Objective: The student will become an expert on the history of integers, the rules of integers, and real-world application problems. Activities: The student will complete the following activities: Using the websites provided, you will need to develop well explained answers to the questions that follow. By completing the questions you will be doing research on integers. Your research will be completed on the internet, using SPECIFIC websites. Your research will be recorded using Microsoft Word documents. You will need to complete the project according to its instructions and requirements. Your project will be displayed on a poster or in a booklet. DATE DUE: OCTOBER 17, 2013 5 points will be deducted for every day that it is late Part I: Working with Integers Use the following websites to answer questions 1-5. When displaying on the poster, write the question and then the answer. WEBSITES: http://www.und.edu/instruct/lgeller/negnum.html http://www.math.com/school/subject1/lessons/S1U1L10GL.html http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol5/intro_integers.html http://www.mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/60694.html ne http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=integer&searchmode=no Questions to be researched: 1. What is the definition of an integer? 2. In what century were negative integers finally accepted? 3. Which culture was the first to use negative integers? 4. When was the word integer introduced? 5. What does the word integer mean in Latin? Use the following websites to answer questions 6-10. When displaying on the poster, specify the Operation. WEBSITES: http://amby.com/educate/math/integer.html http://www.mathguide.com/lessons/Integers.html Use the Rules for Integers and Operations on Integers to help you research your answers for questions 6-10. 6. How do you add two integers if they have the same sign? Make sure that you explain how to determine the sum’s sign. 7. How do you add two integers if they have different signs? Again, make sure that you explain how to determine the sum’s sign. 8. Explain how you determine a difference when subtracting two integers that have the same sign. A solid, understandable explanation is required. 9. Explain how you determine a difference when subtracting two integers that have different signs. A solid, understandable explanation is required. 10. Explain how you multiply and divide integers. Provide a solid explanation. A chart is acceptable as part of your answer. PART II: INTEGERS IN THE EVERYDAY-WORLD Use Microsoft Word for the following questions. 1. Identify three examples of how integers are used in your everyday world. Provide a solid explanation. On the poster, a picture for each example is to be displayed and an explanation next to the picture. 2. Create FOUR, real-world application problems that involve each of the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Each problem that you create MUST use negative and positive integers. These problems AND their SOLUTIONS will be submitted on a separate piece of paper titled, “Integer Word Problems”. This will be displayed on the back of your poster. ASSESSMENT: Students will be evaluated on this project using the grading sheet. NAME _____________________________ GRADE _____________ INTEGER PROJECT ASSESSMENT Question #1 and the answer to Question #1 Question #2 and the answer to Question #2 Question #3 and the answer to Question #3 Question #4 and the answer to Question #4 Question #5 and the answer to Question #5 RULES OF INTEGERS Question #6 and the answer to Question #6 Question #7 and the answer to Question #7 Question #8 and the answer to Question #8 Question #9 and the answer to Question #9 Question #10 and the answer to Question #10 INTEGERS IN THE REAL WORLD Example #1 Picture Example #1 Explanation Example #2 Picture Example #2 Explanation Example #3 Picture Example #3 Explanation REAL WORLD APPLICATION PROBLEMS Addition Problem with Solution Subtraction Problem with Solution Multiplication Problem with Solution Division Problem with Solution ________(5 pts) ________(5 pts) ________(5 pts) ________(5 pts) ________(5 pts) Following Directions Neatness on the Poster Handing in on Time ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(20 pts) TOTAL # OF POINTS BONUS POINTS Handing in Poster before the due date ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(2 pts) ________(3 pts) ________(2 pts) ________(3 pts) ________(2 pts) ________(3 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) ________(10 pts) /170 pts 5 POINTS