December - Grace Lutheran Church

Grace Lutheran Church
Council Meeting – December 9, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Sue Levetzow. Council members present were Chris Wick,
Mary Jacobson, Susan Glover, Sue Levetzow, Randy Weber, Cheryl Menon, Orville Olson, Terry Tilleraas, Cathy Bramlett
and John Ziehr. Also present were Pastor Ken, Leslie Jensen and Anne Baldwin. Pastor Ken opened with devotions. The
Secretary’s report as presented was unanimously approved.
High School Youth
Susan Glover had no report other than the Youth will be selling Christmas cookies on December 14.
Stewardship & Finance
Orville Olson reported that Stewardship & Finance will be putting the Time & Talent and Pledge Card on the same form,
one on the front and the other on the back. They will be mailed with the Grace Notes in January.
Worship & Music
Chris Wick submitted an email report. She thanked Orville and Anna Olson for providing a bag to hold the first aid
supplies. It is beside the ushers stand to be used in case of an emergency. She also thanked all the decorators who
came to decorate the tree and the church. The green hymnals are in the gathering area and are free for anyone. If you
see a hymnal from a family that you know, you are welcome to take it to them. Sue Levetzow suggested that the thank
you also be put on Facebook. Worship and Music asked if after we go to two services in January that the 3rd Sunday of
the month be a blended service at both services. There is fear that we may lose some of the 10:45 people without it.
Sue Levetzow said she thought the pouring chalice communion was too cumbersome with the larger attendance. It was
suggested that we use the small cups which we already have instead. After further discussion it was the consensus that
we have one hymn per Sunday that is traditional at the 9:30 contemporary service in place of a blended service.
Community Life
Cathy Bramlett of the Community Life Committee said the pie social went well. The Christmas Services will be put in the
newspaper and the radio announcement will be updated.
Service Ministry
Leslie Jensen said Donna had sent meeting minutes by email. She just wanted to call attention to the $5,000 grant to
We Care from Thrivent. If SWCAP is successful in writing and securing a $10,000 grant, Thrivent will give an additional
$5,000 to move We Care upstairs where there is more room. The basement will be used for other purposes and the
offices upstairs will be moved to another location. A notice will be put in Grace Notes announcing that people can make
donations to help We Care with this endeavor.
Mary sent minutes of the committee meeting by email. She added that beginning in January, 2015 the committee will
meet on the first Tuesday of the month, being January 6th. Anne Baldwin announce that the Grace Preschool will have
another preschool child in February. She said the 7th Grade small group youth collected 102 lbs. of food for the Food
Property Committee
Terry Tilleraas reported that the property committee was looking into fixing the roof in the sacristy. Randy Weber has
some proposals from a contractor and the committee will be reviewing them.
Pastor’s Report
Pastor Ken distributed a form for committee minutes. He said they don’t have to be so formal and extensive. They have
areas to show what should be called to the attention of the church office, the pastor or the custodian. Minutes can be
bullet points indicating the main points of the meetings. It was suggested there should also be a space for other
committee information. He announced that the annual reports are due December 29th and the annual meeting will be
Sunday, January 25th. He said the homebound communion is going great. The people are most appreciative. The
December 28th church services will not be traditional services but will be “Lessons and Carols”. Cathy will put a notice in
the paper about it. He said that Craig Simenson’s ordination will be held on Saturday, January 17th most likely at 2:00
p.m. Bishop Mary will be presiding. He received a letter from a person who is incarcerated asking if we could help
make Christmas better for his children. He felt the letter writer was sincere and concerned for his family not himself.
The Evangelism and Service Committees will coordinate the gifts as well as a Christmas Meal from Culver’s.
Executive Committee
Sue said the committee discussed the ordination, a new circulation pump for the furnace, and endowment request and
a request for a preschool fundraiser in March. It was asked what the funds would be used for. Anne said they would be
used to cover operating expenses. It was reported that the preschool has $41,000 in funds. She explained that due to
lower enrollment, they would have to take $5,000 from those funds for operating expenses. If enrollment isn’t better
next year, they will probably have to take out another $5,000. It was suggested that the fees be lowered to attract more
students. Anne said they have already lowered the charges. She said that St. Joseph’s has the same problem with lower
enrollment. She said that Grace Preschool charges $125/month for children attending 3 mornings a week and
$85.00/month for children attending 2 mornings a week. Sue said the fund raiser is like marketing tool.
Old Business
John Ziehr said the Call Committee will start interviews for a new pastor next week. Sue said nominations for 2015 will
be the same roster as this year except possibly a new recruit for vice president as Randy does not want to serve as
president. He will be going away for 3 months this winter.
New Business
John Ziehr presented a summary budget for 2015. It includes a 3% giving increase. Expenses are $280,000, just a 1.5%
increase. The revenues are projected at $277,050 leaving a negative balance of $3,000. This would be made up by a
reduction in organist pay due to reducing the services to two per Sunday. The exact pastoral salary is unknown at this
time. He budgeted for 4 months for Pastor Ken and 8 months for a new pastor. The debt payments will be the same as
last year. Moving expenses for a new pastor will be funded by the Endowment Fund. Motion by Randy Weber and
seconded by Susan Glover to approve the 2015 budget as presented. The motion passed unanimously. John
presented a proposal for refinancing the mortgage and line of credit. It also included borrowing and additional $7,000
for replacement of the roof on the rental property and $70,000 for the church roof. We would borrow approximately
$230,000 for 20 or 30 years. If the rental property is sold, it is expected to sell for approximately $150,000. This money
would be set aside to cover one tenth of the lost rental income for the next 10 years. The average income from the
mortgage and maintenance funds for the last two years has been $19,000. Even if we pay 5.5% in interest, the
mortgage would be covered. For the last two years any excess from the maintenance fund income has be used to pay
for specific maintenance costs, much which has been created by the church roof. Motion by Cathy Bramlett that the
council approve the church loan refinancing proposal as presented. Seconded by Orville Olson and passed
unanimously. This will allow the Treasurer to pursue refinancing with Farmer’s Savings Bank.
Treasurer’s Report
John Ziehr submitted his report by email. He said we are in good shape and December will probably leave us with a
balance of about $14,000 at year end. The council unanimously approved the treasurer’s report as submitted.
Motion by Cathy Bramlett to adjourn. Seconded by John Ziehr and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at
8:33 p.m. with I Ask, I Thank and the Lord’s Prayer.
Cheryl Menon, Secretary