Schools Cup Entry Form North Coast Region School Name: School Postal Address: Suburb/Town: School Phone: Postcode: School Email: Sport Organiser Name: Sport Organiser Mobile: Sport Organiser Email: Our school wishes to enter teams in the following Phase 1 Local Day (please tick one of the boxes): Coffs Harbour – Wednesday 2 April 2014 Kempsey – Thursday 3 April 2014 (maximum number of team entries for this venue is 96) (maximum number of team entries for this venue is 72) Entries close Friday 21 March 2014 Entries close Friday 21 March 2014 Port Macquarie – Wednesday 9 April 2014 Taree – Thursday 10 April 2014 (maximum number of team entries for this venue is 78) (maximum number of team entries for this venue is 78) Entries close Friday 28 March 2014 Entries close Friday 28 March 2014 Teams are to comprise of no more than 10 participants. Please refer to the Netball NSW Schools Cup Competition Rules document for details on how to progress to the Regional and State phases of the competition. Regional Final (Phase 2) North Coast region - Wednesday 25 June 2014 at Nambucca Valley Netball Association, Macksville. State Final (Phase 3) - Tuesday 16 September 2014 in Sydney at the Anne Clark Centre, Lidcombe*. *Venue subject to change. Participants will be notified of any changes. **Please note that a minimum amount of teams is required for each competition, teams will be notified should any be cancelled. Competition Experience Level Option 1: Year 5/6 Option 1: Beginner Team Name Option 2: Year 7/8 Girls Option 2: Intermediate Umpire Name e.g. Sylvania Swifts Option 3: Year 7/8 Boys Option 3: Advanced e.g. Sharon Kelly Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Payment Amount $30 per team: (all fields must be completed) Please note cash will not be accepted. If you are not wishing to pay via credit card please supply a cheque or money order, made payable to Netball NSW. I authorise Netball NSW to charge my credit card $30 per team as payment for the Netball NSW Schools Cup. Payment Method: Invoice School Cheque (enclosed) Credit Cardholders Name: Credit Card Number: Expiry: CVV: Cardholder Signature: Date: Visa Mastercard Registration forms must be returned to: Rachelle Finlayson - Netball NSW Regional Coordinator North Coast & Far North Coast Email| Fax| (02) 9951 5099 Post| Suite 7/71 Albany St, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Phone| (02) 6651 7730 It is essential to receive a confirmation email from Netball NSW that you have been accepted into the Netball NSW Schools Cup. Please note Netball NSW refunds and cancellation policy applies to the Netball NSW Schools Cup. This form serves as your credit card invoice and receipt. Netball NSW Association Ltd | Anne Clark Centre, Church St, Lidcombe NSW 2141 | PO Box 396, Lidcombe NSW 1825