Maus Final Writing Assignment There has been much debate

Maus Final Writing Assignment
There has been much debate regarding which genres apply to Maus. For your final writing assignment, you will
write a response to Maus discussing at least 2 genres that you feel either apply or do not apply to the text.
(Therefore, you could discuss at least 2 genres that apply, 2 genres that do not apply, or 1 genre that applies and
one genre that does not apply.)
You will create a brainstorm, rough draft, and final copy. The final copy of your response should be hand-written in
your reading notebook. Your response should be at least 2 paragraphs long, but no longer than 4 paragraphs. (Plan
to discuss 1 genre per paragraph. Each paragraph should be 7-9 sentences long.) Your response should make
specific connections between the genres and the text, and include precise examples from the book to support your
You will be accessed on Criterion D. Therefore, be sure to proofread carefully and make necessary revisions and
edits for your final copy.
i. Use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structure and forms of expression.
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation.
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy.
This week’s timeline (Plan to do homework when needed)
Wed: Brainstorm
Thurs: Rough Draft/Revisions and Edits
Fri: Final Copy/Reading Notebook Collected
Maus Final Writing Assignment
There has been much debate regarding which genres apply to Maus. For your final writing assignment, you will
write a response to Maus discussing at least 2 genres that you feel either apply or do not apply to the text.
(Therefore, you could discuss at least 2 genres that apply, 2 genres that do not apply, or 1 genre that applies and
one genre that does not apply.)
You will create a brainstorm, rough draft, and final copy. The final copy of your response should be hand-written in
your reading notebook. Your response should be at least 2 paragraphs long, but no longer than 4 paragraphs. (Plan
to discuss 1 genre per paragraph. Each paragraph should be 7-9 sentences long.) Your response should make
specific connections between the genres and the text, and use precise examples from the book to support your
You will be accessed on Criterion D. Therefore, be sure to proofread carefully and make necessary revisions and
edits for your final copy.
i. Use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structure and forms of expression.
iii. Use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation.
iv. Spell (alphabetic languages), write (character languages) and pronounce with accuracy.
This week’s timeline (Plan to do homework when needed)
Wed: Brainstorm
Thurs: Rough Draft/Revisions and Edits
Fri: Final Copy/Reading Notebook Collected