and Control Annual Work Programme 2015-16 Page 7