Перечень журналов России, включенных в базу данных Scopus Название журнала 1. Acarina. Русский акарологический журнал 2. Acta Naturae 3. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 4. 5. 6. Arthropoda Selecta. Русский артроподологический журнал Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement. Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement. Series B: Biomedical Chemistry 7. Biology Bulletin 8. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 9. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 10. Doklady Biological Sciences 11. Eurasian Soil Science 12. Inland Water Biology 13. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 14. Journal of Ichthyology Печатный Электронный Хронологический ISSN ISSN охват 2009-настоящее 01328077 22215115 время 2013-настоящее 20758251 время 1996-настоящее 00036838 16083024 время, 1987, 19721980, 1970 2011-настоящее 0136006X время 2008-настоящее 19907478 время 2008-настоящее 19907508 19907516 время 1996-настоящее 10623590 16083059 время 1956-настоящее 00074888 15738221 время 2009-настоящее 19954255 19954263 время 2000-настоящее 00124966 16083105 время, 1979-1990, 1972-1974 1992-настоящее 10642293 время 2009-настоящее 19950829 19950837 время 1995-настоящее 00220930 16083202 время, 1991, 19751979, 1972-1973 2006, 1990-1995, 00329452 1979-1984, 1976- Издательство Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Товарищество научных изданий КМК Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Парк-медиа Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Товарищество научных изданий КМК Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Springer New York Consultants Bureau Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) 15. Microbiology (Mikrobiologiya) 00262617 16083237 16. Molecular Biology 00268933 16083245 17. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 00963925 1934791X 18. Oceanology 00014370 15318508 19. Paleontological Journal 00310301 15556174 20. Petrology 08695911 15562085 21. 22. Russian Journal of Developmental Biology Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research 10623604 20790597 20790600 23. Russian Journal of Herpetology 10262296 24. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 10630740 25. Russian Journal of Nematology 08696918 26. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 10214437 27. Russian Journal of Theriology 16823559 28. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 00380741 15739279 29. Water Resources 00978078 1608344X 16083377 16083407 1977 1996-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время, 1979-1982, 1971-1976 2011-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время, 1992, 19861990, 1982-1984, 1976-1980, 19721973 1990-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время 2005-настоящее время 2011-настоящее время 2014-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время 2011-настоящее время 1964-настоящее время 1996-настоящее время, 1978-1993, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Allerton Press, Inc. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) ООО "ФОЛИУМ" Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Российская Академия Медицинских Наук Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Товарищество научных изданий КМК Springer New York Consultants Bureau Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (Плеадес Паблишинг, Лтд) 1976, 1970 30. Биологические мембраны: Журнал мембранной и клеточной биологии 02334755 1996-настоящее время Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" 31. Вопросы вирусологии 05074088 1965-настоящее время Издательство "Медицина" 32. Журнал общей биологии 00444596 1960-настоящее время, 1949-1955, 1947 33. Зоологический журнал 00445134 1996-настоящее время, 1982-1983, 1950-1951 34. Известия Российской академии наук. Серия биологическая 00023329 1992-настоящее время 35. 36. Клеточная трансплантология и тканевая инженерия Математическая биология и биоинформатика 1815445X 19946538 2011-настоящее время 2012-настоящее время 1965-настоящее время 37. Микробиология 00263656 38. Микология и фитопатология 00263648 1996-настоящее время 39. Молекулярная биология 00268984 1973-настоящее время 40. Патологическая физиология и экспериментальная терапия 00312991 1965-настоящее время 16083237 Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Институт стволовых клеток человека Государственное учреждение Институт математических проблем биологии РАН Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Санкт-Петербургская издательскокниготорговая фирма "Наука" Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Издательство "Гениус Медиа" 41. Прикладная биохимия и микробиология 05551099 1972-настоящее время 42. Радиационная биология. Радиоэкология 08698031 1993-настоящее время Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук "Издательство "Наука" Перечень иностранных журналов, включенных в базу данных Scopus Название журнала 1. AACL Bioflux 2. Acarologia 3. 4. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A: Animal Science Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Soil and Plant Science Печатный Электронный Хронологический Издательство ISSN ISSN охват 18448143 18449166 2009-ongoing Bioflux Publishing House 2010-ongoing, 0044586X 1994-2008, 1965- Universite de Montpellier III 1984 Страна Romania France 09064702 16511972 1993-ongoing Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 09064710 16511913 1993-ongoing Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 5. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica 15819175 6. Acta Agronomica 7. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 00445959 01202812 02380161 8. Acta Alimentaria 01393006 9. Acta Amazonica 00445967 10. Acta Arachnologica 00015202 11. Acta Biologica Colombiana 0120548X 12. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series 00015296 Biotehniske Fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani Universidad Nacional De 2012-ongoing, 1968 Colombia 1996-ongoing Akademiai Kiado 1996-ongoing, Akademiai Kiado 1973-1975 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas 2006-ongoing, 1979 da Amazonica 1996-ongoing Arachnological Society of Japan Universidad Nacional de 2008-ongoing Colombia 1996-ongoing Polska Akademia Nauk 2008-ongoing Slovenia Colombia Hungary Hungary Brazil Japan Colombia Poland Botanica 13. Acta Biologica Szegediensis 1588385X 15884082 1997-ongoing Szegedi Tudomanyegyetern/University of Szeged Hungary Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands Sociedade Botanica do Brasil Brazil Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Croatia Societe Botanique de France France 14. Acta Biotheoretica 00015342 15. Acta Botanica Brasilica 01023306 16. Acta Botanica Croatica 03650588 17. Acta Botanica Gallica 12538078 18. Acta Botanica Hungarica 02366495 19. 20. Acta Botanica Mexicana Acta Chiropterologica 01877151 15081109 1990-ongoing, 1967-1988, 19551965, 1951-1953, 1947-1948, 19351943 2006-ongoing 1998-ongoing, 1996, 1985, 19801983 1993-ongoing 2007-ongoing, 2001-2004, 19861989 2008-ongoing 1999-ongoing 21. Acta Ecologica Sinica 10000933 2005-ongoing 03741036 2005-ongoing Narodni Muzeum 1998-ongoing Springer Verlag Technicka Univerzita vo Zvolene Firenze University Press International Society for Horticultural Science Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej Brazilian Society of Limnology 23. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae Acta Ethologica 24. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae 13363824 25. Acta Herpetologica 18279635 26. Acta Horticulturae 05677572 27. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 01371592 28. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 01026712 29. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 0253505X 30. Acta Oecologica 1146609X 22. 08739749 15728358 15882578 14379546 2007-ongoing 18279643 17341515 2009-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1988, 1976 1996-ongoing Akademiai Kiado Hungary Instituto de Ecologia Polska Akademia Nauk Kexue Chubaneshe/Science Press Mexico Poland 2011-ongoing 1996-ongoing, Chinese Ocean Press 1985-1993 1990-ongoing, 1983 Elsevier BV China Czech Republic Germany Slovakia Italy Belgium Poland Brazil China Netherlands 1991-ongoing, Polska Akademia Nauk 1983-1989, 1981 2003-ongoing, Polska Akademia Nauk 1978-1997 1993-ongoing, 1985 Agencja Wydawnicza ARIES 31. Acta Ornithologica 00016454 32. Acta Palaeobotanica 00016594 33. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 01375881 02381249 15882691 1996-ongoing Akademiai Kiado 35. Acta Protozoologica 00651583 16890027 1992-ongoing, 1973-1990 Polska Akademia Nauk 36. Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy 16799275 2008-ongoing 37. Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences 18062636 2009-ongoing 16799283 2003-ongoing 16440692 2008-ongoing 16440730 2009-ongoing 34. 38. 39. 40. 41. Acta Scientiarum - Biological Sciences Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Technologia Alimentaria Acta Silvatica et Lignaria Hungarica 1786691X 1787064X 2009-ongoing 42. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 00016977 1996-ongoing, 1984-1986, 19811982, 1979 43. Acta Tabacaria Sinica 10045708 2013-ongoing 44. Acta Theriologica 00017051 1993-ongoing, 1974-1976 45. Acta Theriologica Sinica 10001050 1990-ongoing 12118516 2007-ongoing 46. 47. 48. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis Acta Zoologica Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 00017272 12178837 14636395 1920-ongoing 1996-ongoing Universidade Estadual de Maringa Universidade Estadual de Maringa Universidade Estadual de Maringa Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu Forestry Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne/Polish Botanical Society zhong guo yan cao xue bao bian ji bu Polska Akademia Nauk Kexue Chubaneshe/Science Press Mendelova Zemedelska a Lesnicka Univerzita v Brne Blackwell Publishing Inc. Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum Poland Poland Poland Hungary Poland Brazil Brazil Brazil Poland Poland Hungary Poland China Poland China Czech Republic United Kingdom Hungary 49. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 03240770 2010-ongoing 50. Adansonia 12808571 2004-ongoing 51. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology 20424868 52. Advances in Agronomy 00652113 53. Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics 16108957 54. Advances in Botanical Research 00652296 55. Advances in Ecological Research 00652504 56. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research 10434526 57. Advances in Insect Physiology 00652806 20424876 16131851 2009-ongoing 2001-ongoing, 1989-1999, 19861987, 1979-1984, 1974-1977, 19591972, 1949-1957 2013-ongoing, 2006-2009 1993-ongoing, 1985-1991, 1983, 1977-1981, 1970, 1966, 1963 2008-ongoing, 2003-2006, 19992001, 1997, 19861995, 1982-1984, 1980, 1977, 19741975, 1971, 19661969, 1964, 1962 2001-ongoing, 1998, 1995-1996, 1989-1993 2005-ongoing, 2001-2003, 1998, 1994-1996, 19901991, 1987-1988, 1985, 1982-1983, 1979-1980, 19741976, 1972, 1970, 1966-1968, 19631964 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Bulgaria Maxwell Scientific Publications United Kingdom France Academic Press United States Springer Verlag Germany Academic Press United States Academic Press United States Academic Press United States Academic Press United States 58. Advances in Limnology 1612166X 59. Advances in Marine Biology 00652881 60. Advances in the Study of Behavior 00653454 61. Aerobiologia 03935965 62. African Entomology 10213589 63. African Invertebrates 16815556 64. African Journal of Aquatic Science 16085914 65. African Journal of Ecology 01416707 66. African Journal of Herpetology 04416651 67. 1814232X 69. African Journal of Marine Science African Journal of Range and Forage Science African Natural History 70. African Zoology 15627020 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. AgBioForum Agrarforschung Schweiz Agrekon Agribusiness Agricultural and Food Science 1522936X 16637852 03031853 07424477 14596067 68. 2012-ongoing, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2002-2003 1997-ongoing, 1987-1994, 19841985, 1982, 19791980, 1975-1977, 1971-1973, 1969, 1963-1967 1990-ongoing, 1982-1988, 19781980, 1976, 1974, 1971-1972, 1969, 1965 1985-ongoing 13652028 18142338 10220119 18168396 20780400 15206297 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Germany Academic Press United States Academic Press United States Pergamon Press Ltd. Entomological Society of 1994-ongoing Southern Africa/Entologiese Vereniging van Suidelike Afrika 2008-ongoing Council of the Natal Museum National Inquiry Services Centre 2003-ongoing Ltd. 1982-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. Herpetological Association of 2005-ongoing Africa 2003-ongoing Taylor and Francis National Inquiry Services Centre 1999-ongoing Ltd. 2009-ongoing Iziko Museums South African Bureau for 1996-ongoing Scientific Publications 1998-ongoing University of Missouri 2012-ongoing Recherche agronomique suisse 1996-ongoing, 1984 Sabinet 2008-ongoing Wiley-Liss Inc 2004-ongoing M T T Agrifood Research United Kingdom South Africa South Africa South Africa United Kingdom South Africa United States South Africa South Africa South Africa United States Switzerland South Africa United States Finland Agricultural and Forest Entomology Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 14619555 01681923 78. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 10682805 79. Agricultural Commodities 18395619 80. Agricultural Economics 01695150 81. Agricultural Economics 0139570X 82. Agricultural Economics Review 11092580 83. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 16821130 84. 85. 86. Agricultural History Agricultural History Review Agricultural Systems 00021482 00021490 0308521X 87. Agricultural Water Management 03783774 88. Agriculture and Human Values Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 0889048X 01678809 1983-ongoing 90. Agriculture. 03310965 2012-ongoing, 1980, 1977-1978, 1973-1974 91. Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics 18041930 2011-ongoing 92. AgriScientia 03276244 2006-ongoing 93. 94. 95. Agrivita Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech Agroalimentaria 01260537 17226996 13160354 2013-ongoing 1996-ongoing 2007-ongoing 89. 14619563 Finland Blackwell Publishing Inc. Elsevier BV Northeastern Agricultural and 2004-ongoing Resource Economics Association Australian Bureau of 2011-ongoing Agricultural and Resource Economics 1986-ongoing Elsevier BV Czech Academy of Agricultural 2005-ongoing Sciences Greek Association of 2011-ongoing Agricultural Economists International Commission of 2011-ongoing Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 1978-ongoing, 1975 University of California Press 1978-ongoing University of California Press 1976-ongoing Applied Science Publishers 1979-ongoing, Elsevier BV 1976-1977 1984-ongoing Kluwer Academic Publishers 76. 77. 18732267 15728366 1999-ongoing 1984-ongoing Elsevier BV Joe Obateru & Co. Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague Universidad Nacional de Cordoba University Of Brawijaya Teknoscienze s.r.l. Universidad de los Andes United Kingdom Netherlands United States Australia Netherlands Czech Republic Greece Japan United States United States United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Nigeria Czech Republic Argentina Indonesia Italy Venezuela 1993-ongoing, 1986-1989, 19831984, 1981, 1973 2000-ongoing 96. Agrochimica 00021857 97. 14053195 99. 100. Agrociencia Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems Agroforestry Systems Agrokemia es Talajtan 101. Agronomia Colombiana 01209965 102. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 17740746 17730155 103. Agronomy Journal 00021962 14350645 104. Agronomy Research Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin Klinik und Praxis 1406894X 106. Alauda 00024619 1981-ongoing Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 107. Alcheringa 03115518 1996-ongoing, 1980-1992 Geological Society of Australia 108. Algae 12262617 109. Algal Research 22119264 2012-ongoing 110. Allelopathy Journal 09714693 1996-ongoing 111. Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung 00025852 1996-ongoing, 1983-1989, 1981, 1977-1978 112. Alpacas Australia 13288318 2001-ongoing 113. Alpine Botany AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America 16642201 2011-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1982-1991 98. 105. 114. Pisa University Press Colegio de Postgraduados 21683565 21683573 2013-ongoing Taylor and Francis Ltd. 01674366 00021873 15729680 15882713 1982-ongoing 2007-ongoing Kluwer Academic Publishers Akademiai Kiado Universidad Nacional de Colombia 03410501 00845841 2012-ongoing 14389916 20930860 2005-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1991, 1987, 19761985 2011-ongoing 1978-ongoing, 1960-1963 2013-ongoing Springer Verlag Italy Mexico United Kingdom Netherlands Hungary Colombia Germany American Society of Agronomy, Inc. United States Estonian Agricultural University Estonia Georg Thieme Verlag The Korean Society of Phycology Elsevier BV International Allelopathy Foundation J.D. Sauerlaender's Verlag Australian Alpaca Association, Inc. Birkhauser Verlag Shin-Norinsha Co. Germany France Australia South Korea Netherlands India Germany Australia Switzerland Japan 115. Ameghiniana 00027014 1992-ongoing, 1985 116. American Bee Journal 00027626 117. American Biology Teacher 00027685 118. American Fern Journal 00028444 119. American Forests 00028541 1993-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1990-1991, 1984-1986, 19751980 1993-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1986, 1983-1984, 1976 120. 121. 122. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science American Journal of Agricultural Economics American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Argentina United States National Association of Biology Teachers Inc. United States American Fern Society, Inc. United States American Forestry Association United States United States 15574989 2007-ongoing Science Publications 00029092 1979-ongoing, 1974-1977 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2007-ongoing Science Publications United States Botanical Society of America, Inc. United States American Society for Enology and Viticulture United States Science Publications United States Science Publications Potato Association of America United States United States John Wiley & Sons Inc. United States American Malacological Society, Inc. United States University of Notre Dame United States Brill Netherlands 15574555 123. American Journal of Botany 00029122 124. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 00029254 126. 127. American Journal of Food Technology American Journal of Plant Physiology American Journal of Potato Research 15574539 1099209X 128. American Journal of Primatology 02752565 129. American Malacological Bulletin 07402783 130. American Midland Naturalist 00030031 131. Amphibia - Reptilia 01735373 125. Association Paleontologica Argentina Dadant & Sons, Inc. 15574571 15574563 15372197 1557458X 10982345 15685381 1980-ongoing, 1977, 1974, 19651970, 1948-1949 1993-ongoing, 1987-1988, 1984, 1981, 1976, 1973 2007-ongoing 2007-ongoing 1998-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1981-1989 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994, 1988 1993-ongoing, 1982-1990, 19791980 1981-ongoing United Kingdom 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid Anales Venezolanos de Nutricion Anatomical Record Animal Animal Behaviour Animal Biodiversity and Conservation Animal Biology Animal Biotechnology Animal Cells and Systems Animal Cognition Animal Feed Science and Technology Animal Genetics 02111322 07980752 19328486 17517311 00033472 1578665X 15707555 10495398 19768354 14359448 03778401 02689146 19883196 144. Animal Production Science 18360939 18365787 145. Animal Reproduction 18069614 19843143 146. 147. Animal Reproduction Science Animal Science Journal 03784320 13443941 148. Animal Science Papers and Reports 08604037 149. Animal Technology and Welfare 17420385 150. Animal Welfare 09627286 151. Animals 152. Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 13000861 2008-ongoing Ankara Universitesi Turkey 153. Annales Botanici Fennici 00033847 1977-ongoing, 1975, 1973 Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Finland 154. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France 00379271 155. Annales de Limnologie 00034088 19328494 1751732X 10958282 15707563 15322378 14359456 13652052 20762615 2008-ongoing 2007-ongoing 2007-ongoing 2007-ongoing 1958-ongoing 2001-ongoing 2003-ongoing 1993-ongoing 2008-ongoing 1998-ongoing 1976-ongoing 1986-ongoing El Jardin Fundacion Cavendes John Wiley & Sons Inc. Cambridge University Press Academic Press Museu de Ciencies Naturals Brill Marcel Dekker Inc. Zoological Society of Korea Springer Verlag Elsevier BV Blackwell Publishing Inc. Commonwealth Scientific and 2009-ongoing Industrial Research Organization Publishing Colegio Brasileiro de 2014-ongoing Reproducao Animal 1978-ongoing, 1936 Elsevier BV 2003-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. Polish Scientific Publishers 2007-ongoing PWN 2008-ongoing Institute of Animal Technology Universities Federation for 1996-ongoing, 1994 Animal Welfare Multidisciplinary Digital 2011-ongoing Publishing Institute (MDPI) 1996-ongoing, 1988 Societe Entomologique 1993-ongoing, 1983-1984, 19781981 Universite de Toulouse III (Paul Sabatier) Spain Venezuela United States United Kingdom United States Spain Netherlands United States South Korea Germany Netherlands United Kingdom Australia Brazil Netherlands United Kingdom Poland United Kingdom United Kingdom Switzerland France France 156. Annales Zoologici 00034541 157. Annales Zoologici Fennici 0003455X 158. Annals of Agri Bio Research Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 09719660 1996-ongoing 1979-ongoing, 1974-1977 2004-ongoing 12321966 1995-ongoing 160. Annals of Animal Science 16423402 2008-ongoing 161. Annals of Applied Biology 00034746 162. Annals of Biology 09700153 163. Annals of Botany 03057364 164. Annals of Carnegie Museum 00974463 165. Annals of Forest Research 18448135 20652445 2009-ongoing 166. Annals of Forest Science 12864560 1297966X 167. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 00138746 1999-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1988, 1973-1978, 1965-1970 1994-ongoing, 1981-1987 159. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle VI: Food Technology Annual Review of Animal Biosciences Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics Annual Review of Entomology 10958290 1982-ongoing, 1965-1980, 1961, 1947-1949 2003-ongoing, 1987-1997, 1981, 1973-1975 1921-ongoing, 1894-1919, 18871892 1990-ongoing 00266493 Polska Akademia Nauk Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Agri Bio Research Publishers Institute of Agricultural Medicine National Research Institute of Animal Production Blackwell Publishing Inc. Agri Bio Research Publishers Oxford University Press Carnegie Museum of Natural History Forest Research and Management Institute Springer Verlag Poland Finland India Poland Poland United Kingdom India United Kingdom United States Romania Germany Entomological Society of America United States Missouri Botanical Garden United States 18435157 2068259X 2012-ongoing Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati 21658102 21658110 2013-ongoing Annual Reviews Inc. United States 2003-ongoing Annual Reviews, Inc. United States 1981-ongoing, Annual Reviews, Inc. United States 1543592X 00664170 15454487 Romania 1969-1979, 19661967, 1961-1963 173. 174. Annual review of food science and technology Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease 19411413 19411421 2010-ongoing Annual Reviews Inc. United States 15534006 15534014 2006-ongoing Annual Reviews, Inc. United States Annual Reviews, Inc. United States Annual Reviews, Inc. National Institute of Polar Research Cambridge University Press E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Wiley-Blackwell Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle United States 13652079 1989-ongoing, 1987, 1981, 1973 1996-ongoing 1990-ongoing, 1979-1986 1989-ongoing, 1987 175. Annual Review of Phytopathology 00664286 176. Annual Review of Plant Biology 15435008 177. Antarctic Record 00857289 178. Antarctic Science 09541020 179. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 00035548 180. Anthropology of Consciousness 10534202 15563537 2010-ongoing 181. Anthropozoologica 07613032 21070881 2011-ongoing 182. Anthrozoos 08927936 183. AoB PLANTS 184. Apidologie 20412851 00448435 12979678 00992240 10985336 16877667 16877675 187. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Applied and Environmental Soil Science Applied Animal Behaviour Science 188. Applied Entomology and Zoology 00036862 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. Applied Geography Applied Soil Ecology Aquacultural Engineering Aquaculture Aquaculture Environment Interactions Aquaculture International 01436228 09291393 01448609 00448486 1869215X 09676120 185. 186. 1971-ongoing 01681591 1996-ongoing, Delta Society 1992-1993, 1990 2011-ongoing, 2009 Oxford University Press 1989-ongoing, Springer Verlag 1985, 1977 American Society for 1976-ongoing Microbiology 2012-ongoing Hindawi Publishing Corporation 1984-ongoing Elsevier BV Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology Elsevier BV Elsevier BV Elsevier BV Elsevier BV Inter-Research Kluwer Academic Publishers 1347605X 1993-ongoing 18697534 1573143X 1980-ongoing 1994-ongoing 1982-ongoing 1972-ongoing 2011-ongoing 1993-ongoing Japan United Kingdom Germany United States France United States United Kingdom Germany United States Egypt Netherlands Japan Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Netherlands 195. 196. Aquaculture Nutrition Aquaculture Research 13535773 1355557X 13652095 13652109 1996-ongoing 1995-ongoing 197. Aquaculture, Economics and Management 13657305 13657313 1997-ongoing 198. 199. 200. 18647782 20469063 03043770 204. Aquatic Biology Aquatic Biosystems Aquatic Botany Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Aquatic Insects 205. Aquatic Invasions 17986540 18185487 206. Aquatic Living Resources 09907440 17652952 207. Aquatic Mammals 01675427 19967292 208. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 09483055 16161564 209. 210. Aquatic Sciences Aquatic Toxicology Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 10151621 0166445X 14209055 212. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 10184171 213. Arachnology 20509928 214. Ararajuba 01035657 215. Arboricultural Journal 03071375 216. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 19355297 201. 202. 203. 211. 2007-ongoing 2012-ongoing 1975-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. Blackwell Publishing Inc. 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Arid Land Research and Management 15324982 15210405 2003-ongoing, 1996-1998, 1987, 1980-1981 2001-ongoing Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia Taylor & Francis United States Spain United Kingdom 235. Arthropod Structure and Development 14678039 236. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 18637221 18648312 2010-ongoing 237. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 18728855 18728847 2008-ongoing 238. Arxius de Miscellania Zoologica 16980476 2011-ongoing 239. Asian Agri-History Asian Biotechnology and Development Review 09717730 1998-ongoing 09727566 2003-ongoing Asian Herpetological Research 20950357 2011-ongoing 18191894 2009-ongoing ANSInet 16839919 2008-ongoing Academic Journals Inc. United States 18191878 19921470 19947879 18191886 18191541 16823974 18193609 19851944 09713425 2008-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2006-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2008-ongoing 1992-ongoing ANSInet ANSInet ANSInet ANSInet Academic Journals Inc. ANSInet Academic Journals, Inc. 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Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden Springer Verlag Museu de Ciencies Naturals de Barcelona Asian Agri-History Foundation Research and Information System Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences United Kingdom Germany Germany Spain India India China Pakistan 10112367 1996-ongoing 15311074 2001-ongoing 11206349 2000-ongoing, 1990-1998 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Italy 03657450 2013-ongoing Graphics Pacini Editore Italy 257. Auk 00048038 258. Austral Ecology 14429985 1994-ongoing, 1982-1987 1996-ongoing American Ornithologists' Union Blackwell Publishing Inc. South Korea United States United States United Kingdom 259. Austral Entomology 2052174X 260. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 1833928X 2009-ongoing 261. Australasian Plant Pathology 08153191 1978-ongoing 262. Australian Entomologist 13206133 2008-ongoing 263. Australian Field Ornithology 14480107 264. Australian Forestry 00049158 2007-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1983, 1981 John Wiley and Sons Inc. 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Bois et Forets des Tropiques Boletim Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos Boletim do Instituto de Pesca Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas 0006579X 17775760 01020323 2010-ongoing Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique Pour le Developpement France 2009-ongoing Universidade Federal do Parana Brazil Brazil 16782305 00469939 2009-ongoing Instituto de Pesca 0373580X 18512372 2011-ongoing Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 07177917 2008-ongoing 2012-ongoing 366. Bonn Zoological Bulletin 21907307 367. 368. Boreal Environment Research Boreas 12396095 03009483 15023885 1996-ongoing 1979-ongoing 369. Bosque 03048799 07179200 2006-ongoing 370. Botanica Complutensis 02144565 19882874 2001-ongoing 371. Botanica Marina 00068055 14374323 372. Botanica Serbica 18212158 18212638 373. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 00244074 10958339 374. Botanical Sciences 20074298 20074476 375. Botanical Studies 1817406X 376. Botany 19162804 377. Bothalia 00068241 378. Bradleya 0265086X 379. Bragantia 00068705 1992-ongoing, 1987, 1985, 1981 2013-ongoing 1992-ongoing, 1988-1989, 19711979 2012-ongoing Universidad de Santiago de Chile Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig Finnish Environment Institute Taylor & Francis Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Austral de Chile Universidad Complutense de Madrid Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG University of Belgrade Blackwell Publishing Inc. Sociedad Botanica de Mexico Institute of Plant and Microbial 2006-ongoing Biology, Academia Sinica National Research Council 2008-ongoing Canada 1993-ongoing, 1978 National Botanical Institute British Cactus and Succulent 2012-ongoing Society 1992-ongoing, Instituto Agronomico Argentina Chile Germany Finland United Kingdom Chile Spain Germany Serbia United Kingdom Mexico Taiwan Canada South Africa United Kingdom Brazil 1985, 1979, 1977 381. 382. 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United Kingdom 0079032X 2010-ongoing Peabody Museum of Natural History United States 20652135 2012-ongoing Transilvania University Press Romania 17498848 2006-ongoing CAB International 00079723 11667699 1992-ongoing 2006-ongoing 2008-ongoing, 1995-1997, 19921993, 1989, 1986, 1983-1984, 1981 2008-ongoing, 1985, 1981-1982, 1979, 1973-1975 1996-ongoing, 1983-1984, 1980, 1976 1996-ongoing, 1990, 1979-1984 1987-ongoing, 1983-1985, 19801981, 1976, 1974 1992-ongoing, 1987, 1981-1985, 1979 05244994 20493045 17775949 10970967 Station Biologique de Roscoff John Libbey Eurotext Universidad Nacional de Colombia United Kingdom France France Colombia California Agricultural Experiment Station United States California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations United States Department of Fish and Game United States Entomological Society of Canada Canada Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club Canada 415. 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Central European Journal of Biology 1895104X 412. 413. 414. 1996-ongoing, Agricultural Institute of Canada 1989, 1978 1993-ongoing, 1975 Agricultural Institute of Canada 00083976 00083984 0706652X 12057533 1980-ongoing 00455067 12086037 1976-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1985, 1983 1992-ongoing, 1989, 1983-1985, 1977-1980, 19731975 1974-ongoing 1965-ongoing 427. Cereal Chemistry 00090352 428. 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Comparative Parasitology 15252647 460. 1065657X 464. Compost Science and Utilization Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety Comptes Rendus - Biologies Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Comunicata Scientiae 465. Condor 00105422 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. Conservation and Society Conservation Biology Conservation Evidence Conservation Genetics Conservation Genetics Resources Conservation Letters 09724923 08888892 17582067 15660621 18777252 1755263X 455. 456. 457. 461. 462. 463. 19805098 1988-ongoing 1968-ongoing 2009-ongoing 1988-ongoing 2012-ongoing Centro de Pesquisas Florestais Federal Universidade of Santa Maria. Center of Ciencias Rurais Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Blackwell Publishing Inc. The Clay Minerals Society Universidade Federal de Lavras The Coleopterists Society Institut Botanic de Barcelona United Kingdom United States Brazil United States Spain 2007-ongoing Warsaw Agricultural University Poland 1973-ongoing Marcel Dekker Inc. 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Continental Shelf Research Contributions to Zoology 02784343 13834517 474. Copeia 00458511 475. Coral Reefs 07224028 476. Corella 01550438 477. 478. Correspondances en MHND Cotinga Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 21009619 1353985X 10408398 15497852 1980-ongoing Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 480. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 07352689 15497836 1993-ongoing, 1987, 1985 Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 481. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 18455719 482. Crop and Pasture Science 18360947 479. 1982-ongoing 1995-ongoing 14320975 Pergamon Press Ltd. SPB Academic Publ American Society of 1992-ongoing, Ichthyologists and 1986, 1982, 1980 Herpetologists 1982-ongoing Springer Verlag Australian Bird Study 2007-ongoing Association 2012-ongoing, 2009 Edimark 2009-ongoing Neotropical Bird Club 2005-ongoing 14449838 2009-ongoing 484. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology Crop Protection 485. Crop Science 0011183X 486. Crustaceana 0011216X 487. 488. Cryobiology Cryo-Letters 00112240 01432044 489. Cryptogamie, Algologie 01811568 1990-ongoing 490. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 12900796 1999-ongoing 491. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 01811584 1995-ongoing, 483. 15187853 2006-ongoing 02612194 1982-ongoing 1990-ongoing, 1988, 1983-1985, 1981, 1977, 19741975 1986-ongoing, 1980, 1960-1964 1964-ongoing 1993-ongoing 14350653 10902392 Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing Board of Editors of the Hispanic American Review Butterworth Scientific Ltd. United Kingdom Netherlands United States Germany Australia France United States Croatia Australia Brazil United Kingdom Crop Science Society of America United States Brill Netherlands Academic Press Royal Veterinary College Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Muesuem National d'Historie Naturalle Museum National d'Histoire United States United Kingdom France France France 492. 493. 01221450 08640408 495. 496. 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Cytologia 00114545 1996-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1966-1985, 1964 Elsevier BV Elsevier BV Elsevier BV Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Editora Societe Francaise d'lchtyologie United States Japan United Arab Emirates Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands 505. Czech Journal of Animal Science 12121819 506. Czech Journal of Food Sciences 12121800 508. 509. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding Dairy Industries International Dairy Science and Technology 510. Darwiniana 507. 511. 512. 513. Database : the journal of biological databases and curation Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Dendrobiology 22145753 22146628 00116793 Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych Ved Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych 2005-ongoing Ved Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych 2007-ongoing Ved 1996-ongoing, 1976 Wilmington Publishing Ltd. 2007-ongoing Springer Verlag 1995-ongoing, 1992-1993, 1989- Instituto de Botanica Darwinion 1990, 1985-1986 1998-ongoing 12121975 03088197 19585586 Japan Mendel Society 19585594 China Brazil France Japan Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic United Kingdom Germany Argentina 17580463 2009-ongoing Oxford University Press United Kingdom 09670637 1992-ongoing Pergamon Press Ltd. United Kingdom 16411307 2004-ongoing, Polska Akademia Nauk Poland 514. Dendrochronologia 11257865 515. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau 00120413 516. Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science 01679309 517. Diatom Research 0269249X 518. Die Naturwissenschaften 00281042 519. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 01775103 520. Diversity 14242818 521. Diversity and Distributions 13669516 14724642 522. Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany 1300008X 13036106 523. 524. Domestic Animal Endocrinology Drewno 07397240 16443985 525. Drvna Industrija 00126772 526. EAAP Scientific Series 00712477 527. 528. 529. Ecography Ecohydrology Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 09067590 19360584 16423593 19360592 530. Ecologia Austral 03275477 1667782X 531. 532. 533. Ecological Complexity Ecological Entomology Ecological Indicators 1476945X 03076946 1470160X 14321904 2000-2001 2002-ongoing, 1989 1996-ongoing, 1973-1989, 1961, 1948-1949 2013-ongoing, 2006-2007, 2004, 2001-2002, 19961997 1991-ongoing 1946-ongoing, 1913-1944 Archeonatura Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Germany Elsevier BV Netherlands Biopress Ltd. United Kingdom Springer Verlag Inter-Research Science Publishing Multidisciplinary Digital 2009-ongoing Publishing Institute (MDPI) 1998-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey 1992-ongoing, 1990 TUBITAK/Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Arastirma Kurumu 1984-ongoing Elsevier BV 2009-ongoing Instytut Technologii Drewna 1998-ongoing, Inst za Drvo 1980-1981 Wageningen Academic 2010-ongoing Publishers 1992-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2009-ongoing Wiley Subscription Services 2001-ongoing Polska Akademia Nauk Asociacion Argentina de 1993-ongoing, 1991 Ecologia 2004-ongoing Elsevier BV 1981-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2001-ongoing Elsevier BV 1990-ongoing Italy Germany Germany Switzerland United Kingdom Turkey Netherlands Poland Croatia Netherlands United Kingdom United States Poland Argentina Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands 534. 535. Ecological Informatics Ecological Management and Restoration 15749541 2006-ongoing Elsevier BV 14427001 2000-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1987-ongoing, 1979-1980, 19741977 536. Ecological Monographs 00129615 537. Ecological Psychology 10407413 538. Ecological Research 09123814 539. Ecology 00129658 540. 541. Ecology and Evolution Ecology Letters 542. 543. 15326969 1996-ongoing 20457758 1461023X 14610248 Ecology of Food and Nutrition 03670244 15435237 Ecology of Freshwater Fish Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales 09066691 1986-ongoing 1979-ongoing, 1973-1977 2011-ongoing 1998-ongoing 1992-ongoing, 1990, 1988, 19831985, 1972-1981 1993-ongoing 15780732 2011-ongoing 545. Economic Botany 00130001 1947-ongoing 546. Ecoscience 11956860 547. Ecosphere 548. 549. Ecosystem Services Ecosystems 22120416 14329840 1994-ongoing 2013-ongoing, 2010-2011 2012-ongoing 1998-ongoing 550. Ecotropica 09493026 551. 552. Edinburgh Journal of Botany EFI News 09604286 12367850 14740036 1993-ongoing 2001-ongoing 553. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 16874285 20903278 2014-ongoing 544. 554. 555. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control Ekologija 21508925 14350629 2010-ongoing 11101768 02357224 2008-ongoing 20290586 Ecological Society of America Netherlands United Kingdom United States Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom Ecological Society of America United States United States John Wiley and Sons Ltd Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom United Kingdom Taylor & Francis United Kingdom Blackwell Publishing Inc. Associacion Espanola de Economia Agraria New York Botanical Garden Press Universite Laval United Kingdom Spain United States Canada Ecological Society of America United States Elsevier BV Springer Verlag German Society for Tropical Ecology Cambridge University Press European Forest Institute National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Netherlands Germany Cairo University 2011-ongoing, 1981 de Gruyter Germany United Kingdom Finland Egypt Egypt Germany Cevre Koruma ve Arastirma Vakfi Elelmiszervizsgalati 2008-ongoing Kozlemenyek United Arab Emirates 1996-ongoing University Commonwealth Scientific and 1987-ongoing, Industrial Research 1981-1985 Organization Publishing Sociedade Brasileira de 2006-ongoing, 1981 Engenharia Agricola Asian Agricultural and 2008-ongoing Biological Engineering Association 2006-ongoing, Scripta Technica 1990-1996 556. Ekoloji 13001361 557. Elelmiszervizsgalati Kozlemenyek 04229576 558. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 2079052X 559. Emu 01584197 560. Engenharia Agricola 01006916 561. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food 18818366 562. Entomoglogical Review 00138738 563. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 00138703 1958-ongoing 564. Entomologia Generalis 01718177 1994-ongoing 565. Entomologica Americana 00963712 2009-ongoing 566. Entomologica Fennica 07858760 567. Entomological News 0013872X 568. 569. 570. Entomological Research Entomological Science Entomologist's Gazette 17485967 13438786 00138894 1993-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1979, 1967-1977, 1965 2007-ongoing 2005-ongoing 1995-ongoing 571. Entomotropica 13175262 2004-ongoing 00988472 1976-ongoing Elsevier BV Netherlands 1976-ongoing 2005-ongoing Kluwer Academic Publishers Japanese Society of Netherlands Japan 572. 573. 574. Environmental and Experimental Botany Environmental Biology of Fishes Environmental Control in Biology 03781909 1880554X 2006-ongoing 20790538 17382297 15735133 18830986 Blackwell Publishing Inc. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung New York Entomological Society Entomological Society American Entomological Society Blackwell Publishing Inc. Entomological Society of Japan Gem Publishing Co. Sociedad Venezolana de Entomologia Turkey Hungary United Arab Emirates Australia Brazil United States United Kingdom Germany United States Finland United States United Kingdom Japan United Kingdom Venezuela 575. Environmental Earth Sciences 18666280 576. Environmental Entomology 0046225X 577. 578. Environmental Microbiology Environmental Microbiology Reports 14622912 17582229 14622920 579. EPPO Bulletin 02508052 13652338 580. Ernahrung 02501554 581. 582. Erwerbs-Obstbau Estonian Journal of Ecology 00140309 1736602X 583. Estuaries and Coasts 15592723 584. 585. 02727714 21598126 587. 588. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Ethnobiology Letters Ethnobotany Research and Applications Ethology Ethology Ecology and Evolution 589. Etudes Rurales 00142182 590. Euphytica 00142336 591. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 13079867 592. European Food and Feed Law Review European Food Research and Technology European Journal of Agronomy 18622720 21908214 2013-ongoing Kluwer Academic Publishers Foundation for Enviromental Protection and Research Lexxion 14382377 14382385 1996-ongoing Springer Verlag 1993-ongoing Elsevier BV 586. 593. 594. 14390302 10960015 15473465 01791613 03949370 11610301 2009-ongoing 1992-ongoing, 1986-1989, 19801984, 1978, 19731975 1999-ongoing, 1992 2009-ongoing Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists (JASBEES) Springer Verlag Blackwell Publishing Inc. Wiley-Blackwell European and Mediterranean 2003-ongoing, 1983 Plant Protection Organisation Fachzeitschriftenverlagsges. m. 2011-ongoing b. H 1996-ongoing, 1983 Springer Verlag 2008-ongoing Estonian Academy Publishers 2006-ongoing, Estuarine Research Federation 1978-2001 1981-ongoing Academic Press 2010-ongoing Society of Ethnobiology 2007-ongoing 14390310 15735060 Entomological Society of America 1993-ongoing 1993-ongoing 1999-ongoing, 1992-1996, 19891990, 1978-1984, 1973 1952-ongoing 2013-ongoing University of Hawaii Press Blackwell Publishing Inc. Universita degli Studi di Firenze Editions de I'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Germany United States United Kingdom United States France Austria Germany Estonia United States United States United States United States United Kingdom Italy France Netherlands Turkey Germany Germany Netherlands 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. European Journal of Entomology European Journal of Forest Research European Journal of Histochemistry European Journal of Horticultural Science European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology European Journal of Phycology European Journal of Plant Pathology European Journal of Soil Biology European Journal of Soil Science European Journal of Wildlife Research European Journal of Wood and Wood Products/Holz als Roh - und Werkstoff European Review of Agricultural Economics EvoDevo Evolution and Development Evolution and Human Behavior 12105759 16124669 1121760X 16124677 16114426 14387697 09670262 09291873 11645563 13510754 2003-ongoing 14389312 15738469 16124642 00183768 1436736X 01651587 14643618 20419139 1520541X 10905138 1993-ongoing Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky 2004-ongoing, 2002 Springer Verlag 1992-ongoing Luigi Ponzio e Figlio Editiori 1525142X 610. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution 00143820 611. 612. Evolutionary Applications Evolutionary Bioinformatics 17524563 11769343 613. Evolutionary Biology 00713260 614. 615. 616. Evolutionary Ecology Evolutionary Ecology Research EXCLI Journal 02697653 15220613 16112156 15738477 617. Experimental Agriculture 00144797 14694441 618. 619. Experimental and Applied Acarology Fauna Norvegica 01688162 15024873 15729702 2000-ongoing 1993-ongoing 1994-ongoing 1993-ongoing 1994-ongoing 2004-ongoing, 1996-2002 1951-ongoing, 1938-1943 1986-ongoing, 1981-1982 2010-ongoing 1999-ongoing 1997-ongoing 1982-ongoing, 1980, 1971-1978, 1948-1949 2009-ongoing 2008-ongoing 2007-ongoing, 1995, 1993 1987-ongoing 1999-ongoing 2009-ongoing 1989-ongoing, 1981, 1979 1985-ongoing 2008-ongoing, Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co. Taylor & Francis Kluwer Academic Publishers Elsevier BV Blackwell Publishing Inc. Czech Republic Germany Italy Germany Germany United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Springer Verlag Germany Springer Verlag Germany Oxford University Press United Kingdom BioMed Central Blackwell Publishing Inc. Elsevier BV United Kingdom United Kingdom Netherlands Society for the Study of Evolution United States Blackwell Publishing Inc. Libertas Academica Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Kluwer Academic Publishers Evolutionary Ecology Ltd. University of Mainz United Kingdom New Zealand Cambridge University Press United Kingdom Kluwer Academic Publishers Norsk Entomologisk Forening United States Netherlands United States Germany Netherlands Norway 620. Feddes Repertorium 00148962 621. Fennia 00150010 622. Fern Gazette 03080838 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. Field Crops Research Field Mycology Fire Ecology Fish and Fisheries Fish and Shellfish Immunology 03784290 14681641 19339747 14672960 10504648 628. Fish Pathology 0388788X 1522239X 14672979 10959947 2002-2005, 2000 1993-ongoing, 1989, 1982-1987 1979-ongoing, 1976 1998-ongoing, 1994-1996, 19821985 1978-ongoing 2006-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2001-ongoing 1991-ongoing 1996-ongoing 629. Fish Physiology 15465098 630. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 09201742 631. Fisheries 03632415 632. Fisheries and Aquatic Science 22341749 22341757 633. 634. 635. 636. Fisheries Management and Ecology Fisheries Oceanography Fisheries Research Fisheries Science 0969997X 10546006 01657836 09199268 13652400 13652419 637. Fishery Bulletin 00900656 638. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 08825734 639. Fleischwirtschaft 0015363X 15735168 14442906 10991026 2010-ongoing, 2005-2007, 2001, 1997-1998, 19941995, 1992, 1988, 1983-1984, 1979, 1969-1971 1986-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1987, 1983, 19781981 Akademie Verlag Suomen Metsatieteellinen Seura Finland British Pteridological Society United Kingdom Elsevier BV Cambridge University Press Association for Fire Ecology Blackwell Publishing Inc. Academic Press Japanese Society of Fish Pathalogy Netherlands United Kingdom United States United Kingdom United States Japan Academic Press United States Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands American Fisheries Society United States Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 1994-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1993-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1983-ongoing, 1981 Elsevier BV 1996-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1988-ongoing, US National Marine Fisheries 1979-1986 Services 1990-ongoing, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1988, 1986 2002-ongoing, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 2008-ongoing Germany South Korea United Kingdom United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom United States United States Germany 640. Flora 03672530 641. Flora Mediterranea 11204052 642. Floresta 00153826 19824688 1996-1998, 19831989, 1973-1981 1990-ongoing, 1980-1988, 19751976 2012-ongoing, 1991-1994 2011-ongoing 643. Floresta e Ambiente 14150980 21798087 2012-ongoing 645. 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Folia Geobotanica Folia Oecologica Folia Primatologica Folia Zoologica Food Additives and Contaminants Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance Food Analytical Methods 657. 658. 644. 654. 655. 659. 17490294 2012-ongoing 00154040 19336942 17367786 14219980 Elsevier BV Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum Universidade Federal do Parana Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Florestas Global Science Books 1993-ongoing, 1982 Florida Entomologist Society International Society for 1973-ongoing Flouride Research 2007-ongoing Landes Bioscience 2009-ongoing Estonian Naturalist's Society 2009-ongoing, Polska Akademia Nauk 1995-2007, 1993 1994-ongoing Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky 2006-ongoing Ustav ekologie lesa SAV 1965-ongoing S. Karger AG 1982-ongoing, 1979 Akademie Ved Ceske Republiky Netherlands Italy Brazil Brazil United Kingdom United States New Zealand United States Estonia Poland Czech Republic Slovakia Switzerland Czech Republic 19440049 19440057 2008-ongoing Taylor and Francis 19393210 19393229 2008-ongoing Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 19369751 1936976X Springer Pub. Co., United States Food and Agricultural Immunology 09540105 14653443 Taylor & Francis United Kingdom Food and Bioprocess Technology Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of 19355130 19355149 09603085 17443571 2009-ongoing 2005-ongoing, 1993-2003 2008-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1991-1994 Springer Pub. Co., Institution of Chemical Engineers United States United States United Kingdom 660. 661. Chemical Engineers, Part C Food and Chemical Toxicology Food and Environmental Virology 02786915 18670334 662. Food and Foodways 07409710 663. Food and Function 2042650X 664. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 03795721 665. Food and Nutrition Research 16546628 666. Food Australia 10325298 667. 668. Food Biophysics Food Bioscience 15571858 22124292 15571866 669. Food Biotechnology 08905436 15324249 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. Food Chemistry Food Control Food Digestion Food Engineering and Ingredients Food Hydrocolloids 03088146 09567135 18691978 14712806 0268005X 675. Food Manufacture 00156477 676. 677. 678. Food Microbiology Food Packaging and Shelf Life Food Policy 07400020 22142894 03069192 679. Food Protection Trends 15419576 680. Food Quality and Preference 09503293 681. 682. Food Research International Food Reviews International 09639969 87559129 683. Food Science and Biotechnology 12267708 20426496 1982-ongoing 2009-ongoing 2007-ongoing, 2001, 1999, 19851987 2010-ongoing 1982-ongoing 1654661X 2008-ongoing 1996-ongoing 18691986 10959998 2006-ongoing 2013-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1990-1994, 1987 1976-ongoing 1990-ongoing 2010-ongoing 2009-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1986 2009-ongoing, 1979, 1973-1974 1984-ongoing 2014-ongoing 1975-ongoing 2011-ongoing 15256103 1993-ongoing, 1988-1991 1992-ongoing 1996-ongoing 2007-ongoing Elsevier BV Springer Verlag Netherlands Germany Harwood Academic Publishers Switzerland Royal Society of Chemistry International Nutrition Foundation Co-Action Publishing Australian Institute of Food Science Technology Inc. Springer Verlag Elsevier BV Marcel Dekker Inc. United Kingdom Japan Sweden Australia Germany Netherlands United States Elsevier BV Elsevier BV Springer Verlag Cahners Europe Elsevier BV Netherlands Netherlands Germany United Kingdom Netherlands William Reed Publishing United Kingdom Academic Press Elsevier BV Pergamon Press International Association for Food Protection United States Netherlands United States Pergamon Press United States Elsevier BV Marcel Dekker Inc. Korean Society of Food Science and Technology Netherlands United States United States South Korea Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos 684. Food Science and Technology 01012061 1678457X 2006-ongoing 685. Food Science and Technology 00236438 10961127 1991-ongoing, 1984-1989, 1973 686. Food Science and Technology 14753324 2004-ongoing Institute of Food Science and Technology 10820132 1996-ongoing SAGE Publications United States 13446606 1999-ongoing S. Karger AG Switzerland Springer Verlag Elsevier BV Germany Netherlands Institute of Food Technologists United States 689. 690. Food Science and Technology International Food Science and Technology Research Food Security Food Structure 691. Food Technology 00156639 692. Food Technology and Biotechnology 13309862 2010-ongoing 2014-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1991, 1989, 1986, 1982-1983, 1979, 1973 1996-ongoing 693. Food, Culture & Society 15528014 2008-ongoing 694. 695. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease Forest Chemicals Review 15353141 15200191 696. Forest Ecology and Management 03781127 697. 698. Forest Pathology Forest Policy and Economics 14374781 13899341 699. Forest Products Journal 00157473 700. Forest Research 10011498 701. Forest Science 0015749X 702. Forest Science and Practice 20954034 21975620 2013-ongoing 703. 704. Forest Science and Technology Forest Systems 21580103 21715068 21580715 21719845 2010-ongoing 2010-ongoing 687. 688. 18764517 22133291 18764525 15567125 14390329 2005-ongoing 1998-ongoing 1978-ongoing, 1976, 1909 1999-ongoing 2000-ongoing 1995-ongoing, 1993, 1968-1989 1988-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1978-1991, 19741976, 1970 Academic Press Sveuciliste u Zagrebu Association for the Study of Food and Society Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Kriedt Enterprises, Ltd. Elsevier BV Blackwell Publishing Inc. Elsevier BV Forest Products Society Brazil United States United Kingdom Croatia United States United States United States Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands United States Chinese Academy of Forestry China Society of American Foresters United States Springer Science + Business Media Taylor and Francis Inc. Instituto Nacional de United States United Kingdom Spain Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria 705. Forestry 0015752X 706. Forestry Chronicle 00157546 707. Forestry Journal 03231046 708. Forestry Studies 14069954 709. 710. 711. Forests Forests Trees and Livelihoods Forktail 19994907 14728028 09501746 712. Forstarchiv 03004112 713. Fottea Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 18025439 714. 14643626 13384295 1640629X 1962-ongoing, 1958-1959, 19531956, 1947, 19421945 Oxford University Press Canadian Institute of 1988-ongoing Forestry/Institut Forestier du Canada Versita (Central European 2008-ongoing Science Publishers) Eesti Metsamajanduse ja 2006-ongoing Looduskaitse Instituut 2010-ongoing MDPI Open Access Publishing 1999-ongoing A B Academic Publishers 2009-ongoing, 1986 Oriental Bird Club 2011-ongoing, Verlag M. und H. Schaper 1984-1989, 1979GmbH 1981, 1976, 1974 2008-ongoing Czech Phycological Society 2000-ongoing Polska Akademia Nauk United Kingdom Canada Poland Estonia Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom Germany Czech Republic Poland 715. Freshwater Biology 00465070 13652427 1977-ongoing, 1973-1975 Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom 716. Freshwater Science 21619549 21619565 2012-ongoing The Society for Freshwater Science United States 15409295 2005-ongoing Ecological Society of America United States 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Frontiers in Plant Science Frontiers in Zoology Frontiers of Biology in China Fruits Functional Ecology 1664462X 17429994 16733509 02481294 02698463 2010-ongoing 2004-ongoing 2006-ongoing 2005-ongoing, 1995 1987-ongoing Switzerland United Kingdom Germany France United Kingdom 723. Functional Plant Biology 14454408 Frontiers Media S. A. BioMed Central Springer Verlag E D P Sciences Blackwell Publishing Inc. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research 717. 1625967X 13652435 1996-ongoing Australia Organization Publishing E. Schweizerbart'sche 2007-ongoing Verlagsbuchhandlung 2010-ongoing Elsevier BV 2007-ongoing Elsevier BV 1998-ongoing Fungal Diversity Press 2008-ongoing, 1995 Elsevier BV Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y 2006-ongoing Oceanograficas, Universidad de Concepcion Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y 2002-ongoing, Oceanograficas, Universidad de 1984, 1981-1982 Concepcion 2011-ongoing Wiley-VCH Verlag 2008-ongoing Libertas Academica 724. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 18639135 725. 726. 727. 728. Fungal Biology Fungal Biology Reviews Fungal Diversity Fungal Ecology 18786146 17494613 15602745 17545048 729. Gayana 0717652X 07176538 730. Gayana - Botanica 00165301 07176643 731. 732. GCB Bioenergy Gene Regulation and Systems Biology Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 17571693 11776250 17571707 09259864 15735109 734. Genetica 00166707 15736857 735. 736. 737. 738. Genetics, Selection, Evolution Genome Biology and Evolution Geobiology Geoderma 0999193X 17596653 14724677 00167061 12979686 739. 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Global Ecology and Conservation Global Food Security 22119124 2014-ongoing 2012-ongoing 746. Gorteria 00172294 1988-ongoing 747. Graellsia 03675041 748. Grana 00173134 749. 750. 751. Grasas y Aceites Grass and Forage Science Grassland Science 00173495 01425242 17446961 752. Great Lakes Entomologist 00900222 753. Great Plains Research 10525165 754. Hacquetia 15814661 755. Harmful Algae 15689883 756. Haseltonia 10700048 757. 758. Helgoland Marine Research Helia 1438387X 10181806 759. Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 17913691 760. Helminthologia 04406605 761. 762. 00180831 14730928 764. Herpetologica Herpetological Bulletin Herpetological Conservation and Biology Herpetological Journal 765. 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Asia Michigan Entomoloagical Society University of Nebraska at 1993-ongoing, 1991 Lincoln Central European Science 2009-ongoing Journals 2002-ongoing Elsevier BV Cactus & Succulent Society of 2004-ongoing, 2002 America 1999-ongoing, 1996 Springer Verlag 2007-ongoing University of Novi Sad Benaki Phytopathological 2009-ongoing Institute 1996-ongoing, Slovak Academic Press Ltd. 1979-1980 1981-ongoing Herpetologists League 1996-ongoing British Herpetological Society Herpetological Conservation 2008-ongoing and Biology 1994-ongoing, 1987 British Herpetological Society 1994-ongoing, Herpetologists League 1991-1992 Netherlands United States Netherlands Spain United Kingdom Spain United Kingdom Australia United States United States Poland Netherlands United States Germany Serbia Greece Slovakia United States United Kingdom United States United Kingdom United States 766. Herpetological Review 0018084X 1996-ongoing, 1988 767. Herpetology Notes 20715773 2008-ongoing 768. Hidrobiologica 01888897 2007-ongoing 769. Historia Agraria 11391472 770. Historical Biology 08912963 1998-ongoing 2004-ongoing, 1999-2002, 19941997, 1990, 1988 771. Hornero 00733407 772. Horticultura Brasileira 01020536 773. Horticultural Science 0862867X 774. Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology 22113452 775. Hortscience 00185345 1985-ongoing, 1983, 1980-1981, 1977-1978 776. HortTechnology 10630198 1993-ongoing 777. 778. 779. Human Biology Human Nature Hydrobiologia 00187143 10456767 00188158 15346617 780. Hydrobiological Journal 00188166 03758990 781. Hydroecologie Appliquee 1958556X 782. Hystrix 03941914 783. IAWA Journal 09281541 15635236 2008-ongoing, 1996 18069991 2007-ongoing 2007-ongoing 22113460 03240924 18255272 2011-ongoing 1945-ongoing 1990-ongoing 1948-ongoing 1987-ongoing, 1978-1983, 19741976 2014-ongoing 2008-ongoing 1993-ongoing Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Societas Europaea Herpetologica Department of Hydrobiology,Universidad Autonoma MetropolitanaUnidad Iztapalapa Universidad de Murcia Taylor & Francis Asociacion Omitologica del Plata Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences Springer Science + Business Media American Society for Horitcultural Science American Society for Horitcultural Science Wayne State University Press Aldine de Gruyter Kluwer Academic Publishers Begell House EDF, Comite d'hydroecologie Associazione Teriologica Romana International Association of United States Germany Mexico Spain United Kingdom Argentina Brazil Czech Republic United States United States United States United States United States Netherlands United States France Italy Netherlands 1991-ongoing 2005-ongoing Verlag F. Pfeil Germany 1996-ongoing 2008-ongoing Germany Chile 2006-ongoing, 2001-2002 Springer Verlag Universidad de Tarapaca The Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) Fundacao Zoobotanica do Rio Grande Fundacao Zoobotanica do Rio Grande 1991-ongoing CABI Publishing Ibis 00191019 785. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 1670567X 786. 10543139 788. 789. ICES Journal of Marine Science Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters Ichthyological Research Idesia 790. IForest 19717458 2009-ongoing 791. Iheringia - Serie Botanica 00734705 2010-ongoing 792. Iheringia - Serie Zoologia 00734721 787. 793. 794. 795. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 1474919X Wood Anatomists Blackwell Publishing Inc. Agricultural University of Iceland Oxford University Press 784. 2010-ongoing 10959289 09369902 13418998 00734675 10545476 16163915 07183429 14752689 09706399 03678245 796. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 00195022 797. Indian Journal of Agronomy 0537197X 798. Indian Journal of Animal Research 03676722 799. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 03678318 800. Indian Journal of Ecology 03045250 1980-ongoing Indian Society of Agricultural Biochemists Agricultural Research 2012-ongoing, 1990 Communication Centre 1993-ongoing, Indian Journal of Fisheries for 1987, 1983, 1980the Indian Council of 1981, 1978, 1976, Agricultural Research 1974 1993-ongoing Scientific Publishers Agricultural Research 2008-ongoing Communication Centre 1996-ongoing, 1987-1988, 1980- Scientific Publishers 1985, 1971-1978 2013-ongoing, 1986-1987, 1974- Indian Ecological Society 1981 2003-ongoing 0976058X 09760555 United Kingdom Iceland United Kingdom Italy Brazil Brazil United Kingdom India India India India India India India 804. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 09760504 09760512 2010-ongoing 805. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 00195502 09740252 2012-ongoing 806. Indian Journal of Sericulture 04457722 1992-ongoing 807. 808. 809. Indian Silk Industrial Crops and Products Industrie Alimentari Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition Infection, Genetics and Evolution INFORM - International News on Fats, Oils and Related Materials 00196355 09266690 0019901X 1993-ongoing 1992-ongoing 1996-ongoing Indian Journal of Fisheries for the Indian Council of Agricultural Research Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding. Horticultural Society of India National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources Springer Science + Business Media Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute Ministry of Textiles Elsevier BV Chiriotti Editori SpA 2012-ongoing Sage Periodicals Press United States Netherlands 813. Informacion Tecnologica 07168756 814. Inland Waters 20442041 2044205X 2012-ongoing 815. INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Insect Conservation and Diversity Insect Molecular Biology Insect Science Insect Systematics and Evolution Insecta Matsumurana 20684215 20682239 2012-ongoing Elsevier BV American oil chemists' society Press Centro de Informacion Tecnologica Freshwater Biological Association INMA BUCHAREST 14668564 2000-ongoing Elsevier BV 09651748 1992-ongoing Pergamon Press Ltd. United Kingdom 2009-ongoing 1992-ongoing 2007-ongoing 1996-ongoing 2012-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. Blackwell Publishing Inc. Blackwell Publishing Inc. Brill Entomological Institute, United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Netherlands Japan 801. 802. 803. 810. 811. 812. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. Indian Journal of Fisheries Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding Indian Journal of Horticulture 2009-ongoing, 1977-1983, 1974 05372003 00195200 09756906 00195251 19414064 2009-ongoing 19414072 15671348 2001-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1994, 1973-1974 08978026 1752458X 09621075 16729609 1399560X 00201804 2008-ongoing 1996-ongoing 17524598 13652583 17447917 India India India India United States India India Netherlands Italy United States Chile United Kingdom Romania Netherlands 823. Insectes Sociaux 00201812 1954-ongoing 824. Insects 20754450 2010-ongoing 825. Integrative and Comparative Biology 15407063 826. 17494877 828. Integrative Zoology International Agricultural Engineering Journal International Agrophysics 829. International Aquatic Research 20084935 830. International Dairy Journal 09586946 831. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 10967508 832. International Food Research Journal 19854668 833. International Forestry Review 14655489 834. International Journal Bioautomotion 13141902 827. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife International Journal of Acarology International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences International Journal of Agricultural Research International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology International Journal of Agricultural 2002-ongoing, 1961-1996 2009-ongoing 08582114 02368722 20086970 13142321 Hokkaido Imperial University Masson Publishing Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Oxford University Press Blackwell Publishing Inc. Asian Association For 1994-ongoing, 1992 Agricultural Engineering 1992-ongoing, 1989 Polska Akademia Nauk Springer Science + Business 2012-ongoing Media 1991-ongoing Elsevier BV International Food and 1998-ongoing Agribusiness Management Association 2007-ongoing Universiti Putra Malaysia Commonwealth Forestry 1999-ongoing Association Institute of Biophysics and 2011-ongoing Biomedical Engineering at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences France Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom Thailand Poland United States Netherlands United States Malaysia United Kingdom Bulgaria 22132244 2012-ongoing Elsevier BV Netherlands 01647954 2004-ongoing Indira Publishing House International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (IJABE) United States 19346344 19346352 2008-ongoing 09731903 09763392 2009-ongoing Dev College 18164897 2007-ongoing Academic Journals Inc. United States 14624605 2000-ongoing Inderscience Enterprises United Kingdom 2008-ongoing Earthscan Publications Ltd United Kingdom 14735903 1747762X China India 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. Sustainability International Journal of Agriculture and Biology International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education International Journal of Astrobiology International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management International Journal of Biological Sciences International Journal of Botany International Journal of Dairy Science International Journal of Dairy Technology International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics International Journal of Ecology International Journal of Ecology and Development International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology International Journal of Food Engineering International Journal of Food Microbiology International Journal of Food Properties International Journal of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Sciences 15608530 2008-ongoing Friends Science Publishers 19329997 2012-ongoing Human Kinetics Publishers Inc. 14735504 2006-ongoing Cambridge University Press United Kingdom 2010-ongoing Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 21513732 18149596 21513740 14492288 2005-ongoing 18119700 18119743 18119719 18119751 1364727X 14710307 17557437 2006-ongoing 2006-ongoing 2000-ongoing, 1997-1998 Ivyspring International Publisher ANSInet ANSInet Pakistan United States Canada Pakistan Pakistan Society of Dairy Technology United Kingdom 2008-ongoing WIT Press United Kingdom Hindawi Publishing Corporation Indian Society for Development and Environment Research (ISDER) Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 16879708 16879716 2010-ongoing 09729984 09737308 2009-ongoing 03067319 10290397 1992-ongoing, 1971-1987 Egypt India Switzerland 17351472 2005-ongoing Islamic Azad University of Research and Technology Iran, Islamic Republic of 15563758 2006-ongoing Berkeley Electronic Press United States 01681605 1984-ongoing Elsevier BV Netherlands 1998-ongoing Marcel Dekker Inc. United States 10942912 15322386 09505423 13652621 09637486 14653478 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994, 1988 1993-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 860. and Nutrition International Journal of Fruit Science 15538362 861. International Journal of GEOMATE 21862982 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. International Journal of Geomechanics International Journal of Integrative Biology International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography International Journal of Odonatology International Journal of Pest Management International Journal of Phytoremediation International Journal of Plant Biology International Journal of Plant Genomics 2005-ongoing 21862990 15323641 09742816 09738363 09732667 Haworth Press Inc. GEOMATE International Society United States 2003-ongoing C R C Press United States 2008-ongoing Omics Publishing Group 2011-ongoing 2009-ongoing, 2007 Research India Publications 13887890 2008-ongoing Backhuys Publishers BV Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 15226514 15497879 1999-ongoing Taylor & Francis United Kingdom 20370156 20370164 2010-ongoing PagePress Italy 16875370 16875389 2007-ongoing Hindawi Publishing Corporation Egypt 15375315 1992-ongoing 17447550 17447569 2008-ongoing Inderscience Publishers 2002-ongoing ANSInet 874. International Journal of Primatology 01640291 875. International Journal of Soil Science International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology International Journal of Tropical Insect Science International Journal of Vegetable Science 18164978 873. 876. 877. 878. Netherlands 1993-ongoing 10585893 872. India 13665863 International Journal of Plant Sciences International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation International Journal of Poultry Science 871. International Journal of Plant Production India 09670874 Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Chicago Press 870. Japan 17356814 2008-ongoing 16828356 14665026 15738604 2007-ongoing 14665034 17427584 19315260 1980-ongoing 19315279 2000-ongoing Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Academic Journals Inc. Society for General Microbiology 2004-ongoing CABI Publishing 2007-ongoing Haworth Press Inc. Iran, Islamic Republic of United States United Kingdom Pakistan United States United States United Kingdom United Kingdom United States 879. International Journal of Wildland Fire 10498001 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing 11791403 2009-ongoing Dove Medical Press Ltd. 18119786 2006-ongoing ANSInet 15222632 2009-ongoing 2004-ongoing 2002-ongoing, 1994-1995, 1988, 1982-1983, 1977, 1974 1998-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1989, 1969-1985 2001-ongoing, 1994-1999 2010-ongoing 2007-ongoing 882. 883. International Journal of Wine Research International Journal of Zoological Research International Journal of Zoology International Journal on Algae 884. International Pest Control 00208256 885. International Review of Hydrobiology 14342944 886. International Sugar Journal 00208841 887. International Water and Irrigation 03345807 888. 889. International Wood Products Journal International Zoo Yearbook Invasive Plant Science and Management Invertebrate Biology Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 20426445 17481090 880. 881. 890. 891. 892. 18119778 16878477 15219429 20426453 00749664 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Begell House United Kingdom International Media Ltd. United Kingdom SNER Communications Ltd. 2008-ongoing 10778306 1995-ongoing 07924259 1993-ongoing Taylor & Francis University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing Iranian Fisheries Research Organization Invertebrate Survival Journal 894. Invertebrate Systematics 14455226 1996-ongoing 895. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 15622916 2008-ongoing 17281997 2008-ongoing Shiraz University 2009-ongoing University of Mosul 897. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 16073894 16073894 Egypt United States John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 893. 896. Pakistan United Kingdom 19397291 2014-ongoing New Zealand Research Information Ltd. Maney Publishing Blackwell Publishing Inc. Weed Science Society of America American Microscopical Society 1824307X Australia Israel United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States Italy Australia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq 903. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research Irrigation and Drainage Irrigation Science ISME Journal Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 904. Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine 03349152 2007-ongoing 905. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture Bamidgeh 0792156X 1988-ongoing 906. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology 18248705 2008-ongoing 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. Italian Journal of Agronomy Italian Journal of Animal Science Italian Journal of Food Safety Italian Journal of Food Science Italian Journal of Zoology ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 11254718 15944077 22397132 11201770 11250003 2008-ongoing 2002-ongoing 2013-ongoing 1996-ongoing 1996-ongoing 16996887 2008-ongoing 10239030 2013-ongoing 914. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 00213551 1993-ongoing, 1987, 1983, 19771978, 1973-1974 915. Japan Journal of Food Engineering 13457942 916. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 00214914 917. Japanese Journal of Crop Science 13490990 918. Japanese Journal of Ecology 00215007 919. Japanese Journal of Limnnology 00215104 898. 899. 900. 901. 902. 912. 913. 07916833 1993-ongoing Teagasc 2001-ongoing 1978-ongoing 2007-ongoing John Wiley & Sons Inc. Springer Verlag Nature Publishing Group 00212210 2006-ongoing Science From Israel Israel 07929978 1994-ongoing Laser Pages Publishing Ltd. Israel Veterinary Medical Association Israel Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz Israel 15310353 03427188 17517362 14321319 17517370 The Otter Specialist Group Ministry of Agriculture Japan Society for Food Engineering Japanese Society of Applied 1996-ongoing, 1981 Entomology and Zoology 1993-ongoing, Crop Science Society of Japan 1988, 1976 2007-ongoing, Ecological Society of Japan 1979-2005 1981-ongoing, Japanese Society of Limnology 2009-ongoing 13476068 Italian Agrometeorological Society PagePress PAGEPress PagePress Chiriotti Editori SpA Mucchi Editore Asociacion Interprofesional Desarrollo Agario Ireland United States Germany United Kingdom Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Spain United States Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan 1977, 1974 920. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 17494907 2013-ongoing 921. Journal fur Kulturpflanzen 18670911 922. Journal für Ornithologie 00218375 2010-ongoing 1951-ongoing, 1853-1944 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin Journal of Advanced Zoology Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization Journal of Agricultural and Food Information Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology Journal of Agricultural Economics Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension Journal of Agricultural Meteorology Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health Journal of Agricultural Science 16615751 2006-ongoing 11510285 1996-ongoing 02537214 1993-ongoing 11877863 1991-ongoing 00218561 2003-ongoing 15404722 10685502 0021857X 14779552 2012-ongoing, 1996-2010 1978-ongoing 1389224X 17508622 2010-ongoing 18810136 2014-ongoing, 1992, 1990, 19871988, 1985, 19771983, 1974-1975 15235475 00218588 10747583 00218596 1997-ongoing 14695146 1987-ongoing, Germany Germany Springer Verlag Germany Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales Association for the Advancement of Zoology Kluwer Academic Publishers Berkeley Electronic Press 2006-ongoing, 2004 Haworth Press Inc. 1996-ongoing United States Blackwell-Wiss.-Verl 1953-ongoing, 1908 American Chemical Society 15420485 10496505 The International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture Verlag Eugen Ulmer France India Netherlands United States United States United States Western Agricultural Economics Association South Carolina Entomological Society Inc Imperial College of Science United Kingdom Taylor and Francis Inc. United Kingdom Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan/Nihon Nogyo Kisho Gakkai American Society of Agricultural Engineers Cambridge University Press United States United States Japan United States United Kingdom 1984, 1981, 1979, 1974 937. 938. 939. 940. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 16807073 10857117 16129830 0041994X 941. Journal of Agrometeorology 09721665 942. Journal of Agronomy 18125379 944. 945. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science Journal of Anatomy Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 946. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 943. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics Journal of Animal Ecology Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition Journal of Animal Science 953. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology Journal of AOAC International 954. Journal of Apicultural Research 952. 15372693 National Center for Scientific Research Iran, Islamic Republic of 1996-ongoing American Statistical Association United States 2002-ongoing Kassel University Press GmbH 1996-ongoing, 1976 University of Puerto Rico 2008-ongoing 18125417 09312250 00218782 12301388 2008-ongoing 14697580 2006-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1987, 1978, 1973 1945-ongoing 1996-ongoing Association of Agrometeorologists Asian Network for Scientific Information Germany Puerto Rico India Pakistan Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom Blackwell Publishing Inc. Polska Akademia Nauk Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum (PAS FORUM) United Kingdom Poland 10187081 2008-ongoing Pakistan 16805593 2008-ongoing Medwell Online 1996-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom Pakistan 09312668 14390388 00218790 13652656 1982-ongoing, 1979 Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom 09312439 14390396 1996-ongoing, 1983 Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom 1965-ongoing, 1961, 1947-1951 00218812 16749782 10603271 00218839 20491891 2012-ongoing 1993-ongoing American Society of Animal Science BioMed Central AOAC International International Bee Research 1993-ongoing, 1974 Association United States United Kingdom United States United Kingdom 955. Journal of Apicultural Science 16434439 956. 957. Journal of Applied Animal Research Journal of Applied Aquaculture Journal of Applied Biological Sciences Journal of Applied Biomedicine Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 09712119 10454438 958. 959. 960. 15450805 13071130 1214021X 1996-ongoing 1991-ongoing Research Institut of Pomology and Floriculture Garuda Scientific Publications Haworth Press Inc. 2009-ongoing Nobel Publishing 2005-ongoing University of South Bohemia 2004-ongoing Liddy Halm 1993-ongoing, 1988-1989 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2008-ongoing 12140287 16139216 961. Journal of Applied Entomology 09312048 962. Journal of Applied Horticulture 09721045 963. 964. 965. 966. Journal of Applied Ichthyology Journal of Applied Phycology Journal of Applied Poultry Research Journal of Aquatic Animal Health Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 01758659 09218971 10566171 08997659 10498850 1996-ongoing 968. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 01466623 1994-ongoing, 1979 969. Journal of Arachnology 01618202 970. Journal of Arid Environments 01401963 971. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 12268615 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. Journal of Avian Biology Journal of Berry Research Journal of Biogeography Journal of Biological Dynamics Journal of Biological Education 09088857 18785093 03050270 17513758 00219266 977. Journal of Biological Research 1790045X 978. 979. Journal of Biological Systems Journal of Biopesticides 02183390 0974391X 967. 14390418 Society for Adancement of Horticulture 1995-ongoing, 1985 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1989-ongoing Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996-ongoing Applied Poultry Science, Inc. 1993-ongoing American Fisheries Society 2008-ongoing 14390426 15735176 15370437 15488667 1095922X 1600048X 18785123 13652699 17513766 Haworth Press Inc. Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. American Arachnological 1993-ongoing, 1987 Society 1980-ongoing Academic Press Korean Society of Applied 1998-ongoing Entomology 1994-ongoing Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2010-ongoing IOS Press 1979-ongoing, 1974 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2007-ongoing Taylor and Francis Inc. 1987-ongoing Institute of Biology School of Biology, Aristotle 2008-ongoing University of Thessaloniki 1996-ongoing World Scientific Publishing Co 2010-ongoing Crop Protection Research Centre Poland India United States Turkey Czech Republic Germany United Kingdom India United Kingdom Netherlands United States United States United States United States United States United States South Korea United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Greece Singapore India 980. Journal of Biosciences 02505991 981. Journal of Bryology 03736687 982. Journal of Camel Practice and Research 09716777 983. Journal of Central European Agriculture 984. 985. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 1996-ongoing 13329049 Journal of Cereal Science Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 07335210 Journal of Chemical Ecology 00980331 Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 1979-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1991-1993, 1985 2007-ongoing 10959963 15610713 1993-ongoing 2008-ongoing 15731561 1975-ongoing 10097848 2013-ongoing 02556073 2012-ongoing Croatia United States United Kingdom United States China China Springer Verlag Germany 01741578 1432136X 1974-ongoing Springer Verlag Germany American Psychological Association Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland Imprint Academic Elsevier BV 992. Journal of Conchology 00220019 993. Journal of Consciousness Studies Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science Journal of Crop Improvement Journal of Crustacean Biology Journal of Culinary Science and Technology Journal of Dairy Research 13558250 1983-ongoing, 1921-1946 1996-ongoing, 1981-1990 1996-ongoing 22121447 2012-ongoing 998. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Academic Press International Whaling Commission Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers zhong guo shi pin xue bao bian ji bu Chinese Soil and Water Conservation Society India 1974-ongoing 07357036 997. Camel Publishing House United Kingdom 14321351 Journal of Comparative Psychology 995. 996. Maney Publishing India 03407594 991. 994. Indian Academy of Sciences 15427528 02780372 15427536 15428052 00220299 14697629 2004-ongoing Haworth Press Inc. 1992-ongoing, 1984 Crustacean Society 2006-ongoing Food Products Press 1971-ongoing Cambridge University Press United States United Kingdom United Kingdom Netherlands United States United States United States United Kingdom 999. Journal of Dairy Science 00220302 1000. Journal of Dietary Supplements 19390211 1001. Journal of Ecological Engineering 2081139X 22998993 1002. 1003. Journal of Ecology Journal of Ecology and Environment Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment 00220477 22878327 13652745 22881220 1005. Journal of Economic Entomology 00220493 1006. Journal of Entomological Research 03789519 1007. Journal of Entomological Science 07498004 1008. Journal of Entomology 18125689 18125670 03601234 15324109 1004. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes Journal of Ethnobiology Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine Journal of Ethology Journal of Evolutionary Biology Journal of Evolutionary Psychology Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals 15253198 16734831 09744576 United States Poland United Kingdom South Korea China United States India United States Pakistan Marcel Dekker Inc. United States 02780771 2005-ongoing Center for Western Studies United States 17464269 2005-ongoing BioMed Central United Kingdom 1983-ongoing 1989-ongoing 2007-ongoing Springer Verlag Blackwell Publishing Inc. Akademiai Kiado Germany United Kingdom Hungary 2010-ongoing IPEC-Americas 02890771 1010061X 17892082 14395444 14209101 21502668 Journal of Experimental Biology 00220949 14779145 1017. Journal of Experimental Botany Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 00220957 14602431 1019. United States 1976-ongoing 1016. 1018. American Dairy Science Association 2008-ongoing Informa Healthcare Polskie Towarzystwo Inzynierii 2013-ongoing Ekologicznej 1979-ongoing, 1976 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2013-ongoing Ecological Society of Korea China Environmental Science 2006-ongoing Press 1965-ongoing, Entomological Society of 1961, 1949, 1947 America 2011-ongoing Malhotra Publishing House Georgia Entomological Society, 1993-ongoing Inc. Asian Network for Scientific 2006-ongoing Information 1965-ongoing 1962-ongoing, 1947-1951 1950-ongoing United States The Company of Biologists Ltd. United Kingdom Oxford University Press United Kingdom 00220981 1967-ongoing Elsevier BV Netherlands 00977403 1975-ongoing American Psychological Association United States 1020. 1021. 1022. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution Journal of Field Ornithology 1024. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management Journal of Fish Biology 1025. 1023. 19325223 2007-ongoing John Wiley & Sons Inc. United States 2003-ongoing John Wiley & Sons Ltd. United Kingdom 02738570 1996-ongoing Association of Field Ornithologists, Inc. United States 1944687X 2010-ongoing U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service United States 1971-ongoing 1989-ongoing, 1979-1986 Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom 15525007 15525015 00221112 10958649 Journal of Fish Diseases 01407775 13652761 1026. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 18164927 2009-ongoing ANSInet Pakistan 1027. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 10219498 1994-ongoing National Laboratories of Foods and Drugs Taiwan 13368672 2006-ongoing Vyskumny ustav potravinarsky Slovakia 01458884 1993-ongoing Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. United States 1987-ongoing Academic Press United States 1982-ongoing Elsevier BV Springer Science + Business Media Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. Netherlands United States Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. United States Haworth Press Inc. United States International Association for Food Protection United States 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research Journal of Food Biochemistry Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Journal of Food Engineering Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization Journal of Food Process Engineering Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 08891575 10960481 02608774 21934126 21934134 01458876 01458892 1035. Journal of Food Products Marketing 10454446 1036. Journal of Food Protection 0362028X 1037. Journal of Food Quality 01469428 15404102 17454557 2012-ongoing 1978-ongoing 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1983 2001-ongoing, 1996-1999 1993-ongoing, 1982-1989, 19771980 1996-ongoing, 1993, 1977-1980 Blackwell Publishing Inc. United States United Kingdom 1038. Journal of Food Safety 01496085 15414329 14590255 2006-ongoing WFL Publisher 2006-ongoing Haworth Press Inc. United States 1044. 1045. Journal of Food Science Education Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment Journal of Foodservice Business Research Journal of Forest Economics Journal of Forest Research 1993-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1982-1987, 19771980, 1973-1975 1994-ongoing, 1982-1988, 1980, 1977-1978, 19741975 2007-ongoing 1039. Journal of Food Science 00221147 1040. Journal of Food Science and Technology 00221155 Netherlands Germany 1046. Journal of Forest Science 12124834 Elsevier BV Springer Verlag Ceska Akademie Zemedelskych Ved 1047. Journal of Forestry 00221201 1048. 1049. 1050. 1051. 1052. Journal of Forestry Research Journal of Freshwater Ecology Journal of Functional Foods Journal of General Plant Pathology Journal of Ginseng Research 1007662X 02705060 17564646 13452630 12268453 1053. Journal of Great Lakes Research 03801330 1975-ongoing 1054. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 16060997 2000-ongoing 1055. Journal of Helminthology 0022149X 1056. Journal of Herpetology 00221511 1057. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 14620316 1041. 1042. 1043. 15378020 11046899 13416979 15378039 16107403 1610739X 20934947 14752697 1995-ongoing 1996-ongoing 1999-ongoing, 1982-1987 1994-ongoing, 1969-1990 2007-ongoing, 1997 1993-ongoing, 1988 2009-ongoing 2004-ongoing 2010-ongoing 1954-ongoing, 1948-1949 1991-ongoing, 1985-1989, 19801983 1996-ongoing Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. United States Institute of Food Technologists United States Scientific Publishers Institute of Food Technologists India United States Finland Czech Republic Society of American Foresters United States Northeast Forestry University Oikos Publishers, Inc. Elsevier BV Springer Verlag The Korean Society of Ginseng International Association for Great Lakes Research International Center for Diarrhoeal Research Bangladesh China United States Netherlands Germany South Korea CABI Publishing Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Headley Bros. Ltd. United States Bangladesh United Kingdom United States United Kingdom 1058. Journal of Human Evolution 00472484 10958606 1059. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 10709428 2007-ongoing 1060. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena 13883127 1999-ongoing, 1983-1988 1061. Journal of Insect Behavior 08927553 15728889 1972-ongoing 1988-ongoing 1063. 1064. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology Journal of Insect Conservation Journal of Insect Physiology 1366638X 00221910 1065. Journal of Insect Science 15362442 2001-ongoing 1066. 1067. Journal of Integrative Agriculture Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 20953119 16729072 2012-ongoing 2005-ongoing 1068. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 10770755 1062. 1069. 1070. 1071. 1072. 1073. 1074. 1075. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing Journal of Invertebrate Pathology Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE Journal of Japanese Botany Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science Journal of Limnology Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 13468073 2001-ongoing 15729753 17447909 1997-ongoing 1957-ongoing 2008-ongoing Academic Press International Society of Hymenopterists United States Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers Japanese Society of Sericultural Science Kluwer Academic Publishers Pergamon Press Ltd. Library of the University of Arizona Elsevier BV Blackwell Publishing Inc. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education United States United States Japan Netherlands United Kingdom United States Netherlands United Kingdom United States 08974438 15286983 1996-ongoing Haworth Press Inc. United States 00222011 10960805 1965-ongoing United States 07339437 1983-ongoing 00222062 1996-ongoing 10128840 2009-ongoing 11295767 1997-ongoing Academic Press American Society of Civil Engineers Tsumura and Co King Abdulaziz University Scientific Publishing Center PAGEPress 09504230 1988-ongoing Elsevier BV Netherlands Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers United States American Society of Mammalogists United States 1076. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 10647554 15737055 1077. Journal of Mammalogy 00222372 15451542 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994 1987-ongoing, 1982-1984, 1980, 1965-1978, 19471949 United States Japan Saudi Arabia Italy 1078. 1079. Journal of Marine Systems Journal of Mathematical Biology 09247963 03036812 1080. Journal of Medical Entomology 00222585 1081. 1082. 1083. Journal of Medical Primatology Journal of Molecular Evolution Journal of Molluscan Studies 00472565 00222844 02601230 1084. Journal of Morphology 03622525 1085. Journal of Natural History 00222933 1086. Journal of Nematology 0022300X 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Journal of Oil Palm Research Journal of Orthoptera Research Journal of Paleolimnology 1092. Journal of Parasitology 1087. 14321416 1964-ongoing 16000684 14321432 14645262 1972-ongoing 1971-ongoing 1986-ongoing 1959-ongoing, 1948-1949 1985-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1987-1989, 1981 Elsevier BV Springer Verlag Entomological Society of America Blackwell Publishing Inc. Springer Verlag Oxford University Press John Wiley & Sons Inc. Taylor & Francis Netherlands Germany United States United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom United States United Kingdom Society of Nematologists United States 16616499 16616758 2008-ongoing Karger Switzerland 20900724 15112780 10826467 09212728 20900732 2010-ongoing 2008-ongoing 2009-ongoing 1988-ongoing Hindawi Publishing Corporation Malaysian Palm Oil Board Orthopterist's Society Kluwer Academic Publishers American Society of Parasitology Egypt Malaysia United States Netherlands 19372426 15730417 00223395 1945-ongoing 2004-ongoing, 1948-1972, 19251944 1093. Journal of Pest Science 16124758 16124766 1094. Journal of Pesticide Sciences 1348589X 13490923 1095. 1096. 1097. 00223646 09311785 01427873 15298817 14390434 14643774 1099. Journal of Phycology Journal of Phytopathology Journal of Plankton Research Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Journal of Plant Biology 1100. Journal of Plant Biotechnology 12292818 1101. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 18613829 1098. 1990-ongoing 1974-ongoing 09717811 12269239 18613837 Springer Verlag Pesticide Science Society of Japan/Nippon Noyaku Gakkai 1987-ongoing, 1980 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1996-ongoing, 1989 Blackwell Publishing Inc. 1979-ongoing Oxford University Press Society for Plant Biochemistry 1992-ongoing and Biotechnology 2004-ongoing Botanical Society of Korea Korean Society of Plant 2012-ongoing Biotechnology 1995-ongoing 2006-ongoing Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH United States Germany Japan United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom India South Korea South Korea Germany 1102. 1103. 1104. Journal of Plant Ecology Journal of Plant Growth Regulation Journal of Plant Interactions 17529921 07217595 17429145 1105. Journal of Plant Nutrition 01904167 1106. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 14368730 1107. 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Journal of Sensory Studies 08878250 1996-ongoing 1122. Journal of Shellfish Research 07308000 1993-ongoing 1123. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 07189516 2010-ongoing 1116. 09168818 13484400 Marcel Dekker Inc. Elsevier BV Versita (Central European Science Publishers) Crop Science Society of America Springer Verlag Zhiwu Ziyuan yu Huanjing Bianjibu Academic Journals Inc. Japan Poultry Science Association Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. 1996-ongoing IPEC Inc. 15111768 07430167 13851101 2007-ongoing 1985-ongoing 1996-ongoing Lembaga Getah Malaysia Pergamon Press Ltd. Elsevier BV Associacao Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. National Shellfisheries Association, Inc. Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom United States United Kingdom Italy Netherlands Poland United States Germany China United States Japan United States Japan Malaysia United Kingdom Netherlands Brazil United States United States Chile 1124. 1125. 1126. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. 1132. 1133. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. 1140. 1141. 1142. 1143. 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Food Products Press American Association of Swine Veterinarians Ke xue chu ban she Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Food and Nutrition Press, Inc. 22122672 2012-ongoing Elsevier USA 15596109 2006-ongoing 8756971X 1985-ongoing 00031062 1993-ongoing, 1991, 1983-1989, 1974-1981 03610470 1994-ongoing 00224561 0022474X 10549811 18158129 1973-ongoing 1540756X 18151027 1965-ongoing 1993-ongoing 2009-ongoing, 2006-2007 American Association for Laboratory Animal Science American Mosquito Control Association American Society for Horitcultural Science American Society of Brewing Chemists Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Inc. zhong guo liang you xue bao bian ji bu Gazi Entomological Research Society 19345259 2007-ongoing 10030174 2013-ongoing 13020250 2007-ongoing 00236152 1996-ongoing Kyushu University 00225010 15730387 1968-ongoing Kluwer Academic Publishers 0972172X 09768432 2010-ongoing Springer Verlag 2011-ongoing IOS Press 0019638X United States United Kingdom United States United States China China United States United States United States United States United States United States Austria United States China Turkey Japan Netherlands Germany Netherlands 1158. 1159. 1160. 1161. Science Journal of the Institute of Brewing Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Journal of the Textile Institute Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society Journal of the World Aquaculture Society Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology Journal of Theoretical Biology Journal of Thermal Biology Journal of Tropical Agriculture Journal of Tropical Ecology 1162. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 01281283 1163. 1164. Journal of Vector Ecology Journal of Vegetation Science 10811710 11009233 1144. 1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 00469750 1996-ongoing 08593132 2012-ongoing 15502783 2007-ongoing 00137626 1993-ongoing, 1976-1980, 1974 00228567 1994-ongoing 12263311 2007-ongoing 00240966 1989-ongoing 00253154 14697769 1938663X Institute & Guild of Brewing International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences United Kingdom BioMed Central United Kingdom Japanese Society for Horticultural Science Kansas Entomological Society Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition Allen Press Inc. 1973-ongoing, 1947 Cambridge University Press 2003-ongoing Philippines Japan United States South Korea United States United Kingdom Professional Association of Cactus Development United States John Wiley & Sons Inc. 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Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases 16789199 2006-ongoing Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous Animals (CEVAP) Brazil 14297426 2006-ongoing Polish Academy of Sciences Poland 00903558 1970-ongoing 1976-ongoing, 1973-1974 2003-ongoing, 1993-1995, 1990 1996-ongoing, 1993-1994 Wildlife Disease Association United States The Wildlife Society United States 1167. Journal of Water and Land Development Journal of Wildlife Diseases 1168. Journal of Wildlife Management 0022541X 1169. Journal of Wine Research 09571264 1170. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 10427260 1171. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 09475745 1172. Journal of Zoology 09528369 1173. 1174. 1175. Karstenia Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science Kew Bulletin Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 04533402 00755192 00755974 1987-ongoing, 1981-1985, 19781979, 1974-1976 2013-ongoing 2006-ongoing 1993-ongoing 19619502 2008-ongoing Koedoe 00756458 2008-ongoing, 1987-2006, 19801984 12258563 2007-ongoing 03676293 2007-ongoing 1166. 1176. 1177. 1178. 1179. 1180. 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology Korean Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology Kukila Lab Animal Laboratory Animals Lake and Reservoir Management 12268763 02169223 00937355 00236772 07438141 14699672 1996-ongoing Carfax Publishing Ltd. American Association of Zoo Veterinarians United States Blackwell Publishing Inc. United Kingdom Cambridge University Press United Kingdom Finnish Mycological Society Kasetsart University Stationery Office Finland Thailand United Kingdom EDP Sciences South African National Park France South Africa South Korea Tong Kwahak Hoe Korean Society for Horticultural Science 2012-ongoing The Kukila Editorial Team 1995-ongoing Nature Publishing Group 1970-ongoing Royal Society of Medicine 2004-ongoing, 1985 North American Lake 2008-ongoing United Kingdom South Korea South Korea Japan United Kingdom United Kingdom United States 1185. 1186. Land Degradation and Development Land Use Policy 10853278 02648377 1187. Landbauforschung Volkenrode 04586859 1188. Landscape History 01433768 1189. Landtechnik 00238082 1190. Lankesteriana Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 14093871 1191. 1099145X 0718560X 1192. Lazaroa 02109778 1193. 1194. Legume Research Lethaia 02505371 00241164 15023931 1195. Lichenologist 00242829 10961135 1196. Life 00243019 20751729 1197. 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Marine Policy Marine Pollution Bulletin 0308597X 0025326X 1995-ongoing, 1982-1986, 19771980, 1974-1975 2009-ongoing 2011-ongoing 1967-ongoing 2005-ongoing 1999-ongoing 1982-ongoing, 1979 1990-ongoing, 1985-1986 1978-ongoing 1987-ongoing, 1977-1984, 1974 2008-ongoing 1985-ongoing 1993-ongoing, 1990-1991 1977-ongoing 1970-ongoing 1240. Maritime Studies 18727859 2012-ongoing 1241. Mastozoologia Neotropical 03279383 2008-ongoing 19467664 2009-ongoing Contemporary Journal Concept Press United States 00255564 15471063 1967-ongoing 2006-ongoing Elsevier BV American Institute of Netherlands United States 1224. 1242. 1243. 1244. Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences Mathematical Biosciences Mathematical Biosciences and 2001-ongoing 15451410 14390485 15510018 2010-ongoing Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing Springer Verlag Cambridge University Press Springer Verlag Taylor & Francis Springer Verlag Blackwell Publishing Inc. 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