“APPROVED” Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof.GuminskyY.J. _________________ 2015 year Self Work in Toxicological Chemistry For the Foreign Students Speciality “Pharmacy” № Topic Module 1 1. Introduction to the subject of toxicological chemistry and forensic chemistry. General principles of classification of poisons, chemical structure, the purpose of the application, the degree of toxicity (hygienic), type of toxic effects (toxicological) selective toxicity by means of selection of the objects of biological origin. 2. Classification by cause of poisoning, under (place) development, a principle clinical (acute, chronic, subacute poisoning) by way of penetration in the body; nosological classification. Ways of penetration of toxins in the body, absorption and transport mechanisms relationship with their physical and chemical properties of toxic substances. 3. Basic laws of behavior and distribution of toxic substances in the body and excretion. 4. Toxicological significance, separation from biological material, methods of detection and quantification of hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acid and nitrates and nitrites. 5. General and toxicological characterization of toxic substances which are isolated from biological material by distillation with water vapor (volatile matter), hydrocyanic acid and cyanide, alkyl halides, aliphatic monohydric alcohols (methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, amyl and isoamyl) , polyhydric alcohols (ethylene glycol), aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, poliatsetaldehid (metaldehyde or dry alcohol), ketones (acetone), aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene), monohydric phenols (phenol, cresol), aromatic amines (aniline and its derivatives), carboxylic acids (acetic acid), ethers, esters, tselozolvy, phenol-formaldehyde resins, components of oil products, component adhesives etc. 6. Causes and frequency of poisonings volatile substances. Features combined poisoning. 7. Methods allocation of volatile substances from biological objects, foodstuffs and objects of the environment. Factors that affect the process of extracting volatile substances from the objects of research by distillation. 8. The value of the results of chemical-toxicological analysis for the diagnosis of poisonings volatile substances. Means detoxification poisoning with volatile substances. 9 General and toxicological characteristics phosgene - a product of oxidation of chloroform and trichlorethylene (under the influence of light and oxygen). Rapid detection method of phosgene. 10 Toxicological characteristics and methods of analysis "fusel" oils (propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl and amyl alcohols), aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene), acetaldehyde, metaldehyde, ethers, esters, tselozolviv, phenol- Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 formaldehyde resins, components of oil products, components adhesives and perfumery chemical reactions and by gas-liquid chromatography. 11 Toxicological characteristic of metals: application, properties and toxic effects, the clinical picture of acute poisoning, metabolism, distribution and excretion in the body. Total number of hours for self work for Module 1 № Topic Module 2 1. General and toxicological characteristics, mechanism of pharmacological and toxic effects of drugs. Classical methods of selection of drugs with biological material during forensic toxicological examination. Apart (special) methods barbiturates selection method (P. Gross) 1,4-benzodiazepine derivative method (Izotov), phenothiazine derivatives (method Salomatin). 2. The influence of various factors on the efficiency of the allocation of these substances at different stages of the process (the nature, condition and prior training facility, nature of solvent, pH, electrolyte and acid nature, degree of ionization, methods of precipitation of proteins, etc.). 3. The methods of purification and separation of toxic substances from endogenous related impurities (proteins, fats, lipids, coloring agents and others.): Various types of chromatography, electrophoresis, extraction, dialysis and electrodialysis, sublimation, etc. 4. Natural and artificial methods of detoxification in acute poisoning medicinal substances. 5. Toxicological characterization of drugs that are extracted from the acidic environment. Methods of analysis in "sour" chloroform extract derived indole (strychnine and brucine - alkaloids seeds chilibuha, reserpine - alkaloid plants of Rauwolfia, physostigmine - alkaloid beans fizostyhmy; harmine and harmalin - alkaloids harmaly, ibohain - alkaloid ibohy, erhonin and ergotamine - ergot alkaloids ; psilocin and psilocybin - magic mushrooms alkaloids; bufotenin - Curariform action alkaloid skin tropical frogs). 6. Toxicological characterization of drugs that are extracted from an alkaline medium. Research in the "alkaline" chloroform extracts pyridine derivatives and piperidine (Anabasine, nicotine, arekolin, Coniine, lobeline, choice amounts) derivatives imidazolinu (clonidine), fenilalkilaminu (amphetamine, amphetamine), tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine, amitriptyline, imizyn, trymipramin) synthetic opioids (methadone, fentanyl, Promedolum, fentsyklidyn, ketamine, tramadol) through chemical reactions, chromatographic methods (TLC, HRH, HPLC), spectrophotometric (UV, IR spectroscopy) and ELISA analysis. Quantitative determination of drugs in extracts from biological material. 7. Toxicological characteristics and methods of chemical-toxicological analysis of poisons natural origin: fitotoksyniv (ricin, dytylin, nicotine, atropine, scopolamine, etc.) zootoksyniv (tetrodotoksyn), poisons shlyapkovyh fungi, toxins lower fungi (mycotoxins), toxins algae (alhotoksyny) and microbial toxins . Diagnosis of poisoning and detoxification of the body. 8. Overview of barbiturates, properties, applications, toxic effects, the clinical picture of acute poisoning, metabolism, distribution and excretion in the body. 9. Preliminary tests and rapid analysis of acute intoxication barbiturates. 10 Overview of 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives: properties, applications, toxic effects, the clinical picture of acute poisoning, metabolism, distribution and 2 22 Hours 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 excretion in the body. Preliminary tests and rapid analysis of acute intoxication 1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives. General characteristics phenothiazine derivatives: properties, applications, toxic effects, the clinical picture of acute poisoning, metabolism, distribution and excretion in the body. Preliminary tests and rapid analysis of acute intoxication phenothiazine derivatives. Overview of opium alkaloids: properties, applications, toxic effects, the clinical picture of acute poisoning, metabolism, distribution and excretion in the body. Preliminary tests and rapid analysis of acute intoxication opiates. Overview of cannabinoids: properties, applications, toxic effects, the clinical picture of acute poisoning, metabolism, distribution and excretion in the body. Preliminary tests and rapid analysis of acute intoxication cannabinoids Total number of hours for self work for Module 2 The Head of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 94 PhD Assistant professor YuschenkoT.I.