CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter is about the analysis and discussion of finding in form of survey questionnaire. In each research questions, it is differently analyze through the feedback from the respondents. Thus, all the questions were divided into section and have been analyzed. 4.2 Do UMP students think that OSH is important in UMP? The study was conducted to investigate about the level of awareness of UMP students towards safety at their workplace during practical lesson. As OSH is a subject about safety at the workplace which is compulsory for UMP students in the syllabus, researchers took it as a medium to be studied. 4.2.1 The frequency of UMP students taking precautionary steps during their practical lesson The frequency of UMP students taking precautionary steps during their practical lesson Never , 5, 8% Always Sometimes, 19, 32% Always, 36, 60% Sometimes Never Figure 4.1: The frequency of UMP students taking precautionary steps during their practical lesson The chart (see Figure 4.1) indicates the frequency of UMP students taking precautionary steps during their practical lesson. According to the chart, the highest answer from the respondents is “always” whereas only some of them who answered “never”. Responses received showed 60% choose to answer “always”, 32% answered “sometimes” and 8% answered “never”. The chart demonstrates that more than half of the respondents take precautionary steps during their practical lesson. It can be concluded that UMP students do practice OSH and they are aware about safety at workplace. This is because for example, if any error occurs in the lab, it may cause huge impact such as explosion. Besides, most of the chemicals that take place in the lab are hazardous to health. Any mismanage of the apparatus and chemicals in the lab may contribute to severe injury. 4.2.2 The awareness of UMP students about OSH The awareness of UMP students about OSH 60 54 53 50 40 30 Practicing OSH during work can produce quality product 20 Safety is always the first priority at work 7 10 6 0 Yes No Figure 4.2: The awareness of UMP students about OSH The graph (see Figure 4.2) illustrates the awareness of UMP students about OSH. Most of them answered positively whereas there are certain respondents who answered negatively. From these findings 53 (88%) students agreed practicing OSH during work can produce quality product while other disagreed, 54 (90%) students approved that safety is always the first priority at work while six of them stated otherwise. The graph shows that a majority answered “yes” rather than “no”. It can be concluded that UMP students are aware about safety during work. This is because OSH subject managed to raise the level of awareness on safety.