The Genetics of Asthma Abstract Positional cloning led to the ability to identify ADAM33 as an asthma susceptibility gene Case-Control and family based association studies = almost confirmed link between ADAM33 & asthma ADAM 33 expressed in mesenchymal cells Associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness and accelerated lung function o Suggests ADAM 33’s role in airway structure (ex. Remodeling) Alternative splicing and tight epigenetic regulation = level of complexity in association of ADAM33 and asthma phenotype Role in COPD also points suggests role in airway structure (ex. Morphogenic repair) o ADAM33 effects are not contained to simply an asthma disease phenotype Intro Asthma is associated with a wide range of environmental factors BHR (bronchial hyperresponsivness) and airway inflammation = 2 major components of asthma Not clear how inflammation relates to bronchial muscle hyperresponsiveness Third phenotype of asthma becoming increasingly recognized o Doesn’t respond to bronchiodialators or chorticosteroids Characterized by epithelial damage and poor signaling between epithelial and underlying mesenchymal cells Signaling between the two is critical for branching morphogenesis The Discovery of Novel Asthma Genes Asthma has strong genetic components but environmental factors need to be present for these to manifest themselves Linkage analysis of 260 families in UK and US led to region on chromosome 20p13 o ADAM 33 named a susceptibility gene o Claim made that polymorphic variation in ADAM33 could have led to 50,000 cases of asthma in the UK The Structure and Cellular Expression of ADAM 33 ADAM33 = 22 exons o Domains of ADAM33 Signal sequence Prodomain Catalytic domain Disintegrin domain C-rich domain EGF domain Cytoplasmic domain (long 3’ untranslated region) ADAM 33 mRNA is expressed in smooth muscle, fibroblasts and myofibroblasts o Not in inflammatory or immune cells Has a Ca binding site at the entrance of the active site of the catalytic domain Demonstrated substrates of ADAM33 o Enzyme kinetics suggests they aren’t natural substrates Stem cell factor APP Insulin B chain TRANCE Alternatively Spliced Variants of ADAM33 Analysis of fibroblasts = at least 6 variants of ADAM33 o None have catalytic domain o 2% of all mRNA transcripts have metalloprotease domain o selective nuclear transport is in favor of the full length molecule o no clear difference between biopsies in the expression of each variant between astmatic and WT Regulation of ADAM 33 expression CpG island in ADAM33 promoter seems critical in regulation of expression o Island is hypermethlyated in epithelial cells but not fibroblasts o Demethylation of CpG islands leads to expression of ADAM33 in H292 broncial epithelial cells Reinforces the importance of epigenetic regulation in the expression of ADAM33 Association of ADAM33 with asthma subphenotypes