Table S1: General information about the sites included in the database. The experiments performed at these sites can include one of the treatments or species listed in the columns below. Site location, annual precipitation and temperature are given where available. Site Name Treatments Species Latitude Lat Longitude Lon Abisko_fellfield (mount sparse vegetation is dwarf shrubs, Slåttatjåkka) WarmingxFertilization mosses and lichens 68.33 N 20.85 E Abisko_mesic dwarf shrub Warming mesic dwarf shrub/graminoid heath 68.35 N 18.82 E Abisko_subalpine heath species rich dwarf shrub heath (Paddustieva) WarmingxFertilization community 68.33 N 20.85 E Abisko_subarctic bog Warming peat bog 68.35 N 18.82 E Amsterdam Greenhouses CO2 six different non-woody species 52.37 N 4.9 E Antwerp_grasslands CO2xWarming Grassland 51.17 N 4.38 E Antwerp_grasslands Warming Grassland model ecosystems 51.17 N 4.38 E Antwerp_OTC CO2 Pinus sylvestris 51.17 N 4.38 E Austrian Alps Warming Picea abies dominated 47.58 N 11.63 E Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa, BangorFACE CO2 Fagus sylvatica 53.23 N 4.02 W Basel_spruce CO2xFertilization Picea abies 47.57 N 8.6 E Basel_tropical CO2 Humid tropical forest 47.57 N 8.6 E Basel_tropical CO2 Humid tropical model ecosystems 47.57 N 8.6 E Bily Kriz CO2 Picea abies 49.5 N 18.53 E Birmensdorf CO2xFertilizationxSoil Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies 47.35 N 8.43 E Brandjberg CO2xWarmingxDrought temperate heath 55.88 N 11.97 E Braunschweig FACE CO2xFertilization Beta vulgaris 52.3 N 10.43 E Capo Caccia Warming Shrubland community 40.62 N 8.17 E Cedar Creek_grassland (BioCON) CO2xFertilization perennial grassland 45.4 N 93.2 W Central Alaska Warming Picea mariana 63.92 N 145.73 W Chesapeake Bay CO2 brakish marsh 36.88 N 76.55 W Christchurch CO2 Nothofagus fusca 43.53 S 172.7 E MAP MAT 278 -0.5 213 -0.3 776 776 770 1480 25 9.6 9.6 12 5.7 1000 1400 691 600 5 10 8 640 16.8 660 616 12.2 Christchurch Clocaenog DUKE Phytotron_pine DUKE Phytotron_pine DUKE Phytotron_robinia DukeFACE DukeFACE Duolun Duolun ETH FACE CO2 Warming CO2xWarmingxFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xWarmingxFertilization CO2 CO2xFertilization WarmingxFertilization WarmingxWater CO2 EUROFACE FACTS II FACE FACTS II FACE FACTS II FACE CO2xFertilization CO2xOzone CO2xOzone CO2xOzone FACTS II FACE CO2xOzone FACTS II FACE FACTS II FACE Flakaliden French Massif Central Gainesville_grassland Gainesville_grassland Gainesville_grassland Garraf Ginninderra Glencorse Glendevon CO2xOzone CO2xOzone CO2xWarming CO2xWarmingxDrought Warming CO2 CO2 Warming CO2xWarming CO2 CO2xFertilization Pinus radiata Shrubland (dom. by Ericaceae) Pinus ponderosa Pinus taeda Robinia pseudoacacia Pinus taeda Pinus taeda steppe steppe Betula pendula Populus alba, nigra and euramericana Betula papyrifera Mixed deciduous stand Populus tremuloides Populus tremuloides, Acer saccharum Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera Populus tremuloides, Betula pendula Picea abies Upland grassland Arachis glabrata, Paspalum notatum Arachis glabrata Paspalum notatum mediterranean shrubland Phalaris aquatica Betula pendula Alnus glutinosa 43.53 52.4 35.95 35.95 35.95 35.95 35.95 42.03 42.03 47.45 S N N N N N N N N N 172.7 5.92 79.15 79.15 79.15 79.15 79.15 116.28 116.28 8.68 E W W W W W W E E E 42.37 49.67 49.67 49.67 N N N N 11.8 89.57 89.57 89.57 49.67 N 49.67 49.67 64.12 45.75 29.67 29.67 29.67 41.32 35.22 55.52 56.2 N N N N N N N N S N N 1140 1140 385.5 385.5 12.2 9.2 26 26 26 15.5 15.5 2.1 2.1 E W W W 818 833 833 833 14.1 11.5 11.5 11.5 89.57 W 833 11.5 833 833 600 780 808 808 808 455 11.5 11.5 2.4 8.7 850 1416 8.2 6.8 89.57 89.57 19.45 3 82.34 82.34 82.34 1.82 149.13 3.2 4 W W E E W W W E E W W 616 1675 15.1 Glendevon Glendevon Glendevon Great Plains Harvard Forest_Warming Harvard_GC1 Harvard_GC2 Harvard_GC3 Harvard_GC3 Harvard_GC3 Harvard_GC3 Harvard_GC3 Harvard_GC3 Headley Headley Headley HohenheimFACE Howland IFS Jasper Ridge_FACE Jasper Ridge_OTC Jasper Ridge_OTC Jasper Ridge_OTC Jasper Ridge_OTC Jasper Ridge_OTC Kessler Farm Field Laboratory Kilpisjärvi Kiskunsag Lancaster Solardomes CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization Warming Warming CO2 CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xWater CO2xWater CO2xWater CO2 Warming CO2xFertilizationxWarmingxWater CO2 CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization Betula pendula Picea sitchensis Pinus sylvestris tallgrass prairie Even-aged mixed deciduous forest Betula alleghaniensis Betula papyrifera Acer pensylvanicum Acer rubrum Betula alleghaniensis Betula populifolia Fraxinus americana Quercus rubra Fraxinus excelsior Pinus sylvestris Quercus petraea Triticum aestivum Picea rubens California annual grassland Sandstone grassland Serpentine grassland California annual grassland Sandstone grassland Serpentine grassland 56.2 56.2 56.2 34.98 42 42.48 42.48 42.37 42.37 42.37 42.37 42.37 42.37 51.12 51.12 51.12 48.6 45.17 37.67 37.67 37.67 37.67 37.67 37.67 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4 4 4 97.52 72.18 72.18 72.18 71.11 71.11 71.11 71.11 71.11 71.11 0.83 0.83 0.83 9.17 68.67 122.37 122.37 122.37 122.37 122.37 122.37 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W E W W W W W W W 1416 1416 1416 915 1080 6.8 6.8 6.8 16.3 685 1000 677 677 677 677 677 677 9.7 5 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 WarmingxWater Warming Warming CO2xFertilization tallgrass prairie tundra heath atlantic heathland six common European tree species 34.97 69.5 56.88 54.02 N N N N 97.52 20.83 19.38 2.78 W E E W 967 16.3 -2.3 10.5 26 550 Linden-Leihgestern FACE Manawatu Manitoba Maoxian Mekrijärvi Merrit Island Miyaluo Miyaluo Mols Montalto di Castro Moor House Nåntuna NERC NERC Nevada Desert FACE New Zealand FACE Niwot Ridge* Ny Alesund* Oak Ridge* Oak Ridge_acer Oak Ridge_acer Oak Ridge_acer Oak Ridge_grassland Oak Ridge_liquidambar Oak Ridge_liriodendron Oak Ridge_quercus Oldebroek Orsay Orsay CO2 CO2 Warming WarmingxFertilization CO2xWarming CO2 Warming Warming Warming CO2 CO2xSoil CO2 CO2xWarming Warming CO2 CO2 Warming Warming Warming CO2xWarming CO2xWarming CO2xWarming CO2xWarmingxWater CO2 CO2 CO2 Warming CO2 CO2xFertilization Arrhenatherum elatius grassland grassland Picea mariana Picea asperata Pinus sylvestris Shrub Oak system Abies faxoniana Picea asperata atlantic heathland Quercus ilex forest Grassland semi-natural grassland Grassland model ecosystem Grassland model ecosystem shrub community temperate pasture Alpine dry tundra Dryas octopetala Acer saccharum Acer rubrum Acer saccharum Acer saccharum, Acer rubrum Model grassland Liquidambar styraciflua Liriodendron tulipifera Quercus alba atlantic heathland/grassland Fagus sylvatica Fagus sylvatica 50.53 40.23 55.88 31.68 62.78 28.63 31.58 31.58 56.38 42.37 54.5 59.8 51.38 51.38 36.82 40.23 40.05 78.93 35.9 35.9 35.9 35.9 36 35.9 35.9 35.9 52.04 48.7 48.7 N S N N N N N N N N N N N N N S N N N N N N N N N N N N N 8.68 175.27 98.33 103.88 30.95 80.7 102.58 102.58 10.95 11.53 3.25 17.63 0.65 0.65 115.92 175.27 105.6 11.83 84.35 84.33 84.33 84.33 84 84.33 84.33 84.33 5.92 2.15 2.15 E E W E E W E E E E E E W W W E W E W W W W W W W W E E E 644 870 510 9.9 12.9 667 1310 850 850 758 612 2.1 527 5.5 8 8 9.4 15 140 875 1378 1378 1378 1322 1371 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 13.9 1042 670 670 10.1 11.2 11.2 Palmer Station Palmer Station PHACE POPFACE POPFACE POPFACE Rigg Foot Hill Risø Rocky Mountains SCBG SHS* Sky Oaks Stillberg Suonenjoki Research Station Suonenjoki Research Station Swiss Central Alps Swiss Jura SwissFACE_bromus/carex SwissFACE_lolium SwissFACE_trifolium Swiss Treeline FACE TasFACE Tazovskiy Toolik Lake_dryheath* Toolik Lake_moisttundra* Toolik Lake_wetsedge* Toolik Lake Toolik Lake Toolik Lake Warming WarmingxWater CO2xWarming CO2 CO2 CO2 Warming CO2xWarming Warming CO2xFertilization Warming CO2 Warming CO2 CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2 CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2xFertilization CO2 CO2xWarming Warming Warming Warming Warming Warming Warming WarmingxFertilization Antarctic tundra tundra northern mixed-grass prairie Populus alba Populus nigra Populus x euramericana grassland Pisum sativum montane meadow young subtropical forest Shortgrass steppe Adenostoma fasciculatum mixed coniferous forest Betula pendual ROTH80 Betula pendula ROTH4 Sedge dominated grassland Calcareous grassland Bromus erectus, Carex flacca Lolium perenne Trifolium repens Larix decidua species-rich temperate grassland dwarf-shrub tundra Dry heath Moist tussock tundra Wet sedge meadow Acidic tussock tundra tussock tundra acidic tundra 64.78 64.78 41.18 42.37 42.37 42.37 55.5 55.65 38.88 23.33 40.82 33.37 46.8 62.65 62.65 46.58 47.45 47.45 47.45 47.45 46.8 42.7 67.93 68.63 68.63 68.63 68.63 68.63 68.63 S S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N S N N N N N N N 64 64 104.9 11.8 11.8 11.8 2.08 12.08 107.03 113.5 104.77 116.67 9.83 27.05 27.05 8.38 7.57 8.95 8.95 8.95 9.83 147.27 74.85 149.58 149.58 149.57 149.72 149.72 149.72 W W W E E E W E W E W W E E E E E E E E E E E W W W W W W 750 750 384 818 818 818 900 -1.7 -1.7 14.1 14.1 14.1 8 700 1750 21.5 491 1050 307 307 168 1063 12.2 1.4 12.6 12.6 8.4 560 370 11.6 -8.8 180 12.03 180 12.03 180 12.03 Toolik Lake UMBS_alnus UMBS_populus(eur.) UMBS_populus(grand.) UMBS_populus(trem.) USDA ARS USDA Central Plains USDA Placerville USDA_citrus USEPA TERA USEPA_pine USEPA_pseudotsuga Vielsalm webFACE York_holcus York_plantago WarmingxFertilization CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2xSoil CO2 CO2xFertilization CO2 CO2xWarming CO2 CO2xWarming CO2xFertilization CO2 Warming Warming Wet sedge tundra Alnus glutinosa Populus x euramericana Populus grandidentata Populus tremuloides Lepidium latifolium Shortgrass steppe Pinus ponderosa Citrus aurantium Pseudotsuga menziesii Pinus ponderosa Pseudotsuga menziesii Picea abies Mixed deciduous forest model grasslands (Holcus lanatus) Plantago lanceolata 68.63 45.57 45.57 45.55 45.57 31.08 40.67 38.73 33.43 44.57 44.57 44.57 20.28 47.47 53.95 53.95 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 149.72 84.67 84.67 84.78 84.67 97.33 104.75 120.8 112.07 123.28 123.28 123.28 5.92 7.5 1.08 1.08 W W W W W W W W W W W W E E W W 180 12.03 320 1000 972 990 18 7.5