Kirkcudbright Academy Parent Forum Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 8 January 2015 Present: Mr A Tuffery (Rector, in attendance), Mrs E Goodare (Acting Chair), Mr A Millar (Teacher Representative), Mr K Cooper, Mr A Johnstone, Mrs R Macpherson, Mrs T Austin-Baird (Treasurer), Mrs S Powell (minutes), Mrs J Maitland (Elected Member), Mrs J Green (invited guest) Action 1. Apologies: Mrs M Houff, Mrs P Smith (Secretary) 2. Welcome: EG welcomed JG to the meeting and invited her to address the meeting. SP volunteered to take the minutes and EG accepted. 3. Parental Involvement Research: JG introduced herself and her work. She has been a teacher for 21years in Dumfries and Galloway and has received funding from the Scottish Government to research parental involvement in schools. Parental involvement, from helping with homework to refereeing a sports match or joining a Parent Council, is believed to be have a positive impact on a pupil’s school career, from nursery through to secondary school but many parents are not involved. JG is researching what parents perceive as barriers to becoming more involved. All the Head Teachers in D&G Council were contacted to seek opinions on “Good Practice” for parental involvement; half of the 16 secondary schools responded, as did 7 of the 121 primary schools. JG is keen to use KBT Academy as a case study perhaps looking at, for example, how parents have stepped in to run the library in the absence of a School Librarian. The subject of parents emailing teachers was raised and AT expressed his preference for a “Gatekeeper” who could be contacted by parents and then could forward emails to the relevant teachers. TAB and EG both expressed satisfaction with the current system of telephoning the school office to contact a teacher. JG explained that she hoped her research would leave a legacy of good practice for parental involvement for all schools based on three key: Do parents want to be involved? Do schools want parents involved? What kind of involvement should be encouraged? There then followed a general discussion about making sure parental involvement does not become too much for both the parents and the school. AT welcomed the PC involvement at parents’ evenings and at P7 Parent transition events. RM, TAB and SP all welcomed the publishing of the Acting Chair’s letter in the most recent newsletter. The new style of newsletter was also commended. AT expressed his opinion that increased and improved communication from the school can lead to increased parental involvement. Other positive forms of communication in place at KBT Academy include the use of Facebook by individual departments, a more welcoming atmosphere in the school office and the Guidance Teacher system (although some parents are unaware of who is the Guidance Teacher for their child; AT explained there is a full list in the office for just such an occurrence). JG wants to know why parents are put off becoming more involved: is the parent’s own experience of school or their lack of confidence in their own abilities or the fear of it taking up too much time? AT pointed out that in KBT Academy many parents walk into the school and say it looks and smells the same as when they were pupils and this too may be a barrier to becoming involved. EG strongly believes talking faceto-face with parents breaks down many barriers and this can be done at social events, parents’ evenings, etc. In addition, clear, well-publicised procedures also encourage communication. EG thanked JG for her presentation and JG left the meeting. 4. Minutes of Last Meeting: Acceptance proposed by RM and seconded by AM. 5. Matters Arising from the Last Minutes: a. Sir David Hope Dunbar’s title is incorrect. b. Canoe Club cannot be started due to restrictions of the pool size and staffing issues. c. Funding for Minibus Drivers is a commitment from existing funding, not from a new source. 6. Candlemas: SP updated the meeting on completed tasks, tasks-in-hand and outstanding tasks. After some discussion, it was the general opinion that the change in venue this year gave the opportunity to refresh the event format so it was decided to not host a buffet supper this year, drop the ticket price to £10 and sell bar snacks. It was also agreed to drop the Minutes 20150108 (by SP) SP Page 1 of 2 word “Ball” and to offer all staff, non-teaching and teaching, a free ticket. SP to arrange a Bar Sub Committee meeting at a later date to fi bar tariff prices and finalise the bar arrangements. SP to coordinate all other arrangements. 7. Half Marathon: Mrs McClure needs volunteers for stalls and stewarding. All PC to help, if possible. All 8. Rector’s Report: Tabled and discussed. 9. Treasurer’s Report: TAB confirmed the raffle license; the Public Liability Insurance and alcohol license are all in place for the Candlemas dance. Balance currently standing at £4,490.22. December draw was number 12, Jane P King and January draw was number 90, Tina McDowell. 10. Any Other Business: None 11. Date of Next Meeting: to be confirmed 12. Meeting closed at 9pm Minutes 20150108 (by SP) Page 2 of 2