Lesson Plans Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Version 2.0 Table of Contents Course Overview .................................................................................................. 3 Introduction to SSCP ............................................................................................ 5 Section 1.1: Access Control .................................................................................. 6 Section 1.2: Access Control Models ..................................................................... 8 Section 1.3: Authentication ................................................................................. 10 Section 1.4: Authentication Administration .......................................................... 12 Section 1.5: Administration ................................................................................. 14 Section 2.1: Cryptography .................................................................................. 16 Section 2.2: Symmetric Cryptography ................................................................. 18 Section 2.3: Asymmetric Cryptography ............................................................... 20 Section 2.4: Signatures and Hashing .................................................................. 21 Section 2.5: Public Key Infrastructure ................................................................. 23 Section 2.6: Cryptographic Uses......................................................................... 25 Section 2.7: Cryptographic Attacks ..................................................................... 27 Section 3.1: Networking ...................................................................................... 29 Section 3.2: Local Area Networking .................................................................... 31 Section 3.3: Wide Area Networking .................................................................... 33 Section 3.4: Protocols ......................................................................................... 35 Section 3.5: Network Devices ............................................................................. 37 Section 3.6: Packet Filters .................................................................................. 39 Section 3.7: Firewalls .......................................................................................... 40 Section 3.8: Network Address Translation (NAT)................................................ 42 Section 3.9: Remote Access ............................................................................... 44 Section 3.10: Virtual Private Networks (VPN) ..................................................... 46 Section 3.11: Wireless ........................................................................................ 48 Section 4.1: Malicious Code and Attacks ............................................................ 50 Section 4.2: Reconnaissance Attacks ................................................................. 52 Section 4.3: Social Engineering Attacks ............................................................. 53 Section 4.4: Network Attacks .............................................................................. 54 Section 4.5: Password Attacks ........................................................................... 55 Section 4.6: Availability Attacks .......................................................................... 56 Section 4.7: Application Attacks .......................................................................... 57 Section 4.8: Web Server Attacks ........................................................................ 58 Section 4.9: Browser Security ............................................................................. 60 Section 4.10: Communication Attacks ................................................................ 62 Section 4.11: System Hardening......................................................................... 63 Section 5.1: Auditing ........................................................................................... 65 Section 5.2: Audit Trails ...................................................................................... 67 Section 5.3: Intrusion Detection .......................................................................... 69 Section 5.4: Penetration Testing ......................................................................... 70 Section 6.1: Risk Management ........................................................................... 72 Section 6.2: Risk Analysis ................................................................................... 73 Section 6.3: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ................................... 75 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 1 Section 6.4: Incident Response .......................................................................... 76 Section 7.1: Security Administration ................................................................... 77 Section 7.2: Trusted Computing.......................................................................... 78 Section 7.3: Development ................................................................................... 80 Section 7.4: Employee Management .................................................................. 81 Practice Exams ................................................................................................... 82 Appendix A: Approximate Time for the Course ................................................... 83 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 2 Course Overview This course prepares students for the Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification exam by International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. (ISC)2. It focuses on how to design and maintain security programs. A security program defines what security is for an organization and the procedures for implementation. Introduction to SSCP This video introduces the prerequisite to this course, areas of knowledge that will be discussed in this course, and the (ISC)2 Code of Ethics. Module 1 – Access Control This module discusses different aspects of access control. Students will learn about access control entities, processes, policies, measures, and models. They will learn about authentication and administration methods to increase security. Module 2 – Cryptography In this module students will learn how cryptography is used to store and transmit information in a format that is unreadable to unauthorized individuals. Students will become familiar with symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, signatures and hashing, and public key infrastructure. They will also learn about cryptographic technologies to protect commerce and information in LAN and Web-based environments. Methods of cryptographic attack and countermeasures are also presented. Module 3 – Networks and Communications This section covers several elements of networks and communications. Concepts covered about networking include; networking concepts, local area networking, and wide area networking. Concepts covered about managing traffic include using; packets filters, firewalls, and Network Address Translation (NAT). Concepts covered about communications include; configuring remote access, using Virtual Private Networks (VPN) to allow IP traffic to travel securely over a TCP/IP network, and wireless networking technology. Module 4 – Malicious Code and Attacks In Module 4 students will learn about malicious code and attacks. They will become familiar with the following types of attacks and countermeasures for; reconnaissance attacks, social engineering attacks, password attacks, availability attacks, application attacks, Web server attacks, and communication attacks. This module also examines securing the browser and hardening a system. ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 3 Module 5 – Analysis and Monitoring Module 5 teaches students the tools that can be used to analyze and monitor a system. This includes tools used for; auditing, creating audit trails, monitoring frames using intrusion detection, and implementing penetration testing to verify the security of an organization. Module 6 – Risk, Response, and Recovery Module 6 discusses elements of risk, response, and recovery. Students will be presented with information about developing plans for risk management and risk analysis, business continuity and disaster recovery, and incident response. Module 7 – Operations and Administration In Module 7 students will learn about administration of security management, implementing trusted computing, using a systematic approach to software development to protect security, and managing employees to protect company assets. Practice Exams In Practice Exams students will have the opportunity to test themselves and verify that they understand the concepts and are ready to take the certification exam. ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 4 Introduction to SSCP Summary This video introduces the prerequisite knowledge a student should have before attempting this course. They include knowledge of: Network Configurations Network Security Network Protocols The instructor also gives an overview of the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) domains (areas of knowledge) that will be discussed in this course: Access Control Cryptography Networks and Communications Malicious Code and Attacks Analysis and Monitoring Risk, Response, and Recovery Operations and Administration The instructor explains that (ISC) 2 requires all candidates that become certified to accept and agree to the (ISC) 2 Code of Ethics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Protect Society Act Honorably Provide Competent Services Advance the Profession The instructor also discusses that individuals who are certified must submit Continuing Education Credits every 3 years. Video/Demo Introduction to SSCP Time 9:48 Total Time About 10 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 5 Section 1.1: Access Control Summary In this section students will learn how information security is based upon a secure approach which determines what should be accessed, by whom and at what level. To accomplish this, the instructor discusses: Access control entities: o Objects o Subjects o System Access control processes: o Identification o Authentication o Authorization o Auditing Functions that access control policies can perform: o Preventative o Detective o Corrective o Deterrent o Recovery o Compensative Access counter measures: o Administrative controls o Technical controls o Physical controls Directory services Students will view demonstrations on: Managing Microsoft networks using Active Directory. Managing Novell networks using eDirectory. SSCP Exam Domains 1. Access Control ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 6 Lecture Focus Questions: How does authentication differ from authorization? What are the differences between administrative, physical, and technical access controls? How are corrective and recovery access controls similar? How do preventive access controls differ from deterrent access controls? How do directory services benefit a computer network? What services do most directory services perform? Video/Demo 1.1.1 Access Control Time 7:03 1.1.2 Access Control Policies 10:20 1.1.4 Touring Active Directory 4:41 1.1.5 Touring eDirectory 3:40 Total 25:44 Number of Exam Questions 5 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 7 Section 1.2: Access Control Models Summary In this section students will become familiar with commonly used access control models. Concepts covered include the: Types of access control models: o Discretionary Access Control (DAC) o Mandatory Access Control (MAC) o Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) o Rule-Based Access Control o Content-Dependent Access Control Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC) o Grade A Level 1 Verified Protection o Grade B Level 3 Security Domains Level 2 Structured Protection Level 1 Labeled Security Protection o Grade C Level 2 Controlled Access Protection Level 1 Discretionary Security Protection o Grade D n/a Minimal Protection Academic security models: o Bell-LaPadula o Biba o Clark-Wilson o State machine o Brewer and Nash Module/Chinese Wall o Take-Grant o Combination models Students will learn how to: Change and configure NTFS permissions. Set and modify NetWare file rights. SSCP Exam Domains 1. Access Control ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 8 Lecture Focus Questions: In the Bell-LaPadula model, how does the * property differ from the strong * property? Which academic model(s) address confidentiality? Integrity? Which model addresses conflict of interest? Which model(s) are examples of Mandatory Access Control (MAC)? What are the integrity goals included in the Clark-Wilson model? What are the requirements for the Clark-Wilson model? How does role-based access control differ from rule-based access control? How does explicit deny differ from explicit allow? Video/Demo 1.2.1 Access Control Models Time 14:14 1.2.3 Configuring NTFS Permissions 3:01 1.2.6 Setting File Rights 2:16 1.2.9 Academic Models 13:48 Total 33:19 Lab/Activity Change NTFS Permissions Configure NTFS Permissions Modify File System Rights Add a Trustee and Rights Number of Exam Questions 14 questions Total Time About 75 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 9 Section 1.3: Authentication Summary This section discusses using authentication to prove a subject’s identity. Concepts covered include: Types of authentication: o Type 1 Something you know o Type 2 Something you have o Type 3 Something you are Combinations of authentication methods: o Two-factor/Multi-factor o Strong o Mutual Measuring authentication solutions: o False negative o False positive o Crossover error rate o Processing rate The role of Single Sign-on (SSO) solutions: o Advantages of SSO o Disadvantages of SSO o SSO solutions: Kerberos Secure European System for Applications in a Multi-Vendor Environment (SESAME) SSCP Exam Domains 1. Access Control Lecture Focus Questions: Which form of authentication is generally considered the strongest? What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous token devices? What is the difference between strong authentication and two-factor authentication? How do behavioral biometric systems work? What types of information do they use for authentication? What are the components of a strong password policy? What additional benefits does SESAME provide over Kerberos? What are the main advantages of SSO authentication? Disadvantages? What is the relationship between keys and subjects in Kerberos? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 10 Video/Demo Time 1.3.1 Type 1 Authentication 11:24 1.3.2 Type 2 Authentication 4:53 1.3.3 Type 3 authentication 8:46 1.3.4 Two-factor Authentication 1:42 1.3.6 Single Sign-on 7:12 Total 33:57 Number of Exam Questions 20 questions Total Time About 60 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 11 Section 1.4: Authentication Administration Summary In this section the students will learn administration methods to protect password authentication. Concepts covered include: Improving password authentication: o Strong password policy o Educate users o Apply a salt when hashing passwords o Use account lockout o Protect access to the password file o Implement two-factor authentication o Creating and defining password requirements o Implementing a biometric system Password settings to control password requirements on a Microsoft computer: o Enforce password history o Maximum password age o Minimum password age o Minimum password length o Password complexity o Reversible encryption Account lockout settings to disable a user account: o Account lockout duration o Account lockout threshold o Reset account lockout counter after Students will learn how to: Configure Windows account policies to enforce strong password. Configure account lockout. Configure eDirectory password settings and account restrictions. SSCP Exam Domains 1. Access Control ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 12 Lecture Focus Questions: What characteristics typically define a strong password? When is salting useful in passwords? What advantages does it provide? What is the clipping level and how does it affect an account login? What does the minimum password age setting prevent? What setting lets you take actions for a specified number of incorrect logon attempts? Video/Demo Time 1.4.2 Configuring Password Policies 3:42 1.4.4 Configuring Account Lockout 3:38 1.4.6 Configuring Login Security 4:08 Total 11:28 Lab/Activity Enforce Password Settings Configure Account Lockout Modify Password Properties Restrict Logon Hours Number of Exam Questions 7 questions Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 13 Section 1.5: Administration Summary This section discusses administration precautions to protect information from creeping privileges which allows a user to accumulate privileges over time that are not necessary for their current work tasks. Concepts covered included: Precautions to protect against administration creep and corruption of information. End-of-life procedures to prevent sensitive data from being accessed by unauthorized users. Students will learn how to: Create and manage domain user accounts. Create an eDirectory user. SSCP Exam Domains 1. Access Control Lecture Focus Questions: What are creeping privileges? How can they be prevented? What security precautions should be made during the creation phase of the account life cycle? What is the best way to clean magnetic data from media so it can be reused? What are the approved methods to destroy optical media? Video/Demo Time 1.5.1 Administration Life Cycle 8:09 1.5.3 Managing Domain User Accounts 6:55 1.5.7 Creating an eDirectory User 1:03 Total 16:07 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 14 Lab/Activity Create a Domain User Account Disable a User Account Reset the Password Create a User Number of Exam Questions 5 questions Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 15 Section 2.1: Cryptography Summary In this section students will learn about cryptography, which is a method of storing and transmitting information in a format that is unreadable to unauthorized individuals. Cryptography is used by governments, militaries, industries, and individuals to protect data. Concepts covered include: Security services provided by cryptographic systems: o Confidentiality o Authentication o Integrity o Non-repudiation Concepts, terms, and services of cryptography: o Plaintext o Cipher text o Encryption o Decryption o Key o Algorithm o Initialization vector (IV) o Symmetric key o Asymmetric key o Cryptanalysis o Cryptosystem o Cryptology o Block cipher o Stream cipher o Transposition o Substitution o Steganography A review of historical ciphers: o Hieroglyphics o Scytale o Caesar cipher o Vigenere o Vernam o Enigma o Running key o Concealment o Code Square ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 16 SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: What two values are used by a cryptographic algorithm to encrypt data? What characteristics of the key contribute to the security of encrypted data? What are two legitimate uses for cryptanalysis? What is the difference between a transposition cipher and a substitution cipher? What is the difference between encryption and steganography? What is a legitimate use of steganography? Video/Demo Time 2.1.1 Cryptography 10:34 2.1.2 Steganography 7:19 2.1.5 Cracking the Encryption Key 4:11 Total 22:04 Number of Exam Questions 8 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 17 Section 2.2: Symmetric Cryptography Summary Students will learn the basics of symmetric cryptography which involves using a secret key that is shared between two communication partners. Concepts covered include: The role of symmetric cryptography Issues with implementing symmetric key cryptography Common symmetric block cryptography methods: o Data Encryption Standard (DES) o Triple DES (3DES) o Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) o International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) o Ron’s Cipher V2 or Ron’s Code v2 (RC2) o Ron’s Cipher v5 or Ron’s Code v5 (RC5) o Blowfish o Twofish o SkipJack The role of symmetric key stream ciphers. SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: Why are symmetric key stream ciphers considered to be stronger than symmetric key block ciphers? How does an initialization vector work? What is the main disadvantage of symmetric key cryptography? What are the four primary modes of DES? What advantage does cipher block chaining have over other cipher block encryption methods? What advantages does AES have over Triple DES? Video/Demo 2.2.1 Symmetric Cryptography 2.2.3 Symmetric Ciphers Total Time 8:31 10:41 19:12 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 18 Number of Exam Questions 18 questions Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 19 Section 2.3: Asymmetric Cryptography Summary This section examines how asymmetric cryptography is used to communicate securely without having prior access to a shared secret key. Concepts covered include: The role of asymmetric cryptography Implementing asymmetric cryptography Common asymmetric key cryptography systems: o Rivest, Shamir Adleman (RSA) o ELGamal o Elliptic Curve (EC) o Merkle-Hellman Knapsack o Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Using a hybrid cryptography system. SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: How do public keys differ from private keys? What is the relationship between the two? For which type of environment is asymmetric cryptography best suited? How does RSA work? What are the strengths of elliptic curve cryptography? How are both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography used in practical applications? Video/Demo 2.3.1 Asymmetric Cryptography Time 6:24 Number of Exam Questions 7 questions Total Time About 15 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 20 Section 2.4: Signatures and Hashing Summary In this section students will learn the basics of using digital signatures and hashing to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data. Concepts covered include: The role of hashing Hashing algorithms: o MD-2 o MD-4 o MD-5 o HAVAL o SHA-1 Digital signature or signing Creating a digital envelope SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: What service or function is provided by hashes? In what ways are HAVAL different from SHA-1? Which method provides greater security? What is collision and why is this condition undesirable in a hashing algorithm? Why is high amplification an indicator of a good hashing algorithm? How are hashes used in digital signatures? How do digital signatures provide confidentiality, integrity validation, strong authentication, and non-repudiation? Video/Demo Time 2.4.1 Signatures and Hashing 8:06 2.4.2 Hashing 6:02 Total 14:08 Number of Exam Questions 11 questions ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 21 Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 22 Section 2.5: Public Key Infrastructure Summary This section discusses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which is a system that provides for a trusted third party to vouch for user identities and allows binding of public keys to subjects. Concepts covered include: Digital certificates X.509 certificates Components of the PKI system: o Root Certificate Authority (CA) o Registration Authority (RA) o Cryptographic Practices Statement (CPS) o Subordinate CA Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) The certificate management areas: o Certificate validation o Certificate revocation o Certificate Revocation List (CRL) o Certificate renewal The key management areas: o Key protection o Crypto period o Key strength o Key generation o Distribution o Storage o Key archival o Key disposal SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: How do distribution methods vary for symmetric and asymmetric keys? Who authorizes subordinate CAs? Why is this important? What does a template standard include? What is included in a X.509 certificate? How are revoked certificates identified? What precautions should be exercised when disposing of private keys? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 23 Video/Demo 2.5.1 Public Key Infrastructure Time 12:36 Number of Exam Questions 14 questions Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 24 Section 2.6: Cryptographic Uses Summary In this section students will learn cryptographic technologies used to protect commerce and information in LAN- and Web-based environments: Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Transport Layer Security (TLS) Secure Hyper Text Transport Protocol (S-HTTP) Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) Secure Shell (SSH) Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC) E-mail encryption solutions to secure e-mail messages: o Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) o Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) o Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) o Message Security Protocol (MSP) Students will learn how to: Encrypt a file. Encrypt a folder and its contents SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: What are the differences between SSL and TLS? Which port is used by IPSec? Which protocol is a replacement for S-HTTP? How are PGP and S/MIME similar? Video/Demo Time 2.6.1 Cryptographic Uses 4:04 2.6.3 Encrypting Files and Folders 2:44 Total 6:48 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 25 Lab/Activity Encrypt a File Encrypt a Folder and Contents Number of Exam Questions 8 questions Total Time About 25 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 26 Section 2.7: Cryptographic Attacks Summary This section examines cryptographic attacks. Concepts covered include: Methods of attack: o Brute force o Analytic o Statistical o Key clustering o Chosen cipher text o Known plaintext o Chosen plaintext o Main-in-the-middle o Dictionary o Replay o PKI o Side-channel o Weak key o Mathematical o Birthday o Implementation Countermeasures to strengthen the cryptosystem: o Use strong passwords o Implement strong cryptosystems with redundant encipherment o Implement long key spaces SSCP Exam Domains 2. Cryptography Lecture Focus Questions: How does a dictionary attack differ from a brute force attack? How does having chosen plaintext enhance an attacker's chances of breaking the code over having known plaintext only? Why are strong passwords a good countermeasure for a dictionary attack? When is the most probable time for a chosen plaintext attack to occur? What is the goal of a replay attack? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 27 Video/Demo 2.7.1 Cryptographic Attacks Time 12:19 Number of Exam Questions 12 questions Total Time About 25 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 28 Section 3.1: Networking Summary This section discusses networking. Concepts covered include: The role of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model: o Layer 7: Application o Layer 6: Presentation o Layer 5: Session o Layer 4: Transport o Layer 3: Network o Layer 2: Data Link Logical Link Control (LLC) Media Access Control (MAC) o Layer 1: Physical TCP/IP model layers: o Application o Host-to-host o Internet o Network Access Common TCP/IP protocols: o Transport Control Protocol (TCP) o Internet Protocol (IP) o User-Datagram Protocol (UDP) o Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) o Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) o Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Network models: o Local Area Network (LAN) o Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) o Wide Area Network (WAN) Network types: o Peer-to-Peer o Client/Server SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 29 Lecture Focus Questions: What functions are performed by the Data Link layer? Which devices operate at the Network layer? How does the TCP/IP Network Access layer relate to the OSI model? What are the three categories of port ranges? How do peer-to-peer networks differ from client/server networks? What are the strengths of each? Video/Demo 3.1.1 OSI Model 3.1.3 TCP/IP Model Total Time 16:14 8:10 24:24 Number of Exam Questions 4 questions Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 30 Section 3.2: Local Area Networking Summary This section discusses details about local area networking. Concepts covered include: Network topologies: o Bus o Ring o Star o Mesh o Hybrid Networking issues: o Attenuation o Crosstalk o Noise o Eavesdropping Types of media: o Coaxial o Twisted pair o Fiber optic o Wireless Susceptibility of media to transmission problems Countermeasures to minimize emanations Signaling systems: o Baseband systems o Broadband systems Network architecture: o Ethernet characteristics: Topology Media Access Method Transmission Media Networking devices Physical Addresses Frames o Token ring o Fiber Data Distributed Interface (FDDI) Other forms of media access: o Carrier Sense, Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) o Polling SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 31 Lecture Focus Questions: Which twisted pair cable rating(s) are appropriate for 100 megabit Ethernet? Which media type is most resistant to EMI and eavesdropping? Which media type is the most susceptible? How does a plenum area pose a safety risk in the event of a fire? How does CSMA/CD differ from CSMA/CA? What two features are provided by the dual rings of FDDI? Video/Demo 3.2.1 LAN Specifications Time 12:32 3.2.5 Network Architectures 5:00 3.2.7 Using Sniffers 2:39 3.2.8 Sniffing Ethernet 3:53 Total 24:04 Number of Exam Questions 7 questions Total Time About 45 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 32 Section 3.3: Wide Area Networking Summary This section examines the basics of Wide Area Networking (WAN). Concepts covered include: WAN transmission media: o Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) o T-1 o T-2 o T-3 o T-4 o E-1 Service options for WAN connectivity: o Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) o Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) o X.25 o Leased lines o Frame Relay o Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) o Switch Megabit Data Service (SMDS) o Cable Additional technologies: o Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) o Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) o Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: Which WAN services use analog connectivity? What is the difference between basic rate and primary rate ISDN? Which WAN service provides the highest bandwidth? How does MPLS work? What benefits does VoIP provide? Video/Demo 3.3.1 Wide Area Networking Time 16:11 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 33 Total Time About 20 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 34 Section 3.4: Protocols Summary In this section students will learn about protocols for sending data across a network. Concepts covered include: Common protocols: o The Internet Protocol (IP) o Transport Control Protocol (TCP) o User-Datagram Protocol (UDP) o Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) o Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) o Domain Name Server (DNS) o Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) o Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) o Transport Layer Security (TLS) o Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) o Secure Shell (SSH) o Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) o File Transfer Protocol (FTP) o Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) The role and characteristics of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) The role and characteristics of Transport Layer Security (TLS) SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: What is the drawback to using UDP over TCP? What is one advantage of UDP over TCP? What is the main function of ARP? How does SSL verify authentication credentials? How can you tell that a session with a Web server is using SSL? Why are server certificates required in SSL and TLS? What additional benefit is provided by requiring client certificates in TLS? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 35 Video/Demo Time 3.4.1 Protocols 14:18 3.4.2 Sniffing IP 6:20 3.4.3 Sniffing ICMP 3:38 3.4.4 Sniffing ARP 5:21 Total 29:37 Number of Exam Questions 15 questions Total Time About 50 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 36 Section 3.5: Network Devices Summary This section discusses network devices used to establish the network infrastructure. Concepts covered include: Common internetworking devices: o Network Interface Card (NIC) o Hub o Wireless Access Point (WAP) o Switch o Bridge o Router o Gateway Students will learn how to: Create a VLAN and assign ports. SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: How are hubs and switches different? At what OSI layer do switches operate? How can VLANs be used to improve security? How are MAC addresses used by switches? How are bridges different from switches? Video/Demo Time 3.5.1 Network Devices 8:21 3.5.3 Configuring VLANs 7:31 Total 15:52 Lab/Activity Create a VLAN and Assign Ports Exploring VLAN Communication ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 37 Number of Exam Questions 8 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 38 Section 3.6: Packet Filters Summary This section discusses managing traffic with packet filters. Students will become familiar with defining an inbound filter and an outbound filter. Students will learn how to: Create and configure packet filters. Configure and apply ACLs to router interfaces. SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Video/Demo 3.6.1 Configuring Packet Filters 3.6.4 Configuring Access Control Lists Total Time 5:08 11:40 16:48 Lab/Activity Create a Packet Filter 1 Create a Packet Filter 2 Apply Access Lists to Interfaces Restrict Traffic from Specific Hosts Restrict Traffic from Specific Networks Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 39 Section 3.7: Firewalls Summary This section examines using firewalls to protect a trusted private network or separate one private network from another. Concepts covered include: The role of firewalls Types of firewalls: o Generation one – packet filtering firewall o Generation two – application layer firewall, circuit proxy filter o Generation three – stateful inspection firewall o Generation four – dynamic packet filtering firewall o Generation five – kernel proxy filtering firewall Methods of deploying firewalls: o Screened host o TCP wrapper o Screened subnet o Bastion or sacrificial host Categories of ports specified by Internet Corporation of Assigning Names and Numbers (ICANN): o Well Known o Registered o Dynamic (Private or High) Well known ports that correspond to common Internet services Students will learn how to: Enable Internet Connection Firewall on a Windows XP system. Open and close ports in ICF. SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: What is a multi-homed firewall? Which firewall type can examine the entire contents of a message? What is the difference between an application layer firewall and a circuit proxy filter? How many firewall devices are used to create a typical demilitarized zone (DMZ)? What type of devices should be placed inside a demilitarized zone (DMZ)? What port numbers correspond to HTTP traffic? Common e-mail traffic? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 40 Video/Demo 3.7.1 Firewalls 3.7.4 Configuring ICF Total Time 10:06 4:15 14:21 Lab/Activity Enable ICF Open ICF Ports Close Open Ports Prevent ICMP Events Number of Exam Questions 19 questions Total Time About 60 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 41 Section 3.8: Network Address Translation (NAT) Summary This section covers the basic concepts of using Network Address Translation (NAT) to connect a private network to the Internet without obtaining registered addresses for every host. The private address ranges for two addressing methods are presented: IP version 4 IP version 6 Students will learn how to: Configure Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on a Windows XP system. Configure NAT on a Windows router. SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: How does NAT provide a measure of security to network devices? What should be combined with NAT to increase security? What address ranges should you use on private networks connected to the Internet using NAT? How does NAT provide two way traffic flow? Video/Demo Time 3.8.1 Network Address Translation 3:00 3.8.3 Sharing a Connection 3:37 3.8.5 Configuring NAT 4:04 Total 10:41 Lab/Activity Share an Internet Connection Configure NAT ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 42 Number of Exam Questions 4 questions Total Time About 25 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 43 Section 3.9: Remote Access Summary In this section students will learn about configuring remote access. Concepts covered include: Remote access protocols: o Serial Line Interface Protocol (SLIP) o Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) o Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) o Password Authentication Protocol PAP o Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) o Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Protocols to deploy centralized authentication: o Remote Authentication and Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) o Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) o Diameter Students will learn how to: Configure a remote access server, including remote access policies. Configure a remote access client connection. Customize remote access authentication protocols. Configure RADIUS clients and servers. SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: How are SLIP and PPP different? What advantages are provided by EAP over other forms of authentication? How can caller ID and callback be used to improve remote access security? In a RADIUS system, which component provides authentication for remote access clients? How does TACACS implement multi-factor authentication? How is TACACS an improvement over RADIUS? What are the main benefits of DIAMETER? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 44 Video/Demo Time 3.9.1 Remote Access 4:24 3.9.4 Configuring a Remote Access Server 4:26 3.9.6 Configuring Remote Access Policies 4:32 3.9.8 Creating a Dialup Connection 4:40 3.9.12 Configuring RADIUS 4:43 Total 22:45 Lab/Activity Configure a Remote Access Server Create a Remote Access Policy Create a Dialup Connection Configure Advanced Authentication Configure Smart Card for Authentication Configure a RADIUS Server Configure a RADIUS Client Number of Exam Questions 11 questions Total Time About 75 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 45 Section 3.10: Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Summary This section examines using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow IP traffic to travel securely over the TCP/IP network. Concepts covered include: Common tunneling protocols: o Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) o Layer 2 Forwarding (L2F) o Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) Using IPSec to provide encryption IPSec protocols for authentication, data encryption, and connection negotiation: o Authentication Header (AH) o Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) o Internet Key Exchange (IKE) IPSec modes of operation: o Transport mode o Tunnel mode Students will learn how to: Configure a VPN server. Configure a client VPN connection. Configure specific VPN protocols. SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications Lecture Focus Questions: What is the difference between AH and ESP? What is the function of IKE in IPSec? What is the difference between IPSec tunnel mode and transport mode? Which VPN technologies operate at OSI model layer 2? How is L2TP an improvement over PPTP and L2F? ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 46 Video/Demo 3.10.1 VPN Time 13:31 3.10.4 Configuring a VPN Server 6:18 3.10.7 Creating a Client VPN Connection 5:56 3.10.10 Configuring IPSec 4:04 3.10.11 Analyzing IPSec Traffic 2:01 Total 31:50 Lab/Activity Configure a VPN Server Disable PPTP Ports Create a Client VPN Connection Customize the Tunneling Protocol Number of Exam Questions 10 questions Total Time About 65 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 47 Section 3.11: Wireless Summary This section provides a basic overview of the wireless networking technology. Concepts covered include: Wireless transmission technologies: o Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) o Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) o Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) o Infrared Common wireless standards o 802.11a o 802.11b o 802.11g Wireless networking standards: o Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) o Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN) Choices for configuring a wireless LAN: o Infrastructure o Ad Hoc Identifiers used with wireless networks: o Service Set Identifier (SSID) o Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) Methods to provide authentication on a wireless network: o Open o Shared secret o 802.1x Methods for providing security for wireless networking: o Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) o Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) o Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) SSCP Exam Domains 3. Networks and Communications ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 48 Lecture Focus Questions: How are FHSS and DSSS different? How does the BSSID differ from the SSID? What improvements did WPA make to overcome the weaknesses of WEP? Why shouldn't you use shared secret authentication with WEP? Why is a RADIUS server required when using 802.1x authentication? What is the function of the MIC with WPA and WPA2? Which encryption mechanisms are used by WEP, WPA, and WPA2? Video/Demo 3.11.1 Wireless Time 4:50 Number of Exam Questions 17 questions Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 49 Section 4.1: Malicious Code and Attacks Summary This section discusses malicious code and attacks. Students will become familiar with the following concepts: Defining attackers: o Hacker o Cracker o Script kiddy o Phreaker Examples of common malware: o Virus o Worm o Spyware o Trojan horse o Logic bomb o Botnet Countermeasures for malware attacks: o Antivirus software o Train users o Disable scripts o Block attachments o Implement software policies o Remove removable drives o Show full file extensions Historic malware events: o Stoned o Michelangelo o CIH/Chernobyl Virus o Melissa o I Love You o Code Red o Nimda o Klez SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 50 Lecture Focus Questions: What's the difference between a hacker and a cracker? Which types of malware can self replicate? What type of files do anti-virus software need to be able to identify known viruses? What must you do to make anti-virus software effective? What countermeasures are recommended for Trojan horse attacks? How did the ILOVEYOU virus propagate? Video/Demo Time 4.1.1 Attackers 9:11 4.1.3 Malware 14:33 4.1.5 Malware Examples Total 5:33 29:17 Number of Exam Questions 16 questions Total Time About 50 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 51 Section 4.2: Reconnaissance Attacks Summary This section provides an overview of reconnaissance used to plan a mode of attack. Concepts covered include: The basic stages of reconnaissance. Countermeasures for preventing reconnaissance. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: What types of activities are considered passive reconnaissance? What are popular network scanning tools? How does a Christmas tree scan work? How can reconnaissance be prevented? Video/Demo Time 4.2.1 Reconnaissance Attacks 6:15 4.2.2 Scanning Ports 4:54 Total 11:09 Number of Exam Questions 2 questions Total Time About 15 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 52 Section 4.3: Social Engineering Attacks Summary This section examines using social engineering attacks to exploit human nature by convincing someone to reveal information or perform an activity. Concepts covered include: Defining social engineering. Main types of social engineering attacks. Specific social engineering attacks. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: What human traits are exploited in a social engineering attack? What is the best defense against a social engineering attack? A caller tells you he is a network administrator and needs information about the computer on your desk. What type of social engineering attack is he using? How does a phishing attack work? Video/Demo Time 4.3.1 Social Engineering Attacks 14:58 4.3.2 Researching Virus Hoaxes 5:34 Total 20:32 Number of Exam Questions 9 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 53 Section 4.4: Network Attacks Summary This section discusses common attacks that exploit network communications. Network attacks and countermeasures for each are presented: Spoofing Sniffing Hijacking Man-in-the-middle Replay SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: What is the main purpose of a replay attack? How does spoofing work? How can it be prevented? Which protocols typically transfer data in clear text? What does this mean for the security of the information? How are hijacking and man-in-the-middle attacks related? Video/Demo 4.4.1 Network Attacks Time 16:58 Number of Exam Questions 14 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 54 Section 4.5: Password Attacks Summary In this section students will learn about attacks that are directed at passwords. Concepts covered include: Common password attacks Collecting hashed passwords Cracking hashed passwords. Countermeasures for password attacks SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: How does a dictionary attack differ from a brute force attack? How can hashed passwords be collected? How does a rainbow table speed up the password cracking process? What are the best countermeasures for attacks against passwords? Video/Demo Time 4.5.1 Password Attacks 7:39 4.5.2 Recovering Passwords 9:20 4.5.3 Using Rainbow Tables 4:48 Total 21:47 Number of Exam Questions 9 questions Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 55 Section 4.6: Availability Attacks Summary This section teaches the students about availability attacks, which consists of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS). Concepts covered include: Common forms of DoS attacks. Common forms of DDoS attacks. Countermeasures for DoS and DDoS attacks. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: How are DoS and DDoS attacks similar? How are they different? How does a Fraggle attack differ from a Smurf attack? How are a Land attack and a Teardrop attack similar? Which attacks can be prevented with reverse DNS lookups? What is the role of a zombie? Video/Demo 4.6.1 Denial of Service Attacks Time 16:06 4.6.2 Performing UDP Flood Attacks 3:54 4.6.3 Performing ARP Poisoning 4:24 Total 24:24 Number of Exam Questions 15 questions Total Time About 45 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 56 Section 4.7: Application Attacks Summary This section discusses common application exploitation attacks. Concepts covered include: Backdoor attacks. Buffer overflow attacks. Pointer overflow attacks. Salami attacks. Data diddling. Excessive permissions. Unprotected temporary files. Directory traversal. Covert channels. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: How are backdoors most commonly exploited? How does a data diddling attack differ from a salami attack? How do excessive permissions affect the vulnerability of an application? How does directory traversal work? How can it be prevented? What is the difference between a buffer overflow attack and a pointer overflow attack? How are a covert timing channel and a storage channel similar? Video/Demo 4.7.1 Denial of Service Attacks Time 9:30 Number of Exam Questions 9 questions Total Time About 25 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 57 Section 4.8: Web Server Attacks Summary This section teaches students how to secure a Web site from Web server attacks. Concepts covered include: Applications commonly used for Web-based applications or scripting programs. Countermeasures for Web server-based attacks. Students will learn how to: Configure authentication for Web sites and Web folders. Configure IIS permissions. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: How does Java use the sandbox to provide security? How does client-side scripting differ from server-side scripting? How is ActiveX vulnerable to attacks? What are the best countermeasures for Web server attacks? Video/Demo Time 4.8.1 Web Server Attacks 2:42 4.8.3 Configuring IIS Authentication 4:09 4.8.6 Configuring IIS Permissions 3:34 Total 10:25 Lab/Activity Configure Web Site Authentication Configure Web Folder Authentication Configure IIS Permissions ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 58 Number of Exam Questions 5 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 59 Section 4.9: Browser Security Summary This section examines securing the browser from attacks. Concepts covered include: Indications of an unsecured connection or attack. Preventing browser attacks. Students will learn how to: Clear the Internet Explorer cache. Configure security zones in Internet Explorer. Configure cookie and security settings for Internet Explorer. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: How do cookies pose a security threat? Which CIA triad component can be compromised by cookies? How is cache used on the Internet? How does it make a system vulnerable? What are the different Internet Explorer zones? Which has the highest security settings? What can you look for that may indicate an unsecured connection or an attack? Video/Demo Time 4.9.2 Clearing the Cache 4:56 4.9.4 Configuring Security Zones 6:06 4.9.8 Configuring Cookie Handling 2:30 4.9.11 Configuring Advanced IE Settings 2:59 Total 16:31 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 60 Lab/Activity Clear the Browser Cache Add a Trusted Site Add a Restricted Site Customize Zone Settings Change the Cookie Level Customize Cookie Handling Configure Browser Security Clear Temporary Internet Files Number of Exam Questions 5 questions Total Time About 65 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 61 Section 4.10: Communication Attacks Summary This section provides information about wireless, phone, and cell phone attacks. Concepts covered include: Wireless networks vulnerabilities. Measures to protect a wireless network. Common phone exploitation attacks. Common cell phone exploitation attacks. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: What is the purpose of warchalking? How are rogue access points used in man-in-the-middle attacks? How does MAC address filtering and disabling DHCP on a wireless access point provide some measure of security? What are the different methods used for wireless authentication? Which is the most secure? How does a site survey impact wireless security? How is cramming different than slamming? What are the most common types of cell phone exploitation attacks? Video/Demo 4.10.1 Wireless Attacks Time 13:21 4.10.2 Using Wireless Attack Tools 9:07 4.10.4 Phone Attacks 3:11 Total 25:39 Number of Exam Questions 10 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 62 Section 4.11: System Hardening Summary This section provides recommendations and the processes to harden a system. Concepts covered include: Hardening devices. Hardening individual services or applications. Students will learn how to: Disable and uninstall networking components. Download and apply Windows operating system updates. Manage services on a Windows system. Identify excess services and software running on a system. SSCP Exam Domains 4. Malicious Code and Attacks Lecture Focus Questions: What is system hardening? How does it benefit the security of an organization? What is a security baseline? How do system updates relate to system security? What are the vulnerabilities of FTP? DNS? Video/Demo Time 4.11.2 Managing Network Components 4:12 4.11.5 Applying Windows Updates 3:17 4.11.6 Using MBSA 3:10 4.11.7 Managing Services 4:46 Total 15:25 Lab/Activity Disable File and Printer Sharing Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP Stop and Disable Services ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 63 Number of Exam Questions 8 questions Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 64 Section 5.1: Auditing Summary In this section students will learn how to use auditing to ensure that the current implementation meets the security goals of the organization. Concepts covered include: The role of auditing. Audit domains. Methods auditors use to gather information. Types of auditors. Applying due care and due diligence. Preventing creeping privileges. Post audit activities. Standardized auditing models Auditing methods and tools. SSCP Exam Domains 5. Analysis and Monitoring Lecture Focus Questions: How is an audit benchmark used? What are the benefits of internal auditors? External auditors? What are methods an auditor can use to gather data? What is the importance of a clearly defined audit scope? How can creeping privileges be avoided? How can you benefit from applying a standardized model when performing an audit? Video/Demo 5.1.1 Security Audits 5.1.3 The Audit Process 5.1.4 Auditing Tools and Methods Total Time 6:01 10:15 6:59 23:15 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 65 Number of Exam Questions 3 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 66 Section 5.2: Audit Trails Summary This section discusses using audit trails to trace the cause of events and provide problem resolution. Concepts covered include: The role of an audit trail. Components of an auditing subsystem. Types of events the audit trail should include. The role of logging. Students will learn how to: Enable system auditing Save audit logs Change audit log properties SSCP Exam Domains 5. Analysis and Monitoring Lecture Focus Questions: How can auditing be a preventative security measure? In addition to defining the actions to record in an audit log, what else must you do to make auditing effective? What problems are associated with logging too many events in the audit trail? Why is auditing considered to be a passive detection system? What purposes can audit trails serve other than detecting unauthorized activities? Video/Demo Time 5.2.1 Audit Trails 8:47 5.2.3 Auditing Systems 3:46 5.2.6 Managing Security Logs 3:59 Total 16:32 Lab/Activity Enable Auditing 1 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 67 Enable Auditing 2 Save the Audit Log Change Log Properties Configure the System to Shut Down Number of Exam Questions 10 questions Total Time About 55 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 68 Section 5.3: Intrusion Detection Summary This section examines using intrusion detection to detect and protect the network from suspicious activity by monitoring frames on the network. Concepts covered include: Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Honeypot Padded cell (also referred to as a tar pit or honey net) SSCP Exam Domains 5. Analysis and Monitoring Lecture Focus Questions: What is the difference between IPS and IDS? How are network-based IDS and host-based IDS different? What are clipping levels and thresholds? What are the strengths and weaknesses of anomaly recognition? Signature recognition? How is a honey pot used? Video/Demo 5.3.1 Intrusion Detection and Prevention 5.3.2 Viewing Network Activity Total Time 12:42 3:34 16:16 Number of Exam Questions 15 questions Total Time About 35 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 69 Section 5.4: Penetration Testing Summary In this section students will learn how penetration testing can be used to assure the effectiveness of an organization’s security implementations and countermeasures. Concepts covered include: Defining the Rules of Engagement (ROE). Defining the penetration testing teams. Types of penetration testing. Levels of knowledge the attack and system personnel have prior to the attack. Stages of penetration testing. SSCP Exam Domains 5. Analysis and Monitoring Lecture Focus Questions: Why are physical penetration and operation penetration tests valuable to system security? What boundaries should be defined before starting a penetration test? Why? Why does a double blind penetration test provide more valuable data than a single blind test? What is the difference between network enumeration and system enumeration? Video/Demo Time 5.4.1 Penetration Testing 9:03 5.4.2 Penetration Testing Process 5:27 5.4.3 Penetration Testing Tools 7:09 5.4.4 Using Nessus 9:37 5.4.5 Probing Systems 2:40 Total 33:56 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 70 Number of Exam Questions 8 questions Total Time About 50 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 71 Section 6.1: Risk Management Summary This section discusses risk management for an organization. Concepts covered include: Sources of threats. An organization’s approach to risk. The processes involved in risk management. SSCP Exam Domains 6. Risk, Response, and Recovery Lecture Focus Questions: What are the sources of threats? How does the threat source affect the countermeasures you might put in place? How is the proactive approach to risk different than the reactive approach? What approach to risk demonstrates due care and due diligence? Video/Demo 6.1.1 Risk Management Time 7:30 Number of Exam Questions 1 question Total Time About 10 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 72 Section 6.2: Risk Analysis Summary This section discusses using risk analysis to protect assets. Concepts covered include: The terms related to risk analysis. The general steps to perform a risk analysis and develop a plan to respond to the risk. Selecting and deploying countermeasures. Acceptable responses to risk. Asset analysis theories. Quantitative risk analysis formulas. SSCP Exam Domains 6. Risk, Response, and Recovery Lecture Focus Questions: What is the difference between a threat and a threat agent? What is the difference between asset exposure and asset vulnerability? How do tangible assets differ from intangible assets? How can an organization transfer risk? When should a countermeasure not be implemented? When is risk acceptance appropriate? When is risk rejection appropriate? What is the relationship between the control gap and residual risk? How does the single loss expectancy affect the annualize rate of occurrence? Video/Demo 6.2.1 Risk Analysis 6.2.4 Risk Analysis Methods Total Time 9:42 15:41 25:23 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 73 Number of Exam Questions 12 questions Total Time About 40 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 74 Section 6.3: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Summary In this section students will learn about planning for a disruptive event. Concepts covered include: Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP). Business Continuity Planning (BCP). Incident recovery. The Business Impact Analysis (BIA). Guidelines for plan testing. Backup methods and strategies. Redundancy solutions. SSCP Exam Domains 6. Risk, Response, and Recovery Lecture Focus Questions: What is the primary difference between disaster recovery and business continuity planning? What are the objectives of security planning? How do the primary tasks of the recovery team differ from the primary tasks of the salvage team? What are the major stages in the Business Impact Analysis (BIA)? What are the differences between compliance and substantive testing? Which backup options reset the archive bit? Why are hot sites typically not implemented? Why might cold sites be of little use when recovering from a disaster? What are the drawbacks to a mutual aid agreement? Video/Demo Time 6.3.1 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 16:51 Number of Exam Questions 21 questions Total Time About 50 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 75 Section 6.4: Incident Response Summary Students will learn how to respond to a security incident. Concepts covered include: Incident response plans. Computer forensics. Ensuring evidence is admissible in court. The life cycle of evidence. The chain of custody. SSCP Exam Domains 6. Risk, Response, and Recovery Lecture Focus Questions: What are the responsibilities of the CIRT team? What is considered a security incident? How is computer evidence authenticated? What is required to ensure admissibility of evidence in court? What is the best method for duplicating hard drives? What is the purpose of the chain of custody? What precautions should be taken during the transportation and storage of evidence? Video/Demo 6.4.1 Incident Response 6.4.3 Computer Forensics 6.4.4 Using Computer Forensics Tools Total Time 7:56 11:34 6:17 25:47 Number of Exam Questions 12 questions Total Time About 45 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 76 Section 7.1: Security Administration Summary This section discusses administration of security management to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all critical and valuable assets. Concepts covered include: Security management responsibilities. Operational security to establish defense and depth. Implementing a security policy. Protecting an organization with plans and policies. SSCP Exam Domains 7. Operations and Administration Lecture Focus Questions: How do the five components of a security policy document work together? In what situations would you use a security guideline instead of a security procedure? What is the importance of establishing baselines? What is defense in depth and how does it increase an organization's security? What are the steps in the change control process? Video/Demo 7.1.1 Security Administration Time 9:01 Number of Exam Questions 15 questions Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 77 Section 7.2: Trusted Computing Summary In this section students will learn about using a trusted computing base to ensure that a system behaves properly and adheres to the organization’s security policy. A trusted computing base is a combination of hardware, software, and all the controls that form the trusted computing base of that system. Concepts covered include: A Protection Profile (PP). Secure operating systems. Trusted Computing Base (TCB). Evaluation criteria standards. SSCP Exam Domains 7. Operations and Administration Lecture Focus Questions: Which evaluation criteria uses different classes for functionality and assurance? What is a major limitation of the TCSEC criteria compared to the ITSEC criteria? What are the four modes of security that should be included in a protection profile? What levels of access does a reference monitor use? How does layering provide security to an operating system? How does commercial classification labeling differ from military? Video/Demo 7.2.1 Trusted Computing Base 7.2.3 Certification and Accreditation Total Time 16:10 4:53 21:03 ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 78 Number of Exam Questions 20 questions Total Time About 50 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 79 Section 7.3: Development Summary This section discusses software development. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a systematic method for design, development, and change management used for software development and implementation of system and security projects. Concepts covered include: The phases of the SDLC. The execution of change control. Standardized development models. SSCP Exam Domains 7. Operations and Administration Lecture Focus Questions: How does the spiral model combine the waterfall model and the prototype model? How should security be employed in the different stages of development? What does functional design entail? When is change control necessary? What are the responsibilities of developers after a product is released? Video/Demo 7.3.1 System Development Life Cycle Time 14:27 Number of Exam Questions 11 questions Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 80 Section 7.4: Employee Management Summary In this section students will learn how to use employee management to ensure that employees play a major role in protecting company assets. Concepts covered include: Employee management principles. Employee-related security vulnerabilities. Employee security processes. Employment agreements. Setting employee expectations and responsibilities. Ensuring ethics. SSCP Exam Domains 7. Operations and Administration Lecture Focus Questions: How can pre-employment processing improve the security of an organization? What is the role of the policy handbook regarding security? What guidelines must be considered when monitoring employees? Why should employees be required to sign employment agreements? How are separation of duties and two-man control different? How can collusion be avoided? What is the importance of a clear job description? Video/Demo 7.4.1 Employment Practices Time 8:48 Number of Exam Questions 13 questions Total Time About 30 minutes ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 81 Practice Exams Summary This section provides information to help prepare students to take the exam and to register for the exam. Students will also have the opportunity of testing their mastery of the concepts presented in this course to reaffirm that they are ready for the certification exam. For example, all questions that apply to Domain 1: Access Control are grouped together and presented in practice exam Domain 1: Access Control, All Questions. Students will typically take about 60-90 minutes to complete each of the following practice exams. Domain 1: Access Control, All Questions (52 questions) Domain 2: Cryptography, All Questions (78 questions) Domain 3: Networks and Communications, All Questions (98 questions) Domain 4: Malicious Code and Attacks, All Questions (102 questions) Domain 5: Analysis and Monitoring, All Questions (36 questions) Domain 6: Risk, Response, and Recovery, All Questions (46 questions) Domain 7: Operations and Administration, All Questions (58 questions) The Certification Practice Exam consists of 125 questions that are randomly selected from the above practice exams. Each time the Certification Practice Exam is accessed different questions may be presented. The Certification Practice Exam has a time limit of 180 minutes -- just like the real certification exam. A passing score of 90% should verify that the student has mastered the concepts and is ready to take the real certification exam. ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 82 Appendix A: Approximate Time for the Course The total time for the SSCP course is approximately 40 hours. The time is calculated by adding the approximate time for each section which is calculated using the following elements: Video/demo times Approximate time to read the text lesson (the length of each text lesson is taken into consideration) Simulations (5 minutes assigned per simulation) Questions (1 minute per question) The breakdown for this course is as follows: Module Sections Time Minute HR:MM Introduction to SSCP Introduction to SSCP 10 10 :10 35 75 60 40 40 250 4:10 35 40 15 30 30 25 25 200 3:20 1.0 Access Control 1.1 Access Control 1.2 Access Control Models 1.3 Authentication 1.4 Authentication Administration 1.5 Administration 2.0 Cryptography 2.1 Cryptography 2.2 Symmetric Cryptography 2.3 Asymmetric Cryptography 2.4 Signatures and Hashing 2.5 Public Key Infrastructure 2.6 Cryptography Uses 2.7 Cryptographic Attacks 3.0 Networks and Communications 3.1 Networking 3.2 Local Area Networking 3.3 Wide Area Networking 3.4 Protocols 3.5 Network Devices ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 40 45 20 50 35 83 3.6 Packet Filters 3.7 Firewalls 3.8 Network Address Translation (NAT) 3.9 Remote Access 3.10 Virtual Private Networks (VPN) 3.11 Wireless 40 60 25 75 65 30 485 8:05 50 15 35 35 30 45 25 35 65 35 40 410 6:50 35 55 35 50 175 2:55 10 40 50 45 145 2:25 30 50 30 30 140 2:20 4.0 Malicious Code and Attacks 4.1 Malicious Code and Attacks 4.2 Reconnaissance Attacks 4.3 Social Engineering Attacks 4.4 Network Attacks 4.5 Password Attacks 4.6 Availability Attacks 4.7 Application Attacks 4.8 Web Server Attacks 4.9 Browser Security 4.10 Communication Attacks 4.11 System Hardening 5.0 Analysis and Monitoring 5.1 Auditing 5.2 Audit Trails 5.3 Intrusion Detection 5.4 Penetration Testing 6.0 Risk, Response, and Recovery 6.1 Risk Management 6.2 Risk Analysis 6.3 Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery 6.4 Incident Response 7.0 Operations and Administration 7.1 Security Administration 7.2 Trusted Computing 7.3 Development 7.4 Employee Management ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 84 Practice Exams Domain 1: Access Control (52 questions) Domain 2: Cryptography (78 questions) 52 78 Domain 3: Networks and Communications (98 questions) 98 Domain 4: Malicious Code and Attacks (102 questions) Domain 5: Analysis and Monitoring (36 questions) 102 36 Domain 6: Risk, Response, and Recovery (46 questions) 46 Domain 7: Operations and Administration (58 questions) Certification Practice Exam (125 questions) 58 125 Total Time ©2009 TestOut Corporation (Rev 9/09) System Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) Ver. 2.0 595 9:55 2400 40:00 85