
Compiled by Dr Igor Cernavin, Prosthodontist, Honorary Senior Fellow University
of Melbourne School of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Director and
Cofounder of the Asia Pacific Institute of Dental Education and Research (AIDER),
Australian representative of World Federation of Laser Dentistry (WFLD).
Lee et al 1 examined the quality of life for patients with
hypopharyngeal cancer after different therapeutic
modalities. They found that trans-oral laser microsurgery
patients experience fewer difficulties in emotional and
social functioning, financial impact, and cough.
Yamamoto and coworkers2 used Er:YAG microexplosions to treat
peri-implantitis around TiUnite implants which is pretty
well impossible to do successfully and found that the
Er:YAG laser was effective at removing an even layer of
titanium oxide, and the use of water spray limited heating
of the irradiated implant, thus protecting the surrounding
bone tissue from heat damage.
Pinto et al3 examined the effects of low-intensity laser therapy on the stability of
orthodontic mini-implants in rabbits. They found that Low-intensity laser was
capable of increasing stability of self-threading orthodontic mini-implants.
Giovani and coworkers4 used LLLT as an adjunctive therapy n the treatment
lesions of secondary syphilis in the oral cavity in patients with HIV, using a
GaAsAl (gallium-aluminum arsenide) laser at 790 nm. With this treatment there
was progressive resolution of the lesions.
Gupta et al5 compared periodontal open flap debridement versus closed debridement
with Er,Cr:YSGG laser. They found that Laser debridement produced similar results as
open flap debridement with similar attachment gains and less gingival recession.
Bago et al.6 carried out a study to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of a diode
laser irradiation, photo-activated disinfection (PAD), conventional and sonic
activated irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on Enterococcus
faecalis. They concluded that the PAD and EndoActivator (sonic agitation of
NaOCl with the EndoActivator system (60s system) were more successful in
reducing root canal infection than the diode laser and NaOCl syringe irrigation
Fransson and coworkers7 carried out a literature review of the use of lasers in
endodontic treatment. The abstract is reproduced in full as it explains the
problems due to poor quaility research that are preventing the advancement of
the use of lasers in denistry.
"The aim was to evaluate the efficacy of various types of lasers used as an
adjunct to chemo-mechanical disinfection of infected root canals with the
outcome measures 'normal periapical condition' or 'reduction of microbial load'.
PubMed, CENTRAL and ISI Web of Knowledge literature searches with specific
indexing terms and a subsequent hand search were made with stated limits and
criteria. Relevant publications were retrieved, followed by interpretation. The
quality of each included publication was assessed as high, moderate or low. The
initial search process yielded 234 publications. All abstracts of these publications
were read, and the reference lists of relevant publications were hand-searched.
Ten articles were read in full text and interpreted according to a data extraction
form. Five were included in the systematic review and were assessed. A metaanalysis was impossible to perform because the included studies were
heterogeneous with regard to study design, treatment and outcome measures.
Positive effects were reported; however, no concluding evidence grade
could be made because each included study was judged to have low
quality, primarily due to lack of a power analysis, blinding and reproducibility.
The evidence grade for whether lasers can be recommended as an adjunct to
chemo-mechanical disinfection of infected root canals was insufficient. This
does not necessarily imply that laser should not be used as an adjunct
to root canal treatment but instead underscores the need for future highquality studies".
Karaman et al8 compared the clinical performance of a pit and
fissure sealant placed with the use of acid or Er,Cr:YSGG
laser etching and concluded that the clinical performance
was similar.
Cinar et al.9 evaluated the performance of fluorescence-based devices in
detecting occlusal caries lesions in primary molars compared with conventional
methods using two fluorescence devices: DIAGNOdent (LF) and DIAGNOdent
pen (LFpen). They concluded that both methods presented similar performance
in detecting all lesions. The LFpen showed better performance than LF.
Furthermore, visual examination and the LFpen device seem to be sufficient for
detection of occlusal caries in primary molars.
Ozer and coworkers10 in another study published by the Australian Endodontic
Journal evaluated the microleakage of root canal fillings irradiated with different
output powers of erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet laser. They
found that irradiation at 1 and 2W using an erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandiumgallium-garnet laser produced a seal superior to that of the other treatments.
Gupta et al11 compared periodontal open flap debridement (with scalpel) versus
closed debridement with Er, Cr:YSGG laser and found that both resulted in
similar attachment gains but the laser had less gingival recession and significant
reductions in pocket depth and sulcular bleeding.
Ugurlu et al12 evaluated dental anxiety in patients undergoing apicectomy
procedures performed with conventional instruments or an erbium-doped yttrium
aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) laser. Scores were lower in patients undergoing
Er:YAG laser treatment than in those treated with conventional
instruments but the differences were not statistically significant.
Ribeiro et al13 examined the effects of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers on the shear
bond strength of composite resin to dentin. They concluded that conventional
etching with 37% phosphoric acid yielded significantly higher bond strength
values compared to thermal etching with the Er:YAG laser. The Nd:YAG laser did
not significantly influence the bond strength.
Andrade Gomes do Nascimento and coworkers14 assessed the effects of low-level
laser versus ultrasound irradiation on bone mineral density after distraction
osteogenesis using cone-beam computed tomographic analysis in an
experimental study. The results of this study suggested an acceleration of bone
mineral density after laser and ultrasound irradiation. Ultrasound irradiation
showed the greatest effects and the laser power positively influenced the
recuperation of the bone density on the side opposite its application, causing a
cross reaction or even exacerbating the inherent action of ultrasound irradiation.
Lee, Tsung-Lun; Wang, Ling-Wei; Mu-Hsin Chang, Peter;
Chu, Pen-Yuan. Quality of life for patients with
hypopharyngeal cancer after different therapeutic
modalities. Head & neck, 35 (2):280-5;
10.1002/hed.22966 2013-Feb.
Yamamoto, Atsuhikp; Tanabe, Toshiichiro. Treatment of
Peri-implantitis Around TiUnite-Surface Implants Using
Er:YAG Laser Microexplosions. The International
journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 33
(1):21-30; 2013-Jan.
Pinto, Mardonio Rodrigues; dos Santos, Rogerio Lacerda; Pithon, Matheus
Melo; Araujo, Monica Tirre de Souza; Braga, Joao Paulo Viana; Nojima,
Lincoln Issamu. Influence of low-intensity laser therapy on the stability of
orthodontic mini-implants: a study in rabbits. Oral surgery, oral medicine,
oral pathology and oral radiology, 115 (2):e26-30;
10.1016/j.oooo.2011.09.036 2013-Feb.
Giovani, Elcio Magdalena; de Paula Neto, Edson Rodrigues; Vieira, Bruno
Caputo; de Andrade, Daniela Miranda Richarte. Conventional systemic
treatments associated with therapeutic sites of local lesions of secondary
syphilis in the oral cavity in patients with AIDS.I ndian journal of dental
research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research, 23
(5):670-3; 10.4103/0970-9290.107390 2012-Sep.
Gupta, M; Lamba, Ak; Verma, M; Faraz, F; Tandon, S; Chawla, K; Koli, Dk.
Comparison of periodontal open flap debridement versus closed debridement with
Er,Cr:YSGG laser. ustralian dental journal, 58 (1):41-9; 10.1111/adj.12021 2013Mar.
Bago, I; Plecko, V; Gabric Panduric, D; Schauperl, Z; Baraba, A; Anic, I.
Antimicrobial efficacy of a high-power diode laser, photo-activated
disinfection, conventional and sonic activated irrigation during root canal
International endodontic journal, 46 (4):339-47; 10.1111/j.13652591.2012.02120.x 2013-Apr.
Fransson, H; Larsson, K M; Wolf, E. Efficacy of lasers as an adjunct to
chemo-mechanical disinfection of infected root canals: a systematic
review. International endodontic journal, 46 (4):296-307;
10.1111/iej.12003 2013-Apr.
Karaman, E; Yazici, Ar; Baseren, M; Gorucu, J.
Operative dentistry, 38 (2):151-8; 10.2341/11-435-C
2013 Mar-Apr.
Cinar, Cagdas; Atabek, Didem; Odabas, Mesut E; Olmez, Aysegul.
Comparison of laser fluorescence devices for detection of caries in primary
teeth. International dental journal, 63 (2):97-102; 10.1111/idj.12024
Ozer, Senem Yigit; Basaran, Emine. Evaluation of microleakage of root
canal fillings irradiated with different output powers of erbium,
chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet laser. Australian endodontic
journal : the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc, 39
(1):8-14; 10.1111/j.1747-4477.2009.00218.x 2013-Apr.
Gupta M, Lamba AK, Verma M, Faraz F, Tandon S, Chawala K, Koli DK.
Comparison of periodontal open flap debridement versus closed flap debridement
with Er, Cr:YSGG laser. Aust Dent J 2013;58:41-49.
12. Ugurlu, Faysal; Cavus, Onur; Kaya, Alper; Sener, Cem B. Evaluation of
dental anxiety in patients undergoing dentoalveolar surgery with laser
treatment. hotomedicine and laser surgery, 31 (4):169-73;
10.1089/pho.2012.3364 2013-Apr.
13. Ribeiro, Carolina Ferraz; de Paiva Goncalves, Sergio Eduardo; Yui, Karen
Cristina Kazue; Borges, Alessandra Buhler; Barcellos, Daphne Camara;
Brayner, Ricardo. Dentin Bond Strength: Influence of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG
Lasers. The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry,
33 (3):373-7; 10.11607/prd.1096 2013 May-Jun.
14. Andrade Gomes do Nascimento, Leonard Euler; Sant'anna, Eduardo
Franzotti; Carlos de Oliveira Ruellas, Antonio; Issamu Nojima,
Lincoln;Goncalves Filho, Antonio Cruz; Antonio Pereira Freitas, Sergio.
Laser versus ultrasound on bone density recuperation after distraction
osteogenesis-a cone-beam computer tomographic analysis. Journal of oral
and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 71 (5):921-8;
10.1016/j.joms.2012.11.010 2013-May.