{Everything you need to know about Guided Reading Levels} What

{Everything you need to know about Guided Reading Levels}
What are Guided Reading Levels?
Guided Reading levels are reading levels established by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, two
women that spear-headed the Guided Reading instructional strategy. Guided reading levels can
also be called The F&P Text Level Gradient. These A to Z+ levels were designed, after much
research and knowledge, around thirty years ago.
As reading specialists, Fountas and Pinnell found that in order to maximize progress made by
each individual student, the student must be assessed and then “matched to a book” at their
independent reading level. Students are then placed in groups with students currently at a similar
reading level to theirs and are assigned to the same book, which is a book of their choice on their
level. Students read the book and discuss it with their group. The teacher’s role is to simply
provide differentiated instruction that pertains to each specific group’s current instructional
level. Students then apply this information to their current book, which allows them to work
towards deeper understanding of nuances and underlying tones found in their text.
What is the purpose of Guided Reading?
The Eight Components of Guided Reading (2010) are placed below to give you a better idea
behind the purpose of this program.
1) Complex, high level reading comprehension is the goal of guided reading instruction.
2) Guided reading centers on a sequence of high quality texts that support individual
progress on a scale of spiraling text difficulty.
3) Guided reading lessons increase the volume of independent reading that students do;
the goal always is confident, capable independent readers.
4) Guided reading provides explicit instruction in accurate, fluent reading.
5) Guiding reading lessons provide daily opportunities to expand academic vocabulary
through reading, writing, conversation, and explicit instruction.
6) Guided reading lessons include teaching that expands students' ability to APPLY the
concepts of print, phonological awareness, access to rich vocabulary, and accurate, fluent
reading to the processing of print.
7) Guided reading lessons invite students to write about reading.
8) Guided reading lessons create engagement in and motivation for reading.
What are specific characteristics of Guided Reading Instruction?
Ten Text Characteristics for Guided Reading
 Genre/Form: Genre is the type of text and refers to a system by which fiction and
nonfiction texts are classified. Form is the format in which a genre may be presented.
Forms and genres have characteristic features.
 Text Structure: Structure is the way the text is organized and presented. The structure of
most fiction and biographical texts is narrative, arranged primarily in chronological
sequence. Factual texts are organized categorically or topically and may have sections
with headings. Writers of factual texts use several underlying structural patterns to
provide information to readers. The most important are description; chronological
sequence; comparison and contrast; cause and effect; and problem and solution. The
presence of these structures, especially in combination, can increase the challenge for
 Content: Content refers to the subject matter of the text-the concepts that are important
to understand. In fiction, content may be related to the setting or to the kinds of
problems characters have. In factual texts, content refers to the topic of focus. Content is
considered in relation to the prior experience of readers.
 Themes and Ideas: These are big ideas that are communicated by the writer. Ideas may be
concrete and accessible or complex and abstract. A text may have multiple themes or a
main theme and several supporting themes.
 Language and Literary Features: Written language is qualitatively different from spoken
language. Fiction writers
use dialogue, figurative language, and other kinds of literary
structures such as character, setting, and plot. Factual writers use description and
technical language. In hybrid texts you may find a wide range of literary language.
 Sentence Complexity: Meaning is mapped onto the syntax of language. Texts with
simpler, more natural sentences are easier to process. Sentences with embedded and
conjoined clauses make a text more difficult.
 Vocabulary: Vocabulary refers to words and their meanings. The more known vocabulary
words in a text, the easier a text will be. The individual's reading and vocabulary refer to
words that she understands.
 Words: This category refers to recognizing and solving the printed words in the text. The
challenge in a text partly depends on the number and the difficulty of the words that the
reader must solve by recognizing them or decoding them. Having a great many of the
same high-frequency words makes a text more accessible to readers.
 Illustrations: Drawings, paintings, or photographs accompany the text and add meaning
and enjoyment. In factual texts, illustrations also include graphics that provide a great
deal of information that readers must integrate with the text. Illustrations are an integral
part of a high quality text. Increasingly, fiction texts include a range of graphics, including
labels, heading, subheadings, sidebars, photos and legends, charts and graphs. After
grade one, texts may include graphic texts that communicate information or a story in a
sequence of pictures and words.
 Book and Print Features: BOOK and print features are the physical aspects of the textwhat readers cope with in terms of length, size, and layout. Book and print features also
include tools like the table of contents, glossary, pronunciation guides, indexes, sidebars,
and a variety of graphic features in graphic texts that communicate how the text is read.
I.C. Fountas and G.S. Pinnell. 2011. The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades PreK-8,
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
How are Guided Reading Levels assessed?
Students are given a sample text to read. They are asked to read aloud to the teacher for one
minute while the teacher times them to assess their Oral Reading Rate.
While the child is reading out loud, the teacher has a copy of the text and is marking any miscues
the child makes while they are reading. Miscues include things such as saying the incorrect word
while reading, skipping words, etc.
After one minute of reading out loud, the student is asked to read the rest of the sample passage
The student is then asked to summarize what they read and to answer four questions asked by
the teacher, both implied and inferential.
Accuracy, fluency, expression, and comprehension are assessed at the end of the assessment. If
the child read with 96% accuracy, read with a fluency level of 3 or 4, successfully summarized all
important points of the story, and answered 75% of the questions asked correctly, then they
move up to the next level.
Students continue moving up to more complex texts until they reach the level that they do not
meet all four of the criteria mentioned above. The last level in which the student successfully
accomplished all four standards is considered to be their independent reading level.
What does independent reading level mean?
Your child’s independent reading level is the level in which they can successfully grasp
everything they are intended to in a text by themselves, whether the text is fiction or nonfiction.
While their reading level is the level they can get the most out of, this level still offers your child
specific challenges while they are reading; it is considered to be an appropriate level of
frustration for your child.
Please keep in mind your child’s independent reading level may not directly match up with their
current instructional level. Since there are so many components to this assessment comprehension and understanding, accuracy, fluency, and expression – their reading level may
be slightly lower than their current instructional level. That does not mean that they are incapable
of reading more complex texts, but that does mean that there are one or more components that
must be strengthened before they are able to move onto the next level.
Is my child only supposed to read books at their designated level?
In order to make the most progress, your child must only read books at their designated guided
reading level. This is their independent reading level and offers them enough challenges but
enough comfort to gain confidence when reading and gaining understanding from more
complex texts.
If you are reading to your child, you may go up two levels from your child’s current reading
Please utilize the Leveled Library Links document I sent home to ensure your child is only reading
books at their independent reading level.
I hope this takes some of the confusion out of a very complex process! Please let me know if you
have any questions!
Blair Stone
4/5 Teacher
The Downtown School