Writing a News Report Assignment and Rubric OLC 4O Use the Writing Process (brainstorm, outline, organize, edit and revise) and remember to include the following elements of a New Report: ☐ Headline ☐ Byline ☐ Lead ☐ The Facts (5W’s and H) ☐ Factual Tone (stating the events) ☐ Background Information ☐ Direct Quotations and/or Attributions ☐ Logical organization ☐ Correct Spelling, grammar and punctuation Categories Approaching the Required Level of Literacy (0-49%) Achieving the Required Level of Literacy (50-64%) Exceeding the Required Level of Literacy (65-79%) Significantly Exceeding the Required Level of Literacy (80-100%) Knowledge/ Understanding Demonstrates little knowledge of form of News Report Demonstrates moderate knowledge of form News Report Demonstrates moderate competence in using critical and creative thinking skills Demonstrates considerable knowledge of form of News Report Demonstrates considerable competence in using critical and creating thinking skills Demonstrates thorough knowledge of form of News Report Communicates ideas and information with moderate clarity Communicates ideas and information with considerable clarity Communicates ideas and information with a high degree of clarity Uses language conventions with limited competence Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with moderate effectiveness Uses language conventions with moderate competence Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with considerable effectiveness Uses language conventions with considerable competence Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with a high degree of effectiveness Uses language conventions with a high degree of competence Uses the writing process with limited competence Uses the writing process with moderate competence Uses the writing process with considerable competence Uses the writing process with a high degree of competence Knowledge of form of News Report Thinking/ Inquiry Critical and Creative thinking skills in writing: developing ideas; selecting, evaluating and organizing information, explaining) Communication Communication of ideas and information Communications for Audience and Purpose Application Application of language conventions Application of the Writing Process Demonstrates limited competence in using critical and creative thinking skills Communicates ideas and information with limited clarity Communicates ideas and information for audience and purpose with limited effectiveness Demonstrates a high degree of competence in using critical and creating thinking skills Writing a News Report Assignment and Rubric OLC 4O