2014 Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis LEAN SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT PROJECT FOR LAWRENCE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY In the analysis performed by an employee of scrap metrics and environmental compliance measurements, customer supplied detail of scrap metal sales didn’t agree with internal purchases. Further investigation by the employee indicated inconsistent pricing of scrap metal. Combining these factors, the critical to quality factor was developed utilizing a third party audit of the measurement process and identifying the sigma level. Finally, improvement processes were implemented with control features to optimize the process and scrap metal sales. This resulted in surpassing yearly goals for scrap dollar sales but not achieving quality goal standards due to the extrapolation from the sample was not representative of the 2013 population. implemented The increase in cross contamination was due to the improved measurement procedures. Management recommendations for lean process improvements will improve overall scrap metal sales, sigma level for cross contamination of scrap metal, and operational production efficiency though problem solving issues utilizing scrap metal metric indicators. Gary Kapanowski, Master Black Belt Sean Paul, Environmental Health and Safety Officer MOELLER MANUFACTURING 3/10/2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY By performing the Lean Black Belt study on scrap metal sales, the organization was able to realize an increase in scrap metal sales even with an abnormally high level of scrap metal cross contamination. In the fiscal year of 2013, the organization increased scrap metal sales by $182,021.84 or 47.2% from the previous year. This exceeded the yearly goal of $87,972.16 or 22.8%, derived from a sample 3rd party audit of a single scrap metal delivery. The yearly results could have been higher due to the devaluation of overall metal prices in 2013 from 2012. The Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) represented in the cross contamination of the scrap metal proved harder to improve. From the 3rd party audit of the scrap metal process, the estimated range of the cost of cross contaminated metals was from $13,494 to $31,919. The actual level of cross contaminated metal in 2013 was $23,941. Even though the value of the COPQ was within the range of the estimate, improved measurement of defects in 2013 indicated a higher defect level of 1.5 Sigma. Thus, the scrap metal sample audit was not a true representative of the entire population signifying an opportunity for future improvement. 1 MOELLER MANUFACTURING Established in 1953, Moeller Manufacturing Company is an advanced manufacturing facility specializing in machined parts for the gas turbine aircraft engine and power generation industries that encompasses a majority of commercial and military aircraft operated in the United States and numerous fleets worldwide. The product line includes small items such as specialized self-locking fasteners to complex brackets, housings, manifolds, blade, and vane manufacturing. To generate the products, the organization has over 165,000 square feet of overall production space for over 650 employees. The measurable commitment to quality is shown as an approved supplier to most major aerospace OEMs, certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AS-9100, and accreditation under NADCAP. 2 DATA COMPILATION Yearly accounting of the scrap metal volume by metal type is required by the EPA for environmental compliance (TRI Report). The reporting by the scrap metal purchaser provides to the government and selling organization the type and quantity of scrap metal provided for sale. Upon review by the Moeller Manufacturing Environmental Health and Safety Officer (Sean Paul, EH&S), the scrap metal purchaser during 2010-12 provided total and segmented scrap metal volumes that didn’t match internal detail or responses by the scrap metal purchaser. The EH&S officer launched a detailed analysis to verify the data to the EPA (See Appendix regarding Early Scrap Metal Problem Identification, Calculation, and Cross Contamination Letter). The detailed spreadsheet indicated the overall scrap metal cross contamination at a level exceeding 50%, pricing the metal at low value steel. The spreadsheet was verified by the Master Black Belt (Gary Kapanowski). The next step was to visually inspect the production floor to see if this cross contamination level is actually occurring. GEMBA WALKS Project team visually reviewed production floor operations and procedures to verify the external vendors reporting of the scrap metal sales. Upon three different review opportunities, the team didn’t experience excessive levels of cross contamination. The findings resulted in zero cross contamination defects and validated the current processes. Defects were noted in the internal manual shipping log. The process audit on the manual shipping log indicated an employee issue for the defects. A change in both the manual shipping log and employee was instituted in 2013 for process improvement and improved measurement data. THIRD PARTY AUDIT TEST The goal for the third party audit test was to verify the discrepancy of the scrap mix and total weight represented by internal and external metrics as seen in the EPA environmental compliance reports (TRI Reports). The project team met with a new vendor (East Side Metals / RJ Torching) to perform the audit of one scrap metal shipment on 12/20/12 before the original vendor receives the shipment. The new vendor will report and validate the scrap metal volume mix, internal processes, and the value of the 3 scrap metal. The scrap metal shipment was returned sealed and released to the original vendor for accurate comparison. See the Appendix section for Audit procedures and detailed results. The audit indicated the shipment value exceeded the original vendor’s value by $1,496.66 or 22.8%. The Project team requested additional testing to validate the 22.8% metric. Management decided the metric was acceptable for this project to continue and use as the goal for 2013. PROJECT CHARTER The project team successfully completed a project charter authorized by management as the sponsor. The following are the key details agreed to execute the project charter into operations: Project Description: To maximize the value for scrap metal throughout the organization. Business Case: By not following basic operational procedures, the scrap metal barrels experience cross contamination which cost an average $13,494 to $31,919 per year. Problem Statement: Per third party audit of the scrap metal process on 12/18/12 and historical data as background information, the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) for scrap metal is in the range of $13,494 to $31,919 in cross contamination per year due to poor internal processes and adherence to current procedures. Overall scrap metal sales increase by audit representative percentage of 22.8% or $87,972.16. GOALS: o 0 barrels of cross contamination per week o 2% overall AVG of cross contamination per barrel o 3% overall AVG of liquid weight o 2013 scrap metal sales $473,814.96 Expected Business Results: o Increase in scrap value through reduction in cross contamination: $13,494 to $31,919 per year o Increase in scrap value though improved scrap metal pricing: $87,972.16 o Lower average % of cross contamination per barrel: Lower than 3% o Lower per barrel defect in cross contamination: Zero per year o Lower machine maintenance cost per year 4 o Improved production efficiency per year o Reduction in scrap units per year o Improved production problem solving using the symptom of scrap metal from barrels to indicate inefficiencies at specific machines Expected Customer Benefits: o Improved delivery time through improved production efficiency and quality due to reduction in scrap units and improved problem solving tools CRITICAL TO SUCCESS FACTOR The project team determined quality was the critical to success factor for this project. Due to the EPA environmental compliance issue, proper reporting of scrap metal is vital to comply with the organization’s mission statement authorized by management and reviewed by the AS9100 and ISO14001 internal and external auditors. LEAN SIX SIGMA STUDY The team followed the six sigma steps for DMAIC as described by the LEAN SIX SIGMA POCKET TOOLBOOK (George, Rowlands, Price, & Maxey). This section will review the detail behind each step to implement process improvement to reach the metric goals. The team performed a Lean Six Sigma A3 presentation to clearly identify the DMAIC process. DEFINE The project charter was approved with measureable goals as described in the PROJECT CHARTER section above. This included validating the problem statement, goals, and financial benefits. A process map and SIPOC diagram was completed to assist with the identification of critical to success factors. 5 MEASURE The current and future state process maps were completed by the team to identify the critical issues needed for success. The team agreed the measurement system was poor due to the manual nature of the process and lack of detail as viewed during the GEMBA WALKS. The team obtained approval from the sponsor to perform a third party audit of a sample scrap metal volume and mix along with a review of the process. The audit validated the need for a new measurement system and developed a baseline used in the project charter for the project goals. The details on the audit are listed below: 52 barrels containing a total of 6,699 lbs. with 4,971 lbs. for scrap metal Average estimate 3% of cross contamination per barrel The individual barrel weight ranged from 17 lbs. - 280 lbs., avg. of 96 lbs. One barrel was 45% cross contaminated 63% of sample is under the 3% avg. for cross contamination per barrel AUDIT STATE: 2.5 Sigma DPMO 19,231 Yield 98.08% CURRENT STATE: 2.0 Sigma DPMO 45,400 Yield 95.46% FUTURE STATE: 3.0 Sigma DPMO 2,700 Yield 99.73% Due to the limited availability of accurate measurable data or additional audit samples, the capability of the scrap metal sales process couldn’t be identified at this time. After a full year of data with the improved data measurement process installed, this capability of the process will be identified to advance the process improvement of the scrap metal sales. A cause-and-effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram) was completed at this time to verify if other inputs were necessary to validate other than the measurement system (See Appendix). The identification of cross contamination, collecting of the scrap metal data, and pricing of scrap metal were considered as a priority in testing for Analyze. Several Lean initiatives were identified and implemented during this process since there was no risk to the project or other processes. The team changed the internal reporting from manual to an electronic format to error proof (poka yoke) the data entry process. The team also implemented an employee change to expedite change. 6 ANALYZE The team reviewed the audit results and determined the scrap metal vendor was the main cause for the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ). This was identified through the process of completing the problem solving report utilizing the cause-and-effect diagram (See Appendix). The 5Whys was used to determine the root cause of the problem was the cross contamination of scrap metal, either internal and/or external. The third party audit identified the cross contamination defects were originating from the scrap metal vendor. This analysis allowed for the team to pass on additional statistical analysis and implement a change scrap metal vendor to start in January 2013. Although the third party audit sample indicated a 2.5 Sigma (1 barrel per week or 52 barrels per year), the real current state is 2 Sigma (2 barrels of contamination per week or 123 barrels per year) based on overall risk assessment and a single audit sample for analysis. By implementing changes in procedures, the scrap metal Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) will fall to 3, 7 barrels per year. Several of the audit results were reviewed in detail, see below: There were eight barrels with average of cross contamination exceeding 3% representing 18% of the sample size weight o ALUMINUM P13D4 5% (defect) o A286 P12D3 1% o INCO 718 P3D4 1% o INCO 718 P3D4 1% o SAW MIX P13D2 3% o TI P10D4 2% o TI P13D3 2% o UNKNOWN P12D1 2% o UNKNOWN P7D2 2% To complete the root cause and significant cause-and-effect relationship for the potential causes, the team used brainstorming, Cause & Effect matrix, and Pareto charts validate the search drivers (See Appendix). 7 A failure mode and effect analysis (FEMA) was completed to identify and mitigate risks. Each input was validated with at least one selection in the FEMA. Of significant note, the risk of achieving future gains in scrap metal sales still reside in implementing the lean initiatives as described in the FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION IDEAS section. Each initiative will improve the process of collecting Scrap Metal, Identifying Cross Contamination, and improve the recording of Scrap Metal. The project team completed the Project Risk Assessment to determine the overall project risk at a low level. This indicates to the project team that there are several factors that are not in their control that could affect the successful outcome of the project. Monitoring and providing proactive adjustments to the project will mitigate the risks. The project team also successfully completed a Project Check Sheet and Project Check List indicating all necessary aspects to complete a Lean Six Sigma project was addressed (See Appendix). IMPROVE As seen in the ANALYZE phase, the implementation of the new scrap metal vendor was launched in January 2013. This was clear to the project team since the old scrap vendor was involved in every failure mode identified in the analysis. Addressing the three inputs selected in the analysis section will assist in achieving the project goals. By adding new procedures for collecting scrap metal, the organization can reduce the overall defect rate for cross contamination and increase the scrap sales at the optimum level. Some procedures were implemented to address this issue but the main issue of replacing barrels when the metal of the operation is still in process. Identification of cross contamination is the second improvement identified in the analysis section. Since this is sometimes difficult to identify different metals, new procedures and equipment are necessary to validate scrap metal types which will identify potential cross contamination. The third input for improvement is the pricing of the scrap metal. After the new vendor is implemented, the procedure for the review of the scrap metal prices was implemented to validate the prices used per the sales calculation. This will eliminate any defect in pricing and allow for a more transparent business relationship. Other potential solutions were evaluated and selected to optimize the operations. The “Future State” process map was utilized as the optimization of the process. Each solution was tested as attainable and didn’t incorporate “scope creep” since they reflected the project goals and organization’s goals. The list of the additional solutions is presented below: 8 Lean Continuous Improvement Initiatives o Barrels need to be cleaned before use in scrap area o Each machine needs to be cleaned before change of metal or usage o Increase number of barrels for scrap metal o Number barrels with machine o Weight of barrel indication o Adequate baseline for metrics o Enhance reporting documents for scrap metal o Fluid weight issue to fully understand the scope for our activity Optimize operations by utilizing new metrics o Obtain baseline metrics for cross contamination and fluid weight o Identifying the symptom downstream will indicate the problem upstream o Analyze fluid weight for improvement in effectiveness and efficiency o Prepare team members for change, measure results to see where future issues can be resolved Obtain industry baseline standards for fluid weight issue to properly measure our results and maximize value throughout the system CONTROL Starting on 1/1/2013, updated procedures were installed to monitor and control the scrap metal sales process. The operational procedures were transferred from maintenance into quality with the project team member Sean Paul, EH&S Officer and the responsibility center. The accounting and management communication of the process was transferred from Accounting into the project team leader, Gary Kapanowski, Master Black Belt. Updated electronic processes and reports provide error-proofing of the data. Monthly reporting of the project and metrics communicated to management and the sponsor. Two-way communication with the new scrap metal sales vendor provided full transparency of the scrap detail and a formal process to resolve problems (See Appendix for monthly control charts for COPQ and Final A3 charts). After the fiscal year is complete and metrics obtained, the operational control will return to Accounting. The control measures and metrics used for this project are as follows: 9 Increase in scrap value: $13,494 to $31,919 per year Cost in scrap metal per barrel is on average $259.50 Lower average % of cross contamination below 3% per barrel Lower per barrel defect in cross contamination: Zero per year Lower machine maintenance cost per year Improved production efficiency per year Reduction in scrap units per year Improved production problem solving using the symptom of scrap metal from barrels to indicate inefficiencies at specific machines LEAN SIX SIGMA FINAL RESULTS The results were mixed during the first year of implementation ending in the fiscal year 2013. The listing below will indicate the year end metrics: Lower per barrel defect didn’t achieve the goal of 0 barrels o Cost of cross contaminated equated to $23,941 o Cost per cross contaminated barrel equated to $81.71, favorable to goal of $259.50 Lower overall 3% of average of cross contamination per barrel across production operations didn’t achieve the goal o Number of barrels with cross contaminated at 293 or 9.2% o The DPMO equates to 90,818, yield of 90.8% or a 1.5 Sigma level Obtain industry standards on fluid weight with a goal of 3% o Improvement to reduce fluid in scrap metal delayed by sponsor due to capital investment outside of the scope of the project Overall yearly scrap sales yearly goal increase of $87,972.16 or 22.8% attained o Year-to-year increase in 2013 at 182,021.84 or 47.2% Lower machine maintenance cost year-to-year achieved with a 36.3% reduction Improved production efficiency year-to-year achieved with a 28.7% gross margin improvement Reduction of scrap units year-to-year achieved : 2.67% reduction Improved production problem solving using symptom of scrap metal implemented in Top 30 part cost reduction team 10 Customer scorecard regarding delivery time and quality indicates above standard or baseline achievement in 2013 RISKS OR CONSTRAINTS The scrap metal price volatility and volume mix provides an overall risk to the levels of scrap sales. Also, the organization is not formed to generate scrap sales but making good parts - to customers - on time. Thus, since the scrap metal mix profile is always changing and focusing on the organization’s goal, any micro-managing to optimize the scrap metal sales beyond the company’s vision and mission will lead to inaccurate direction and results for the organization. LESSON LEARNED Implementation of Lean Six Sigma initiatives can be instituted and exceed stated goals within one fiscal year. FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION IDEAS One Lean Six Sigma initiative not implemented due to the sponsor determination the issue was outside of the project scope was to obtain industry baseline standards for fluid weight to properly measure our results and maximize scrap metal value throughout the system. The equipment investment cost is $20,995 with a return on investment of 24 months. The project team re-affirms the incorporation of this initiative purely on a cost benefit ratio (See Appendix on Return on Investment). Improvement of the cross contamination of scrap metal can be fixed by using more barrels. By swapping barrels for each production operation of different metals will eliminate the issue by definition. The organization can obtain additional scrap metal barrels without cost though the vendor. The project team re-affirms the incorporation of this initiative purely on a cost benefit ratio. Using the scrap metric by specific equipment will indicate if the operation is in control with measurable data. This is the next step in problem solving in operational management for the organization. 11 APPENDIX PG 13 Environmental Health and Safety Officer Sean Paul’s Early Scrap Metal Problem Identification PG 13 Environmental Health and Safety Officer Sean Paul’s Early Scrap Metal Problem Calculation PG 14 Regal Recycling’s letter explaining Cross Contamination at Moeller Manufacturing PG 15-18 Third part audit process and results PG 19-20 DEFINE Project Charter PG 21 DEFINE Process Map: Current & Future States PG 22 DEFINE SIPOC PG 23 MEASURE Cause-and-effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram) PG 24 ANALYZE Problem Solving Report PG 25 ANALYZE Cause-and-effect matrix PG 26 ANALYZE Pareto Chart PG 27-28 ANALYZE Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FEMA) PG 29 ANALYZE Project Risk Assessment PG 30 ANALYZE Project Check Sheet PG 31 ANALYZE Project Check List PG 32 IMPROVE Implement Pilot program to replace Regal Recycling with RJ Torching PG 33 CONTROL Cost of poor quality (COPQ) metric PG 34-35 CONTROL A3 for Scrap Metal Project PG 36 Return on Investment: Fluid weight equipment 12 Environmental Health and Safety Officer Sean Paul’s Early Scrap Metal Problem Identification: The scrap metal project was started from analysis required of metal sent off site for recycling. This is an EPA requirement. While summing the receipts from our scrap metal recycler, I noticed that the recycler was claiming that we were sending him huge amounts of steel and not the alloys we machine. An example would be we would send 8 barrels of a valuable super nickel alloy, the receipt would only show 2 barrels of super nickel alloy and 6 barrels of steel. The recycler kept claiming a 40% or more cross contamination rate was “forcing” them to devalue huge portions of our recycled metals. I spent the next year adding up every receipt from the metal recycler and compared with the current market values listed from recognized sources like the London Metal Exchange (LME) and the current market pricing for options and futures. By the end of the first month of analysis I was absolutely convinced the recycler was not acting in an honest manner. Environmental Health and Safety Officer Sean Paul’s Early Scrap Metal Problem Calculation: Per the analysis of the historical data and assumption of the level of cross contamination equates to 1 in 5 drums or 20%, per claim by the original scrap metal vendor, Regal Recycling, the estimated increase in scrap metal value for 2013 is $165,213. Other assumptions used to estimate the cost of the misclassification of metals include stable production levels year to year. The actual difference in scrap metal sales proved to be close to the estimate. With the actual sales difference of $182,021.00, the difference from estimate is only 10.17%. The actual contamination rate was less than 10%, while my original estimate was very conservative at a 20% contamination rate. If we take the values of my estimate and utilize the actual rate of 10%, the overall difference is minor. A good example would be Inconel (Inco) 718 which is one of the highest volume metals we processed in both 2012 and 2013. 2012: Scale tickets from Regal stated we shipped 54,306 pounds of Inco 718. I estimated that even if we contaminated 20% of the barrels that we should have sent another 37,920 pounds of Inco 718 for recycling. This would have been a total of 92,226 total pounds of Inco 718 for calendar year 2012. 2013: The scale tickets from RJ Torching show we shipped 96,333 pounds of Inco 718, a 4.3% variation from the estimates that were established in the analysis 2012. This is a true representative of the amount since 2013 production reduced by 1.6% from prior year. 13 REGAL RECYCLING’S LETTER EXPLAINING CROSS CONTAMINATION AT MOELLER MANUFACTURING: 14 THIRD PART AUDIT PROCESS AND RESULTS: 12/20/12 AUDIT STEPS UTILIZED IN THE 3RD PARTY AUDIT 1. Normal pickup on the 20th for Regal Recycling, original vendor 2. Bring RJ Torching representatives on site 12/18 and 12/19 3. Run the third party truck on 12/19 to the nearest state police scale; contact freight to find nearest state police scale and time that they are available. 4. One sample for RJ Torching to work on the sample without interruption. 5. Talk with internal supervisors to prevent any tool steel drums from the sample. This eliminates any inclusion of steel in the sample size. 6. Identify number and operators of the fork truck drivers in case of errors or communication to Regal Recycling, original vendor. 7. Log and mark each drum for metal and cross contamination. 8. Lock the trailer when the audit is complete to prevent addition or deletion of any drums from the sample. 8. Report any observation by RJ Torching’s to better improve the process and controlling scrap metal. NOTES FROM THIRD PARTY AUDIT OF SCRAP METAL Met with East Side Metals to provide an audit of the scrap metal process and results for the 12/20/12 pick-up from Regal Objectives of the meeting: o Obtain approval for audit of metal and weighing of audit scrap metal before Regal pickup o Validate our processes is in control o Validate the value of the scrap metal The audit process will satisfy the following action steps: o Test next shipment’s weight through 3rd party vendor – approved by Management o Test validity of each barrel content through increased testing (on 1/3 to 1/4 filled basis) – waiting for procedure update approval Obtain approval by management for the added resources o Test individual barrel weight though added weighing procedure and documentation o Test calibration of gages and weight measurement procedures to validate audit measurements o Test valuation of metal prices with a 3rd party vendor Validate all 2011 and 2012 prices 15 o Compare with current vendor prices Test shipment with a 3rd party group for both weight and pricing Have 3rd party vendor to a check on a shipment before current vendor receives shipment to validate measurement of the following: Total weight of the shipment Individual weight of each type of metal Validation of any cross contamination of metals Pricing of each metal in the overall population DETAIL PER SCRAP AUDIT: 12/18/12 1. A third party documented a sample size of 52 barrels containing a total of 6,699 lbs. of which 4,971 lbs. was for scrap metal; the difference is in barrel weight. 2. The average estimate % of cross contamination per barrel within the sample size was 3% a. This average level of cross contamination is not a concern for the value chain per third party auditors 3. The individual barrel weight ranged from 17 lbs. to 280 lbs. with an average of 96 lbs. a. Per past experiences and review of the audit sample of barrel label of metal and the audited four staged verification of the contents, contamination occurrences are most likely for heavier barrel weights due to barrel use in multiple operations increases with weight. b. For our calculations, we will limit the exposure to the TOP 15 barrel weights from this sample as the extrapolation for the COPQ calculation (173 lbs.). 4. One barrel was 45% cross contaminated and considered as null value and a quality defect a. This represents 1.92% of the sample population (1/52) or about a 2.5 Sigma level 5. A review of the metal segment groups indicate that 63% of the metal segment group weight is under the 3% average for cross contamination 6. The metal segment groups with an average of cross contamination exceeding 3% are the following, represented as a % of the sample size weight: Aluminum: 9% A286: 1% TI: 14% UNKNOWN: 13% TOTAL: 37% of the sample size weight 7. There were eight barrels with average of cross contamination exceeding 3% a. This representing 15.4% of the sample size in quantity (8/52) and 18% of the sample size weight 8. Based on individual barrels with an average of cross contamination exceeding 3% are the following, represented as a % of the sample size weight: ALUMINUM P13D4 5% - indicated as a quality defect per third party auditors A286 P12D3 1% 16 INCO 718 P3D4 1% SAW MIX P13D2 3% TI P10D4 2% TI P13D3 2% UNKNOWN P12D1 2% UNKNOWN P7D2 2% TOTAL: 18% of the sample size weight 9. Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) for cross contamination of barrels for the sample size was calculated a. The barrel with 45% cross contaminated was of Aluminum, Drum# P13D4, priced at $0.50 per lbs. b. Resell the cross contaminated barrel at $0.06 per lbs. c. The difference of $0.44 is used for pricing calculations d. The weight of the metal was 257 lbs. for the cross contaminated barrel, Drum# P13D4 e. This calculates into $113.08 per cross contaminated barrel using the audit as the baseline, Aluminum pricing f. Risk Analysis: i. There is a risk to the analysis if the scrap metal is not always Aluminum ii. There is a risk to the analysis if the scrap metal weight per barrel is not always 257 lbs. (top end of the audit sample size) iii. Aluminum represents only 9% of the sample size: thus, there is 91% available in other scrap metal iv. Price for Aluminum is $0.50 per lbs. v. Average price for all 2012 scrap metals used in the shop is $1.56 per lbs. vi. The price for INCO, most used scrap metal at 15% of sample size, ranges from $1.90 to $6.40 per lbs. g. Metrics for COPQ utilizing the Audit Sample data with risk analysis input i. Overall metrics for Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) for scrap metal value per barrel is the following: 1. Price Aluminum: $76.12 2. Price 2012 Scrap Metal AVG of $1.56: $259.50 3. Price INCO - Low is $1.90: $318.32 4. Price INCO - AVG is $3.46: $588.20 5. Price INCO - High is $6.40: $1,096.82 ii. Overall Sigma Level and State financial impact for Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) for scrap metal value: 1. 2 Sigma - Probable State a. Price Aluminum: $9,362.76 b. Price 2012 Scrap Metal AVG of $1.56: $31,918.50 c. Price INCO - Low is $1.90: $39,153.36 d. Price INCO - AVG is $3.46: $72,348.60 e. Price INCO - High is $6.40: $134,908.86 17 2. Moeller 2.5 Sigma - Current State a. Price Aluminum: b. Price 2012 Scrap Metal AVG of $1.56: c. Price INCO - Low is $1.90: d. Price INCO - AVG is $3.46: e. Price INCO - High is $6.40: 3. 3 Sigma - Future State a. Price Aluminum: b. Price 2012 Scrap Metal AVG of $1.56: c. Price INCO - Low is $1.90: d. Price INCO - AVG is $3.46: e. Price INCO - High is $6.40: 4. 6 Sigma - Ideal State a. All scenarios are at $0.00 cost $3,958.24 $13,494.00 $16,552.64 $30,586.40 $57,034.64 $532.84 $1,816.50 $2,228.24 $4,117.40 $7,677.74 h. Conclusion i. Due to the overall sigma level, scrap mix, and scrap production processes, the risk assessment indicates the following: 1. Current State is realistically at 2 barrels of heavy contamination per week or 2 Sigma Level; there is a chance the one barrel per week which will be accounted for in the range 2. Overall weekly quantity of 52 barrels is on the low end of the average per known data for 2012. Thus, the adjustment from the one time audit sample of one contaminated barrel to two is not out of the statistical average for the sample size 3. The price of the 2012 scrap metal average is the most appropriate value for the study since the overall scrap distribution isn’t heavily concentrated in a few metals 4. By implementing changes in procedures, the scrap metal Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) will fall to 3 Sigma Level ii. Current State impact of scrap metal Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) 1. Upper Control Limit: $31,918.50 2. Lower Control Limit: $13,494.00 iii. Future State impact of scrap metal Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) 1. Upper Control Limit: $1,816.50 2. Lower Control Limit: $0.00 iv. Metric per barrel for scrap metal Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) 1. $259.50 18 DEFINE Project Charter Black Belt Project Charter Project Name Associates Project Participant Champion Start Date: Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Sean Paul Business / Location Telephone Number Wixom X406 Telephone Number Telephone Number Gary Kapanowski 9/5/12 Target End Date: X334 6/1/13 Project Details Project Description Business Case To maximize the value for scrap metal throughout the organization. By not following basic operational procedures, the scrap metal barrels experience cross contamination which cost an average $13,494 to $31,919 per year. Per 3rd party audit of the scrap metal process on 12/18/12 and historical data as background information, the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) for scrap metal is in the range of $13,494 to $31,919 in cross contamination per year due to poor internal processes and adherence to current procedures. Overall scrap metal sales increase by audit representative percentage of 22.8% or $87,972.16 Process & Owner Finance Problem Statement Scope Project Goals Maximize scrap value through continuous improvements Optimize operations Obtain industry standards on fluid weight Increase in scrap metal sales Start: Stop: Includes: Excludes: Metric Once scrap metal is produced from operations Payment for scrap metal by 3rd party Operations through payment cycle Nothing Baseline Current Goal Theoretical Max. 1 barrel of cross contamination per week 2 barrels of cross contamination per week 0 barrels of cross contamination per week 0 barrels of cross contamination per week 3% overall Lower overall 3% AVG of cross AVG of cross contamination contamination per barrel 17% overall Lower overall AVG of liquid 17% AVG of weight liquid weight Scrap metal 2012 scrap sales increase metal sales 22.8% yr-to-yr $385,842.80 3% overall AVG of cross contamination 2% overall AVG of cross contamination 0% overall AVG of cross contamination 17% overall AVG of liquid weight 3% overall AVG of liquid weight 0% overall AVG of liquid weight 2013 scrap metal sales $567,864.64 2013 scrap metal sales $473,814.96 2013 scrap metal sales est. $700,000 Cost per cross contaminated barrel = $259.50 19 DEFINE Project Charter Expected Business Results Expected Customer Benefits Team members Gary Kapanowski Sean Paul Support Required Management to approve process to implement continuous improvement processes and procedures Risks or Constraints Mix of scrap can lead to different values of scrap value Weight per barrel has a wide range Increase in production can lead to increase in potential value and different sigma levels Increase in scrap value through reduction in cross contamination: $13,494 to $31,919 per year Increase in scrap value though improved scrap metal pricing: $87,972.16 Lower average % of cross contamination: Lower than 3% per barrel Lower per barrel defect in cross contamination: Zero per year Lower machine maintenance cost per year Improved production efficiency per year Reduction in scrap units per year Improved production problem solving using the symptom of scrap metal from barrels to indicate inefficiencies at specific machines Improved delivery time through improved production efficiency and quality due to reduction in scrap units and improved problem solving tools 20 DEFINE Process map 21 DEFINE SIPOC diagram 22 MEASURE Cause-and-effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram) 23 ANALYZE Problem Solving Report Report No: Author: Gary Kapanowski Date: 1/2/2013 Shift 1 / 2 / 3 / All Problem Description: Per 3rd party audit of the scrap metal process on 12/18/12 and historical data as background information, the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) for scrap metal is in the range of $13,494 to $31,919 in cross contamination per year due to poor internal processes and adherence to current procedures. Overall scrap metal sales increase by audit representative percentage of 22.8% or $87,972.16. Problem Definition: To maximize the value for scrap metal throughout the organization. Title : Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project Root cause Analysis (enter each of the 1st why from the fish bone diagram) Why? Sketch: Scrap metal mix per 3rd party provider not matching with purchasing why ? More steel metal scrap than purchased in one year why? Mix of scrap - cross contamination levels indicate process problem > 1σ why? We cannot account for the sigma level of scrap process why? Never audit or reviewed scrap process to know level of problem Where was the defect found ? In one barrel during scrap Root Cause : audit Cross contamination of scrap metal in barrels Standard : Deviation : at least 2σ Problem since: start of operation How often : (vh / weekly shift) Containment (Short term C/M, Band-Aid) Cost in scrap metal per barrel is on average $259.50 Low er average % of cross contamination: Low er than 3% Point of Cause: By 3rd party audit team Who SP Date Follow-up Short term (C/M, Band-Aid) & Long-Term C/M Who 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 Increase in scrap value: $13,494 to $31,919 per year Date Follow-up SP 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 GK 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 Low er machine maintenance cost per year SP Low er per barrel defect in cross contamination: Zero per year SP Improved production problem solving GK 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 Improved production efficiency per year 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 GK 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 Reduction in scrap units per year SP 6/1/2013 GK 1/31/14 Direct Cause Analysis: Similar Areas where this might Apply: Maintenance (1) Indicate possible causes, (2) Circle most likely causes Follow-up & Evaluation: Apply metrics and lean improvement processes Issue Resolved: Issue Not Resolved : (state further followCost in scrap metal per barrel is up activities) on average $259.50. Lower average % of cross contamination: Lower than 3%. Improved production problem solving. Lower per barrel defect in cross contamination: Zero per year. Lower machine maintenance cost per year. Increase in scrap value: $13,494 to $31,919 per year. Improved production efficiency per year. Reduction in scrap units per year Implement Lean Initiatives for 2014. Signatures Test direct Cause True Cause ? Possible Cause cross out GARY KAPANOWSKI Not a Cause 24 2/16/2014 ANALYZE Cause-and-effect matrix Process Step 5 5 9 1 2 3 4 Increase in scrap metal sales Optimize operations What degree of effect does the input have on the output? 9 Maximize scrap value through continuous improvements Rating of Importance to Customer Obtain industry standards on fluid weight Cause and Effect Matrix Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project Total Rating Scale: 3, 5, 7, & 9. Process Input 5 Collecting of Scrap Metal 9 9 7 9 242 6 Identification of Cross Contamination 9 9 7 9 242 8 Pricing of Scrap metal 9 9 7 9 242 9 Forms used to record scrap metal 9 9 3 3 168 4 Recording of Scrap Metal 7 7 5 3 150 2 Maintenance 3 9 9 3 144 7 3rd Party Provider detail 7 3 3 5 138 3 Finance 5 3 3 5 120 1 Quality - Safety 3 7 3 3 104 25 ANALYZE Pareto Chart 26 ANALYZE Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FEMA) SUMMARY: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FEMA) Process or Product Name: Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project Responsible: Gary Kapanowski S E V O C C D E T R P N Collecting of Scrap Metal 9 9 9 512 Identification of Cross Contamination 9 7 9 384 Recording of Scrap Metal 7 7 7 216 Quality - Safety 7 7 7 216 Maintenance 7 5 5 175 Pricing of Scrap metal 9 3 3 81 3rd Party Provider detail 9 3 3 81 Forms used to record scrap metal 7 3 3 63 Finance 7 3 3 63 Item/Function 27 ANALYZE Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FEMA) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Prepared by: Responsible: Gary Kapanowski FMEA Date (Orig) ___8/20/13_____ (Rev) __12/20/12___________ S O D R E C E P Actions Taken V C T N Who is What are the Rate each and recalculate responsible completed actions? the RPN after action has for the been taken. recommen ded action? Collecting of Scrap Metal Mixing of metals creating contamination Reduction of scrap metal value 9 Production operators not changing barrels for change of metals in operations 9 None 9 New procedures to exchange VP Project updated 729 barrels when Production processes metals in operation changes 8 8 8 512 Identification of Cross Contamination Non-recognition of change in metals in barrels Reduction of scrap metal value 9 Not noticing different metals in barrels 7 None 9 New procedures & equipment to VP Project updated 567 validate review of Production processes scrap metal before placing in storage 8 6 8 384 Recording of Scrap Metal Cannot validate type on Current system cannot metal causing scan for metal type inaccurate scrap without equipment identification 7 Lack of equipment 7 None 7 343 6 6 6 216 Quality - Safety Not using quality metrics to validate scrap metal trends Not validating relationships between metrics and goals 7 Lack of procedures 7 None 7 New procedures 343 to list connections CFO of metrics 6 6 6 216 Maintenance Not providing clean barrels causing contamination Cross Contamination 7 Lack of identification of non-clean barrels 5 None 5 New procedures VP 175 to include cleaning None Production of scrap barrels 7 5 5 175 Pricing of Scrap metal Non-recognition of different metal prices when calculating scrap sales Reduction of scrap metal value 9 Not reviewing 3rd party prices for different scrap metals 7 None 9 567 New accounting procedures installed on 8/1/13 9 3 3 81 3rd Party Provider Not providing detail transparent data Reduced scrap metal sales 9 Not reviewing differences from internal vs. external reports 5 None 9 New procedures 405 to review scrap metal detail New procedures to review scrap metal detail installed 8/1/13 9 3 3 81 Forms used to Manual form cannot record scrap metal be read / inaccurate Cannot validate scrap metal sales report from vendor 7 Operator causing error in manual recording of the scrap metal: type & weight 5 None 7 Electronic form to New electronic form Complianc 245 eliminate operator implemented in e Officer errors 1/15/13 7 3 3 63 7 Lack of procedures 7 None 7 343 7 3 3 63 28 What are the actions for reducing the occurrence, decreasing severity or improving detection? Responsibil ity & Target Completion Date What is the impact of the Failure Mode on the customer? Not reviewing monthly Not providing proper payment cycle and review of scrap metal overall monitoring scrap sales metal sales What are the existing controls and procedures that prevent the Cause or Failure Mode? Recommended Action(s) In what ways can the process step go wrong? Finance What are the causes of the Failure Mode? Current Design Controls RPN Potential Cause(s)/Mechanism(s) of Failure Page 1 of 1 Calculated Potential Effect(s) of Failure GK How well can you detect Det the Cause or Failure Item/Function What are the process steps? Potential Failure Mode(s) How often does the Occ Cause or Failure Mode Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project How severe is the effect Sev on the customer? Process or Product Name: Additional equipment for recording scrap metal Complianc Project updated e Officer processes Update accounting procedures to Controller include pricing validation step New procedures to review scrap metal detail monthly Controller CFO Project updated processes New procedures to review scrap metal detail installed 8/1/13 ANALYZE Project Risk Assessment Project Name: Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project Project Sponsor: Gary Kapanowski Business Name: Moeller Manufacturing Date: 1/3/2013 People Risks Project has a full-time functional and technical project manager with appropriate experience. Project has senior executive support and a suitable steering group. Roles, responsibilities, and decision authorities for the project team have been outlined and documented Appropriate resources, including qualified project team, firmly committed by all stakeholders for the entirety of the project. People Risks Total Business Risks This entire project is fully funded and, if already commenced, on budget. Project is currently on schedule. Project cost, benefits, and scheduling agreed to by all stakeholders. Committed project spend can be accurately tracked. Breakeven return on investment calculated... and is both realistic and acceptable. Project Timeline and Cost Benefit Analyses include plan for legacy system shut down. Business Risks Total Adoption Risks Communication plans span project cycle, both intra-team (internal) and extra-team (users/stakeholders). This system DOES NOT impact multiple business functions or locations. Change Management strategy has been defined and implemented. Business process transformation (including elimination of parallel processes) affirmed by project sponsor and user community. Control plan addresses functional ownership of data input quality and ongoing data management/clean-up. Adoption Risks Total Process Risks Project follows a defined project management process Strict rhythm of reviews by sponsor and functional / technical leaders, including all tollgates. Key milestone dates set/agreed to by both the project team and stakeholders. Periodic outside, independent reviews of this project, with a report out to the functional sponsor. Clear procedure used for escalation and approval of project scope change. Process Risks Total Technical Risks Design requirements, driven by user inputs, are clearly documented, prioritized, and frozen. All environments (e.g., staging, development, testing) and tools are already in place for the team's use. Make vs. Buy assessment has been performed. This is a NOT new or pre-production release of a technology. Project will NOT require heavy customization of packaged software. This project digitizes a simple process, and requires few interfaces to other systems. Technical Risks Total External Risks This project DOES Not involve working with multiple vendors. Application approved by legal for security and privacy Supplier viability is strong has successfully worked with the selected vendor(s) before. Success of this project DOES NOT depend on outcome of other parallel projects at business. External Risks Total Overall Total 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 0 1 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 4 1 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 1 3 25 0 - If false and 1 if True or Not applicable 0-15 - High Project Success Risk 16-25 - Medium Project Risk >25 Low Project Risk 29 ANALYZE Project Check Sheet STEP 1 Location (Plant): Moeller Manufacturing Wixom Project Name: Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project Blackbelt/Greenbelt: Gary Kapanowski DELIVERABLE REQUIREMENTS Problem Statement Should include a complete, detailed description of problem (what is the y?), the current level of performance, and why this is important to Lear and/or the customer Must not contain causes, solutions, or any information not supported by data - there must not be an assumed solution MEETS 1 Defect Definition 1 Objective 1 Customer and CTS's Includes a clear description of what the defect is, how it is measured, the units of measure, and how many opportunities per part Must refer to the same problem (the y) as defined in the problem statement. DPMO and Z score are measured from the defect defined Must be in terms of % reduction in defect rate for the (y) defined in the problem statement and defect definition Guideline is 50% reduction if over 3 sigma, 90% if under 3 sigma, unless an acceptable reason to have another goal is defined Only include customers and CTS's affected by the y being addressed 1 Team Selection A list of team members and their job function 1 1 SigmaTrac/Project Authorization Sheet Initial Financial Estimate All fields filled out, all required signatures obtained. Project should be linked to a key plant metric. Must show supporting documentation and how calculated. 1 Project Timeline Use the 12 Step Checklist format 1 Process Map 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 Must update sections that are relevant to the project Must use proper controlled documentation procedure Complete and attach to SigmaTrac 12 Sign off by Process Owner Complete and document closure process as required by individual plant 12 Update and Close Project in SigmaTrac All fields filled out, project evaluated for shareability X X X X X X X X Must be completed to the appropriate level Must include all of the following: value added or not, inputs and outputs at each step, controllable or noise, data collection points and what data is collected Spec for Output Variable Must define the specification for the defect (y) being studied Units and number of opportunities per part must be defined Spec should be clear and concise Successful Measurement Must document a description of the measurement system and gage R&R process System Analysis The gage for the defect (y) must pass a variable or attribute gage study. The key GR&R metrics must be presented. If MSA initially fails, must document improvements and complete follow up acceptable study. If an "other" type of study was used, then the method must be clearly defined. Initial Process Capability Process capability for the defect (y) must be completed Analysis DPMO and Z score must be presented Spec used should match that defined in step 2 Project direction should be discussed based on capability results (is project focused on variation or centering, or both?) Refined Problem Statement, Project Authorization form should be updated with new findings. Objective should be Defect Definition, and defined as a % reduction in DPMO on the y as calculated in step 4 Objective Guideline is 50% reduction if over 3 sigma, 90% if under 3 sigma, unless an acceptable reason to have another goal is defined Must finalize problem statement and defect definition, and document any revisions from step 1 Revised Financial Estimate Required if project definition or scope has changed since initial estimate Must show supporting documentation and how calculated. COPQ findings must be added to the financial estimate. Identification of All Potential Must have been completed with the project team as a group X's Must include documentation of all tools/information used to identify x's (i.e. fishbone diagram, pareto charts, etc) Prioritization of X's to Pursue Must have been completed with input from the project team as a group Must include documentation of all tools/information used to prioritize x's (i.e. C&E matrix, multi vari studies, etc) Documentation must include potential x matrix Finalized List of KPIV's with Must include a completed potential x matrix with all information filled out Statistical Significance Each x investigated must have a p value to justify next steps Evaluated For each hypothesis test used, must document the hypothesis being tested, the data collected, and the result If a DOE is used, documentation must include a DOE planning sheet, analysis of results (initial and reduced ANOVA model, appropriate graphical analysis, transfer equation, SSE analysis), and conclusions Optimum Operating Levels Must demonstrate use of the appropriate statistical tools to determine the optimum for KPIV's process If a DOE is used, documentation must include a DOE planning sheet, analysis of results (initial and reduced ANOVA model, appropriate graphical analysis, transfer equation, SSE analysis), and conclusions Validation of optimized process under production conditions must be completed and documented Tolerances or Operating Must set a tolerance for each variable KPIV Ranges for KPIV's Calculation and verification data for process settings must be documented Successful Measurement Must complete a successful MSA for all variable KPIV's System Analysis for KPIV's Must document a description of the measurement system and gage R&R process If MSA initially fails, must document improvements and complete follow up acceptable study. If an "other" type of study was used, then the method must be clearly defined Must evaluate the need for re-validation of the measurement system for the (y) and document the study or the reason it was not required Process Capability for all A long term capability study is required for each variable KPIV KPIV's Must assess and provide explanation as to whether capability is acceptable Unacceptable capabilities must be improved to an acceptable level Final Process Capability for Must calculate improved process capability for the y in terms of long term DPMO and Output short term Z The defect definition, unit of measure, and opportunity count must be consistent with that of step 4 Results must achieve objective for improvement set in step 5 Controls for each KPIV A process control must have been implemented for each KPIV Control Plan and FMEA Updated Executive Summary DOES NOT COMMENTS MEET X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 30 Reliable detail to properly calculate not available at this time ANALYZE Project Check List Project:________________________ Scrap Metal COPQ Analysis Project Black Belt: GK DEFINE PHASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Title Page Time Line Problem Definition - Scope & Strategy Financial Summary Team and Support Personnel Evidence of Team Meetings Process Flow Diagram Process Flow Diagram - Generic Line Layout - Generic Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional x x x x x x x x x Optional Required Required Required Required Required Required Required x x x x x x na na Optional Required Required Required Required Optional x x x x x x Optional na Required x MEASURE PHASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Title Page Customer Specifications Measurement System Analysis - Variable Measurement System Analysis - Attribute Measurement System Analysis - Failure Historical Data Process Capability - Process/Product Report Process Capability - Six Pack Report ANALYZE PHASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Title Page Cause and Effects Matrix Data Collection Plan - Rational Subgroups Sampling Plan Potential X Matrix Graphical Analysis: Pareto, Histogram, Run Chart, Box Plot Graphical Analysis: Multi-Vari, Main Effects Hypothesis Testing IMPROVE PHASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Title Page Variation Flow Down Hypothesis Testing Design of Experiments (DOE) Establishing Targets or Tolerances Measurement System Analysis Process Capability Optional Required When Applicable Required Required Required x x na x x x C0NTROL PHASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 Title Page Process Control Control Plan Control Plan - Sign Off Sheet FMEA - Project Risk Assessment Process Benefits Optional Required Required Required Required Required 31 x x x x x x IMPROVE Implement Pilot program to replace Regal Recycling with RJ Torching. Other improvement initiatives: New procedures to exchange barrels when metals in operation changes New procedures and equipment to validate review of scrap metal before placing in storage Update accounting procedures to include pricing validation step Electronic form to eliminate operator errors Additional equipment for recording of scrap metal New procedures to include cleaning of scrap barrels New procedures to review scrap metal detail monthly New procedures to list connections of metrics 32 CONTROL Cost of poor quality (COPQ) metric 33 CONTROL A3 for Scrap Metal Project 34 CONTROL A3 for the Scrap Metal Project 35 RETURN ON INVESTMENT: FLUID WEIGHT EQUIPMENT RETURN ON INVESTMENT FOR MOELLER MANUFACTURING SCENARIO #1 ENCO N N33V1-10 EVAPO RATO R Current Disposal Costs, $/ Gallon $0.30 HP of blower Plant Electric Cost $/KWhr $0.09 Cost of labor $/hr 0.50 Cost Of Gas $/T herm 0.80 System Rating, GPD 240 Volume of Waste Water Gal/Month 4,308 Burner Size BT U/Hr 118,750 Rating of Evaporator System GPH 10 Labor per Week Hrs 0.75 Ye ar O ne Volume Gallons/Month Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Hrs of Oper./Mo. 431 Days Operation/month 18.0 Fluid Reduction Factor 85% Hauling Cost/Gallon Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 T otal Disposal Cost/Mo. $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 Cost to Haul Cost of ENCO N N33V1-10 $20,995 Electricity $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Cost of Fuel $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 Cost of Labor Cost to Haul Residue T otal Cost of System/Per Mo $21,424 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 Pay Back $20,132 $19,268 $18,405 $17,542 $16,678 $15,815 $14,952 $14,088 $13,225 $12,362 $11,498 $10,635 Ye ar Two Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Estimated Gallons/Month 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 4,308 Disposal Cost $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 $1,292 Electricity $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Cost of Fuel $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 $409 Cost of Labor Cost to Haul Residue T otal Cost/Month Pay Back $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $429 $9,772 $8,908 $8,045 $7,182 $6,319 $5,455 $4,592 $3,729 $2,865 $2,002 $1,139 $275 36