
Humanities 10
The Consolation of Philosophy Reading Prompts
Name: _____________________
Use the questions below to guide your reading. Plan to answer them well and circle any with
which you struggle. We will be reviewing them in class, but they may be checked first for credit.
Book 1:
1. How does Boethius describe his mood at the beginning of Poem 1?
2. How does Boethius describe Lady Philosophy “when she raised herself to her full height”?
3. Why does Lady Philosophy drive away the Muses of Poetry? (check out the bottom of page 2)
4. What does Lady Philosophy promise to do for Boethius?
5. Try to summarize Poem 4:
6. How does Boethius describe his accusers on page 8? (ie. why are their actions so unbelievable?)
7. What is Boethius accused of exactly? (if you’re struggling, check the introduction, page x)
8. Based upon Poem 5, does Boethius believe in free will?
9. What three things has Boethius forgotten, and what one thing about him gives Lady Philosophy
hope at the very end of Book 1?
Book 2:
1. What point is Lady Philosophy making about Fortune when she says, “if you put seeds in the
ground, you must be prepared for lean as well as abundant years” (Boethius 18).
2. In one word, what is Fortune’s nature based upon Prose 2?
3. How does Lady Philosophy prove that happiness cannot be found on earth in Prose 4?
4. What is the “upside down state of affairs” that Lady Philosophy describes on page 27?
5. At the top of page 29, what does Lady Philosophy claim that we actually admire in kings? (hint:
it’s not power or honor)
6. What four conclusions does Lady Philosophy make about Fortune at the end of Prose 6?
7. How does Lady Philosophy assert the superiority of bad fortune over good fortune in Prose 8?
Book 3:
1. What is Lady Philosophy’s task in Book 3, and what must Boethius first understand?
2. Throughout the book, list what Lady Philosophy classifies as partial/false goods:
3. What is the purpose of the drunken man analogy on pages 39-40?
4. What conclusion does Lady Philosophy come to on page 52 after determining that sufficiency,
power, fame, reverence, and joy “are all one and the same thing” on page 51?
5. Write a math equation showing the relationship between happiness, good, and God:
6. What intriguing point does Lady Philosophy make about people and divinity in Prose 10?
7. How does Lady Philosophy prove that all things willingly serve God?
8. What should be our goal based upon Poem 12?
Book 4:
1. Why is Boethius distressed at the beginning of Book 4?
2. How does Lady Philosophy’s point at the top of page 70 connect to her point at the bottom of
page 64 about evil?
3. How are good men always rewarded?
4. What two things does Lady Philosophy imply are vital parts of humanity in Prose 3 and Poem 3?
5. With what attitude does Lady Philosophy argue that we should regard the wicked?
6. Why is Boethius still upset in Prose 5 and how does Lady Philosophy resolve his concern?
7. According to the bottom of page 88, for what type of audience is Boethius likely writing?
8. What two positive functions does “difficult” fortune play according to the end of Prose 7?
Book 5:
1. How does Lady Philosophy define chance?
2. What is the “hopeless conflict” that Boethius identifies in Prose 3, and what is his conclusion?
How is Lady Philosophy’s conclusion different?
3. What is the most complete means of knowing, according to Lady Philosophy on page 100? How
does Lady Philosophy apply this to the distinction between God and man in Prose 5?
4. What is Lady Philosophy trying to demonstrate by comparing man’s vision to God’s in Prose 6?
5. How does Lady Philosophy reconcile God’s foreknowledge with our ability to change our minds
at the end of Book 5?
**Please note that ______________________ tense has been used in all of these prompts.**