Kings Furlong Junior School – Pupil Premium Plan 2015 – 2016 The key aims of our Pupil Premium Plan are to: To further improve the overall quality of teaching and learning in order to accelerate progress for our Pupil Premium children To ensure that additional support and guidance is given to our PP in order for them to make accelerated progress, including having access to activities in and after school. To ensure that the Leadership of the School articulates a clear vision with expectations on the standard of provision and pupil outcomes for PP children. To ensure that our PP parents are communicated with and involved with their child’s learning and progress. Objective – TEACHING AND LEARNING – CPD To further improve the overall quality of teaching and learning in order to accelerate progress for our PP children Action/Provision 1 2 3 4 Release time for staff to engage in CPD actions that improve QoT, particularly for PP pupils. E.g. Head of Year support and coaching time, SPIKE self-reflection, plan-do-review, learning walks in order to improve practice and further improve progress across year groups and the school. Monitoring: SLT Evidence: data, learning walks, book sampling, teacher discussions, observations and pupil profiles. PP Profiles to reflect on impact of actions to support learning of PP children and ensure appropriate actions in place to support achievement. Monitoring: SD/SLT Evidence: SLT minutes SENCO to work with PP/SEN pupils and their teachers to ensure the pupils’ needs are met and their progress gaps are closing. Monitoring: SD. Evidence: meeting notes, data, book scrutiny LSA training by SENCO to improve feedback, questioning and challenge provided to PP pupils. Monitoring: SD/CA Evidence: minutes, learning walks, observations. Milestones/ Outcomes All CTs to have identified and acted upon needs of PP children by Dec 15 Cost Who / When £15,500 SD/CA/KS SD 2 mornings CA 2 mornings KS 2 mornings Monitored By Govs Weekly basis Individualised, appropriate actions for PP children. No additional cost All teaching staff Weekly basis SLT Actions for SEN/PP children in place by October 15. £14,000 RA 2 mornings a week CA/SENCo governor LSAs know needs of PP children and how to help them progress by Nov 15. £1,500 TA 30 minutes a fortnight CA/SENCo governor Page 1 of 5 Update / Impact / Next Steps Red Autumn 5 Further embed the explicit teaching/awareness of KFJS learning behaviours (particularly resilience) through: staff meetings, assemblies; displays; feedback comments both in books and verbal; learning objectives on planning and shared with children related to learning behaviours. Monitored by SD/SLT Evidence: PP profiles, pupil conferencing, work scrutiny, feedback from staff, parents etc. PP children who have particular issues around learning behaviour gaps eg resilience begin to improve. No additional cost All staff On-going SLT and governors Objective - INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT To ensure that additional support and guidance is given to our PP children in order for them to make accelerated progress towards closing the gap with their non-PP peers. Action/Provision 1 2 3 4 Provide additional Educational Psychologist time to determine the more complex learning needs of PP pupils. Monitoring: SD Provide play therapy sessions for vulnerable PP pupils. Monitoring: SD/RA Provide ELSA and Draw and Talk sessions to vulnerable PP pupils Monitoring: SD/RA Evidence: improved Boxall scores, greater engagement with learning. LH and LC to support PP children 1-1 or in small groups with English, maths and learning behaviours. Monitoring: SD Evidence: data, PP profiles, improved engagement in lessons Milestones/Outcom es Appropriate targets and support in place to support SEN/PP pupils. Targets met by end of provision. Targets met by end of provision. Cost Who / When £4,000 RA and EP Each term £3,000 Weekly JP Weekly SS, MR, CV CA and SEN Governor CA PP children making accelerated progress by Dec 15. £24,000 LH 2 afternoons LC 3 afternoons CA Govs £1,500 Page 2 of 5 Monitored By CA and SEN Governor Update / Impact / Next Steps 5 Provide a subsidy for PP children as needed towards trips, visits, uniform etc. Monitoring: SD All PP children included in trips and visits. £3,500 Office and SD As needed PP governor 6 Provide additional support to Year 6 PP pupils through focus groups in maths and English. Boys lower set in English. Lower set mixed in maths. Monitoring: SD Evidence: book scrutiny, data, profiles. PP children securely on track to meet their targets at data collection points throughout year. £12,000 LH Every morning CA and Governors Objective – LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT To ensure that the Leadership of the School articulates a clear vision with expectations on the standard of provision and pupil outcomes for PP children. Action/Provision 1 2 3 Attend local cluster meetings, external seminars and conferences to keep abreast of best practice. Monitoring: CA Evidence: outcomes of meeting in place in school Regularly discuss targets, gaps and needs of PP children in staff meetings, progress meetings, year group meetings. Monitoring: SD and CA Evidence: meeting notes, subsequent actions carried out. 3 weekly SLT meeting focused on groups of PP children and their progress. Evidence: minutes, subsequent actions. Milestones/Outcom es Good practice in place within school. Cost Who / When £2,000 SD Termly basis All PP children are securely on track to meet their targets and appropriate interventions and support are in place to ensure this. PP children discussed regularly, progress tracked, issues raised and dealt with. No additional cost Staff, SLT and SENCo Termly PP governor No additional cost SLT and SENCo Governors Page 3 of 5 Monitored By PP Governor Update / Impact / Next Steps 4 Monitoring to ensure expectation and progress is planned for and delivered. Monitoring: SR and LH Evidence: books and planning Actions and next steps acted upon and checked during next monitoring. £2000 Subject leaders Half-termly SD/SLT Who / When Monitored By SLT and governors Objective – PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT To ensure that our PP parents are supported and involved with their child’s learning and progress. Action/Provision Milestones/Outcomes 1 Employ Family Support Worker to support families with issues around punctuality, attendance, behaviour etc. Monitoring: SD on a termly basis KG Weekly basis 2 Improve and monitor attendance and punctuality of PP pupils (e.g. attendance prizes, release time for attendance manager) Monitoring: SD with LS on a half termly basis. Evidence: attendance data Parents are informed about the extra support their child is receiving in school and the progress they are making. Monitoring: SD/CA PP children with family £3,500 and/or attendance issues have improved wellbeing, attendance and progress. PP attendance closing £3,000 gap with non PP attendance. LS, KW, CA Weekly basis SLT and Attendance Governor Parents know how their child is progressing and the level of support they are receiving. No addition al cost SLT and PP Governor PP parents attend workshops. £2,000 All staff In parents meetings and other arranged meetings when necessary LH (Maths), SR (Eng), RA (SENCo) 3 4 Termly parent workshops on developing basic skills so that they know how to support their children. Monitoring: CA Cost Budget allocation: £91 680 Page 4 of 5 SLT and PP Governor Update / Impact / Next Steps Page 5 of 5